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Damning indictment of anti-Muslim bias in mainstream media

Bill Maher shredded by Glenn Greenwald on US intervention in Muslim countries - YouTube
4:01+ "Woolwich was an MI-5 attempt to incite racial hatred".
1:55+ "Western intelligence services have been involved in fueling sectarian violence"... "MI-5 is demonizing Muslims as Nazis demonized jews"
youtube.com/watch?v=CD-cJnSa7sI (Alternate Link: /watch?v=_sxVR-ES4NI)
2:10+ More incidences "set-up" where ppl were punished just for their thoughts, by "making them" act on those thoughts:
2:30+ "Muslims didn't do it", Kevin Ryan, Underwriters Labs.


(Just add you tube .com before slash in following links.)

Woolwich Compilation:
/watch?v=ndMm_uu6lhA 1:20+ "They wanted to get caught"
/watch?v=eHaVkCw23pQ "There's another little film scene yet"
/watch?v=KcwjJ-_j4gc Alternate: /watch?v=Jg9yQHqFnq0
/watch?v=MgsL9R-jywE 3:00+ MI-5 had an eye on these patsies.3:45+ MI-5 recruited them.
Link1 Link2 Link3
Post1 ... Post2 ...

Boston compilation:
/watch?v=pDRZiGVLaJc ex-FBI
/watch?v=2RCN1w5J80E More from above ex-FBI
/watch?v=VI3XvG3yfBY NH state Rep.
/watch?v=ZlFhBrMaMsc Graham Fuller who ws also CIA chief in Afghanistan.
/watch?v=LsRQyHmlLBA 4:10+ FBI deleted pics from eye-witness's camera


911 - 7/7 Compilation:
/watch?v=RRaezLTU2a0 ex-FBI "Ted Gunderson"
/watch?v=YZ2VpfUqRoo another by "Ted Gunderson"
/watch?v=VvrXcQIpQDg Russell Peters
3>Attempts to implicate Pakistan (see more posts in this thread too.)
4>In the words of Jews


Mumbai Compilation:
Post1 ... Post2 ... Post3 ... Post4 ... Post5 ... Post6 ...
@sur can you embed, its useless to post without it.
Last edited:
Bill Maher and Brian Levin Discuss Islam - YouTube


Debate: This House believes Islam is a religion of peace

By Rachel Goddard-Bernstein

Ayes: 286

Noes: 168

In a timely debate, held just 24 hours after the religiously motivated incident in Woolwich, the Union considered the question of the nature of Islam.

Proposition speaker Matthew Handley started the debate by grounding it in recent events, deploring the previous day’s “reprehensible act in Woolwich”, a sentiment that he was sure would be shared by Muslims around the world.

Handley continued by separating the religion of Islam from the individuals who “violently hijack faith for violent and maniacal ends” and maintained that the Qur’an has an “overwhelmingly peaceful character.”

In the light of the “decade long surge of violence and aggression” against Islam since 9/11, he summarised the debate as a choice between “love and hate and rejection, peace and conflict” and concluded: “I hope you make the right choice.”

Speaker Anne-Marie Waters, council member of the National Secular Society, began the case for the opposition by denying that she and her fellow opposition speakers cause fear of Islam and blamed instead “the actions of Islam itself”.

She listed “9/11, 7/7, Mali, Somalia, gender discrimination, forced marriages, polygamy, amputation”, and many more. To the opposition’s claim that these acts belong to an “extreme fringe” which has misunderstood the words of the Qur’an, she described the executions for blasphemy and apostasy in Saudi Arabia, and asked “has there ever been a more spectacular misunderstanding?”

Waters concluded by arguing that it is the moderate Muslims who must “dance around meanings” and “stretch interpretations” when confronted with the fundamentally violent ideology of the Qur’an.

Adam Deen, a prominent Muslim intellectual and founder and director of the Deen Institute, countered this by arguing that “if we approach Islamic teaching fairly and objectively, there is a golden thread that runs through whole Qur’an,” an ideal of “justice” and “positive peace”.

He argued that in fact the whole of Islam is compatible with “just war theory”, in which “the virtue of avoiding violence is superseded by the virtue of justice.” He then quoted from the Qur’an which states: “Fight in God’s cause but do not overstep the limits. God does not love those who overstep the limits.”

Daniel Johnston, journalist and editor of what he called the “not very right-wing” magazine Standpoint, called Islam “the most direct threat to Western civilization in the world today”.

Johnston deplored the lack of “freedom of speech, freedom of conscience, equal rights, and separation between church and state” in Islamic countries, emphasizing that “all these ideals emerged in the West.”

Johnston claimed that a university like Oxford, with its tradition of free academic inquiry, could not exist under the conditions of an Islamic state and that “there is no university in this sense in the Islamic world”.

Muslim journalist Mehdi Hasan, political editor of the Huffington Post, warned Anne-Marie Waters that her “astonishing claims” might endanger her future as a Labour Party candidate, but assured her “don’t worry, the BNP will take you”.

Hasan asked why, if Islam is “responsible for killing,” such a tiny percentage of believers actually participate in violence. He asked the audience if they really believe that 1.6 billion people are all “followers, promoters and believers in a religion of violence”.

Hasan urged them not to “fuel the arguments of the phobes and bigots and legitimise hate”, but to “trust the Muslims that you know and that you hear.”

Opposition speaker Peter Atkins, former Professor of Chemistry at Oxford, concluded the debate by describing Islam along with all other religions as a “supermarket of ideas and instructions” from which good and bad men can select what they want “according to their taste.”

However, he claimed that Islam “does in practice inspire more violence than the other Abrahamic religions”.

Taking on Adam Deen’s metaphor of a ‘golden thread’, he argued that “the opposite of peace is woven into the fabric of the Qur’an.”

Atkins declared that “all the seas incarnadine cannot wash the blood from a religion’s hands”, because “when evils destroy a human life, as they did yesterday, that life cannot be restored”. He called on the audience to oppose the motion “for the sake of humanity.”


Above debate would probably be uploaded on this account:


"Western intelligence services have been involved in fueling sectarian violence"...
"MI-5 is demonizing Muslims as Nazis demonized jews"

(Alternate Link: youtube.com/watch?v=_sxVR-ES4NI)


4:01+ "Woolwich was an MI-5 attempt to incite racial hatred".



"Muslims didn't do it", Kevin Ryan, Underwriters Labs.



2:10+ More incidences "set-up" where ppl were punished just for their thoughts, by "making them" act on those thoughts:


Obviously a failed attack on a french soldier deserves more attention and 10+ page discussion. This thread is useless. :rolleyes:
old news of 2011.Get a life poster, always eager to play victim card.
Doing usual, sleeping, diverting, ignoring.

2011 Dearborn mosque bombing plot - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Stockham, a convert to Islam, said he opposed the Iraq war and targeted the mosque to "grab people's attention."

Stockham rejected his court-appointed attorney because he claimed the attorney was a Shi'ite Muslim who worships at the Islamic Center. Stockham stated, “I reject my appointed counsel. He is a Shi'ite and I am not” before he was cut off by federal Judge Mark Somers. It was revealed that Stockham had actually converted to Islam shortly after returning from in Vietnam and was outraged over U.S. conduct in Iraq. It was further revealed that Stockham spoke Arabic and quoted Qur'anic verses when first interviewed by police.

'Mosque bomber' Roger Stockham kidnapped son from foster home | Mail Online
Joe Nahhas, a manager at the Detroit bar Stockham allegedly visited before his arrest, said Stockham claimed to have become a Muslim after returning from the Vietnam War, and said he recognised that Stockham could speak at least some Arabic.

He also said Stockham claimed to be part of a group of Indonesian mujahedeen, or holy warriors.

Man Accused Of Mosque Threat Takes Plea Deal « CBS Detroit
Stockham, a Vietnam War veteran and Muslim convert,...

Stockham requests new attorney (UPDATED AND VIDEOS) - News - Press and Guide
Stockham, a convert to Islam, said in court he wouldn't accept Haidar because — according to Stockham — Haidar is a Shi'ite Muslim who worships at the Islamic Center.

But oddly enough, the definitely liberal huffpo said nothing about Stockham being a Muslim...

Roger Stockham Arrested With Explosives Outside Major U.S. Mosque

Now what was it the RT News lady said at the 50 secs mark about the mainstream media and a Muslim...???

Guys, try not to take RT News so seriously next time. :lol:
A failed mosque bombing in Pakistan by a Pakistani would garner little attention, imagine an American on the other hand caught trying to do the same.

This culture of entitlement needs to go and it needs to go now, stop playing the victim card.
Old or new....Still exposes western double standards.
Please see post 11. You have been taken...:lol:

I will tell you people this right now: If this was an Iranian forum, my post 11 would have been deleted immediately and I would be banned.

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