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Damming Silence

Some people need to realize by shouting, threatening with violence or writing FACT behind any line doesn't make it true. We all know that the majority of Pakistan is illiterate, and the religious faction abuse this lack of education for their own power gains. If only every Pakistani would read the Qu'ran and understand they would realize Islam does NOT condone any killing/murders in the name of it. The only people that use this arguement to start violence against any minorities is a ENEMY of Islam in disguise.

Ahmadis in Pakistan are running missionary style of outfits, well this may not be an offence but this is an example of an extremely tolerant and liberal society.

What? Pakistan liberal and tolerant? What delusional Universe have to crawled out of?

Pakistan is the only (Islami state) home land of Ahmadis. Which should not be portrayed with propaganda of falsification. Which infect present an opposite image of Ahmadis.

You are not making sense, Ahmadis are leaving Pakistan in droves for certain reasons, I wonder why?

I wonder what are Ahmadi beliefs about non Ahmadis! and how would they treat minorities if they were a majority!

Pakistan would have been a tolerant and liberal society if run by Ahmadi Muslims, it's your non-Ahmadi Muslim clerics who have brought pakistan to it's knees..

Ahmadis are always spreading anti-Pakistan propaganda against Pakistan in foreign countries. This is for FACT.

I call BS alert here!!! Anti-Pakistan propaganda.. why?

All such news are inflated to pave way to seek asylum in non-Muslim countries. This is FACT.

Yaawwwwwwn.... that conspiracy theory is getting a bit old, the whole world can see how intolerant the Pakistani religious side is, we ARE getting killed and persecuted on a daily basis, fortunately for us you can't hide that fact. I mean your fundamental clerics are also trying the same tactics here in the UK and are getting reprimanded for it by the Government unlike in Pakistan.

Once Ahmadi from Pakistan gets foreign passport, India become Mecca for them. And they go there for pilgrimage regularly. This is also a FACT.

Pilgrimage to India??? LOL... my whole family have UK passport, they have never been India yet, my bro went a couple of years ago for business, that's about it, my parents will be going Umrah and hopefully Hajj soon like the 1000's of Ahmadis have done so already.

In today's Pakistan no one is safe and anti-Pakistan elements are trying their best to ignite any sort of riots.

Finally some truth.

Ahmadis should not act as the only victims.

But we are.

Ahmadis first prove their contribution to Pakistani society and not vice versa.

LOL... read some history beta, Pakistans first foreign minister was Ahmadi Muslim... Ahmadis were in all types of government posts until Bhutto succumbed to the clerics(and he sure went down like a hero didn't he), and it's been a downhill slide for Pakistan ever since.

BTW, why only quote Zial ul Haq! simply because he belonged to army?
Infect Zia was the one who hanged the bigot who constitionalised Ahmadi as un Islamic!

Educate yourself beta rather than pulling out FACTS that suit your argument.

On the other hand, Ahmadis never showed that they share anything historically with main stream non Ahmadi Muslims!

Hmmmm...... we believe in the Kalma, pray 5 times a day, perform rosay, zakat, hajj... if you can't see that, I think you are a pretty irrelevant person to begin with.

Hell they never care if other Muslims live or die!
Wow... now you have the power to read Ahmadi Muslims hearts aswell? Just WOW :-)

I personally have nothing against being Ahmadi or being non believer or being anything (it's like private bussiness) but I personally doubt the sincerity of Ahmadis towards Pakistan.

Do understand the concept of hypocrisy? Go and read your rant above..

Well, that's my personal opinion and I would think twice before entrusting them over matters of national security but I would not support any discrimination based on religion to any minority of Pakistan. t myself.

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