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Damascus Threatens to Respond to Israeli Attack With Strike on Tel-Aviv Airport

just hot air.. soon both will unite in their hate against turks :D
So SAA thinks striking civilians in the air port is a good idea? That would give Israel license to kill in Syria.
any enemy of the west will give licence if they hurt back..

no one says the opposite if israel attacks syrian civialians or enters syrian space.. this is legit but whoohohohoh to those who dare to fight back..

the best thing is all things in this world that happens cleans the hearts of the ppl who think hell is too much for those arrogant ppl
Syrian regime is not Muslim. They are Alawi atheists.
Alawis are Shia muslims, they believe in prophet Muhammad (pbuh), imam Ali (as) and sons of imam Ali (as).

@waz @WebMaster @Dubious @Zaki @The Eagle @Irfan Baloch @Slav Defence @Horus @Oscar @Manticore

This wandered hasbara troll zionist “wahhabi” for numerous times start religious disputes which is against forum’s laws.

You will find that the bitterest in their enmity to the faithful people are the “Jews” and the polytheists. Holy Quran [5:82]
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They probably can draw IDF into Syria for an asymetric warfare. Russia can supply thousands of ATGM to SAA and cause huge losses to IDF tanks should they venture into Syria.
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