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Dam Construction in Pakistan

Hydel Power Project Naltar To Be Completed In Next Five Years: Wazir Shakeel

ISLAMABAD (APP): Minister Power Gilgit Baltistan Wazir Shakeel Ahmed said that fourteen Megawatt hydel power project at Naltar will be completed during the next five years.

Talking to a private news channel, he said that contract of this project has been given to a Chinese company.

Minister said that Shigar Thang power project is also being completed.

He said after completion of these projects electric shortage in Gilgit Baltistan will be controlled.
Rs 13.7bn allocated for Diamer Bhasha Dam project

LAHORE: The 4,500 megawatts (MW) Diamer Bhasha Dam Project is being implemented on priority, as the federal government has allocated about Rs 13.78 billion for the project during the fiscal year 2012-13.
The Pakistan Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Chairman Raghib Shah expressed these views while talking to Gilgit Baltistan Works Minister Bashir Ahmed, Health Minister Haji Gulber Khan and Taxation and Minerals Minister Muhammad Naseer Khan.
He said as many as 14 local contracts had already been awarded and construction work on WAPDA offices, colonies, contractors’ camp and road infrastructure in the project area was in full swing. He said that the process to acquire land for the project in Gilgit-Baltistan and Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa was also started while a sum of Rs 6.85 billion had been paid to the respective governments till June 2012 for the purpose.
The multi-purpose Diamer Bhasha Dam Project would usher in an era of prosperity and development in the country, particularly in Gilgit-Baltistan. He said a lucrative compensation package for affectees of the project had been devised in accordance with international standards.
Gilgit-Baltistan ministers assured WAPDA of their full support in implementation of the project. Discussing the matters relating to the project, they apprised him of the demands of the locals. The chairman said WAPDA would look into the matter sympathetically within the rules.
Diamer Bhasha Dam Project is located in Gilgit Baltistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa. On completion, the project will store 8.1 million acre feet of water in addition to generating about 20 billion units of low-cost hydel electricity every years.
Qaim for early completion of Darawat Dam construction work

KARACHI - Sindh Chief Minister (CM), Syed Qaim Ali Shah on Monday presided over a high level meeting regarding Darawat Dam Project and distribution of land among landless haris at the CM House.
The meeting was attended by Board of Revenue Sindh senior member, Shahzar Shamoon, the Hyderabad Division Commissioner, Ahmed Bux Narejo, principal secretary to the CM, Agha Jan Akhtar, Sindh Irrigation Secretary, Babar Ali Effendi and others.
Speaking on the occasion, the CM stressed the need for the early completion of the construction work on Darawat Dam which fell under the responsibility of Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA).
He said that the Irrigation department would construct the reservoirs of water while Board of Revenue Sindh would make an assessment and conduct a survey of vacant government lands in Jamshoro and Thatta districts.
The CM said that the government had decided to cultivate vacant government lands, for which land would be distributed among the poor landless haris, preferably the women haris.
He directed the Board of Revenue Sindh senior member, Hyderabad commissioner and deputy commissioners of Jamshoro and Thatta to complete the official survey and assessment of the vacant lands there.
The meeting was informed that there was 25,000 to 50,000 acres of land which could be distributed among the poor and needy landless female haris in that area. He said that each female hari would be given 25 acres of land.
The Sindh CM further directed that the deputy commissioners of Jamshoro and Thatta would be responsible for inviting applications as a procedure under the Land Grant Policy and would hold meetings for the disposal of applications and granting of land to landless female haris.
In view of the directives of the federal government, the Hyderabad commissioner had been directed to form a committee comprising of women MPAs (Member Provincial Assembly) of the Hyderabad division, preferably from Jamshoro and Thatta districts, who could supervise and monitor the assessment, survey and land distribution process.
The meeting was informed that the ownership of water reservoirs would remain with the Sindh government.
Neelum Jhelum project: Pakistan looks to new Chinese leadership for funds
Pakistan hopes that the new Chinese leadership will help clear a $448 million loan pledged for the strategically important Neelum Jhelum Hydropower project located in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK). A loan for the 969 megawatt (MW) project had previously been put on the backburner due to a controversy regarding the award of a multibillion rupee project to a Chinese firm.
In August 2012, the Supreme Court (SC) of Pakistan had annulled the Rs14 billion ‘Safe City Project’ for Islamabad due to allegations of corruption. The former Chinese leadership had linked the disbursement of the loan with the award of the Islamabad Safe City project to a Chinese firm. The cancellation of the project meant the loan was withheld.
“We hope that new Chinese leadership will consider our problems and help us strike a $448 million loan deal for the Neelum Jhelum hydropower project,” officials concerned with the matter said.
Officials said that though China had pledged the loan for the Neelum Jhelum project, the two countries were still to sign the loan agreement. “We will convince the new leadership that the loan should be provided, as Pakistan is facing financial hardship in implementing the project, whose cost has surged to Rs274.8 billion against earlier estimates of Rs 84.5 billion,” a government functionary said.
The Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) is also facing internal problems to generate funds for project. “We need Rs2 billion on a monthly basis to continue work on the Neelum Jhelum project,” an official said, adding that the finance ministry was not forthcoming in helping arrange funds.
The government has also decided to arrange funds from the European Investment Bank (IEB) for the hydropower project, and has requested the bank to divert a 70 million euro loan to Neelum Jhelum, which had previously been committed for a 320MW UAE-gifted power plant. The power plant in question has been deemed inefficient and expensive to run due to the gas shortage plaguing the country, and the public sector has expressed unwillingness to install it. The Ministry of Petroleum had refused to allocate gas from indigenous resources due to poor efficiency of the plant.
“We have written a letter to the EIB that the loan be diverted to the Neelum Jhelum hydropower plant,” a senior government official said.
On another front, the Abu Dhabi Fund has withheld a $100 million loan pledged to the Government of Pakistan for the Neelum Jhelum Hydropower project till the settlement of a payment dispute between UAE’s Etisalat and the Pakistan Telecommunication Company Limited regarding the latter’s privatisation deal. “The government has again approached the ADF and lobbied for the release of funds,” officials added.
The Neelum Jhelum project has already been delayed for longer than necessary. The contract for the project was awarded to a Chinese firm during the Musharraf regime without a firm financing commitment. Due to the delays, the cost of the project has ballooned from Rs84.5 billion to a staggering Rs274.8 billion. The hefty costs associated with the project may result in an exorbitant power generation cost of over Rs10 per unit, against the existing hydroelectric generation cost of 16 paisa per unit.
The burden of the costs arising out of delays and inefficiency is also expected to be transferred to consumers, as the government has decided to arrange 40% of the required funds through a levy on consumed energy imposed by the Government of Pakistan. At present, consumers are paying 10 paisa per unit surcharge, which amounts to Rs6 billion per year.
Neelum Jhelum project: Pakistan looks to new Chinese leadership for funds – The Express Tribune
Tarbela 4th Extension Project contract to be awarded in March

LAHORE: Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Chairman Raghib Shah has said that the contract for civil works of the 1,410 megawatts (MW) Tarbela 4th Extension Project is likely to be awarded in March 2013, as pre-qualification process of the construction firms is almost complete. During his maiden visit to the project as chairman, Shah said that gigantic Tarbela Dam has been instrumental in economic development and social uplift of the country since its completion in mid-1970s. Benefits of the project will significantly increase, as electricity generation capacity of Tarbela Hydel Power Station will rise to 4,888 MW from the existing 3,478 MW with implementation of its 4th extension, for which World Bank is providing $840 million. Dilating upon the pace of work, the chairman said that pre-qualification process of the firms for electro-mechanical works of the project will also be completed in the shortest possible time.

Daily Times - Leading News Resource of Pakistan
the problem with this extention is that it will only work during the peak season of outflow from tarbela n not throughout the year
LAHORE: The construction of the Kalabagh Dam has been ordered by the Lahore High Court (LHC)

Chief Justice LHC ordered the construction of the dam in the light of decision of Council of Common Interests (CCI).

The CJ LHC in his remarks said under article 154 the federal government is bound to implement the proposals.
LAHORE: The construction of the Kalabagh Dam has been ordered by the Lahore High Court (LHC)

Chief Justice LHC ordered the construction of the dam in the light of decision of Council of Common Interests (CCI).

The CJ LHC in his remarks said under article 154 the federal government is bound to implement the proposals.
is that really true??????
Yes the Supreme court has confirmed that the kalabagh dam:yahoo:.but there is a possibility that the dam location may be changed.Geo also confirmed.
Work on Kurram Tangi Dam set to start in March

LAHORE: Work on Kurram Tangi Dam, a multi-purpose project in North Waziristan Agency, is set to kick off in the next two months, with the Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) needing swift handover of land and effective security arrangements.

Briefing Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Governor Barrister Masood Kausar, Wapda Chairman Syed Raghib Shah revealed that the project had been divided into three components for effective implementation.

Construction work on the first component will be initiated in March this year. In this phase, a weir, two canals covering an area of more than 16,000 acres, two power houses of about 19 megawatts and a 132-kilovolt transmission line will be constructed. Annual benefits of the first component have been estimated at about Rs1.7 billion.

Shah asked the governor to help in early handover of land to Wapda and ensure effective security arrangements.

He said the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) had expressed interest in providing funds for the first component. An environment assessment study is also underway to pave the way for the financing.

In the second component, the main dam and three power houses will be constructed and in the third component an irrigation system will be developed.

Shah pointed out that Wapda could initiate work on all the three components simultaneously, subject to availability of funds. He called for constituting a steering committee comprising representatives of Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa, the Fata Development Authority, Wapda and other stakeholders to speed up the project.

With an aim of sustained socio-economic development in backward areas, the project will provide water for agriculture, generate low-cost hydroelectric power and create employment for local residents.

The project, with gross water storage capacity of 1.2 million acre feet and power generation capacity of 83 megawatts, will irrigate more than 362,000 acres of land and provide 350 million units of low-cost electricity.

In addition to these, about 12,600 and 480 employment opportunities will be created during construction and operation of the project respectively. Overall benefits have been estimated at about Rs9 billion per annum.

Work on Kurram Tangi Dam set to start in March – The Express Tribune
Gomal Zam to be ready by end of January
ISLAMABAD: The Water and Power Development Authority (Wapda) iss working on a number of large and medium-sized dams in the federally administered tribal areas (Fata) including the Gomal Zam Dam in South Waziristan and the project was likely to be completed by end of January.
Official sources told APP here on Thursday that the hydropower component of the dam had already been completed, while progress on the irrigation and flood protection component of the project was almost near completion.
Gomal Zam Dam is being constructed in the Khjori Kach area of South Waziristan, over the Gomal River which iss also one of the significant tributaries of Indus River. The dam will irrigate 163,086 acres of barren land of Tank and districts of Dera Ismail Khan.
The dam will have a gross live storage of water of 1.14 million acre feet (MAF), whereas 0.36 MAF of perennial and flood flow of the Gomal River will provide irrigation water to barren lands.

A small power plant was installed at the foot of the dam. Designed by an Italian company, the plant will produce 17.4 megawatts of power.
The multipurpose project will boost development in the remote area by enhancing irrigation, controlling flash floods and producing economical electricity. The dam was initially conceived in the late 1800s for meeting the water needs of Dera Ismail Khan.
Published in The Express Tribune, January 18th, 2013.
Pakistan: CHEC Wins NaiGaj Dam Project

On December 28, China Harbor Engineering Co., Ltd. (CHEC) signed an EPC contract with the Water and Power Development Authority of Pakistan for NaiGaj dam project, with a total contract value of 390 million US dollars and a construction period of about three years.
The project is jointly operated by CHEC and its Pakistani partner, with a stake of 80 percent and 20 percent respectively. It involves a 1,181-meter gravity earth-rockfill dam, a spillway, an irrigation ditch system, etc.
The contract signing marks a new breakthrough of CHEC in the water conservancy and hydropower market, and is of positive significance to further enhancing the company’s brand influence in Pakistan.

Dredging Today – Pakistan: CHEC Wins NaiGaj Dam Project
Construction of 4,320 MW Dasu Dam
Saturday, March 23, 2013

By Sajid Chaudhry

ISLAMABAD: The Senate’s Standing Committee on Water and Power was informed here on Friday that the World Bank (WB) would be approached by next week for early start of the construction of Dasu Dam as the feasibility study for the dam has been completed. It has the capacity to produce 4,320 megawatts (MW) power.

The WB has agreed to provide $800 million to Pakistan for Dasu Dam and later on a consortium would be formed by the WB to provide complete financing of up to $2 billion.

The committee’s meeting presided over by Senator Zahid Khan in the Parliament House was attended by senators Moula Bakhsh Chandio, Nisar Muhammad Khan, Humayun Khan Mandokhel and Khalda Parveen.

Federal Water and Power Secretary Rai Sikandar, Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) Chairman Raghib Abbas, and other senior officials from the power sector were present in the meeting.

Abbas informed the committee that Diamer Bhasha Dam would remain the top priority of the country, however, owing to challenging situation the government would go for construction of Dasu Dam project and WB has already assured required financing for it. He further informed that at present power shortfall is around 4,000 MW to 5,000 MW and completion of Dasu Dam project would help bridge the power shortfall. He said that this project would not take so long for completion as major preparatory work has already been completed by the authorities. He said that a formal letter would be despatched to the ministry next week for approaching WB through finance and EAD ministries.

He further informed that with the help of Ministry of Water and Power the WAPDA has been able to secure financing for five hydropower projects, which were not provided enough financing during the last four years. There is much activity on the water sector for improving the hydro generation in the country. Updating the committee on progress on other dams, both the officials informed that consultants would start their work on Kurram Tangi Dam project next month. Third and newly constructed power house at Sadpara Dam has just stared functioning. To end litigation on Golan Gol Hydropower project, an agreement has already been reached between lending institution of Kuwait and its tender would be floated within next two working days.

He informed that United States has also agreed to provide $31 million for Kurran Tangi Dam project through USAID and plan is to get the project inaugurated by president of Pakistan within this month.

They also informed that there is much activity on the construction of Naulong Dam, Drawat Dam and Gabir Dam projects. Feasibility study for construction of Munda Dam project has also been completed and European Union has agreed to provide financing for this vital project, however, they complained that the Planning Commission was responsible for delaying the initial financing for this project.

Sikandar informed the meeting that during last one month, the ministry had sped up its efforts to bridge the growing shortfall in demand and supply of power especially in the months of April, May and June.

He informed that financing for furnace oil import has been a major hurdle on the generation side and with the intervention of president of Pakistan, the Ministry of Finance has agreed to arrange Rs 5.4 billion for the opening of Letter of Credit for oil import through Pakistan State Oil. The imported oil would be stored for consumption during the peak summer season to minimise load shedding.

Similarly, the Ministry of Finance has agreed to arrange Rs 10 billion financing through consortium of banks like National Bank of Pakistan and Standard Chartered Bank for provision of fuel and other resources to seven independent power plants (IPPs), which at present have been shutdown owing to non-availability of fuel.

On the assurance of WAPDA chairman oil supplies on credit to seven IPPs would start early to again operationalise them and when financing from banking consortium would be available this credit would be cleared immediately.

The revival of the 7 IPPs would help generate around 1,450 MW power during the summer season and help reduce duration of load shedding. He also informed that some Rs 93 billion general sales tax refund of WAPDA is struck up with Federal Board of Revenue as well as around Rs 200 billion power dues against private sector of the country.

The water and power secretary further informed that uninterrupted gas supply to captive power plants operated by textile sector is going on and what he had proposed to the government was to stop this supply to the textile sector for three months so that this gas would be used for power generation by public sector generation companies during the summer season.

It has been decided in the meeting that the committee will visit different hydropower project sites for inspection of progress thereon. It was also decided that the finance and petroleum ministries will be invited in the next meeting for increased availability of gas for power generation during the upcoming summer season.

Mandokhel challenged the claim of the water and power authority of selling power at Rs 9 to Rs 10 per unit against the generation or purchasing cost of Rs 14 per unit. He said that after including all taxes and levies per unit power is costing a consumer over Rs 15 per unit.

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