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Dajjalism, Kharjism And Islam (some abstract Thoughts)

I tend to agree with the suggestion that go Magog are khazar Jews the ancestors of the modern day Ashkenazi Jews. Jewry is split into two nowadays - sherpardic Jews and Ashkenazi Jews. Sherpardic are Semitic ie comes from Shem and refers to bani israel as we know it where as Ashkenazi are descendants of khazar people who converted to judaism circa 700ad. Theses two groups must be distinguished and Ashkenazi cannot be equated to bani Israel but they are both yahudi or Jews. What the are askenazi? If you follow the story of Noah pbuh, he had three sons - ham, Shem and japeth. Ham is the ancestor of the African people, Shem the ancestor of the Semitic or middle eastern people and japeth the ancestor of the Caucasian people. Hence these Ashkenazi are definitely not from ibrahim pbuh hence cannot be classified as bani israel. What are they? I personally think the story of zulqarnain is to point us towards who yajuj and majuj really is. Past ulama are not privy to information that we know know and they bases their theories on information they knew then. We perhaps know more now, no disrespect to them. They story of zulqarnain arose because the quraish wanted to discredit our prophet Muhammad saw and sought the help of the Jews in Madinah. The Jews asked the quraish to ask the prophet three questions one of which was the story of zulqarnain. Hence zuqarnain is known to the Jews. If you look at Jewish history and literature / scripture only one gentile king was revered by the Jews and he was Cyrus the great. In fact he was called messiah by the Jews an accolade not accorded to any other gentile. He freed the Jews from Babylon and restored Solomon pbuh temple in Jerusalem. I don't think Alexander whom we now know worships pagan gods and engage in many sinful activities comes close to the description of zulqarnain in the Quran. Anyway, back to the topic of gog Magog, there are only two surah in the Quran pertaining to them. One is on the story of zulqarnain and the second on surah al anbiya ayat which says "and it is binding on a town which we destroy that they shall not return until gog and Magog are let loose and they shall break forth from every elevated place". Let's for one humor ourself with the idea that yajuj majuj is indeed the khazar Jews aka known as the Ashkenazi Jew now and that this town mention in the Quran is Jerusalem and "they" ie the people who cannot return to this town are bani Israel aka sharphardic Jews, then you arrive at a pretty scary conclusion that yajuj majuj is here, the Semitic Jews ie bani Israel are back in Jerusalem after their diaspora and yajuj majuj are indeed in control of all the elevated, powerful and strategic positions. Example, Benjamin Netanyahu is ashenazim, so is simon perez and ariel Sharon etc. Google up Ashkenazi Jews and read wikipedia.

The interesting question would be what happens next?

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