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Daesh Attacker Who Attacked Gurdwara in Kabul was reportedly Indian Citizen

#NotInMyName, Say Kashmiris After ISIS Claims Kabul Attack Was Revenge for Kashmir
ISIS has been trying to raise its profile in Kashmir for a while now, but with limited success.


An Afghan Sikh woman mourns for her relatives near the site of an attack in Kabul, Afghanistan March 25, 2020. Photo: Reuters/Mohammad Ismail


Shakir Mir

Srinagar: Hundreds of Kashmiri users took to social media on Thursday to condemn the carnage that unfolded in Kabul, Afghanistan where terrorists stormed a gurdwara, packed with worshippers, and killed 25 of them. The attackers also took worshippers hostage before Afghan forces killed them and ended the siege. At least one of the victims is a child.

The attack has been claimed by Islamic State’s Khorasan Province. Mina al Lami, a specialist on jihadist media at BBC Monitoring, tweeted about the group’s claim.

Mina Al-Lami@Minalami


#ISIS claims responsibility for a deadly attack on a #Sikh temple in Kabul. Possibly the first time IS specifically targets the Sikh community. IS's attack of Jul 2018 in Jalalabad had targeted security forces, politicians and members of the Sikh & Hindu minority in Afghanistan


3:59 PM - Mar 25, 2020
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This was followed by the fresh tweet detailing the ISIS claim that the Kabul attack was retaliatory in nature, in response the situation in Kashmir.

Mina Al-Lami@Minalami


#ISIS issues a follow-up statement saying the attack on a #Sikh temple in Kabul today is revenge for #Kashmir https://twitter.com/Minalami/status/1242760541078261760 …

Mina Al-Lami@Minalami

#ISIS claims responsibility for a deadly attack on a #Sikh temple in Kabul. Possibly the first time IS specifically targets the Sikh community. IS's attack of Jul 2018 in Jalalabad had targeted security forces, politicians and members of the Sikh & Hindu minority in Afghanistan


7:38 PM - Mar 25, 2020
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Previously, Taliban had denied its involvement in the attack.

But minutes after the news appeared, hundreds of Kashmiri users flooded the internet with strong denunciations. “We Kashmiris strongly condemn such atrocities. Killing innocents in no way supports our struggle for existence,” wrote Munir Mufti, a Kashmiri user. “High time such people are identified and neutralised for centuries to come.”

Another user noted: “It was Sikhs who stood for the Kashmiri Muslims after Pulwama attack,” referring to the instances where Sikh volunteers had come to the aid of Kashmiri Muslims last year, when they faced evictions from landlords across the country and were also subjected to violence. As a means to reciprocate the generosity, Kashmiri Muslims had responded with offers of free bike rides, free medical check-ups, free hostel accommodations and even free admission in tuition centres.



Kashmiris have time and again disowned ISIS and their role is Kashmir cause. They are not us and they don't belong to us. They are beasts and don't belong to any religion and territory. #notinmyname
https://twitter.com/Minalami/status/1242815659484028928 …

Mina Al-Lami@Minalami

#ISIS issues a follow-up statement saying the attack on a #Sikh temple in Kabul today is revenge for #Kashmir https://twitter.com/Minalami/status/1242760541078261760 …


1:24 PM - Mar 26, 2020
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See kabir.'s other Tweets

By Thursday afternoon, Kashmiri users were seen trending #NotInMyName on Twitter.



The fact that sikhs have been the most helpful to kashmiris and indian muslims and deserve only love but got bombs from ISIS is enough evidence that ISIS fights for anyone but muslims and islam. https://twitter.com/Minalami/status/1242815659484028928 …

Mina Al-Lami@Minalami

#ISIS issues a follow-up statement saying the attack on a #Sikh temple in Kabul today is revenge for #Kashmir https://twitter.com/Minalami/status/1242760541078261760 …


9:04 AM - Mar 26, 2020
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29 people are talking about this



ISIS speaks for Muslims and Islam in the same way as Christchurch killer Brenton Tarrant, who killed 51 Muslims in New Zealand, speaks for all Christians and wider Western world - which is none. #NotInMyName https://twitter.com/minalami/status/1242815659484028928 …

Mina Al-Lami@Minalami

#ISIS issues a follow-up statement saying the attack on a #Sikh temple in Kabul today is revenge for #Kashmir https://twitter.com/Minalami/status/1242760541078261760 …


12:01 PM - Mar 26, 2020
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23 people are talking about this

ISIS has been trying to raise its profile in Kashmir and also across many parts of the world, in the wake of the depletion of territories under its control in the Middle East. Its formal presence ended in Syria and Iraq, where the group first reared its head in 2014, last year.

In May last year, ISIS introduced a separate branch dedicated to its operations in Kashmir named Wilayat-al-Hind. The announcement happened on the same day that one of the groups’ last surviving militants, Ishfaq Ahmad Sofi of Sopore, was killed by security forces.

ISIS flags have frequently surfaced at the funeral of slain militants. In November 2017, Mugees Mir who belongs to the outskirts of Srinagar city became the first militant whose body was draped with the ISIS flag. Mir was a deserter from Tehreek ul Mujahideen (TuM), a group from which numerous cadres changed affiliation to boost ISIS presence in Kashmir.

Also read: The World Has a Long Battle Ahead With the Idea of ISIS

The emergence of ISIS in Kashmir had surprisingly been timed with the reappearance of the TuM – whose role had declined during the early 2000s after many of its commanders were killed. Incidentally, many members of the ISJK killed so far during different gunfights in Kashmir have been at one point of time associated with the TuM. This also led the police to speculate whether the TuM was a shadow front designed to gradually introduce ISIS in Kashmir.

On June 22, 2018, security forces killed four ISIS militants during a gunfight at Srigufwara village in south Kashmir. They were Dawood Sofi from Zainakoot, Srinagar, Maajid Manzoor from Talangam, Pulwama, Ashraf Itoo and Aadil Hasan Mir from Srigufwara. Dawood, like Mugees Mir, had first joined TuM before he switched to the ISJK.

Recently, Delhi police raided on a house in Okhla, rounding up a Kashmiri married couple on allegations that they were affiliated ISIS’s Khorasan group – a charge their families have vehemently denied.

Kashmiri separatists have blasted ISIS in the past, saying it has no role to play in Kashmir dispute. In January last year, Mirwaiz Umer Farooq declared a day of mourning ‘Youm – e – Taqadus’ when purported ISIS supporters ‘desecrated’ the pulpit of mosque at Jama Masjid in Srinagar.

Kashmiri scholars and academics believe that even while Islam has remained an idiom of political mobilisation in Kashmir, it does not naturally translate into global jihadist ambitions. “Daesh [ISIS] has global ambitions, and by its very nature it is a perpetual war machine, which needs causes to latch on to and expand it footprints through local recruitment,” explains Muhammad Tahir, who teaches at the School of Law and Government, Dublin City University, Ireland and specialises in the Kashmir conflict.

“But, while it has had some success in a few African countries, and volatile Middle East (where it originated), Kashmir is not susceptible to its ideology because of peculiar social dynamics of Kashmir and the history and political orientation of the Kashmiri self-determination movement, which started in the early 20th century as a civil and political rights campaign under the slogan of “Responsible Government”, turned into a secular national liberation movement in the 1940s under the banner of Naya Kashmir manifesto, and after 1947 become a popular struggle for plebiscite,” he continues.

Islamist groups made inroads into Kashmir during the 1990s and attempted to blend in with the regional political movement which predates Partition. Yet, taking the religion-politics dichotomy for granted might be a slippery slope here.

“Muslims were lacking political consciousness in Kashmir and could not have been mobilised on complex political-economic grounds,” explained Altaf Hussian, a Kashmiri historian who authored the book The Making of Modern Kashmir. “Hence religion was effective instrument here. Also the Dogra state not only drew on the symbols of the Hindu religion to bolster its right to rule but also categorised its subjects on the basis of their religious affiliation. Naturally, as Muslims came to challenge it, they defined themselves on oppositional terms to it, emphasising their ‘Islamic identity.’ It continues to this day.”

Kashmir’s slide towards more radical Islamic vocabulary came as a consequence of the 1975 accord that Sheikh Abdullah signed with Indira Gandhi, which constrained his powers and bound up the former state more tightly with the Indian Union, complicating its resolution as per the UN-backed referendum.

Also read: Deleting IS’s Digital Caliphate

The decision sent shockwaves across Kashmir and Sheikh, who once epitomised the politics of self-determination, became a reviled figure. His contemporaries were the Jamaat-e-Islami (JeI) that had no political capital at the time. They won only one seat in the 1977 elections. Yet, the JeI slowly filled this political vacuum and its armed wing Hizbul Mujahideen later managed to decimate the non-sectarian Jammu and Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) from the armed arena during the 1990s when the insurgency erupted.

During the 1920s, when the Khilafat movement emerged in India, there was little to no reaction in Kashmir to the Ottoman caliphate’s abrogation, let alone attempts to restore it. As scholar Chitralekha Zutshi has noted in Languages of Belonging, “Despite the preponderantly Muslim population, the Khilafat slogan did not seem to arouse the passions it did in the other parts of British India.”

But today, smalltime groups are placing Khilafat at the centre of their political appeal. There is a more complex interplay of politics involved here than just ‘religious radicalisation.’

When this reporter inquired at the house of Ishfaq Sofi as to the reasons for his enrolment into militancy, his family alleged that the Special Operations Group (SOG) has tortured him once due to which his arm never healed. His mother also died of a heart attack in 2007, when the forces came to pick him off. In the case of Dawood Sofi, the TuM deserter-turned-IS militant, observers suspect he might have been angry over the killing of his cousin Gowhar Nazir, who was hit by bullet during a protest in 2016.

“Idiom of religion allowed political expression in the absence of political space, which was tightly controlled by the state,” Tahir says. “Even when the idiom of jihad was employed by the Kashmiri insurgency, it was a localised phenomenon, whose objectives remained confined to the framework of Kashmiri self-determination.”


These are the brain washed and terrorist.... even same find in Kashmir to attack on Indian army..

The intriguing thing is how did he and many from his kind made into Afghanistan? Via all time monitored pak border? Never! Via Iran? Not gonna happen! Via an air India flight? Looks plausible
They would blame Indian Muslims and then would justify state brutality and pogroms against them
Last year in September AQIS released a video message followed by an editorial, urging terrorists to wage war on India. They asked the fighters to join the fight in Kashmir......we never highlighted that thing because that kind of propaganda actually hurts the Kashmir cause. That thing was hugely downplayed by many groups within the country. With this attack Indians managed to achieve two goals, justify their actions against muslims in IoK & mainland India, plus attempt to overturn the diplomatic victory of Pakistan.
It will be a cherry on the top as Afghans can show to Murika that look we can't survive without your funding & soliders
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LOL at planners of the terrorist state of India

As per Indian story;
  • A Muslim from India
  • Attacked a Sikhs Gurudwara in Afghanistan
  • for Hindus of India doing Terrorism on Muslims in Kashmir.
Points to note;
  • Kashmir terrorism is caused by RSS Hindus - not Sikhs
  • No Sikh leader is involved in brutality in Kashmir - Sikhs rather oppose it and provide shelter to Muslims
  • Afghanistan has no linkage with what is happening in Kashmir
  • Muslims are not angry at Sikhs
  • But despite all that- an Indian went to Afghanistan to take revenge for something which is happening in his home country from a religious group which is neither involved in Kashmir nor is against Muslims.
Who is willing to buy this $hit?
Not defending ISIS coz pak military along with u.s and Taliban are pounding them right left and center as we speak of now but I too can make an account like this Mina AL lami, tag modi and call him an angel. Besides Indian Sikhs themselves are not buying this sharma & Kapoor concocted b.s

It was an attack on Indian people..basically in Afghanistan.

does not make any sense that if India supports ISIS than India will ask them to attack on ourself.

As per the Indian view points, all ISIS people should get killed and it does not matter, they belong to which country. Terrorist are terrorist only.... no religious..


LOL at planners of the terrorist state of India

As per Indian story;
  • A Muslim from India
  • Attacked a Sikhs Gurudwara in Afghanistan
  • for Hindus of India doing Terrorism on Muslims in Kashmir.
Points to note;
  • Kashmir terrorism is caused by RSS Hindus - not Sikhs
  • No Sikh leader is involved in brutality in Kashmir - Sikhs rather oppose it and provide shelter to Muslims
  • Afghanistan has no linkage with what is happening in Kashmir
  • Muslims are not angry at Sikhs
  • But despite all that- an Indian went to Afghanistan to take revenge for something which is happening in his home country from a religious group which is neither involved in Kashmir nor is against Muslims.
Who is willing to buy this $hit?

Kashmir terrorism is caused by RSS Hindus - not Sikhs
No Sikh leader is involved in brutality in Kashmir - Sikhs rather oppose it and provide shelter to Muslims
@ Thousands sikhs (Indian army) are in jammu & Kashmir.
Afghanistan has no linkage with what is happening in Kashmir
ISIS Has....


LOL at planners of the terrorist state of India

As per Indian story;
  • A Muslim from India
  • Attacked a Sikhs Gurudwara in Afghanistan
  • for Hindus of India doing Terrorism on Muslims in Kashmir.
Points to note;
  • Kashmir terrorism is caused by RSS Hindus - not Sikhs
  • No Sikh leader is involved in brutality in Kashmir - Sikhs rather oppose it and provide shelter to Muslims
  • Afghanistan has no linkage with what is happening in Kashmir
  • Muslims are not angry at Sikhs
  • But despite all that- an Indian went to Afghanistan to take revenge for something which is happening in his home country from a religious group which is neither involved in Kashmir nor is against Muslims.
Who is willing to buy this $hit?

Good points I may add a few...the reason for this desperate attack by India using its proxy Daesh...they can be hired by CIA, RAW, NDS, Mossad and what not. How come they are getting all the funds if not from the sponsors named here.

Ajit Doval, the devil incarnate has lost the plot completely in Afghanistan with the deal between Talibans and USA. India is nowhere in the equation and lost all the investment done there in last many years including making anti Pak lobbies not just libraries.

- Chanakya statecraft of deceit and deception used frequently by India makes it a point to do many things in one stroke...here it failed in all accounts.

- Sikhs referendum for Khalistan is coming in 2020 and millions of Sikhs, many outside Indian supports it, many in India too, India is now like caught between the devil and the deep sea.

- Sikhs are supporting Kashmiris, their right of self determination and helping them all out, the idea is to stop Sikhs supporting Kashmiris and create bad blood between them...failing here.

-The recent anti CAA protests in Delhi there were reports of many Sikhs and their families present there, a kind of anti Modi protest...and with further reports of Sikhs serving Biryani to the protesters and helping them out, Indian intelligence is not happy with this, so they want to create bad blood between Sikhs and Indian Muslims as well...this will fail as one suicide bomber doesn't depicts the hate or love for each other community, a mob of 2000 people on a killing spree does, as you see Hindu mobs attacking Muslim neighborhood in Delhi in recent pogrom.



It was an attack on Indian people..basically in Afghanistan.

Those are afghan Sikhs and are there long before their own home state called punjab was annexed in the east Indian union under the barrel of british gun
These are the brain washed and terrorist.... even same find in Kashmir to attack on Indian army..

Does not matter belong to India or any other countries.... these are the terrorist and need to give and send to their final destination by GUN..
HAHAHA. This is GOLD is say. GOLD.
Those are afghan Sikhs and are there long before their own home state called punjab was annexed in the east Indian union under the barrel of british gun

punjab was annexed in the east Indian union under the barrel of british gun

On these sense, I would say that there was no Pakistan and India before 1947, So all lands & area's annexed by India and Pakistan, after the British Gun.

Sir ji, let me clear my point of view on this....it's not about Pakistan view....
@ It's about ISIS, for them ...they don't find any difference between Sikh and Hindu... for them, they mostly belong to India (Punjab).. (ISIS - even don't think to kill Muslims itself then forget about others)

So, if Sikh will get killed then it will affect to India (Directly-Indirectly. if anyone says Sikh, means immediately PuNJAB name comes...
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punjab was annexed in the east Indian union under the barrel of british gun

On these sense, I would say that there was no Pakistan and India before 1947, So all lands & area's annexed by India and Pakistan, after the British Gun.

Sir ji, let me clear my point of view on this....it's not about Pakistan view....
@ It's about ISIS, for them ...they don't find any difference between Sikh and Hindu... for them, they mostly belong to India (Punjab).. (ISIS - even don't think to kill Muslims itself then forget about others)

So, if Sikh will get killed then it will affect to India (Directly-Indirectly. if anyone says Sikh, means immediately PuNJAB name comes...

Indian Sikhs were never let to chose their destiny. Only Muslims and Hindus went with their respective chunks of land - - - - - -

Jinnah however tried to pursue Sikhs to also ask for a separate homeland. Damn they didn't listen to our Oldman otherwise Indian commando wont have rampaged their second most holiest site
ISKP in it's recent statement released further details of the gunman who led the attack on Gurdwara in Kabul. Attacker has been identified as "Abu Khalid al Hindi". Many experts who have been reporting on ISIS activities believe that Al Hindi hints towards the fact that the attacker was an Indian national. many experts with knowledge are of opinion that the attacker is probably from the South Indian state kerala, where many fighters had joined ISKP.

View attachment 617829

You have to give indians credit where it's due. No one makes or breeds them as ugly and physically repulsive as indians do. They are a global hyper power when it comes to producing the world's most ugliest and disgusting creatures.
Indian Sikhs were never let to chose their destiny. Only Muslims and Hindus went with their respective chunks of land - - - - - -

Jinnah however tried to pursue Sikhs to also ask for a separate homeland. Damn they didn't listen to our Oldman otherwise Indian commando wont have rampaged their second most holiest site

If you talk about Khalistan then I understand lands from both countries


And surely, both countries will not agree!

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