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Dada is clean & a Star & Star never falls. This is a plot : Suranjt's APS


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Thursday, April 19, 2012
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Dada is clean
Suranjit's aide tells ACC; terms cash-in-car scandal a plot


Star Report

The sacked aide of former railway minister Suranjit Sengupta yesterday claimed that his former boss was not involved in any corruption, reiterating that the stashed money found in the microbus was his.

“It was to tarnish Dada's (Suranjit) image that the driver of my car drove into the Border Guard Bangladesh headquarters and hollered that there was bribe money in the vehicle,” Omar Faruq Talukder, the fired assistant personal secretary of Suranjit, said yesterday.

He was talking to journalists after giving to the Anti-Corruption Commission his wealth statement and an explanation about the recovery of Tk 70 lakh from his microbus on April 9.

Faruq, who was a political appointee, however, would not disclose the source of the money or where he along with two railway officials was heading that night.

It was his first appearance before the media since the railwaygate scandal surfaced.

The two suspended railway officials -- general manager (east) Yusuf Ali Mridha and Dhaka division security commandant Enamul Haque -- also appeared before the ACC probe body that is looking into the scam and also the reports of recruitment business in the railway over the past few months.

Like Faruq, they also termed the railwaygate scandal "a stage-managed drama as part of a conspiracy".

Talking to the reporters separately, the trio dismissed the allegation that they had pocketed huge bribes from the railway job seekers and claimed not to have any illegal asset.

The ACC will submit a report into the scandal within 30 work days starting from Tuesday, ACC Chairman Ghulam Rahman told reporters after the three placed their statements before the committee.

On whether the anti-graft body will talk with Suranjit, he said: “It depends on our investigators.”

The government in a dramatic move made him a minister without a portfolio on Tuesday.

Sources in the government told this paper that "he has been advised not to talk with the media or attend any programme for a few days".

The railwaygate scam involves the seizure of Tk 70 lakh from Faruq's microbus around 11:30pm on April 9 when his driver suddenly drove into the BGB headquarters in the capital, leading to the detention of the four men who were kept in BGB's custody that night.

Sources said the driver, Ali Azam Khan, had created the scene as he was refused Tk 5 lakh as share of the amount.

BGB officials, including its chief, claimed to have freed all the four the next morning, but Enamul Huq told The Daily Star and also other journalists that the border force did not release Azam.

Whereabouts of Azam remain a mystery since.

Asked about the source of the money and whether they were going to Suranjit's house to give him the money, Faruq said: “I've answered all these questions before the Anti-Corruption Commission officials.”

“You know where the money is now,” he said when asked where the money was now.

It may be mentioned that Faruq deposited Tk 70 lakh in his account with the Mercantile Bank's Dhanmondi branch on April 11. The Bangladesh Bank has already opened an investigation into the "abnormal" transaction.

During his three-minute interview with the journalists, Faruq repeatedly protested Suranjit's innocence, saying his former boss was not involved in "any kind of corruption". “Dada [Suranjit] was not involved in any crime, he is not now, and he can't be.”

Faruq, who was fired on April 15, accused his driver Azam of executing a "plot to malign" Suranjit.

Without answering further questions he left the place hurriedly in a motorcycle.

He submitted a written explanation and answered queries during a 45-minute interrogation at the ACC headquarters at Segunbagicha in the capital.

Yusuf Ali Mridha, the suspended railway GM (east) who is said to have pocketed huge money through recruitment business, insisted on his innocence.

“Neither do I have any illegal asset,” he told journalists after his appearance before the ACC probe body.

He also claimed that he had no link with the Tk 70 lakh scandal.

Mridha entered the ACC office not through the main entrance apparently to avoid the press, and dodged journalists' queries after he came out.

“I've submitted my written statement to the investigation team and answered their questions verbally,” he said about his two-and-a-half hour interrogation.

“I'm victim of a conspiracy,” he said and left the place in a CNG-run three-wheeler.

Denying any role in the Tk 70 lakh and involvement in “recruitment business”, Enamul Haque said driver Ali Azam acted upon someone else's direction.

“I think it is not possible for the driver to stage this drama alone. Someone else, staying behind the scene, made him do it.”

After entering the BGB headquarters, Azam asked him to leave the place, saying he would get Faruq and Mridha arrested, he claimed.

Swapna Aktar, wife of Ali Azam, said Faruq had been carrying sacks full of bribe money in his car over the past five months.

Faruq forced Azam to drive the car stashed with bribe money, she told private TV channel Maasranga on Tuesday night.

She said Azam told her about 15 days ago that he would not carry bribe money in the car any more.

“I told him, 'You are only a driver. You shouldn't bother about whether it is bribe money'" Swapna said.

Around 1:00am on April 10, Azam called her over the mobile phone and told her that he had entered BGB headquarters as “there might not be another opportunity to get Faruq captured with bribe money.”

“He told me that he was unable to bear the burden any longer.”

The last time she talked to her husband was around 2:00am on April 10, around two and a half hours after he entered Pilkhana, when he asked her to pray for him.

Azam has been Faruq's driver for the past three years for Tk 9,000 a month, she said.

Unaware of her husband's whereabouts, she and her eight-year-old daughter are also hiding since April 10 out of fear.

She sought prime minister's help in finding Azam.


সুরঞ্জিত নক্ষত্র, নক্ষত্রের পতন হয় না: ওমর ফারুক

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নিজস্ব প্রতিবেদক | তারিখ: ১৮-০৪-২০১২

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সুরঞ্জিত সেনগুপ্ত নক্ষত্র। নক্ষত্রের পতন হয় না। ওই ঘটনার সঙ্গে তিনি (সুরঞ্জিত) কোনোভাবে জড়িত নন।
আজ বুধবার বেলা আড়াইটা থেকে পৌনে চারটা পর্যন্ত দুর্নীতি দমন কমিশন (দুদক) কার্যালয়ে রেলের অর্থ কেলেঙ্কারির ঘটনায় সুরঞ্জিত সেনগুপ্তের অব্যাহতি পাওয়া সহকারী একান্ত সচিব (এপিএস) ওমর ফারুক তালুকদারকে জিজ্ঞাসাবাদ করা হয়। পরে সাংবাদিকদের বিভিন্ন প্রশ্নের জবাবে ওমর ফারুক এসব কথা বলেন।
গাড়িতে থাকা টাকা ব্যক্তিগত বলে দাবি করেন ওমর ফারুক। একই সঙ্গে তিনি নিজেকে পরিস্থিতির শিকার দাবি করে বলেন, পুরো ঘটনাটিতে একটি দৃশ্যপট সাজানো হয়েছে।
প্রসঙ্গত, সুরঞ্জিতের সহকারী একান্ত সচিব (এপিএস) ওমর ফারুক তালুকদার, রেলের পূর্বাঞ্চলীয় মহাব্যবস্থাপক (জিএম) ইউসুফ আলী মৃধা ও নিরাপত্তা বাহিনীর কমান্ড্যান্ট এনামুল হক ৯ এপ্রিল মধ্যরাতে বিপুল পরিমাণ টাকাসহ ধরা পড়েন।

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