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DJI releases portable handheld camera

(Xinhua) 13:58, November 30, 2018

BEIJING, Nov. 30 (Xinhua) -- Chinese commercial drone manufacturer DJI released a new portable handheld camera built in its smallest three-axis gimbal, reported the China Daily Friday.

Dubbed Osmo Pocket, the 116-gram gadget is priced at 349 U.S. dollars and capable of 4K video shooting, with features such as intelligent shooting and object tracking similar to DJI's latest drone series, the China Daily said.

"Innovation is at the heart of every product we create and we hope the camera can help capture creative videos and photographs," said Luo Zhenhua, president of DJI, a Shenzhen-based consumer drone giant claiming nearly 70 percent of the world's consumer drone market.

Confronted with a relatively slow growth in Chinese consumer drone market, DJI is now targeting the booming market of photography and video industry, the company said.


@qwerrty , @AndrewJin
nice and compact and doesn't need phone. i might get this one to replace my osmo mobile that doesn't work very well with my phone with optical stabilizer.
China's Dajiang Innovation released "Yu" Mavic 2 industry double-light version UAV
2018-12-22 20:39:11
After the launch of the “Yu” Mavic2 industry version on October 29, DJI Innovation announced the release of the “Mao” Mavic 2 industry double-light version on December 20. Compact and portable dual-light version of thermal imaging and visible light camera, while continuing the industry version of the appearance and a variety of performance, can be used in search and rescue, fire, law enforcement, inspection and other professional areas.

Intelligent dual photothermography

The "Ma" 2 industry dual-light version is equipped with a precision three-axis pan/tilt with integrated FLIR thermal imaging camera and 4K visible light sensor. There are three display modes: Fusion mode, Infrared mode, and Visible mode.


Visible light mode: 1/2.3 inch The 12 megapixel sensor captures high-definition images for more detail.


Fusion mode: Using FLIR MSX image enhancement technology, the structural information acquired by the visible light sensor is embossed on the infrared thermal imaging, and the two images are combined in real time, which can help the user to discover potential problems and breakthroughs.


Infrared mode: High-sensitivity infrared sensor delivers color-sharp, fine-grained infrared thermal imaging.

In addition, the "Yu" Mavic 2 industry double-light version can be set with intelligent function parameters, with point temperature measurement, area temperature measurement, and isotherm function.


Point temperature measurement: Click and measure to obtain the temperature information of the specified object or location.


Area temperature measurement: Scan the temperature of the selected area, display the average temperature, the highest temperature, and the lowest temperature in the area for comprehensive analysis.


Isotherm: For different objects, the isotherm function visually displays the temperature range to help quickly troubleshoot the target object.


Related parameters

Infrared wavelength range: 8-14μm

Scene dynamic range: -10 ° C to +400 ° C

Video: 4K/1080P

Visible light sensor: 12 million pixels


Powerful long-range zoom

The “Mao” Mavic 2 industry dual-light version has a 12-megapixel 1/2.3” CMOS sensor with 2× optical zoom and 3× digital zoom. In addition, the time stamp watermark function records GPS when capturing video and photos in visible light mode. Coordinates and events for subsequent archiving and forensics.

Continue the industry version of multiple performance

"Yu" Mavic 2 industry double light version continues the industry version of a number of performance, built-in 24GB memory, with 31 minutes of battery life, 72 km maximum speed, 8 km 1080P HD map. The dual-light version also adds LED fill light at the bottom, supporting a range of industry-specific accessories such as searchlights, megaphones, night lights, self-heating batteries, etc., with password protection, DJI AirSense, omnidirectional sensing and intelligent obstacle avoidance, concealment Features. At the same time, DJI PILOP, Dajiang Sikong and other software dual-light version are applicable, and also support the Dajiang industry worry-free protection plan.
Dajiang launches Mavic 2 Enterprise Edition, providing powerful daily tools to help drones work
大疆推出Mavic 2企业版,提供强大的日常工具,帮助无人机工作

声色光影 2018-12-27 10:53:06


Mavic 2 Enterprise为每位专业人士提供航空功能,具有变焦成像,模块化配件,增强的安全功能和空域保护

DJI是全球民用无人机和航空成像技术的领导者,今天推出了Mavic 2 Enterprise,这是一款具有独特功能的便携式无人机,专为企业,政府,教育工作者和其他需要可靠日常工具的专业人士而设计,可帮助他们更好地开展工作。

Mavic 2 Enterprise专为寻求通过无人机技术改造其业务的企业而设计,具有超紧凑和可折叠的设计,配有一系列先进的控制和附件,可在消防,应急响应,执法等关键操作中扩展用户的能力。和基础设施检查。

“凭借Mavic 2 Enterprise,DJI创造了一种无人机,可以为每个企业提供强大的技术,并彻底改变他们的工作方式,”DJI总裁罗杰罗说。“Mavic 2 Enterprise是世界上功能最强大的商用无人机,专为满足行业合作伙伴以及刚刚准备接受无人机技术优势的公司的运营需求而设计。DJI的硬件和软件为全球空中创新设定了标准,Mavic 2 Enterprise是最紧凑,功能最强大,最可靠,最安全的工具,可帮助专业人士将无人机集成到其运营中。



Mavic 2 Enterprise带有一个高分辨率,1200万像素的摄像头,由三轴万向节稳定,可实现流畅,稳定的视频和图像。该摄像机专为动态操作而设计,具有2倍光学和3倍数字变焦功能,可扩展飞行员的视觉感受。这种变焦技术极大地提高了无人机识别和检查危险或困难区域的能力,以及帮助紧急服务保护生命和财产的能力。


Mavic 2 Enterprise允许将新的DJI配件安全地安装在无人机的车身上,并通过飞行控制应用程序进行操作。这些配件为飞行员在空中进行通信和工作开辟了新的道路,将无人机移动到成像工具之外,进入可提高空中生产力的可配置平台。

Mavic 2 Enterprise配件包括:

  • M2E聚光灯 - 亮度为2,400流明的双聚光灯有助于操作员在黑暗或低光区域执行任务。Spotlight是搜索和救援以及检查应用的理想选择。
  • M2E扬声器 - 最大投影为100分贝(1米距离)的扬声器可让飞行员根据需要播放多达10个自定义录音,为附近的个人提供通信通道,这对于救生紧急行动至关重要。
  • M2E Beacon - M2E Beacon旨在满足美国联邦航空管理局(FAA)的夜间豁免标准,在三英里之外可以看到明亮的闪光频闪。这有助于飞行员在低光照条件下或夜间更安全地执行任务,并为附近无人驾驶飞机和传统飞机的操作员提供额外的空域感知。


Mavic 2 Enterprise设计有新功能,可保护照片,视频,飞行日志和敏感航班期间生成的其他数据的完整性。Mavic 2 Enterprise是业界首创,它集成了24 GB的板载数据存储和密码保护功能,为所有无人机功能和存储数据的访问创建了问责制。启用密码保护后,用户需要在每次激活无人机时输入密码,将遥控器与无人机连接,并访问无人机的板载存储,为其提供完整,独占使用和增强的安全性。这提供了对无人机及其机载数据存储的安全访问,同时即使无人机受到物理攻击也能保护数据。


此外,具有更高数据安全性问题的Mavic 2 Enterprise用户可以使用DJI的本地数据模式功能,该功能在激活后将阻止用户连接的移动设备通过互联网发送或接收任何数据。这为涉及关键基础设施,政府项目或其他敏感任务的飞行运营商提供了额外的安全保障。


每个Mavic 2 Enterprise都配备了DJI的AirSense技术,以帮助提高飞行员的态势感知能力并增强空域安全性。AirSense使用集成接收器自动向无人机飞行员发送来自附近飞机和直升机的ADS-B信号,通过DJI Pilot移动应用程序提供实时定位警报。这为在拥挤的空域飞行或接近复杂操作的专业无人机操作员提供了额外的安全保障,例如野火抑制,灾难恢复和基础设施监控。DJI AirSense是一个关键系统,可帮助确保无人机在天空中的安全添加。


Mavic 2 Enterprise使用DJI的FOC推进电机与高效螺旋桨相结合,实现更安静,更高效的飞行,最长飞行时间可达31分钟,最高时速可达72公里/小时(45英里/小时)[1]。此外,专为Mavic 2 Enterprise开发的新型自加热电池使无人机能够在低至-10摄氏度(14华氏度)的恶劣天气条件下可靠地运行。

Mavic 2 Enterprise采用DJI最新的视频和数据传输系统Ocusync 2.0,可在无人机和遥控器之间提供更稳定的连接。该系统具有更强的抗干扰性和自动切换功能,支持2.4 GHz和5.8 GHz频段,能够为上行链路和下行链路数据流使用不同的频率。Ocusync 2.0向飞行员提供如此强大的高清视频传输反馈,可以接收到距离近5英里(8公里)[2] ,尽管所有无人机飞行员必须遵守有关将无人机保持在视线范围内的适用法律。

Mavic 2 Enterprise的FlightAutonomy系统具有全方位的障碍物感应功能,可实现更安全的飞行,并集成了八个高分辨率视觉传感器和两个红外传感器的数据。其先进的飞行员辅助系统(APAS)允许无人机感知并自动避开前方和后方的障碍物,提供额外的安全性 - 特别是对于新飞行员以及在有障碍物或崎岖地形的区域飞行时。

“无人机是令人难以置信的工具,可以使我们的救援人员更有效率,简化我们的一些任务,并提供负担得起的天空保护。这是一个大问题。“Dean Morales,消防队长,梅萨消防和医疗部门。“我们一直在寻找一种更好的方式来服务我们的社区。随着无人机的使用,生命将会得到拯救。“


包括飞机,遥控器,一个电池,所有三个可安装附件和带飞行工具的保护套的Mavic 2企业通用版的美国零售价为1,999美元。一个Fly More Kit包括两个电池,一个电池充电集线器,一个车载充电器,一个USB连接器,一个软壳和两个螺旋桨,用户也可以以419美元的价格购买。

Dajiang launches Mavic 2 Enterprise Edition, providing powerful daily tools to help drones work
DJI Agriculture Unveils Mega Drone to Push Boundaries of Smart Farming

Yi Bailing

(Yicai Global) Nov. 10 -- DJI Agriculture, an arm of Chinese drone giant DJI Technology, released the T30, a giant crop-spraying drone that can cover an area one third greater than previous models, at its DJI Fusion event in Shenzhen yesterday.

The heavy-duty T30 can spray 16 hectares an hour, carry loads of up to 30 kilograms and is equipped with a new plunger pump that has a spray range of nine meters. It costs CNY29,999 (USD4,539) and is suitable for use on large farms.

Shenzhen-based DJI aims to promote precision and smart agriculture and is not after short-term commercial profit, Chief Public Relations Officer Xie Tian told Yicai Global.

It also unveiled the T10 which at CNY19,999 is the cheapest in its range of agricultural drones. Small and lightweight, it is an entry level drone that can be used for smaller plots.

“Only by lowering the prices can DJI attract more young people, especially those in rural areas, to use drones,” said Chen Tao, director of global marketing and sales.

The modernization of farming methods in China is gaining pace. DJI’s agricultural drones, which can be used to sow seeds as well as spray fertilizer and insecticides, worked on around 33 million hectares this year, more than double the area covered last year, Chen said. The firm sold 40,000 drones for agricultural use last year.

DJI will also turn its attention to the overseas market despite the ravages of the Covid-19 pandemic. The international market has great potential, especially Southeast Asia and Latin America, Chen said. Many countries in Southeast Asia have a similar environment to China and a lot of Chinese immigrants, so it is easier to promote the firm’s products there, he added.

DJI says it will release new drone that will 'reshape imagination' on March 2

Chinese drone giant DJI announced on Wednesday that it will release a new drone that can reshape the imagination for flying on March 2.

The product, likely to be called the DJI FPV Combo, is said to be capable of flying at speeds of up to 150 kilometers per hour, and both the drone itself and its accessories have been upgraded from past models, according to a recent video on the Internet.

The video showed the FPV camera located in the head of the device, as well as sensors for obstacle avoidance underneath the fuselage and at the front.

The new drone is lighter in overall weight, and the new controller is closer in shape to a gamepad and more ergonomically designed.

It is said to support 4K/60fps video recording and 3 flight modes. It is expected to come with a 2000mAh battery with 20-minute battery life. The product kit is expected to cost RMB 9,688 yuan ($1,500).

In addition, DJI plans to open three new authorized experience stores in Dalian, Nanchang, and Guangzhou in March.

DJI says it will release new drone that will 'reshape imagination' on March 2-CnTechPost

(Source: Weibo)

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