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CZ Bren-2 ,807 / 806 , Chambered in 7.62*39 & 556 , For Pakistan Army , Best Rifle

No final deal has been signed, just a LoU to negotiate in 2016.

Anyways, I don't think a new rifle program would cost $3 billion.

Rather, there are two components to this acquisition: (1) the cost of having a turnkey manufacturing facility for the rifle (which can independently produce it without any input whatsoever from the OEM) and (2) the cost of that specific POF variant.

By virtue of Pakistan's cheaper currency, labour and material costs, the POF variant of the rifle will cost much less than the OEM import.

But the resulting overhead from the cost of buying the turnkey facility (in which the OEM could also include licensing fees for the first X-number of rifles) will add to POF's overhead, thereby raising the unit cost of each POF rifle.

So your equation might look something like this:

$250 m for a turnkey facility + $150 m in licensing fee = $400 m overhead

Direct labour + material costs of POF copy = $1,000.

$1,000 x 1,000,000 = $1 billion + $400 m overhead.

Therefore: $1.4 bn divided by 1,000,000 = $1,400 USD per rifle.

You can lower the total unit cost by securing export orders, which is what's referred to as economies-of-scale. Let's say you sell 100,000 rifles abroad, the unit cost becomes $1,363, maybe less if POF charges more for export than what it does domestically.

Finally, the program cost isn't necessarily absorbed within 1-2 years. Rather, the transition to a new rifle could take 10-15 years, perhaps with new soldiers starting out with new guns while older ones keep using what they have till discharge or retirement. So the $1.4 bn can be spread into ten $90-140 m payments annually.

Hope so ,
I hope Pakistan goes for CZ Bren 2 .

Cause we Indian Muslims also need ,that to defend our selves .
POF can get a good price ,for these arms.
Hope so ,
I hope Pakistan goes for CZ Bren 2 .

Cause we Indian Muslims also need ,that to defend our selves .
POF can get a good price ,for these arms.

Lol what do you expect man Pakistan Army will made the rifles in POF load it in trucks and C-130 and send them to India for Indian Muslims to have it and POF will write made in eupore then made in Pakistan
... Pffftt so Bollywood
Lol what do you expect man Pakistan Army will made the rifles in POF load it in trucks and C-130 and send them to India for Indian Muslims to have it and POF will write made in eupore then made in Pakistan
... Pffftt so Bollywood

@Muhammad Omar


A case was filed against Shahabuddin following the recovery of some Pakistan made cartridges and German-made automatic pistols from his ancestral house in Pratappur village in Siwan district.



// Just before his arrest, the police had seized several illegal weapons, Army's night vision devices and modern arms and ammunition made in Pakistan's ordinance factories. //
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@Muhammad Omar


A case was filed against Shahabuddin following the recovery of some Pakistan made cartridges and German-made automatic pistols from his ancestral house in Pratappur village in Siwan district.



// Just before his arrest, the police had seized several illegal weapons, Army's night vision devices and modern arms and ammunition made in Pakistan's ordinance factories. //

And you seriously believe that then my son Hafiz Saeed is a terrorist as well

Good day
Lol what do you expect man Pakistan Army will made the rifles in POF load it in trucks and C-130 and send them to India for Indian Muslims to have it and POF will write made in eupore then made in Pakistan
... Pffftt so Bollywood
POF sales Civilian versions of Fire arms around the world. Not sure about G3 and Assault rifles but POF made MP5 SMG is pretty popular and even exported to USA to some arms dealers. If Indian Private arms dealers get a good deal i don't think there is any problem buying from POF.
Pakistan made a very wise decision to go with 'CZ Bren-2 807'


CZ BREN 2 is THE Best Automatic-Assault/Battle Rifle, out there.

CZ BREN-2 806/807 is The Best Option.
CZ Bren -2 is loaded with features .

CZ 806 BREN 2 A1:

Country of origin Czech Republic
Entered service Expected in 2016-2017
Caliber 5.56 x 45 mm NATO
Weight (empty) ~ 3 kg
Length 875 ~ 930 mm
Barrel length 356 mm
Muzzle velocity ?
Cyclic rate of fire ~ 750 rpm
Practical rate of fire 850 rpm
Magazine capacity 30 rounds
Sighting range ~ 500 m
Range of effective fire ~ 500 m

But It will be even better ,with a new Caliber, Like 300-BLK or New Caliber,Eg: 7.62*40 mm.

On the other hand
SCAR-17 has NO useful Features.
Its an Over Priced & Over Sensationalized.

But , What it comes down to is Money $$...


POF Requirements Read this :

But when is POF going to purchase them & start license production ?
Its been over a year, the MOU deal has been signed.

Its said POF needs $250 Million US$ for modernization & upgrades, for POF to even sustain.

& the CZ license deal is worth '2-2.5 Billion US$' for just CZ Bren-2 807 license production.

Pakistan Army Rifle Trails & MOU signing with CZ

Total costs roughly add upto '3 Billion US$'

And who will Pay for this ?


CZ Bren-2 features & Intro ,

Information & Details:

CZ Bren-2 in Action by SF :

0:00 -1:40

CZ Bren 2 Testing ,

Water test, Sand test, Mud test, Drop test:

CZ Bren-2 Disassembly , Breakdown & Parts

Also CZ Bren 2 comes with a Bayonet .

Only works on 14" Czech variant rifle.
pistol or carbine length

The one in the pic is me :D
Why Pakistan not buying the battle rifle version of CZ Bren 2 BR(Battle rifle) which is chambered in 7.62×51 NATO similar to G3.
We shoud buy such weapon which is true replacement of G3

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Why Pakistan not byong the battle rifle version of CZ Bren 2 BR(Battle rifle) which is chambered in 7.62×51 NATO similar to G3.
We shoud buy such weapon which is true replacement of G3

Looks like modren version of g3
similar sound....also with some benefits like ....
30 round mag instead of 20mag(of g3).
Less recoil.....
Also used in cold environment.
I am completely against 7.62×39.
We should go for 7.62×51.
There is a huge gap between ×39 and ×51. We should go for Battle rifle Version.
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