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Cyprus backs India on Security Council seat

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Aug 4, 2009
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Cyprus backs India on Security Council seat

President of Cyprus Demetris Christofias on Saturday reiterated his country’s support for India’s claim for a permanent seat in the United Nations Security Council.

Mr. Christofias said this at a meeting he had with visiting Indian President Pratibha Patil. Ms. Patil in turn assured the Cypriot President that India stood for the “independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and unity of the Republic of Cyprus.” Ms. Patil, the first Indian President to visit Cyprus in 21 years, said this in the context of Cyprus losing a third of its territory to Turkey following a military intervention by the latter in 1974.

The “Cyprus problem” as the Cyprus-Turkey conflict has come to be known, has been the subject of several peace attempts by the United Nations, the most famous of them being the Kofi Annan Plan of 2002. Though Cyprus’ rejection of the plan was condemned worldwide, India has consistently maintained that Cyprus was within its rights to exercise its democratic choice. At Saturday’s meeting, Ms. Patil said she wished Cyprus success with resolving the “Cyprus problem” in accordance with the wishes of its people.

Both Presidents jointly went down memory lane and recalled their respective struggles to gain freedom from the British rule. “The founders of our nation, Mahatma Gandhi and Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru and Archbishop Makarios shared a vision of a just world and bonds of personal friendship with each other.”

Ms. Patil noted that this “friendship continued between President Syprios Kyprianou and Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, whose 25th death anniversary is being observed today.”

Ms. Patil described the economic development of Cyprus as a “true success story.” A tiny country with a population of 8,00,000, Cyprus has been registering a growth rate of 3.6 per cent and boasts a per capita income of $28,000 in 2008.

The Cypriot president also brought up this aspect in his interaction, noting that as a banking and financial services provision centre, Cyprus had the potential to become an important source for channelling foreign investments into the “rapidly developing Indian economy.”

The Hindu : News : Cyprus backs India on Security Council seat

The list of nations supporting India's candidature seems to be growing.
All we need is US support, China has already agreed not to use it veto.

So the only nation blocking our path is the US.
And they want something from India before they give up their bargaining chip.
All we need is US support, China has already agreed not to use it veto.

So the only nation blocking our path is the US.
And they want something from India before they give up their bargaining chip.

Wait, no way would China let India become a permanent member. Did you get your facts right? Japan, being a past enemy, was denied repeatedly. India, being a current rival, simply cannot be having more success than Japan had.
Wait, no way would China let India become a permanent member. Did you get your facts right? Japan, being a past enemy, was denied repeatedly. India, being a current rival, simply cannot be having more success than Japan had.

What happened to peaceful ties ?

China has only used its veto power 6 times.
If it moves against India by officially using the Veto power to block entry.

It is a statement that China wants to Subdue India, and limit its progress.
and relations between both nations will Deteriorate Immediately.

Considering the growing economic relations Between Both countries.
It is not an advisable move. Also a move like this will only be seen as a hostel intent in New Delhi.

Instead of just keyboard warriors, CALLING FOR ACTION AGAINST CHINA. People In the government will decide to view china as not just a rival but an enemy. The Downwards spiral of reflations will only complicate things for Beijing, And make things easier for the US, to Increase ties with India.

even today There are strong Anti-US lobby's in India. Limiting Us influence over India.
But the more China presses its advantage over India. the more India will move towards the US.

What is worse one rival gaining more power or two rivals working together.

China will simply abstain from any vote, like it did in the N-deal IEA waiver at the NSG. China could have blocked it buy simply saying no. All NSG members had to agree but China just abstained. letting India get the Deal.

Not the best ringing endorsement. But like i said China may loose more by moving against India so openly.
cyprus??? is that an island in aegean sea yelling on supporting india to join p5???

you can continue to have small countries supporting you by voice, but the usa will never give a nod and all these are in vain...
What happened to peaceful ties ?

China has only used its veto power 6 times.
If it moves against India by officially using the Veto power to block entry.

It is a statement that China wants to Subdue India, and limit its progress.
and relations between both nations will Deteriorate Immediately.

Considering the growing economic relations Between Both countries.
It is not an advisable move. Also a move like this will only be seen as a hostel intent in New Delhi.

Instead of just keyboard warriors, CALLING FOR ACTION AGAINST CHINA. People In the government will decide to view china as not just a rival but an enemy. The Downwards spiral of reflations will only complicate things for Beijing, And make things easier for the US, to Increase ties with India.

even today There are strong Anti-US lobby's in India. Limiting Us influence over India.
But the more China presses its advantage over India. the more India will move towards the US.

What is worse one rival gaining more power or two rivals working together.

China will simply abstain from any vote, like it did in the N-deal IEA waiver at the NSG. China could have blocked it buy simply saying no. All NSG members had to agree but China just abstained. letting India get the Deal.

Not the best ringing endorsement. But like i said China may loose more by moving against India so openly.

Yes, but you're not looking at it this way. China may lose more when India starts Vetoing China's interests in the future, something which will cause grave concerns for the CCP.

Also, if China blocked off Japan in the past, which I see as a more important economic partner to China than India is, I think China will go full force in doing the same, no matter who the rival is.

My 2 cents.
cyprus??? is that an island in aegean sea yelling on supporting india to join p5???

you can continue to have small countries supporting you by voice, but the usa will never give a nod and all these are in vain...:chilli::bounce::police:
cyprus??? is that an island in aegean sea yelling on supporting india to join p5???

you can continue to have small countries supporting you by voice, but the usa will never give a nod and all these are in vain...:chilli::bounce::police:

Duplicate post?
cyprus??? is that an island in aegean sea yelling on supporting india to join p5???

you can continue to have small countries supporting you by voice, but the usa will never give a nod and all these are in vain...:chilli::bounce::police:

"Small" is no issue. Israel is Small but its Important, Its support is Important.
Cyprus...Its a Voice, Independent voice whose support counts in UN.
Its more of a Diplomatic Move.

But Most importantly, The message is that..India gives equal weightage to big / small ; weak and powerful countries and will continue to build and improve Diplomatic Relationships across the globe.
Yes, but you're not looking at it this way. China may lose more when India starts Vetoing China's interests in the future, something which will cause grave concerns for the CCP.

Also, if China blocked off Japan in the past, which I see as a more important economic partner to China than India is, I think China will go full force in doing the same, no matter who the rival is.

My 2 cents.

Well, India will not veto china for the same reasons china wont veto India.

Haven't u worked that out.

UNSC has to be expanded to better represent the emerging and developing world anyway. It only a matter of time before India gets a Seat.

I doubt china will exercise its Veto, it is rather short sighted. and Historically, as i have said china has used Veto only 6 time. As well china does not like to be the only one in objection on the UNSC. Its more complicated then just bullying others nations with Veto power, to get your way.

China could have blocked India at the NSG but it didn't. The US-India N-deal went though.
Well, India will not veto china for the same reasons china wont veto India.

Haven't u worked that out.

UNSC has to be expanded to better represent the emerging and developing world anyway. It only a matter of time before India gets a Seat.

I doubt china will exercise its Veto, it is rather short sighted. and Historically, as i have said china has used Veto only 6 time. As well china does not like to be the only one in objection on the UNSC. Its more complicated then just bullying others nations with Veto power, to get your way.

China could have blocked India at the NSG but it didn't. The US-India N-deal went though.

Yes, I do think that the Security Council has to be expanded to have a greater voice for the developing nations. But, as you know, our friend CCP doesn't like to have a lot of rivals and any threat towards it will be dealt with. In saying this, I believe India will get a seat in the future, but just not in the "near" future. CCP=CCCP in many respects when it comes to politics. What did Stalin do to all his rivals again? :hang2::hang2::hang2:
Yes, I do think that the Security Council has to be expanded to have a greater voice for the developing nations. But, as you know, our friend CCP doesn't like to have a lot of rivals and any threat towards it will be dealt with. In saying this, I believe India will get a seat in the future, but just not in the "near" future. CCP=CCCP in many respects when it comes to politics. What did Stalin do to all his rivals again? :hang2::hang2::hang2:

See that;s your false perception that many Indians and Chinese have.
Why do we have to Rivals. DO we really need to fight each other.

Are u telling me that China plans to simply eliminate anyone that can be as potential rival. Has it ever even occurred to you we can work together.

India is India,
India looks out for India's interests not the Americans, not the Russians
If it happens to be in India's Interests to work with China we will work with China.

even though most people would have yo believe that all India and china want to do it fight.

the truth is quite different,
The India China border is very conflict free, Compared to India's other borders.

India-China have gone ahead with trade despite the lingering Territorial dispute.

Both countries have taken the same stands on Climate change.
You know things are not really on brink or war, or threat to the very existence situation.

Government to Government talks have actually gone ahead. and relations believe it or not have improved from a far more bleak status of the past.\

Why dont you ask your friends in the CCP about their view of India, and the policy regarding it.
clever move,india should get more supports from other countries besides P5,don't expect US and russia will vote for india at same time,there is balance in the security council, and this is sth india can't jack up both sides,
For permanent seat in unsc only us matter ,whom ever they back any country they will get permanent seat .
just see the nuclear deal , because us we are able to go through IAEA
India has to compete hard with four other nations Brasil, South Africa which are making new friends across continents. Not to forget wwII axis powers Germany and Japan are also in race and have very good chance as they are giving aid to many third world countries and have good relations with Uncle. I think the group will sooner or later becomes P10.
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