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CV-16 Liaoning - Type 001 Aircraft Carrier News & Discussions

Does anyone know how the PLAN designated its ships? In the USN we have the typical CVN-78 or whatever, but is there something comparable to the PLAN?

AFAIK the often mentioned designation CV-16 is surely not official and most likely only a spotter-created one?

Does anyone know how the PLAN designated its ships? In the USN we have the typical CVN-78 or whatever, but is there something comparable to the PLAN?

AFAIK the often mentioned designation CV-16 is surely not official and most likely only a spotter-created one?

As far as I know the only official designation that I have come across is PLANS = PLA Navy Ships. There is no abbreviation prefix for different class of ships. Some time we see wordings like DDG and FFG on banners, but the usage is not consistent, and could be unofficial.

Traditionally, from the late Qing dynasty, through Republic of China and People's Republic of China, normally a ship would be called by its class and name, example, Light Cruiser Chungking/ 重庆号輕型巡洋舰 (ROC Navy), Destroyer Shenzhen/深圳号驱逐舰 (PRC Navy).

This photo was taken onboard type 052D destroyer PLANS Changsha
Perfect ... thanks a lot.

And so what would be the designation for the Liaoning?

PLANS = PLA Navy Ship 16 - Aircraft Carrier Liaoning.
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Perfect ... thanks a lot.

And so what would be the designation for the Liaoning?

PLANS = PLA Navy Ship 16 - Aircraft Carrier Liaoning.

In Chinese, Liaoning is normally called just "ship No. 16" or aircraft carrier Liaoning. Calling "PLA Navy Ship 16 - Aircraft Carrier Liaoning" could be technically correct but it is too lenghty, and rarely used in Chinese media, including press release from China Ministry of Defence and PLAN.

I would just stick to "Aircraft Carrier Liaoning".
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