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Curfew imposed after Hindu-Muslim clashes in Indian city

Uttar pradesh is one of biggest state of indian Union. It is ruled by Samajwadi party. Its is said that UP muslims vote for SP..

UP had election 12 months ago, and SP was chosen to govern for next 5 years. In last 12 months UP has seen many Riots (Communal) and interestingly everytime Muslims were one party involved in riots.
There are 2 major incident where Muslim targeted hindus, rest 7-8 major incident they targeted police.

Hindus are living in constantly fear as Muslims are behaving rude. I am afraid if Muslims wont stop these kind of drama, soon there gonna be a HinduKush in UP.

How riots work. It all depend on police deployment. Suppose there is Islamic rule (Rule of SP or kongress) in some state, if riot happen the police is given instruction to be soft on Muslim(Vote bank), and the police is deployed in Hindu area. So Muslims are free to massacare Hindus. In Bhagalpur riots, Laloo (Islamic ruler) gave clear order to protect Muslims rioters. It was murder of an SSP which turn police against Muslims....

Hey , whats all this ?

Where have you drifted away ?

Why make a mountain out of a mole hill.

Suggest stop seeing shadows everywhere.
Under the rule of SP , these 26% of Muslims in UP rule UP .
I expect the riots to multiply manifold in the months to come . This hell should be brought upon the the common man of UP so that these idiots might learn only to vote for secular minds
Will this escalate tensions between India and Pakistan?

Not directly, But Pakistan take benefit of such situation and get pawns.. They train these fanatic lunatics (Kids from kerla to Kashmir visit pakistan to get terrorist training) and create trouble in India...

Proxy war...

Note: Kids from entire world come and get training in Pakistan. German, American, Brit, Chinese, Burmese, Kazak, Uzbek all get training in Pakistan (there are many news on net which verify my claim).
Will this escalate tensions between India and Pakistan?

Nice thought, but why ?

two communities living together are bound to have friction once a while. The number of muslims in India are possibly the same as that in Pakistan. Such things happen.

Immersions happen across India at this time of the year why only in one place did a flare up happen ?

Its the local admin who needs a kick for not foreseeing such events and taking preventive action.
durga puja and id at a gap of 1 day. tension was bound to happen. A little restraint 4m both sides could have prevented the incident. But alas :(
Then why India media overreacted when a little monk burn himself in Tibet and relate this to China goverment oppression on Tibetan?
Will this escalate tensions between India and Pakistan?

As if Pakistan cares two hoots about anybody in India. Or anywhere else, for that matter.

(I'm not complaining, that's how it should be. No country should get involved, or can get involved in another country's street fights or police curfews.)

Then why India media overreacted when a little monk burn himself in Tibet and relate this to China goverment oppression on Tibetan?

Because of why he burnt himself. It was related to China and Tibetan affairs. This has nothing to do with pak. Not even they are claiming that.
As if Pakistan cares two hoots about anybody in India. Or anywhere else, for that matter.

(I'm not complaining, that's how it should be. No country should get involved, or can get involved in another country's street fights or police curfews.)

Because of why he burnt himself. It was related to China and Tibetan affairs. This has nothing to do with pak. Not even they are claiming that.
You fetch your arm too long by intervening China domestic affairs, so may i ask you Muslim is treated unfairly in India cause Hindu prevail? Dont worry that little monk, Mr.Dalai Lama will expiate him.
Uttar pradesh is one of biggest state of indian Union. It is ruled by Samajwadi party. Its is said that UP muslims vote for SP..

UP had election 12 months ago, and SP was chosen to govern for next 5 years. In last 12 months UP has seen many Riots (Communal) and interestingly everytime Muslims were one party involved in riots.
There are 2 major incident where Muslim targeted hindus, rest 7-8 major incident they targeted police.

Hindus are living in constantly fear as Muslims are behaving rude. I am afraid if Muslims wont stop these kind of drama, soon there gonna be a HinduKush in UP.

How riots work. It all depend on police deployment. Suppose there is Islamic rule (Rule of SP or kongress) in some state, if riot happen the police is given instruction to be soft on Muslim(Vote bank), and the police is deployed in Hindu area. So Muslims are free to massacare Hindus. In Bhagalpur riots, Laloo (Islamic ruler) gave clear order to protect Muslims rioters. It was murder of an SSP which turn police against Muslims....

Hey what did you smoke last night !!.... do you even know that fact what caused this .... The Innocent People who are killed are mostly Muslims....

Your Mentality suites of RSS.... divide the people on their Religion.... Becoz of some Stupid un educated Religious leader the whole country burnt.... This has happened in India for Ages.

First Upper cast Brahmins killed SC/ST
Then the Moguls killed the Hindus
and now Hindus are killing Muslims...

Jiski haath mae Lathi uski Bahes
Uttar pradesh is one of biggest state of indian Union. It is ruled by Samajwadi party. Its is said that UP muslims vote for SP..

UP had election 12 months ago, and SP was chosen to govern for next 5 years. In last 12 months UP has seen many Riots (Communal) and interestingly everytime Muslims were one party involved in riots.
There are 2 major incident where Muslim targeted hindus, rest 7-8 major incident they targeted police.

Hindus are living in constantly fear as Muslims are behaving rude. I am afraid if Muslims wont stop these kind of drama, soon there gonna be a HinduKush in UP.

How riots work. It all depend on police deployment. Suppose there is Islamic rule (Rule of SP or kongress) in some state, if riot happen the police is given instruction to be soft on Muslim(Vote bank), and the police is deployed in Hindu area. So Muslims are free to massacare Hindus. In Bhagalpur riots, Laloo (Islamic ruler) gave clear order to protect Muslims rioters. It was murder of an SSP which turn police against Muslims....

What are you even going on about man? :lol: I think the majority that died in the riots were Muslims. Secondly, stop with this racist nonsense that muslims are the source of all evil. The Hindu extremist groups like RSS, VHP, Bajrang Dal etc are just as worse as Islamic extremists.

The thing is UP is a gunda state. Extremely corrupt, and exremely powerful in the parliament with a large number of seats. UP has to be divided into atleast 4 parts. These so called secular and socialist parties are not only ruining the state but holding the government to ransom. No govt can make a decision without the SP or the BSPs approval - whoever is in power at that time. Add to that illiteracy, poverty, caste politics, religious extremism etc no wonder such things happen in that state.

Will this escalate tensions between India and Pakistan?

Not really. Although it will serve as fodder for anti-India sentiments. But this is nothing new.
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