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Cultural aggression creating demand for Indian goods in Bangladesh

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It's the authors and scholars that standardized any language, and we Indian Bengalis did it long before 1955 when Bangla Academy of Dhaka inaugurated. They just picked up the language standardized by us.
Btw, Sunil Gangopadhyay, Jibonanda Das, Michael Modhusudon, all were Indians. :)
FAIL.... you had to name three guys from Faridpur,Barisal and Jessore. :rofl::rofl::devil:

And Bangladesh is the only country in the world that is for of and by Bengalis.....we are the standard bearer of the language and culture....If you ever see any Bangla instruction or greetings or any piece of official writing in Bengali it is because of Bangladesh....Shirshenu also acknowledged it in Banglaer America Dorshon.

The India Bangladesh trade is as follows

Indian exports to bangladesh is SIX billion dollars
Indian Imports from Bangladesh just 500 million ie Half a billion dollars

You were saying something about CREATIVITY .................
China's export of Iphones to the US contributes to 0.8% of the trade deficit between US and China....China must be very creative then...a huge portion of India's export to Bangladesh are cotton and onion...you don't have to be very creative to make either of them. That was one of the worst examples of comparison of creativity I have ever seen.
China's export of Iphones to the US contributes to 0.8% of the trade deficit between US and China....China must be very creative then...a huge portion of India's export to Bangladesh are cotton and onion...you don't have to be very creative to make either of them. That was one of the worst examples of comparison of creativity I have ever seen.

So what prevents Bangladesh from increasing its exports to India

Any way the capabilities of Bangladesh manufacturing and industry
are well known -- Through out the world

Exporting textiles is NOT a big deal and is not a sign of creativity

Bangladesh key exports are garments including knit wear and hosiery (80% of exports revenue). Others include: jute goods, home textile, footwear and frozen shrimps and fish.
So what prevents Bangladesh from increasing its exports to India

Any way the capabilities of Bangladesh manufacturing and industry
are well known -- Through out the world

Exporting textiles is NOT a big deal and is not a sign of creativity

Bangladesh key exports are garments including knit wear and hosiery (80% of exports revenue). Others include: jute goods, home textile, footwear and frozen shrimps and fish.
I think my point went right over your head....my point is Exporting anything is not a sign of creativity.....unless it is about technology or science or art it has very little to do with creativity....you made the original mistake of responding to a question about creativity with manufacturing and labor....they are different things....hope you get it now.
I think my point went right over your head....my point is Exporting anything is not a sign of creativity.....unless it is about technology or science or art it has very little to do with creativity....you made the original mistake of responding to a question about creativity with manufacturing and labor....they are different things....hope you get it now.

Yes it is -- exports is about Creativity

It takes a LOT of creativity to keep your costs down -- while maintaining the quality

Countries are KNOWN by what they can manufacture And EXPORT

SO Pakistan and Bangladesh are known as Textile economies
because that is your MAIN industry

Where as Indian exports are Software ; Engineering goods ; Automobiles
Pharmcueticals; chemicals ; Refined Petroluem products ; Textiles and agricultural products
Gems and Jewellery
Yes it is -- exports is about Creativity

It takes a LOT of creativity to keep your costs down -- while maintaining the quality

Countries are KNOWN by what they can manufacture And EXPORT

SO Pakistan and Bangladesh are known as Textile economies
because that is your MAIN industry

Where as Indian exports are Software ; Engineering goods ; Automobiles
Pharmcueticals; chemicals ; Refined Petroluem products ; Textiles and agricultural products
Gems and Jewellery
So who is more creative? The Americans who designed the Iphone or the Chinese who made it at a cheaper cost? Most of the exports that you mentioned are originally western creation...requiring creativity...your industry is replicating western technology...ask yourself this question how much of the technology is indigenous...and by indigenous technology I do not mean India made the robot that made the car or India made the rocket that can go to space....I mean how much did it contribute in the actual creative process...how much did it contribute in rocket science or how much it contributed in robotics or much it contributed in automotive engineering....A summary of my point is India is becoming China 2.0 while you think it is USA 2.0...the difference is one requires more cheap labour.....the other requires creativity.

Side note: 23% of India's gdp comes from exports...while it is only 13% for the US....The US will remain the most powerful economy in the foreseeable future because of science and technology(actual creativity) although it does not export much...so no a country is not known by what it exports but what it creates.
So who is more creative? The Americans who designed the Iphone or the Chinese who made it at a cheaper cost? Most of the exports that you mentioned are originally western creation...requiring creativity...your industry is replicating western technology...ask yourself this question how much of the technology is indigenous...and by indigenous technology I do not mean India made the robot that made the car or India made the rocket that can go to space....I mean how much did it contribute in the actual creative process...how much did it contribute in rocket science or how much it contributed in robotics or much it contributed in automotive engineering....A summary of my point is India is becoming China 2.0 while you think it is USA 2.0...the difference is one requires more cheap labour.....the other requires creativity.

Side note: 23% of India's gdp comes from exports...while it is only 13% for the US....The US will remain the most powerful economy in the foreseeable future because of science and technology(actual creativity) although it does not export much...so no a country is not known by what it exports but what it creates.

I dont know why have you dragged in USA and China

The question was Is Bangladesh more creative Than India as some member said

I said NO -- because Bangladeshi economy is NOTHING in front of India
I dont know why have you dragged in USA and China

The question was Is Bangladesh more creative Than India as some member said

I said NO -- because Bangladeshi economy is NOTHING in front of India
Because the point you made as a reply to creativity was industry and labor...my issue was with the point you made not the stance you take on who's more creative...I do not have an opinion on which country is more creative...Indians can say they have huge economy and military and blah blah...and then Bangladeshis will say that Indians can do all that but can't use a toilet...and then the argument will go to shit(no pun)....again my point was you cannot use EXPORTS as a measure of creativity.
It's the authors and scholars that standardized any language, and we Indian Bengalis did it long before 1955 when Bangla Academy of Dhaka inaugurated. They just picked up the language standardized by us.
Btw, Sunil Gangopadhyay, Jibonanda Das, Michael Modhusudon, all were Indians. :)

Give your information with reference and claim it with copyright. Indian Bengalis are very small portion of Bengalis. None of Indian author or scholars claim that they standardized Bangla Language. Who are you to claim this instead of them??Sorry, we don't use "Shadhu Vasha" and dat vanga Bangla of Bonkim Chandra. Sunil Gangopadhyay, Jibonanda Das, Michael Modhusudon they learned Bangla from our country, not in Kolkata.
Yes it is -- exports is about Creativity

It takes a LOT of creativity to keep your costs down -- while maintaining the quality

Countries are KNOWN by what they can manufacture And EXPORT

SO Pakistan and Bangladesh are known as Textile economies
because that is your MAIN industry

Where as Indian exports are Software ; Engineering goods ; Automobiles
Pharmcueticals; chemicals ; Refined Petroluem products ; Textiles and agricultural products
Gems and Jewellery

Without going into theatrics or expletives, let me calmly explain why Indian exports find export markets.

Creativity and/or innovation is the last reason for that. Low Price and shoddiness is the ONLY reason.

India is known for price sensitive, third-rate sub-par export goods, plain and simple. While the whole subcontinent (even Asia) is more or less known for sub-par products, Indian items are the ones that get cursed universally by Western consumers for being universally horrible. Even Chinese care about quality more than Indian exporters.

Indian manufacturers take short-sighted shortcuts making anything and that includes supposedly 'creative products' like software.

The average contract for software going to India often gets cancelled for lack of skill/quality because they can't 'find' people with skills....plenty of 'creativity' there I suppose....

The average H1B guy/gal coming in from India (another 'creative' export) is also typically the graduate of a four-month course on programming. Their English and conversational etiquette is atrocious, as is their personal hygiene standards. Low-Price export.

The engineering exports you boast about are mostly non-existent or are low grade. I've never heard about 'Made in India' and 'quality' mentioned in the same sentence...Indian tools for example are found nowhere except the local 99 cent cheap outlet. Low priced shoddy goods are not a mark of 'creativity'.

Commodities such as Agricultural, process oriented (petroleum, textiles) by the way are also not 'creative' exports, any way you twist it. It makes sense to no one expect Bhakt posters. Again, price-sensitive exports.

A hammer that bends in the hands of a five year old? Yes it was probably Made in India.

Even cheap Chinese tools are way better.

Pharmaceuticals made by the likes of Ranbaxy on expired patents are another cheap generic export. I don't know what's so 'creative' about it since there are scores of companies in Bangladesh making and exporting these same pharma products.

Indian companies like Hero tied up in the eighties with Honda and later kicked them out after copying the parts and the technology. Nothing 'creative' there. This story was repeated many times in India.

I could just go on and on but I digress......

Jack *** is kind of rude. When did I ask you to be called Indian?

Well my apologies. A Jack *** is a foolish person and I should not have used that moniker. I don't believe I used that word toward you personally.
China's export of Iphones to the US contributes to 0.8% of the trade deficit between US and China....China must be very creative then...a huge portion of India's export to Bangladesh are cotton and onion...you don't have to be very creative to make either of them. That was one of the worst examples of comparison of creativity I have ever seen.

That is a very strawman argument. US & China has noting to do with India-Bangladesh trade. What has the creativity got to do with India-Bangladesh trade.

It is not what India is exporting but what Bangladesh is importing. You are importing cotton and onion because that is what you need and can afford. It is not the Indian economy which is dependent textile exports.


Unless and until there is a secret black market for IT and related services in Bangladesh this is how it will continue.

FAIL.... you had to name three guys from Faridpur,Barisal and Jessore. :rofl::rofl::devil:

They all are Indian Bengalis, even I am a bangal, does that make me a Bangladeshi? :P And yes, 'our' Shirshendu is also an Indian Bengali. :devil:

And Bangladesh is the only country in the world that is for of and by Bengalis.....we are the standard bearer of the language and culture....If you ever see any Bangla instruction or greetings or any piece of official writing in Bengali it is because of Bangladesh....Shirshenu also acknowledged it in Banglaer America Dorshon.

The first line of your post, especially the bold part is not entirely true, the size of 'Bangal' population in West Bengal stands in contradiction to that statement. Leaving that aside, let's stick the far more important point of 'why Bangladeshis, who are totally different from us as per their own claim, use a language which is similar to the language in 2-3 Indian states and has it's roots in Sanskrit'? Then there are the issues of similar food, dress, music, and many other things that need to be resolved, Bangladeshis need to discard all of these to establish the fact they are totally different. :D

Give your information with reference and claim it with copyright. Indian Bengalis are very small portion of Bengalis. None of Indian author or scholars claim that they standardized Bangla Language. Who are you to claim this instead of them??Sorry, we don't use "Shadhu Vasha" and dat vanga Bangla of Bonkim Chandra. Sunil Gangopadhyay, Jibonanda Das, Michael Modhusudon they learned Bangla from our country, not in Kolkata.

It's a done deal brother, we the Indian Bengalis have standardized the Bengali language that your country recognizes as their official language. Just pick up today's newspaper in Bangladesh, the language you see is not commonly spoken in Bangladesh (barring maybe in some Dhaka elite circles), but we speak it commonly here in Kolkata. Boooooohhooooooooooo!! :P
@Levina I come to realise this, if you bring a broader context and draw a wider line from Afghanistan to BD and Kerala to Assam overlapping BD then we have similarities. But you got a bad example earlier by comparing us with people like rain man exclusively. That is why we have confusion arisen. We have little to do with them.
@Levina I come to realise this, if you bring a broader context and draw a wider line from Afghanistan to BD and Kerala to Assam overlapping BD then we have similarities.
No, I dont agree. You can not compare Afghanistan with BD because Bangladesh, a country, which shares almost 80% of its boundary with India, is bound to have a very strong cultural imprint of India.
If living in denial helps then so be it.
I seriously do not want to force my views on you. But facts are facts!

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No, I dont agree. You can not compare Afghanistan with BD because Bangladesh, a country, which shares almost 80% of its boundary with India, is bound to have a very strong cultural imprint of India.
If living in denial helps then so be it.
I seriously do not want to force my views on you. But facts are facts!

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You are just merely putting BD into a geographical boundary, not realising its ideology and comparing it with an insignificant state of India. Its no fact. I mean we have similarity with India to Afghanistan because of BD's Muslim heritage and shared historical linkage. We may have similarity in a broader context but exclusive on our own, merely any comparison with that state as they chose to depart and BD changed a lot overtime. We have little similarity with them. We just live side by side, share trade, collective history, language, songs etc. But if you really analyse our culture from birth to death you will see how different we are.

Culture (/ˈkʌltʃər/) is, in the words of E.B. Tylor, "that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society."[1] Alternatively, in a contemporary variant, 'Culture is defined as a social domain that emphasizes the practices, discourses, and material expressions, which, over time, express the continuities and discontinuities of social meaning of a life held in common.'[2]

Cambridge English Dictionary states that culture is, "the way of life, especially the general customs and beliefs, of a particular group of people at a particular time."
You are just merely putting BD into a geographical boundary, not realising its ideology and comparing it with an insignificant state of India.
A country which is twenty two times your country's size isnt called "insignificant". It also happens to share 80% of your boundary.
Logically, osmosis of culture should happen from a bigger country to smaller country.
Enough said.
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