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CRPF men outsmart Reds, spot death trap

I agree that maoist now are consisting of thugs and criminals... But still their base of the maoist are tribals, whose rights were denied by our greedy politicians and bereaucrats... we must ensure, that development is for all, and prevent new REDS from formation....

That's true. The maoist leaders are murderers, but the fighters themselves are just unhappy with GoI and hence the leaders manipulate them, and cause misery. We have to somehow keep the reds from killing our people, and at the same time develop the area to prevent one more generation of those people turning to murderers.

Actually Maoist movement is no longer limited to these villages. Hundreds of intellectual, engineers, doctors etc. are getting influence by it and spreading it. Its a very dangerous situation. I agree the govt. efforts have reduced Maoist attacks and few of them are surrendering. But there is another problem arising.

Actually the Government's been doing it's best. Deaths are just a fraction of ten years ago, but the movement is still as strong as ever.
That's true. The maoist leaders are murderers, but the fighters themselves are just unhappy with GoI and hence the leaders manipulate them, and cause misery. We have to somehow keep the reds from killing our people, and at the same time develop the area to prevent one more generation of those people turning to murderers.

Actually the Government's been doing it's best. Deaths are just a fraction of ten years ago, but the movement is still as strong as ever.

Two points that I disagree with:

That they are unhappy with the government of India; they are not, they are unhappy with non-Adivasis who have moved in, encroached on forests, duped them out of their land in violation of land tenure laws, sell everything to them at inflated prices, buy everything from them at depressed prices, and govern their land to exploit their mineral resources.

This encroachment is executed by local state governments, many of them, in Jharkhand in particular, run ironically by the tribals themselves, though in Chhatisgarh, the confrontation is starker, more brutal and more bloody.

Second, that 'the government' is doing its best. It is not. Taking Chhatisgarh, for instance - this is not intended to be an overview of the situation across every affected state - the state government has believed in confrontation and repression from the start, and there have been not even half-hearted attempts at reviewing government policy, empowerment of local people, consultations prior to determination of mineral leases, discussion of proposed dam sites, or anything in that line. Instead, the local government tried to reproduce Sir Robert Thompson's strategy of re-locating villages - and villagers - outside the jungle, within easy reach of security forces, and away from their own areas. Salwa Judum has failed - badly. Even the Supreme Court has been making caustic remarks about it, and it has simply led to some of the worst brutality and bloody clashes.
Two points that I disagree with:

That they are unhappy with the government of India; they are not, they are unhappy with non-Adivasis who have moved in, encroached on forests, duped them out of their land in violation of land tenure laws, sell everything to them at inflated prices, buy everything from them at depressed prices, and govern their land to exploit their mineral resources.

This encroachment is executed by local state governments, many of them, in Jharkhand in particular, run ironically by the tribals themselves, though in Chhatisgarh, the confrontation is starker, more brutal and more bloody.

Second, that 'the government' is doing its best. It is not. Taking Chhatisgarh, for instance - this is not intended to be an overview of the situation across every affected state - the state government has believed in confrontation and repression from the start, and there have been not even half-hearted attempts at reviewing government policy, empowerment of local people, consultations prior to determination of mineral leases, discussion of proposed dam sites, or anything in that line. Instead, the local government tried to reproduce Sir Robert Thompson's strategy of re-locating villages - and villagers - outside the jungle, within easy reach of security forces, and away from their own areas. Salwa Judum has failed - badly. Even the Supreme Court has been making caustic remarks about it, and it has simply led to some of the worst brutality and bloody clashes.

Fair points. We cannot solve this one through killing them all, we have to appease them.
Two points that I disagree with:

That they are unhappy with the government of India; they are not, they are unhappy with non-Adivasis who have moved in, encroached on forests, duped them out of their land in violation of land tenure laws, sell everything to them at inflated prices, buy everything from them at depressed prices, and govern their land to exploit their mineral resources.

This encroachment is executed by local state governments, many of them, in Jharkhand in particular, run ironically by the tribals themselves, though in Chhatisgarh, the confrontation is starker, more brutal and more bloody.

Second, that 'the government' is doing its best. It is not. Taking Chhatisgarh, for instance - this is not intended to be an overview of the situation across every affected state - the state government has believed in confrontation and repression from the start, and there have been not even half-hearted attempts at reviewing government policy, empowerment of local people, consultations prior to determination of mineral leases, discussion of proposed dam sites, or anything in that line. Instead, the local government tried to reproduce Sir Robert Thompson's strategy of re-locating villages - and villagers - outside the jungle, within easy reach of security forces, and away from their own areas. Salwa Judum has failed - badly. Even the Supreme Court has been making caustic remarks about it, and it has simply led to some of the worst brutality and bloody clashes.

Actually the fact that non adivasis settle in tribal areas in itself is a failure policy of the govt... We people have no right in forest areas, while they have... Theey are living for generations there... Govt is getting money from REAL ESTATE land sharks... The tribals have no other known option.. They are exploited by both the govt and maoist...
I really feel sorry for them... Educating them with LAW is the only way...
Actually the fact that non adivasis settle in tribal areas in itself is a failure policy of the govt... We people have no right in forest areas, while they have... Theey are living for generations there... Govt is getting money from REAL ESTATE land sharks... The tribals have no other known option.. They are exploited by both the govt and maoist...
I really feel sorry for them... Educating them with LAW is the only way...

Thank you for a very sensitive, very appropriate response.

They should in fact be defended with law.
Thank you for a very sensitive, very appropriate response.

They should in fact be defended with law.

I believe, they should be educated with LAW to protect themselves sir...
Cos the next generation must not depend on govt to protect themselves... Their kids must be taught LAW, so they can fight themselves !!
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