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Crowds applaud as "migrant hammer" interior Minister Salvini enters mourning ceremony in Genova


Aug 1, 2018
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The crowd exploded in applause as far right interior minister Matteo Salvini entered the hall:

Salvini changed evrything in Italy. Since he has become interior minister and his methods were put in action, zero migrants landed on Italian shores. He blocks NGO ships, denies migrants food. Pushs them back to Libya, crushed gypsie villages.

Salvini calls himself a proud facist, labels migrants as human meat.

He denies leftist journalists police protection. He sold the government plane and flies normal aircraft like evryone else.

He does exactly the politics that the average italian wants.

All this gives him extreme popularity among the people. After teh collapse of the bridge his popularity did raise even further, because he now crushs teh company responsible for the highway system in Italy.

The liberal left and migrants should look closely. Politicians like Salvini in Italy, Orban in Hungary or Trump in USA are the new leaders.

The time for liberal bullshit, human rights and other rubbish is over.
The crowd exploded in applause as far right interior minister Matteo Salvini entered the hall:

Salvini changed evrything in Italy. Since he has become interior minister and his methods were put in action, zero migrants landed on Italian shores. He blocks NGO ships, denies migrants food. Pushs them back to Libya, crushed gypsie villages.

Salvini calls himself a proud facist, labels migrants as human meat.

He denies leftist journalists police protection. He sold the government plane and flies normal aircraft like evryone else.

He does exactly the politics that the average italian wants.

All this gives him extreme popularity among the people. After teh collapse of the bridge his popularity did raise even further, because he now crushs teh company responsible for the highway system in Italy.

The liberal left and migrants should look closely. Politicians like Salvini in Italy, Orban in Hungary or Trump in USA are the new leaders.

The time for liberal bullshit, human rights and other rubbish is over.

Dude, you aware that whites will soon become a minority in USA?
Facism cannot be made to work in USA.
Trump is a joke voted into power by uneducated whites
Dude, you aware that whites will soon become a minority in USA?
Facism cannot be made to work in USA.
Trump is a joke voted into power by uneducated whites

Wrong. Such Problems can be solved with eugenic politics. Best example is Sicily. Within 50 years entire non Italian Population got removed. Before that, 70% were not italian
Wrong. Such Problems can be solved with eugenic politics. Best example is Sicily. Within 50 years entire non Italian Population got removed. Before that, 70% were not italian

You talking about hundreds of years ago?
Myanmar showed quick result in short timespan and non scientific methods

Want civil war in USA?
Asian countries like China would love this scenario to dominate the planet.
USA is moving away from Europe as it's share of white population is on an irreversible decline.
I love civil war. It cleanses a country.

As for USA, Population never Mix as we can See in brazil ect. They will have White states and non White shitholes.

You joking?

Interracial marriages are skyrocketing in the US.

Sorry but keep your white supremacy to unimportant countries like Italy.
You joking?

Interracial marriages are skyrocketing in the US.

Sorry but keep your white supremacy to unimportant countries like Italy.

They are actually not. In latin america its for example seen as blood shame.

In USA its the same. What we see is more and more division. Society over there rips apart. People usually stay within their own flock.

The reason is the very same. Liberal left made policies against the people and now people vote into power those who do what is good for them.

Never in world history did different groups mix by large scale. Not in Persian Empire, Not in Rome, not in colonial times and also never later on. Multicultural societies are cod societies. The groups always work against each other. There is no support for each other. Such socities also tend to have no functional welfare system.
They are actually not. In latin america its for example seen as blood shame.

In USA its the same. What we see is more and more division. Society over there rips apart. People usually stay within their own flock.

The reason is the very same. Liberal left made policies against the people and now people vote into power those who do what is good for them.

Never in world history did different groups mix by large scale. Not in Persian Empire, Not in Rome, not in colonial times and also never later on. Multicultural societies are cod societies. The groups always work against each other. There is no support for each other. Such socities also tend to have no functional welfare system.


Reason why the interracial relationships are not even greater is that the whites still make up 60% of the demographics of USA, and the Latinos still need 1-2 more decades to earn as much as the average white. People of the same education and wealth levels tend to get involved in relationships.

Not sure about Italy but most whites in the UK would have no problem marrying a S Asian person who was of the same education and earning ability as them. I know this from personal experience.:D

Sorry Amigo but keep your little Facism to yourself as the world is becoming more integrated and interracial couples will become more and more accepted.
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