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Cringey Pakistani Advertisements from the USA/UK

That's the trouble with Pakistanis. Always negative criticism. What did you expect from a free, community based effort? Anyway, I don't want to downplay a sensitive matter. If you have deeper issues I can look up psycho-therapy professionals in your area. Or maybe a helpline?
Oh gosh these nightmarish atrocities on telly.. north american Pakistani ads are the worst. The ones made in the UK are just about solicitors but well made. Theres one i remember about something like Adil Kebab in barcelona thats an awful ad with a horrible voiceover and is just super cringeeeeeeee
Where does 'we' come into the conversation, and what is 'that'?
explained here
@OsmanAli98 is this a call for help? You have spent your entire life haunted by shame, unable to truly accept who you are. Your inner self never accepted the stereotypes that the world tried to impose on you. You had moments of inner turmoil. A conflict within your very soul. Then finally, unable to deal with all the shame and hypocrisy, you did the only thing that came to your mind. You shared your feelings with the world. You came out from your cocoon hoping that if only you open your eyes everything will turn out to be a bad dream. It's OK son. The reality is different. You are different. The stereotype you have lived with is nothing but pixels added to a virtual media stream. You no longer have to live in shame. Run out on the street and cry out loud: "Huzzah I am free! For the first time I am free!!!!!".
As the author of the quoted post, I assure you this is a case of misunderstood semantics. There is no 'we', and 'that' isn't something anybody needs to deny.
I don't think that we misunderstood.
What I understood from your post is that he (OP) should not be ashamed of these ads because this our culture, Am I right?
Folks pretending to be kewl and whatnot must understand that these adds represent the cultural modest and pragmatic mood of the Pakistani diaspora back then - - - - - - -

The primary purpose of which was to help guide the over seas community , as many were not familiar with alien lingo and culture other then urdu, to blend in the new world while keeping up the desi vibes so they don't feel homesick - - - - - - - -

All adds are worth it except the one where bangali using Punjabi brand name. Why would they do it?? @I.R.A @fitpOsitive
Folks pretending to be kewl and whatnot must understand that these adds represent the cultural modest and pragmatic mood of the Pakistani diaspora back then - - - - - - -

The primary purpose of which was to help guide the over seas community , as many were not familiar with alien lingo and culture other then urdu, to blend in the new world while keeping up the desi vibes so they don't feel homesick - - - - - - - -

All adds are worth it except the one where bangali using Punjabi brand name. Why would they do it?? @I.R.A @fitpOsitive
First generation feels home sick, and then for the rest, everything becomes normal.

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