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Cricketer Rishabh Pant Looted After Accident !

The poor guy, severely injured even had to call the emergency services himself.

Mera Bharat mahaan !

But this is what Capitalism does to society - turns it apathetic, callous and cruel, looking to benefit from the misery of others, however momentary that benefit is, instead of helping them. But after all this fellow is a kirketer who himself Capitalistically earned lot of money off the idiocy of hundreds of millions of Indians who committed their time and passion to this idiotic activity of watching kirket instead of devoting all their time to revolutionizing India and making it a harmonious, serene, gentle and evolved society where there is no money so no zombie greed, instead of it mentally and behaviorally living in 1000 BC while the technical date is 2022 AD. He should now realize his mistake in being part of this Capitalist and barbaric activity called kirket and join the progressive movement that calls for the eradication of money, money that made the locals in that area to loot it from him instead of helping him in his injured state.

This callous, apathetic and greed-full looting of an injured Indian by fellow Indians reminds me of similar mass looting in 2013 of Hindu pilgrims and tourists by shopkeepers in the mountains of Uttarakhand after flooding :

Uttarakhand floods: Crooked traders charge Rs 200 for biscuit packet​

The rescued say those still trapped in far-flung areas are being sold water bottles at Rs 100 apiece and a biscuit packet that normally costs Rs 5 for Rs 200.​

hidden June 21, 2013 16:45:30 IST
Uttarakhand floods: Crooked traders charge Rs 200 for biscuit packet

Dehradun: Those who survived the cloudburst and flood that ravaged Uttarakhand are limping back home with harrowing tales of spending four days without food and water, being forced to pay Rs 200 for a Rs 5 biscuit packet, and of a former Bihar minister who slept on a "layer of dead bodies".

The hundreds and thousands returning to safety from the rain ravaged Kedar Valley and other parts of devastated Uttarakhand have stories to narrate of human insensitivity, as some locals are fleecing the trapped pilgrims and tourists in the wake of shortages of food supply, shelter, medicines and drinking water.

Uttarakhand floods Crooked traders charge Rs 200 for biscuit packet
Image for representation. AP

The rescued say those still trapped in far-flung areas are being sold water bottles at Rs100 apiece and a biscuit packet that normally costs Rs5 for Rs200.

And there is nothing we can do, said Nutan Shukla, a resident of Uttar Pradesh's Bareilly who claims to have paid Rs5,000 for one-time meal for herself and her group of five.

Jaipal, a resident of Kaithal in Haryana, said that he was caught in a landslide on way back from Gangotri and had to spend four days without food and water.

"We were locked in the bus...I guess the deaths are much higher than what is being claimed," he said minutes after landing at the Jolly Grant airport in Dehradun.

Former Bihar minister Ashvani Kumar Chaubey, who was trapped in Kedarnath with his entourage of family members and security men, told reporters on returning to Dehradun that he has never seen anything like this.
He said he slept on a "layer of dead bodies" and saw many protect their dead and refuse to leave the area without taking them. Some, he added, however, cremated their loved ones and proceeded to safety.

The magnitude of the misery caused by weekend torrential rains and flash floods is now becoming clear, with some officials fearing that the toll may be frighteningly high.

Neha Mishra, resident of Yamuna Vihar in New Delhi, who lost her mother, grandmother and another relative in the tragedy at Kedarnath, said she was "saddened at the apathy and greed of the locals who are trying the best to make most of the tragedy".

Gujarat's Ramesh Solanki said he was amazed to see how locals were fleecing them for essential items like food even as they waited for the army helicopters to come and take them to safety.

Nand Kishore from Rajasthan said he would not return to "this part of the world ever again".

"What I have seen in the last four-five days will never be forgotten. I am thankful to God that I am alive but I will never come back here," he said.

Eyewitness accounts said more than two dozen people died on the way to Kedarnath due to cold, fatigue and hunger.
Nand Kishore thanks God. Well, God didn't seem to instill morals in the locals who became so full of greed for that artificial construct called money that they looted it from people from outside who were their guests and should have been treated well especially, especially when the guests had survived flood and were hungry and injured, but were looted instead. Well, the locals didn't get any morality in tha Abode of Divinity preventing them from looting.

And it was a consolation that this wasn't the plains because the plains have dogs and these would have descended on those dead bodies in packs and made a terrifying feast. Or maybe there were dogs there hence the pilgrims protecting their family dead. This is a dog eating a COVID-dead human last year after he or she had been shallow-buried along a river in the same state Uttarakhand as the flood story above :

And these are two insane girls in Jammu feeding dogs because the girls felt the doggos needed extra love during COVID last year. Doggos ate human just above :

Covid-19 pandemic: These Udhampur girls are feeding stray dogs for over a year now​

Jun 03, 2021, 12:31 PM ISTSource: ANI

To showcase some love and affection towards stray animals, two girls from Jammu & Kashmir’s Udhampur area are feeding stray dogs since one year amid prevailing pandemic. Neha Sharma and Pranavi Singh not only feed the stray dogs but also do their first aid at the time of emergency. Neha and Pranavi feed approximately 20-25 stray dogs daily in their locality. "We feed 'roti', rice, milk and curd to 20-25 dogs daily. Saw dogs suffer during lockdown last year. If everyone spares 1 'roti', these strays would never go hungry," the girls said.
They surely must be Modi lovers.

Now here is Arveena Khatoon, forgotten in India's rush to become "World's largest economy" and @Baburfromsarmarkand's obsession with "India supapowa". She died of hunger and thirst on one of Modi's Shramik Special trains in 2020, trains on which migrant workers in the big cities were pushed into after being told by the government that it will not provide them free food three times a day for the duration of the Lockdown and thus they have to make their way back to their home towns and villages to somehow survive on their own. So Arveena was neither provided food and water on the train home by the government nor did she have the money to buy food ( in India even basic food needs money to obtain ). She died of hunger and thirst on the train and was laid out on the platform of Muzaffarpur Railway Station with her infant playing innocently around her, trying to wake her up. Modi's new PM palace continued to be built during this time and the 25 street doggos of Neha and Pranavi which were eating the COVID dead as their main course continued to be also feed with rotis by the two dearie girls as side dish. Arveena lay dead :

Mera Bharat mahaan ! Mera Capitalist Bharat mahaan !

This is my thread from 2016 whose OP is an article by the late philosopher, film maker, novelist and journalist Andre Vitchek on Capitalism.

@Mentee @fitpOsitive @SIPRA @Paitoo @-=virus=- @Skull and Bones @BananaRepublicUK @UKBengali @rambro @RescueRanger @VikingRaider @Indos @Rusty2 @Valar.
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Mera Bharat mahaan !

But this is what Capitalism does to society - turns it apathetic, callous and cruel, looking to benefit from the misery of others, however momentary that benefit is, instead of helping them. But after all this fellow is a kirketer who himself Capitalistically earned lot of money off the idiocy of hundreds of millions of Indians who committed their time and passion to this idiotic activity of watching kirket instead of devoting all their time to revolutionizing India and making it a harmonious, serene, gentle and evolved society where there is no money so no zombie greed, instead of it mentally and behaviorally living in 1000 BC while the technical date is 2022 AD. He should now realize his mistake in being part of this Capitalist and barbaric activity called kirket and join the progressive movement that calls for the eradication of money, money that made the locals in that area to loot it from him instead of helping him in his injured state.

This callous, apathetic and greed-full looting of an injured Indian by fellow Indians reminds me of similar mass looting in 2013 of Hindu pilgrims and tourists by shopkeepers in the mountains of Uttarakhand after flooding :

Nand Kishore thanks God. Well, God didn't seem to instill morals in the locals who became so full of greed for that artificial construct called money that they looted it from people from outside who were their guests and should have been treated well but were looted instead. Well, the locals didn't get any morality in tha Abode of Divinity preventing them from looting.

And it was a consolation that this wasn't the plains because the plains have dogs and these would have descended on those dead bodies in packs and made a terrifying feast. Or maybe there were dogs there hence the pilgrims protecting their family dead. This is a dog eating a COVID-dead human last year after he or she had been shallow-buried along a river in the same state Uttarakhand as the flood story above :

And these are two insane girls in Jammu feeding dogs because the girls felt the doggos need extra love during COVID last year. Doggo ate human just above :

They surely must be Modi lovers.

Now here is Arveena Khatoon, forgotten in India's rush to become "World's largest economy" and @Baburfromsarmarkand's obsession with "India supapowa". She died of hunger and thirst on one of Modi's Shramik Special trains on which migrant workers in the big cities were told that they government will not provide them free food three times a day for the duration of the Lockdown and thus they have to make their way back to their home towns and villages. So Arveena was neither provided food and water on the train by the government nor did she have the money to buy food. She died of hunger and thirst on the train and was laid out on the platform of Muzaffarpur Railway Station with her infant playing innocently around her, trying to wake her up. Modi's new PM palace continued to be built during this time and the 25 street doggos of Neha and Pranavi which were eating the COVID dead as their main course continued to be also feed with rotis by the two dearie girls as side dish. Arveena lay dead :

Mera Bharat mahaan ! Mera Capitalist Bharat mahaan !

This is my thread from 2016 whose OP is an article by the late philosopher, film maker, novelist and journalist Andre Vitchek on Capitalism.

@Mentee @fitpOsitive @SIPRA @Paitoo @-=virus=- @Skull and Bones @BananaRepublicUK @UKBengali @rambro @RescueRanger @VikingRaider @Indos @Rusty2 @Valar.

Where is your socialist/communist paradise?

Wasn’t West Bengal destroyed by socialism?
Where is your socialist/communist paradise?

Does DPRK ( North Korea ) have such obscenity as above ? Did the former Libyan Jamahiriya ? Does Cuba ?

DPRK provides free basic food to every citizen despite the country having less agricultural land because of geography; despite illegal sanctions by NATO since 1953 and despite it not being the "World's 5th largest economy" like India, far from it. In DPRK dogs don't prosper while having a meal of tasty human and the human having died of hunger from reasons brought about by the governance system. :)

Wasn’t West Bengal destroyed by socialism?

I won't say WB was "destroyed by Socialism" but it certainly didn't achieve the development level of USSR or the welfare-based democracy of Libyan Jamahiriya or the self-sufficiency of DPRK etc. The Communists of WB have regretted opposing computers. Another mistake of the WB public Communists was in-fighting against the Naxals instead of coming to common ground.

So if you have quoted WB's Communists as failures I quoted you places where Communism / Socialism hasn't been failure.
Does DPRK ( North Korea ) have such obscenity as above ? Did the former Libyan Jamahiriya ? Does Cuba ?

DPRK provides free basic food to every citizen despite the country having less agricultural land because of geography; despite illegal sanctions by NATO since 1953 and despite it not being the "World's 5th largest economy" like India, far from it. In DPRK dogs don't prosper while having a meal of tasty human and the human having died of hunger from reasons brought about by the governance system. :)

Yet the average calorie intake of India is 20% higher than the Socialist heaven of DPRK.
But this is what Capitalism does to society - turns it apathetic, callous and cruel, looking to benefit from the misery of others, however momentary that benefit is, instead of helping them. But after all this fellow is a kirketer who himself Capitalistically earned lot of money off the idiocy of hundreds of millions of Indians who committed their time and passion to this idiotic activity of watching kirket instead of devoting all their time to revolutionizing India and making it a harmonious, serene, gentle and evolved society where there is no money so no zombie greed, instead of it mentally and behaviorally living in 1000 BC while the technical date is 2022 AD. He should now realize his mistake in being part of this Capitalist and barbaric activity called kirket and join the progressive movement that calls for the eradication of money, money that made the locals in that area to loot it from him instead of helping him in his injured state.
Tu chutia hai.

Just an unfortunate accident, he is reportedly out of life threatening danger, hope he recovers well and gets back to full fitness and back in team India colours soon. He's one for the future for sure, I see him being captain at some stage provided these injuries are not career threatening. One of the most exciting and talented cricketers of the modern era, and also a pretty humble and down to earth guy.

Having said that, tu chutia hai ek number ka. Frustrated aadmi and loser. Look at yourself scoring points off of someone's misery.. not surprising though, for all you want in life is to steal from others.

He should now realize his mistake in being part of this Capitalist and barbaric activity called kirket

wtf does this have to do with capitalism ? He's one of the top players in the world and got appropriately compensated, he got there by hard work.. money doesn't count for shite when it comes to making the national team and performing the world over, that is is his talent and hard work that has paid off. You have no idea how tough it is to get to where he did, no short cuts, no amount of money can get make you an international sports star. Even your favourite capitalist, Mr Musk, now the richest man on earth, can not buy his way into an olympic medal..

They surely must be Modi lovers.
wtf does animal charity have to do with Modi ? I have rabidly anti Modi people in my family who are huge animal lovers and do so much.. as usual you have no idea what you're on about.

She died of hunger and thirst on one of Modi's Shramik Special trains in 2020, trains on which migrant workers in the big cities were pushed into after being told by the government that it will not provide them free food three times a day for the duration of the Lockdown and thus they have to make their way back to their home towns and villages to somehow survive on their own. So Arveena was neither provided food and water on the train home by the government nor did she have the money to buy food ( in India even basic food needs money to obtain ). She died of hunger and thirst on the train and was laid out on the platform of Muzaffarpur Railway Station with her infant playing innocently around her, trying to wake her up. Modi's new PM palace continued to be built during this time and the 25 street doggos of Neha and Pranavi which were eating the COVID dead as their main course continued to be also feed with rotis by the two dearie girls as side dish. Arveena lay dead :
dunno the details of that case but she could have just asked around and someone would have helped.. I share food with strangers all the time, and have often been offered a bit generally if seated next to someone on a long journey on a bus/train, even while flying.. out of politeness if nothing else. Possible she was seated next to starving communists who were too greedy to offer her help.

It is NOT "Modi's palace", nor is it his private plane... it is the seat of power, whoever happens to be head of state gets to travel in that plane and live in that building. Rich coming from a gadha pee bhakt like you, nobody even elected that guy, and he and his sons enjoyed all the billionaire stuff, sports cars, yachts, luxurious beyond belief beachfront mansions, parties with the western capitalist world's top celebrities, flowing alcohol (very expensive alcohol too)


bhai, meri maan..... get out of your slum someday and travel and explore the world, meet people, get some life experience under your belt... wtf kind of life you living anyway ? You're just sitting like a loser at your mom's place, on your ancient laptop, never been with a woman, probably friendless... never had any fun in life.. just growing more bitter and more delusional by the minute, fantasizing about some commie takeover in India which will feed you, clothe you, give you all the things you so desperately want.

It is never going to happen.

Your choice, bro. Stay in the pathetic place in life you now unfortunately find yourself in and keep ranting about everything on this forum, or, pull yourself up by the proverbial bootstraps and get to improving your situation. I mean, seriously, you'd get laughed out of JNU too.. I know the score there, you got no chance lol

Other thing is, you could dump communism and embrace the system you were born into, shaadi kar lo (if you get a match)

at least you'll get laid on a regular basis, you have at least a laptop, nevermind that its broken.. Hyderabad or Lucknow etc se koi maid type (bad socio economic situation) to haan kar hi degi.. kyun, Munawar Ali ? ;)
Mera Bharat mahaan !

But this is what Capitalism does to society - turns it apathetic, callous and cruel, looking to benefit from the misery of others, however momentary that benefit is, instead of helping them. But after all this fellow is a kirketer who himself Capitalistically earned lot of money off the idiocy of hundreds of millions of Indians who committed their time and passion to this idiotic activity of watching kirket instead of devoting all their time to revolutionizing India and making it a harmonious, serene, gentle and evolved society where there is no money so no zombie greed, instead of it mentally and behaviorally living in 1000 BC while the technical date is 2022 AD. He should now realize his mistake in being part of this Capitalist and barbaric activity called kirket and join the progressive movement that calls for the eradication of money, money that made the locals in that area to loot it from him instead of helping him in his injured state.

This callous, apathetic and greed-full looting of an injured Indian by fellow Indians reminds me of similar mass looting in 2013 of Hindu pilgrims and tourists by shopkeepers in the mountains of Uttarakhand after flooding :

Nand Kishore thanks God. Well, God didn't seem to instill morals in the locals who became so full of greed for that artificial construct called money that they looted it from people from outside who were their guests and should have been treated well especially, especially when the guests had survived flood and were hungry and injured, but were looted instead. Well, the locals didn't get any morality in tha Abode of Divinity preventing them from looting.

And it was a consolation that this wasn't the plains because the plains have dogs and these would have descended on those dead bodies in packs and made a terrifying feast. Or maybe there were dogs there hence the pilgrims protecting their family dead. This is a dog eating a COVID-dead human last year after he or she had been shallow-buried along a river in the same state Uttarakhand as the flood story above :

And these are two insane girls in Jammu feeding dogs because the girls felt the doggos needed extra love during COVID last year. Doggos ate human just above :

They surely must be Modi lovers.

Now here is Arveena Khatoon, forgotten in India's rush to become "World's largest economy" and @Baburfromsarmarkand's obsession with "India supapowa". She died of hunger and thirst on one of Modi's Shramik Special trains in 2020, trains on which migrant workers in the big cities were pushed into after being told by the government that it will not provide them free food three times a day for the duration of the Lockdown and thus they have to make their way back to their home towns and villages to somehow survive on their own. So Arveena was neither provided food and water on the train home by the government nor did she have the money to buy food ( in India even basic food needs money to obtain ). She died of hunger and thirst on the train and was laid out on the platform of Muzaffarpur Railway Station with her infant playing innocently around her, trying to wake her up. Modi's new PM palace continued to be built during this time and the 25 street doggos of Neha and Pranavi which were eating the COVID dead as their main course continued to be also feed with rotis by the two dearie girls as side dish. Arveena lay dead :

Mera Bharat mahaan ! Mera Capitalist Bharat mahaan !

This is my thread from 2016 whose OP is an article by the late philosopher, film maker, novelist and journalist Andre Vitchek on Capitalism.

@Mentee @fitpOsitive @SIPRA @Paitoo @-=virus=- @Skull and Bones @BananaRepublicUK @UKBengali @rambro @RescueRanger @VikingRaider @Indos @Rusty2 @Valar.
I have reached a conclusion that no system is bad or good. Its the implementation of the system which is either good or bad.
Same capitalism gives a lot of benefits to poor in rich societies. Same capitalism sucks life out many in todays India. Same Islam made Arabs great. Same Islam made people of subcontinent poor and miserable.
But I dont think it depends on any system at all. Because same democracy is different at different places. It actually depends on how people want to treat eachother. Islam no Islam. Capitalism no capitalism, Marxism no Marxism, doesnt really matter.
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Yet the average calorie intake of India is 20% higher than the Socialist heaven of DPRK.

How did you decide upon that number when you neither have access to the atrociously inequal dietary intake in India for each citizen nor have access to the food menu that DPRK citizens have daily - not even I know this ? You will be the first to complain that DPRK government doesn't allow Western bloc journalists to do "unbiased" reportage.

Secondly, I gave you two contrasting pictures of India, one of two Modi's gals feeding 25 dogs in their neighborhood and the second of Arveena lying dead of hunger and thirst on a railway station platform in Bihar. Why did you ignore explaining this ?

Thirdly, in October was released the Global Hunger Index 2022 in which India ranked 107th out of 121 countries, meaning that India has much hunger, though dogs and idols don't seem to have any deficiency in food being offered to them whether or not they should be abolished, whether or not they are living things. As expected Modi government called this index "an international conspiracy to defame India". :lol: Funny then that Modi jee meets leaders from other countries especially happily when they happen to be criminals :


Tu chutia hai.

Yes, our self-declared glorious accompanist of wimmenz insulting the chooth ( the female sexual organ ) constantly. Irony died a thousand deaths.

Just an unfortunate accident, he is reportedly out of life threatening danger, hope he recovers well and gets back to full fitness and back in team India colours soon. He's one for the future for sure, I see him being captain at some stage provided these injuries are not career threatening. One of the most exciting and talented cricketers of the modern era, and also a pretty humble and down to earth guy.

Having said that, tu chutia hai ek number ka. Frustrated aadmi and loser. Look at yourself scoring points off of someone's misery..

It is not I scoring points off someone's misery but me writing a long post to speak of the undeniable artificially-created misery in India, in Capitalism. OTOH you use the platform of kirket and your love for it coming through speaking hopefully about this chap's future, to avoid answering the realities in my post.
not surprising though, for all you want in life is to steal from others.

What am I stealing and from whom ?

wtf does this have to do with capitalism ? He's one of the top players in the world and got appropriately compensated, he got there by hard work.. money doesn't count for shite when it comes to making the national team and performing the world over, that is is his talent and hard work that has paid off. You have no idea how tough it is to get to where he did, no short cuts, no amount of money can get make you an international sports star.

BCCI ( Board of Control of Cricket in India ) is one of the richest sports body in the world, doesn't matter by how much billions of dollars but this money didn't drop from the skies into the bank accounts of its governors like Amit Shah's son. There is an entire ecosystem of Capitalism associated with this mindless, distracting and anti-democratic activity called kirket : the audience which pays the sports channels; the goods and services advertisers which pay the sports channels; the idiot players who willingly get themselves auctioned to the highest money bidding team like chattel; the bidding teams which hope to get the money back from other money-earning activities ( like Reliance Industries of Mukesh Ambani which owns Mumbai "Indians", as if the rest of teams are not Indians, LOL ) and see kirket as means of hiding their immoral earnings and also advertisement; the companies which maintain the kirket stadiums including the machinery; the companies which pay to have their goods and services advertised on the boundary boards; the paying spectators in the audience; the food and drink given to the audience in exchange of money; the companies which pay to take up every space on the players' clothes in the rush to advertise their goods and services ( like Byju's which itself is a Capitalist organization in the Capitalist Indian so-called education system ); the famous among the players being given money to advertise goods and services on TV and internet and paper medium; the players celebrated by the Capitalist government of India which is returned in kind by the players supported the fascist and Capitalist government :

An ecosystem of criminality.

Even your favourite capitalist, Mr Musk, now the richest man on earth, can not buy his way into an olympic medal..

Mr. Musk I have liked from long ago, as I have told you a few times, before he became a billionaire. It was his Mars-and-beyond ambition, ideas, efforts and realization that made me admire him from during the years i would listen to BBC World Service radio, before 2011. Was he a billionaire then ?

wtf does animal charity have to do with Modi ? I have rabidly anti Modi people in my family who are huge animal lovers and do so much.. as usual you have no idea what you're on about.

Fanatic dog lovers usually turn out to be "Namo Namo" types. Who will these bitches support ?

dunno the details of that case but she could have just asked around and someone would have helped.. I share food with strangers all the time, and have often been offered a bit generally if seated next to someone on a long journey on a bus/train, even while flying.. out of politeness if nothing else. Possible she was seated next to starving communists who were too greedy to offer her help.

Umm, in your hurry to condemn me, condemn Communism and hide the extremest Capitalist in India you didn't see me mentioning that the train that Arveena was in was Modi government's Shramik Special train whose passengers were entirely migrant laborers expelled from the cities by Modi government. Her co-passengers wouldn't have much food for themselves and there perhaps was an element of social shame in Arveena asking for food and water despite her extreme hunger and thirst - you constantly denigrate me by calling me Bhikhari ( beggar ) despite beggars not dropping from the skies but being victims of the Capitalist system you maintain. Arveena and her co-passengers were pushed into this train by Modi government. In another case, a reverse migrant train from Goa carrying Northeasterners started without any food and water being provided by the government nor did the passengers have much money to buy food and it was only empathetic NGOs which coordinated along the entire stretch of the journey to provide food packets and water bottles whenever the train stopped at official stops.

If India had been run by Communists Arveena wouldn't have died of hunger and no dog would have existed.

It is NOT "Modi's palace", nor is it his private plane... it is the seat of power, whoever happens to be head of state gets to travel in that plane and live in that building.

No Communist will be as obscene as Modi in getting joyously photographed at midnight on the construction site of the PM palace and the Central Vista project while the country was going through massive COVID suffering.

Rich coming from a gadha pee bhakt like you, nobody even elected that guy

1. Gadha Pee's country did not have hunger deaths or people looting from injured people or extorting from people who went through tragedy and didn't have dogs eating humans and human bitches cheering on. :)

2. I have said dozens of times that the Anglo system of political parties which divide up society into warring blocs and convince citizens to support them using prejudices, hatred, mindless nationalism, short-term thinking, money and muscle and then commit those people into supporting them in five-yearly elections through ballot votes and then rule for the next five years is not democracy but demagoguery. If 550 million voting age Indians have voted for Modi as PM then what about the remainder 500 million voting age Indians who didn't vote for him and will have to unwillingly obey his cruelty, fascism, criminality, apathy and lies ? How is it democracy when the latter 500 million don't have say in the society and don't support him ? This is majoritarian dictatorship and not democracy at all. So the Anglo system of political parties, elections and votes is not democracy but an illusion of democracy given to the citizens to not make them rebel. The system is anti-democracy. True democracy is participatory democracy where every citizen of the society directly has a say in the running of society whether at neighborhood level or city level or national level. The discussions at neighborhood level should be reached at national law distribution stage about any topic including the country's international outlook, alliances and outgoing supports. In this system instead of people making mindless lines at voting centers to vote for candidates from parties from which will become the boss depending on majority vote win and then the winning candidate becoming prime minister or president and lording over everyone including those who didn't elect him, in participatory democracy system people gather at a place in numbers which may be quite large and discuss democratically, each given chance to talk and engage, and the collective ideas and decisions sent up to the district level or the national level depending on the topics. Such a system existed in Gadha Pee's country and was called Jamahiriya. This is my thread where I discuss democracy, ancient Greece, Jamahiriya, Indian possible implementation of it and all. So after this long explanation of mine, never again should you question this.

and he and his sons enjoyed all the billionaire stuff, sports cars, yachts, luxurious beyond belief beachfront mansions, parties with the western capitalist world's top celebrities, flowing alcohol (very expensive alcohol too)

This is the Great Manmade River Project ( GMRR ), the world's largest irrigation project, taking fresh water from under the Libyan desert and delivering it to the villages and cities across Libya via many pumping stations and thousands of kilometers of four-meter-diameter pipelines buried under the sand. Gadha Pee declared that water was a human right whose delivery should be ensured by the governance system because otherwise what is the governance system for and whose delivery must not burden the citizens with tax because how can the system impose tax on something that Nature has invented for us. This is not "enjoyment of the billions" :












This is a good article describing the project. From it a few paragraphs :
However, the first phase was officially launched at the end of 1991, supplying more than a million cubic meters of fresh water every day from a pipeline that stretches more than 1000 km, from Sirte to Benghazi. The second phase supplies one million cubic meters of underground water each day to the coastal belt of the country, as well as supplying water to Tripoli. And finally, the third phase offers the organized development of the first phase set-up, and provides Tobruk and other cities close to the coastline with a new underground water supply.

The network of concrete pipes, which each have a diameter of 4 meters each, stretch more than 3500 kilometers. These pipes are hidden beneath the wilderness of the desert to stop vaporization of the water. There are more than 1000 wells, countless sections of concrete pipes, and 250 million cubic meters of excavation. Everything for the project was made in Libya; nothing was exported.


Image Source: Amusing Planet – A picture showing a big sign board indicating one of the many pipelines for supplying water accross Libya.

Furthermore, the final two stages of the man-made river required stretching the supply system collectively – which, once achieved, would irrigate more than 100,000 hectares of terrain. Or, as Gaddafi described, the venture would make the country as green as the flag of the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

The Great Man-Made River gained international recognition, which led to the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s acceptance of Libya’s offer to fund the Great Man-Made River International Water Prize, a merit that benefits phenomenal scientific studies on water consumption in waterless locations.

Also, because of its international recognition, many people from other nations were employed in Libya, especially in the Great Man-Made River Project, for many years. But following the start of NATO’s ‘humanitarian’ bombardment of Libya, the summers of 2011 became a cause for a large number of foreign employees to leave the country.


Image Source: Amusing Planet – A long line of heavy duty trucks transporting concrete pipes across the desert.

In July 2011, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization not only bombed the Great Man-Made River water system and pipelines near Brega, but additionally eradicated the plant that created the concrete pipes that were used as replacements during repairs. They justified their actions by claiming that the pipeline factory was used as a warehouse for the military.

Additionally, they also said that the same pipeline manufacture plant was used as a launch site for missiles and rockets. When NATO forces bombed that pipe building plant, more than five security officers were wiped out, along with the water supply system that supplied the general public with water for personal consumption and agricultural purposes – hitting Libya’s essential infrastructure.

The development of the final two stages of the river project were set to be finished within the next 20 years, but thanks to NATO’s ‘humanitarian’ war on Libya, the projects’ future is in great peril.

You know any such project in "democratic" India with its multiple political parties that contest for elections every five years and then become ruled by "elected" leaders ? :)

And you want to see the effect of a GMMR pipeline after bombing by NATO ?
This isn't flowing alcohol from this pipe but water. This is a war crime and a crime against humanity and against all the non-human animals that depended on these waters.

And how about this ?

And there is the entire aspect of Libyan Jamahiriya being a welfare-based society with many free amenities and the various kinds of resources put at the disposal of individual transnational revolutionaries, revolutionary groups and revolutionary countries. Here is Nelson Mandela talking on American TV in 1990 to a hostile host and a hostile questioner on the question of association with Muammar and Libyan Jamahiriya :

bhai, meri maan..... get out of your slum someday and travel and explore the world, meet people, get some life experience under your belt... wtf kind of life you living anyway ? You're just sitting like a loser at your mom's place, on your ancient laptop, never been with a woman, probably friendless... never had any fun in life.. just growing more bitter and more delusional by the minute, fantasizing about some commie takeover in India which will feed you, clothe you, give you all the things you so desperately want.

It is never going to happen.

Yes, Indian government will not feed me and clothe me but will enable winter clothing for dogs while humans suffer or die of cold :

Your choice, bro. Stay in the pathetic place in life you now unfortunately find yourself in and keep ranting about everything on this forum, or, pull yourself up by the proverbial bootstraps and get to improving your situation. I mean, seriously, you'd get laughed out of JNU too.. I know the score there, you got no chance lol

I didn't get laughed out of the offices of the progressives I have visited and had talks for long. :) I really want to meet these JNU Communists you have been meeting, or imagining.

Other thing is, you could dump communism and embrace the system you were born into


Those Libyans who listened to the poison words of NATO and abandoned the Communist-Socialist system there are now regretting their role in Muammar's assassination and the destruction of that easy society. But you can always go ask the ghost of Arveena if she would prefer the 3000-year-old extreme Capitalist system which killed her by snatching her food and giving it to dogs or would she prefer a Communist society where money has been abolished or at least the basic necessities are free of money exchange so that she wouldn't need to die of hunger because of not having money even for obtaining basic food and water.

at least you'll get laid on a regular basis, you have at least a laptop, nevermind that its broken.. Hyderabad or Lucknow etc se koi maid type (bad socio economic situation) to haan kar hi degi.. kyun, Munawar Ali ? ;)

Munawar wonders that you claim to be kind to your maid but as with your taunts about beggars you are just pretending to do "charity" for them while your heart beats for dogs.

Muammar says domestic servants are the slaves of the modern age and calls for any domestic worker to be paid just like a manager in TCS or a bureaucrat would be paid and respected :


Domestic servants, paid or unpaid, are a type of slave. Indeed, they are the slaves of the modern age.

Since the new socialist society is based on partnership and not on a wage system, natural socialist rules do not apply to domestic servants because they render services rather than production. Services have no tangible material product and cannot be divided into shares according to the natural socialist rule.

Domestic servants have no alternative but to work for wages, or even be unpaid in the worst of situations. As wage-earners are a type of slave and their slavery exists as long as they work for wages, domestic servants, whose position is lower than that of wage-earners in economic establishments and corporations, have an even greater need to be emancipated from the society of wage-labour and the society of slaves.

Domestic servants is a phenomenon that comes next to slavery.

The Third Universal Theory heralds emancipation from the fetters of injustice, despotism, exploitation, and economic and political hegemony, for the purpose of establishing a society of all the people where all are free and share equally in authority, wealth and arms. Freedom will then triumph definitively and universally.

THE GREEN BOOK thus defines the path of liberation to masses of wage-earners and domestic servants in order that human beings may achieve freedom. The struggle to liberate domestic servants from their status of slavery and to transform them into partners, where their material production can be divided into its necessary basic components, is an inevitable process. Households should be serviced by their habitants. Essential household services should not be performed by domestic servants, paid or unpaid, but by employees who can be promoted in rendering their services and can enjoy social and material benefits as any other public employee would.

I have reached a conclusion that no system is bad or good. Its the implementation of the system which is either good or bad.
Same capitalism gives a lot of benefits to poor in rich societies. Same capitalism sucks life out many in todays India. Same Islam made Arabs great. Same Islam made people of subcontinent poor and miserable.
But I dont think it depends on any system at all. Because same democracy is different at different places. It actually depends on how people want to treat eachother. Islam no Islam. Capitalism no capitalism, doesnt really matter.

1. While implementations do matter, bhai, there is also the matter of the basis itself being correct or atrocious. :) The basis of Islam is abolition of priesthood, idolatry, Capitalism, injustice and irrationality, and consequently the bringing of rights, simplificiations and justices. Subcontinentals managed to retain the Hindutvadi culture surrounding them even as they adopted Islam, hence you have Subcontinental Muslims calling the mosque as "Khuda ka ghar" as if it's a Hindu mandir where there is an idol that "has presence" of some god or goddess, and India becoming the largest burqa-wearing society in the world since 2004 or so, and Indian Muslim families taking interest-based loans to do their third hajj in five years and after returning from which each time they go back to their socio-economically, socially and politically oppressed life imposed on them by the Hindutvadis locally and the Crusaders outside. :lol:It is not Islam failing Subcontinental Muslims but most Subcontinentals not being thinkers. :)

2. If you think Capitalism has been implemented properly in "The largest economy in the world" and "The world's richest country" USA then Americans now are having to sell their blood to buy bread - even basic food is to be purchased there like in desi land unlike in DPRK where it is free. Only yesterday I made this post about other situations in USA.

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