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CPEC vis-a-vis Pakistan and India

CPEC is to aid development of not only Pakistan but the whole of Western China

China has a problem it us a nation of two halves with the Eastern side the hub of its manufacturing and population, it wants to shift both population and industry to its western half to develop that also,

It has a problem however, the western half is in competition with is eastern half, why would manufacturers go to western China with less developed states, less people and expertise, higher transport costs and facilities etc etc

Eastern half of China has a coastline. Western China has none. There is a reason most of the world population lives in proximity to coastal areas
I'm planning to apply for a job in Pakistan if Gwadar really eclipses Dubai. :rolleyes:

Trust me @Shaheer ul haq comparing Dubai port to Gwadar is like comparing apples to oranges ...watermelon to grapes and peaches to avocados etc etc.
The reason being Gwadar is more logistics, military, diplomatic, political and strategic in nature as a city and a seaport, while Dubai is more commercial, business, entertainment, international, diversification from oil, tourism and trade oriented etc as a city and sea port.
The added advantage that Dubai as a commercial center has low regulations on trade, finance and business to attract top companies and firms. :)

You are the one comparing it with different parameters.
I talked about port, there is a reason UAE funded BLA, Dubai's main source of income is port, that is what made it important. Besides I fail to see why cant Gawadar have the same benefits, those aren't hard to develop.
Pakistan has much more to offer to international companies than Dubai, Baluchistan is full of natural resources, guess what UAE has :)
Besides I fail to see why cant Gawadar have the same benefits, those aren't hard to develop.
I like your optimism. :tup:
Pakistan has much more to offer to international companies than Dubai,
Pakistan as country will need good amount of marketing to compete with an established port city like Dubai. Don't forget it's also a tourism hub.
You are the one comparing it with different parameters.
I talked about port, there is a reason UAE funded BLA, Dubai's main source of income is port, that is what made it important. Besides I fail to see why cant Gawadar have the same benefits, those aren't hard to develop.
Pakistan has much more to offer to international companies than Dubai, Baluchistan is full of natural resources, guess what UAE has :)

It is one thing to make Karachi a hub. it is another thing to make water parched place like Gwadar a hub

Dubai had 14.2 million visitors
India - 1.6 million
GCC - 3.3 million
Western Europe - 3.0 million

Not sure who you expect to show up in Gwadar ??
Can we have some data regarding its influence on Pakistani industry?

This is from last year http://www.dawn.com/news/1217735

This is the latest news


So much diarrhea bro, visit a doctor :)

What is this even supposed to mean ?

I am not really interested in explaining that, your media is much more busy doing that.

Before thinking about destroying Dubai or something, have a look at where you stand. Dubai is the ninth busiest container port, handling 14.7 million TEUs. The closest Pakistani competitor is Karachi, handling 1.6 million TEU at 86th position.

Its you who is willing to destroy Dubai.

What's more interesting is that Dubai has 106 berths. Do you think you can challenge it with the 3 berths you plan to construct?

You need to read more about Gawadar, this time from better sources.

I think us Indians are far more modest, as we don't brag about our upcoming large ports @Rajaraja Chola

Not really interested in "mine is bigger than yours" rants.[/QUOTE]

To be fair, Indians seems to have a better idea about what's going to happen. China is going to build a logistics corridor. And are going to milk you for everything including the power they generate. Classic colony- making.

THESE are the reasons I use this forum a lot, it gives me a good laugh, refreshes my mind completely.

All of these are basically pipe dreams. China's major production & consumption centers are located some 5,000 km away from the end node of CPEC. There is no logic in the assumption that China would route their trade over an unstable 2 lane mountain road.

OK :)

I don't get the argument that Middle east will use Gwadar as a trading hub. Good luck negotiating transit through Afghanistan.

You mean CAR. Yes it needs luck, but we have been very lucky lately and getting more and more lucky in Afghanistan.

What does solving of Pakistan's infrastructure woes has to do with it being in a prestigious position? The fact is that India is at a much better situation today as it commissions 34 GW of installed capacity every year & do it without any foreign funding.


When you are talking to Indians on a fan boy forum, you need to keep in mind that not all of them are very smart. Pakistan's infrastructure is not going to put Pakistan in a prestigious position. Gawadar as a trading route will.[/QUOTE]
It is one thing to make Karachi a hub. it is another thing to make water parched place like Gwadar a hub

Dubai had 14.2 million visitors
India - 1.6 million
GCC - 3.3 million
Western Europe - 3.0 million

Not sure who you expect to show up in Gwadar ??

You need to consider how Dubai looked like some 35 years ago.
Hint: it was just a desert :).

I like your optimism. :tup:

Pakistan as country will need good amount of marketing to compete with an established port city like Dubai. Don't forget it's also a tourism hub.

To that, I agree.
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