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CPEC vis-a-vis Pakistan and India

The common junta of Pakistan still has to understand the significance of CPEC and why our Military has given it so much importance. CPEC ensures that Indian threat is neutralised. CPEC is an integral part of China's strategic goals and China will not tolerate anything come in CPEC's way and so therefore will not allow India any shenanigans in or towards Pakistan. Pakistan just has to ensure that CPEC development progresses as per plans. Previously Pakistan had to spend enormously to counter Indian threat. Now with one master stroke, not only indian threat has been neutralised, but at the same time resulted in prospective economic growth and development for the country. India knows this and that's why it's hurting so badly.
If you feel so strongly that its so important for China and will go to war over it,have you ever thought why are you paying china for the project that too with assured returns with inetrest to.dont you see something is not adding up.
with the CPEC pakistan is just inviting the doom for its own industries. Its a chinese version of East India Co. starting at the port of Gwadar
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First, your constitution says that GB is not part of Pakistan. Then how come you are building CPEC through GB? You cry so much about UN resolutions. This is a clear violation of those resolutions.

There is nothing for China to tolerate or not tolerate. India did warned China that CPEC passing through GB is illegal. In spite China proceeded, so any consequences have to be borne by China too.

Sir, GB was officialy added as part of pakistan before the first Kashmir riots which started the whole conflict. the short lives self governing body of GB sent a letter stating that they would liek to join the new nation of pakistan. GB was independent and self governing for 25 days i think, maybe it was 11. and it was immediately accepted by Quaid-e-Aazam and this lead to pakistan eyeing on it' northern side.

with the CPEC pakistan is just inviting the doom for its own industries. Its a chinese version of East India Co. starting at the port of Gwadar

i find it funn how indians have so much concern for pakistan all of a sudden. every forum i go to indians are being so concerned as to how bad it is for pakistan and how much it will suffer. we appreciate your concern but i think we know better than you what is good for us. for example: CPEC = good, terrorism = bad, trade with India = good, war with India = bad. the last might be hard for us to understand, but i'm sure now that the cold war is over and importance is beign given to self preservation and imporvement of relations through trade, maybe both country's might learn a thing or 2.
The cold war is an anomaly between Russia and the West.

Russia has been friendly with Western powers. German advisors have helped Russia historically. It is White and Christian (Orthodox branch). They have nukes, Security Council membership and vast natural resources. Their population is in decline. Their economy is based on natural resources. Their technological prowess is slipping. It is a matter of time before they reconcile with Europe. They might not like America. They have no qualms about partnering Germany (even with WW 2) or France.

The point is that Russia can put a massive hole in all the geo-political machinations or projections behind CPEC. CPEC is still useful. But it becomes a massive transit project

It is this simple: India and China have a long border. With approval of Indian government China is free to construct a trade route

Yeah you are right but the Europeans can't move a foot unless Uncle SAM says so otherwise why France didn't delivered Mistral ships to Russia only coz Uncle SAM didn't wanted.

Again China have Good relations with us since its independence in 1947. So, they knew they can only execute a big project through Pakistan not from India. So, rest assured they will never going to ask India.

Another things which interest China was that PR has done some Cargo shipments on trial basis to Turkey via Iran. that is another route available to them in case of any emergency or if their business community cant get a place on a certain ship then they can route their cargo through PR to Europe. That's why they are paying special emphasis to PR.
It is amazing how much importance Pak gives to CPEC - a $45 billion - it is still half the size of the Mumbai-Delhi Industrial Corridor which is a $90 billion project and is already underway. And China is also not going to put all its eggs in one basket. It is laughable to think that Russia would bet on an infrastructure project in a country it loathes and in a country which is often in the top in list of most unreliable states. Power to you if you execute this CPEC.

“ In spite China proceeded, so any consequences have to be borne by China too.”:woot::woot::woot::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
Is India ready to start a war against China?
Of course not. Statecraft is not about declaring war. It is about economic muscle flexing - as the Chinese market saturates, the Chinese firms will themselves exert pressure on the Chinese state to be tilt toward India. We will win you with our market, not our guns. That's the plan - stop it if you can.

(Quote)Power to you if you execute this CPEC.(unquote)

Yes, and that's precisely why the Pakistani government and military have a sign hanging out at Wagah border facing Indian side which reads, "F*** Off, we are busy".

(Quote)Power to you if you execute this CPEC.(unquote)

Yes, and that's precisely why the Pakistani government and military have a sign hanging out at Wagah border facing Indian side which reads, "F*** Off, we are busy".

If your enemy is agitated and keeps changing its tune..from we dont care to belittiling it to saying that you are becoming a colony to all the bitchcraft imaginable...

Know, my brother, that you are doing something very right and strategic...know that you are on the winning side..

Let all the bitchcraft come...without distraction Sino-Pak Friends will finish CPEC and build upon it what comes after it.

You keep doing the right things.. your great country has suffered enough terrorism coming from AF sponsored by those who wish you harm.
India must demand Pakistan to vacate our territory peacefully.
If Pakistan denies then we must take what is ours. But this strategy hasn't and won't work for Pakistan. CPEC, it is a farce which will benefit Chinese more than Pakistanis.
India must demand Pakistan to vacate our territory peacefully.
If Pakistan denies then we must take what is ours. But this strategy hasn't and won't work for Pakistan. CPEC, it is a farce which will benefit Chinese more than Pakistanis.
Keep ranting. Not interested.

And just to make things spicier, we'll be seeing a Pak-China Defence Agreement signed in the coming few weeks.
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Keep ranting. Not interested.

And just to make things spicier, we'll be seeing a Pak-China Defence Agreement signed in the coming few weeks.

Who gives a damn and what can that do to India ?
China-Pak defense agreement is like a cat drawing lines on its body with hot iron to resemble a tiger .... pathetic...
Keep ranting. Not interested.

And just to make things spicier, we'll be seeing a Pak-China Defence Agreement signed in the coming few weeks.

Dear Pak Brother,

The nature of rats is vile and nasty. There are many ways of dealing with disease spreading vermins...

However, rats do serve their purpose in nature. They are one of the markers to know the health of the ecosystem.

When they become too many, necessary actions need to be taken..otherwise they spread disease. Well, enough of biology...back to topic.

Sino-Pak project will continue...somehow, the indians coming out of the closet and openly opposing this project is a blessing. Before they were sponsoring terrorism in Pak covertly...now they have become overt.

This means the covert operations have failed. Now they are desparate and will do desparate things..they will cause alot of suffering in Pak but in the long term..Pak will only reap strategic benefits...Remain strong and keep your public informed.

Sino-Pak Defence accord is extremely defensive in nature as its about countering the agression of indians and their new masters to both China and Pak.

The global empire can not contain China and india will never be able to contain Pak.

You all keep doing the great work and remain focused on finishing the strategic plans!

Bless you all!
It is amazing how much importance Pak gives to CPEC - a $45 billion - it is still half the size of the Mumbai-Delhi Industrial Corridor which is a $90 billion project and is already underway

Half you say ? We don't count power generation projects as a part of DMIC. :lol:
With CPEC, Chinese Strategic Goals are defined in a manner that it is in China's primary interest to ensure that Pakistan remains on a steady economic growth path free from any law & order and internal chaotic situation. Any disturbances within Pakistan will directly effect China's plans of having short, direct and economical access to arabian sea as well as having it's naval presence there.

Any misadventure by India, in the above situation, will not be tolerated by China. Even Russia, which is relying heavily on China in forming a strong eastern block to counter NATO and which has recently openly expressed its willingness to improve diplomatic and military relations with Pakistan, will not stand any such move by India towards Pakistan. India has no other option BUT to resolve its differences with Pakistan and reach an amicable solution to the Kashmir and Water issues. The alternative will be very detrimental to India as China will not tolerate anything which comes in the way of it's CPEC plans.

So, in the fast changing scenario, India has to play ball and either join the group that is forming Russia-China-India-Pakistan-Iran-Turkey, or be at the receiving end by the remaining members of the group. India has to make this choice. There's no akhand bharat happening in the above scenario, however, there can most certainly be a ghazwa-e-hind, if India doesn't behave like a good boy.

forget about misadventure for CPEC .. i would say if anything happen to Yasin malik .. you see movment taking with fidaye attacks including sucide..
India is taking Kashmiries lightly and region...
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