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CPEC open for all; must not be politicized, Pakistan tells India

Devil Soul

Jun 28, 2010
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CPEC open for all; must not be politicized, Pakistan tells India

BEIJING: Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif on Sunday said the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) under the One Belt, One Road (OBOR) initiative, was open to all countries in the region and categorically said the project “must not be politicized.”

“Let me make it very clear that CPEC is an economic undertaking open to all countries in the region. It has no geographical boundaries. It must not be politicized,” the Prime Minister said in his address at the plenary session of High-level Dialogue on Belt and Road Forum (BRF), themed “Cooperation for Common Prosperity,” being held in China’s capital.

India has boycotted the global event citing reservations on the CPEC route passing through Gilgit-Baltistan, India claimed to be a disputed territory. The Prime Minister’s statement is apparently a response to Indian concerns and opposition.

The Prime Minister called for building a peaceful, connected and caring neighbourhood by shunning mutual differences.

“It is time we transcend our differences, resolve conflicts through dialogue and diplomacy, and leave a legacy of peace for future generations,” he said at the BRF platform, with 29 heads of states and governments and 1,500 delegates in attendance.

The Prime Minister said peace and development go hand in hand, and nothing can pave the path for peace and security more than economic development achieved through regional collaboration.

“The OBOR signifies that geo-economics must take precedence over geo-politics, and that the centre of gravity should shift from conflict to cooperation,” he said.

The Prime Minister said OBOR could be regarded as a “powerful tool for overcoming terrorism and extremism.”

“As OBOR is unfolding across continents, it is fostering inclusion, creating tolerance, and promoting acceptance of cultural diversity,” he said,

The Prime Minister said CPEC was a core project of OBOR and had rightly been called its flagship for aiming to connect the neighbourhoods of East and West Asia.

He said CPEC made Pakistan both a conduit and destination for cross-regional investment and trade.

Terming ‘China as Pakistan’s close friend and trusted ally’, Nawaz Sharif said his participation at the Forum was to celebrate the remarkable success of the seminal initiative of ‘One Belt, One Road (OBOR)’.

He expressed confidence that the historic event would build critical pathways in the years to come for economic and financial cooperation, business-to-business collaboration, and people-to-people contacts.

He paid President Xi and the Chinese leadership his deepest tributes for their dynamic and creative leadership and said Pakistan admired China’s vision and ingenuity in developing corridors across regions.
Yeah yeah we love india too. Let the cpec operational we will show more love xD

India backs extremists in Pakistan, as Pakistan fights against extremism, its fighting India. But India is desperate now as its creating trouble for Pakistan in its western front. It's intention is to cause problem between Pakistan and Iran as well as its northern border in order to destroy CPEC.
As far as India is considered, OBOR is a closed chapter. China too is coming to the terms that India will be absent from OBOR. As far as I think China is investing in a very high risk venture who returns are very uncertain.
He paid President Xi and the Chinese leadership his deepest tributes for their dynamic and creative leadership and said Pakistan admired China’s vision and ingenuity in developing corridors across regions.

Double meaning joke. Anybody wants to hear?

I will tell anyway.

Here corridor has two meanings.
  1. The CPEC
  2. The Red corridor of Maoists in India

And yes Chinese have been indeed ingenious and creative in that and India again, like other walks of life like Technology or movies, are merely using the creation and skills of others to their own use by covertly introducing CPEC, a Chinese creation to Pakistan.
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i think bharatis should not take his words serious, it seems he was trying to be nice infront of international leaders. Historically Pakistan is blocking bharati transit for central asia and will continue, bharti should concentrate on Chabahar.
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Even IF India was part of it- OBOR wouldn't have helped India in any major way- increase Chinese imports and help improve the supply of Chinese goods around the world.
Lack of potential benefits combined with geopolitics defines India's stance. Not just geopolitical reasons as Nawaz wrongly spoke.
:lol::lol: A fruitless exercise that is not really going have any effect on our claims. Far as we are concerned, Pakistan Occupied Kashmir is an illegal occupation. Continue with your pre-celebrations and time will tell you a different story.

China's hegemony is clear and simple, its ramifications will backfire ten folds. Absolutely no regards for our sovereignty - time to declare Autonomous regions of Tibet as a free country!
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