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CPEC is dead. Somebody tell Beijing.

These motorways will transform Pakistan over the next decade. Pakistan as a country is laid along a north south axis with River Indus forming the backbone. Most of the population is also strung along this length. This north south axis forms Pakistan's ecnomic corridor with the terminus being Karachi port. The problem is most of the population is far away from the port and transport costs are high along the chocked N-5.


With completion of Peshawar 2 Karachi motorway the entire country will be linked with a high speed motorway. This means the entire north south corridor will be connected to the port and the word markets. This means you could set up industry along this 1,000 mile long motorway network, running from Afghan border, Peshawar 2 Islamabad 2 Lahore 2 Faisalabad 2 multan 2 Sukker to Karachi and be able to transport your goods within 12 hours max along a efficent transport corridor. Now it is for Pakistan entreprenuers across the entire lenght of the country to engage with global economy as the port will only be few hours away. I expect major benefits to accrue within the next decade as the trade corridor takes off. Most exciting will be new trade or industrial zones sited right next to the motorway. Surprisingly this is already happening. Below [Numbered 1 above] is just north of Faisalabad along the M-4 section of the motorway. already you can see a giant industrial estate emerging spread over 4 miles on south side of the motorway. This motorway corridor could be the next biggest change in terms of transport that hit the Indus valley since the British built the rail network linking the north to Karachi. Like I said it's upto the millions of Pakistani's who live along the corridor to make this a chain of economic activity that ties in with the global trading order. We could see 10 times the return over the next few decades.


Ideally we should expect a string of such trading estates to take root from Peshawar all the way 1,000 miles south to Karachi. So no, CPEC is not dead. It's just moving into phase 2 now.



Below is the emerging Rashakai [numbered 2 above] not too far from Peshawar. Ultimately it is for all the Pakistani's to leverage this north south corridor and build for the future.



@Nilgiri thoughts?
There is another section,about which no one talks,that's Peshawar-Kabul motorway.It would connect Afg directly with Karachi.
The chu author fails to mention that US and western AID also works in this way. all the aid is diverted to the donating countries consultants etc. the money ends up where it was. also, the money that US gave to Pakistan post 9/11 was the coalition support fund, in return for the services provided by Pakistan.

Secondly, and most importantly, the Chinese dont interfere in our internal matters and do not try to dictate our policy, like the US used to do. if any western ngo/govt provides aid, it comes with a long list of conditions and strings. i havent seen any indication of that being the case with Chinese money.
Sure they have. The military also gave up their nukes in order to better worship the americans. I know this is true as some irrelevant 3rd journalist with dubious credentials said so. Must also be true because he works for the dawn newspaper.

Let's not forget the 430 American drone strikes on Pakistan between 2004-2018 which the military allowed for $26 billion.
LOL The last time I checked it is alive and kicking.

Some irrelevant rat writing paid content doesn't make it dead.

Let me tell you what is dead. Indian Afghan project.
He tried to may a point that the deals offered by China are not that great .
Bad they been doing forign direct investments or b.o.o.t, then both countries would prosper . Thousand of new projects would be given to them now .
But they want to work with state owned loans and have difficult conditions like handling over the project in case of not paying back for 100 years . Or pay heavy interest or Chinese would employ Chinese labor and built the project with Chinese cement and steel.
The chu author fails to mention that US and western AID also works in this way. all the aid is diverted to the donating countries consultants etc. the money ends up where it was. also, the money that US gave to Pakistan post 9/11 was the coalition support fund, in return for the services provided by Pakistan.

Secondly, and most importantly, the Chinese dont interfere in our internal matters and do not try to dictate our policy, like the US used to do. if any western ngo/govt provides aid, it comes with a long list of conditions and strings. i havent seen any indication of that being the case with Chinese money.

The West does the robbery more covertly, while the Chinese are doing it a little too overtly. That's the complaint of this yellow journalist.
I call it paid content.
No one is investing anything in Pakistan but when we have somone poeple like them came out of mud to stink western poison.
Thats why this project is imp then people actually have to work rather than muniplating innocent people.
Even more disappointingly, we're barely involved in anything related to CPEC. A prime example of this is the agricultural sector. According to the LTP drawn up by the CDB and NRDC of China, Pakistan is expected to lease 6, 500 acres of agricultural lands to Chinese enterprises for 'demonstrative projects' like the implant of high quality seed varieties etc. They're also expected to build meat-processing plants, food and grain processing plants, one NPK fertiliser plant and lots of other bloated BS without any major contribution from local industries. Although the report outlines mutual cooperation and dealings on equal levels between Pakistani and Chinese enterprises, such claims should be taken with a pinch of salt since the entire proposition is overhauled by the fact that the plan rarely ever mentions any substantial influence from Pakistan.

China builds everything and gets all the jobs. What do we get? A fat bill.
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