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CPEC heading north to Hindu Kush


Mar 30, 2009
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CPEC heading north to Hindu Kush
By M K Bhadrakumar – December 26, 2017

From the Indian perspective, today’s announcement by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi that Beijing and Islamabad are open to extending the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to Afghanistan dramatically changes the power dynamic in the region. Wang was speaking at a press conference following the first meeting in Beijing today of the newly created China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Dialogue format at foreign minister level, which has been a Chinese initiative. (Xinhua)

Some early deductions are possible. First, for the first time in the region, China is deploying the Belt and Road Initiative to leverage regional security and stability in South Asia. Of course, the economic aspects are there in terms of connectivity, infrastructure development, expansion of trade and investment and so on, but if Kabul becomes a CPEC partner, something fundamentally changes in the 3-way Afghan-Indian-Pakistani equation. That this would be happening under China’s mentorship is important.

Second, India is getting surrounded by BRI projects – north, east, south and west. It lacks the energy and resources to project and sustain a counter-strategy. All we are left with is our vacuous negative propaganda to malign the BRI for which there are no takers abroad. By implication, Afghanistan is rejecting India’s notions of “territorial sovereignty”, et al. At the same time, China’s interest in Indian participation in the BRI is self-evident. Time is running out for India. New thinking is needed urgently.

Third, Wang’s statement in Beijing on Monday during a media briefing on the agenda for Chinese diplomacy in the coming year singled out North Korea and Afghanistan as two regional problems where China intends to push for peacemaking. Today’s disclosure fits in with that. The trilateral format may eventually provide the platform for a regional initiative. The joint press release issued after today’s meeting called on the Taliban “to join the peace process at an early date.”

Fourth, China is displeased that the US is seeking a military solution to the conflict in Afghanistan. The Trump administration is pursuing a dangerous strategy that can destabilize the entire region surrounding Afghanistan. But China will not confront the US, either. Instead, China is introducing a counter-narrative. The US will increasingly find itself in a false position by threatening Pakistan even as Afghanistan is edging toward the CPEC to “conduct win-win trilateral economic cooperation”.

Fifth, the geopolitical implications are profound. Wang today outlined that the CPEC will eventually extend northward to link with the China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor (CCWAEC), which connects China with the Arabian Peninsula. The CCWAEC starts from China’s Xinjiang and traverses Central Asia before reaching the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Peninsula. It crosses the five Central Asian countries and 17 countries and regions in West Asia (including Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey). It is a vast landmass, which is rich in resources but backward in infrastructure.

Finally, there is a high degree of foreign-policy coordination between Beijing and Moscow. We must anticipate that it is a matter of time before Russia evinces interest in the CPEC in one form or another. President Vladimir Putin disclosed on Monday that during a phone conversation with his Turkmenistan counterpart, the subject of the TAPI (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India) gas pipeline project came up. “He invites us to participate. Generally, certain projects are indeed implemented there, and quite successfully, including by Turkmenistan. But we must take a look, of course, at how feasible projects of this kind will be,” Putin has been quoted as saying.

Indeed, the bottom line is that the tense relations with Pakistan — and the downhill slide in the relations with China — through the past 3-year period virtually shut India out of the power dynamic in the region and reduces it to a lone bystander. The scenario looks pretty bleak.

Pervaiz Hodbhoy is a self centred, selfish ugly SOB... a traitor who blabbers what he thinks is sell-able and whatever is beneficial for his personal glory and benefit.
Abhadrakumar is our Pervez Hoodbhoy.

Nope. Bhadrakumar is a former IFS turned columnist. Hoodbhoy is a physicist turned educator and opinionator.

Hoodbhoy's articles are usually grounded into reality -- like case for Pakistan's broken textbooks, revised history being taught in schools and recent progress done by Punjab government in providing real textbooks.

Bhadrakumar's articles are more or less speculations with much less grounding in reality.

The only similarity between them is that they both are left leaning. Hence Bhadrakumar's issue with Modi.

I remember reading one of his piece in 2014. It was on the lines that Modi lacks a roadmap to engage with India's neighbors : Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Bangladesh. He prattled all those 'idealistic' lines that most of the retired bureaucrats in India do like Modi's plan of stopping meeting of Kashmiri separatists with Pakistan, Not raising Baluchistan issue as it is not an issue to which India is a party etc etc. However -- parmatically speaking all of his harping falls flat.

- Modi engaged Bangladesh and settled complex border enclaves and exclave situation making border protection much easier.

- Modi's policy on Kashmiri separatists is making them irrelevent. It is previous governments which were not only feeding these snakes but multiplying them. Modi put an end to it.
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CPEC heading north to Hindu Kush
By M K Bhadrakumar – December 26, 2017

From the Indian perspective, today’s announcement by Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi that Beijing and Islamabad are open to extending the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor to Afghanistan dramatically changes the power dynamic in the region. Wang was speaking at a press conference following the first meeting in Beijing today of the newly created China-Afghanistan-Pakistan Dialogue format at foreign minister level, which has been a Chinese initiative. (Xinhua)

Some early deductions are possible. First, for the first time in the region, China is deploying the Belt and Road Initiative to leverage regional security and stability in South Asia. Of course, the economic aspects are there in terms of connectivity, infrastructure development, expansion of trade and investment and so on, but if Kabul becomes a CPEC partner, something fundamentally changes in the 3-way Afghan-Indian-Pakistani equation. That this would be happening under China’s mentorship is important.

Second, India is getting surrounded by BRI projects – north, east, south and west. It lacks the energy and resources to project and sustain a counter-strategy. All we are left with is our vacuous negative propaganda to malign the BRI for which there are no takers abroad. By implication, Afghanistan is rejecting India’s notions of “territorial sovereignty”, et al. At the same time, China’s interest in Indian participation in the BRI is self-evident. Time is running out for India. New thinking is needed urgently.

Third, Wang’s statement in Beijing on Monday during a media briefing on the agenda for Chinese diplomacy in the coming year singled out North Korea and Afghanistan as two regional problems where China intends to push for peacemaking. Today’s disclosure fits in with that. The trilateral format may eventually provide the platform for a regional initiative. The joint press release issued after today’s meeting called on the Taliban “to join the peace process at an early date.”

Fourth, China is displeased that the US is seeking a military solution to the conflict in Afghanistan. The Trump administration is pursuing a dangerous strategy that can destabilize the entire region surrounding Afghanistan. But China will not confront the US, either. Instead, China is introducing a counter-narrative. The US will increasingly find itself in a false position by threatening Pakistan even as Afghanistan is edging toward the CPEC to “conduct win-win trilateral economic cooperation”.

Fifth, the geopolitical implications are profound. Wang today outlined that the CPEC will eventually extend northward to link with the China-Central Asia-West Asia Economic Corridor (CCWAEC), which connects China with the Arabian Peninsula. The CCWAEC starts from China’s Xinjiang and traverses Central Asia before reaching the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean Sea and the Arabian Peninsula. It crosses the five Central Asian countries and 17 countries and regions in West Asia (including Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey). It is a vast landmass, which is rich in resources but backward in infrastructure.

Finally, there is a high degree of foreign-policy coordination between Beijing and Moscow. We must anticipate that it is a matter of time before Russia evinces interest in the CPEC in one form or another. President Vladimir Putin disclosed on Monday that during a phone conversation with his Turkmenistan counterpart, the subject of the TAPI (Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India) gas pipeline project came up. “He invites us to participate. Generally, certain projects are indeed implemented there, and quite successfully, including by Turkmenistan. But we must take a look, of course, at how feasible projects of this kind will be,” Putin has been quoted as saying.

Indeed, the bottom line is that the tense relations with Pakistan — and the downhill slide in the relations with China — through the past 3-year period virtually shut India out of the power dynamic in the region and reduces it to a lone bystander. The scenario looks pretty bleak.

I liked the concluding part. "... the past 3-year period virtually shut India out of the power dynamic in the region and reduces it to a lone bystander." India, however, will not be a lone bystander. Rather India will be a desperate loser. Modi & Hindu terrorists gang planned (with covert American help - blackmailing Pakistan suited both rogue states) to diplomatically isolate Pakistan. Initially Indians unleashed a sizzling campaign of lies and propaganda projecting Pakistan as an isolated failed state. But Pakistan, with Chinese help, managed to inflict quite a few diplomatic slaps, including a couple of them staged right in India during different summit meetings, on terrorist Modi's face. Pakistan on the other hand kept actively interacting with her friends with bilateral and multilateral events and summits. Now Modi & terrorists gang find themselves isolated and turning India into a pariah state. Sabotaging SAARC summit (that is a dead organization in any case) served Pakistan as a blessing in disguise. We all know Indians are utterly sick minded pessimists but the international community is discovering just that slowly but steadily. Nations all over the world are sick and tired of monolithic Indian belligerence and negativity towards Pakistan and Indian refusal to implement UN resolutions on J&K dispute. Indians had so far been fending off those feelings by leveraging the sheer size of their economy but CPEC offers much more incentives (economic ones but more importantly strategic bonanza) to even far flung nations.
Sooner Indian realise the better that CPEC is betterment and connectivity for all the region
"By implication, Afghanistan is rejecting India’s notions of “territorial sovereignty”, et al"

Spot on.

"We must anticipate that it is a matter of time before Russia evinces interest in the CPEC in one form or another"

Russian FM has already told India, while in India, to get inline with OBOR.
Previaz Hodbhoy has achieved more then your could in a millions years.
Thats y lums refused to renew his teaching contract n pervez hoodboy was crying n moaning abt it, n he is the same person who on record said pakistans creation was wrong
Indeed, the bottom line is that the tense relations with Pakistan — and the downhill slide in the relations with China — through the past 3-year period virtually shut India out of the power dynamic in the region and reduces it to a lone bystander. The scenario looks pretty bleak.


Completely agree to the above paragraph.

- Modi engaged Bangladesh and settled complex border enclaves and exclave situation making border protection much easier.

- Modi's policy on Kashmiri separatists is making them irrelevent. It is previous governments which were not only feeding these snakes but multiplying them. Modi put an end to it.

You have complete right to your opinion but I completely disagree. India has failed with regards to all its neighbors. We know Bangladesh's recent tilt towards china. India's Kashmir policy has been a massive failure. India was embarrassed at multiple fronts including UNSC and BRICS summit . If we look at the facts Modi's foreign policy has completely fail. Not to mention about huge claims of international isolation of Pakistan and Her reservation on CPEC which were completely ignored .
We know Bangladesh's recent tilt towards china.
All the countries play India and China against each other. B'desh does and so does Sri Lanka. They are maximizing their interest.

India's Kashmir policy has been a massive failure.
India achieved the follow :-

1. Massive reduction in militant in the valley.
2. Defunding of separatist activities.
3. Marginalization of separatist leaders like leadership of Huriyat Conference.

I don't know which failure you are talking about?

India was embarrassed at multiple fronts including UNSC and BRICS summit . If we look at the facts Modi's foreign policy has completely fail.
Huh? 'embarrassed'? What the heck is that? What objective it achieves?

Not to mention about huge claims of international isolation of Pakistan and Her reservation on CPEC which were completely ignored .
CPEC is between China and Pakistan. Do you really think they will stop if India objects? Indian objective was as simple as to communicate that india does not agrees with this corridor. China does the same when we build roads in Arunanchal Pradesh. We also do not stop constructing roads.

Actually speaking of that, China has been harping and begging India for whole of 2017 to join BRI. It even approached India via Russia. Honestly, India has no use for BRI as it leads to nowhere plus it goes via a region that India claims her sovereign.
Previaz Hodbhoy has achieved more then your could in a millions years.

So too did Hitler, Stalin, Baghdadi, osama bin ladin, Ariel Sharron, charles manson... etc.

It isn't the scale of your achievement that matters... it's the type of achievement.

Turncoat, traitors, neo-liberal Hindutva appeasers are not great achievers no matter the scale of their (negative) impact.

Pakistan First!
Afghan government needs to do the right thing now. Give up silly dreams of territorial expansion and instead focus on economic integration with neighbours. Win win for all except a certain country which wants to use Afghanistan against Pakistan.
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