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CPEC gets wider support from politicians


Jul 12, 2014
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ISLAMABAD - In a unique gesture of solidarity and support, all the political parties of the country yesterday pledged its commitment to the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) and resolved that nobody on the earth can undo the project.

“We have directed to police to have foolproof security for Chinese engineers and other workers and are also going to recruit 2000 retired military personnel for this purpose,” Chief Minister Sindh Syed Murad Ali Shah said while addressing the CPEC Summit here.

The Chief Ministers of Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit-Baltistan and AJK Prime Minister attended the CPEC Summit and Expo.

All the leaders took a united stance on the CPEC during the session arranged by Finance Minister Ishaq Dar and said that the project was not just only the testimonial of the China-Pakistan mutual friendship, but a game changer for the entire region.

In the two-day summit, started Monday, over 150 leading Chinese businessmen and investors from around 27 companies are participating.

We need Turkish, Arab, Chinese, and Pakistani investors to go all out in terms of heavy investments in various sectors in Pakistan--especially construction, infrastructure, energy, medium-to-heavy industrialization, and higher education etc.

We need to build an ecosystem of growth and prosperity focus on industrialization, indigenous capacity building, and so on.

I have stated multiple times--the decade of 2020-2030 is absolutely critical for Pakistan. It can either make us or break us.

We need 8% to 9% growth on average during this decade..

Hopefully government can get its priorities right..
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