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Has anyone made an estimate as to how much CPEC will provide Pakistan each year? (in terms of taxes, exports, investments, etc)

@Jungibaaz @RescueRanger @Zaki @MastanKhan @Oscar @TaimiKhan

Also, I suggest we make an official CPEC FAQ thread where everyone can make questions & get answers. It'll be kind of a database/catalog for all questions. This way, internationals & people with limited knowledge can improve on their info about CPEC. :)

Also, from @WaLeEdK2's pic, it seems a lot of projects (Southern & a couple in Punjab too) are really close to the Indian border. Like literally on top of it or <100 km from the border.

Wouldn't it be bad if war broke out? 20%-45% of our power suppliers would be under Indian artillery ranges (don't know the actual % but fear it's higher). :what:
Will the KKH stay open all year round for CPEC trade traffic? Especially during the harsh winter months?
Thanks for all the replies. I had a specific reason for the question. We have some land near Fatehjang and wanted to see if there were specific official maps showing the location of Fatehjang interchange. I got a hold of one apparently from NHA, but as with anything official in Pakistan, this one probably has a short shelf life too. Hopefully it helps someone.

When, where and how will Nawaz Sharif flee before Pakistan's public realizes that he accepted bribe from China to facilitate a project that is against Pakistan's interests?
Aren't you son of a prominent minister or politician who has received kickbacks?
No... born and bred canuk ... family has been here since the early 1960s

When, where and how will Nawaz Sharif flee before Pakistan's public realizes that he accepted bribe from China to facilitate a project that is against Pakistan's interests?
Well it cant really be against pakistan's interest because every indian is writing in big bold text about CPEC
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