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Cows are sacred in India. Critics say a new national exam politicizes the animal

We should worry about all sorts of different priests and imams blessing new fighter aircraft and submarines etc either.


Do you not understand culture at all ? We're an ancient civilization, there's all sorts of rituals and customs and ancient mystical spiritual stuff. You don't have to believe any of it though.

Let me post this article by the Pakistani rationalist academic Pervez Hoodbhoy who is complaining about the idea of jinns becoming popular in Pakistan, at least in 2015 and in previous decades :
Last week, a workshop titled ‘Jinns and Black Magic’ was organised in Islamabad by the department of humanities at the COMSATS Institute of Technology (CIIT), one of Pakistan’s largest universities. The invited speaker, Raja Zia-ul-Haq, introduced as a ‘spiritual cardiologist’ is reputedly an expert on demonic possessions and evil spirits. He is popular: a press photograph shows no standing room left in the university’s main auditorium.

Interesting logic was used to prove the existence of jinns and black magic. The speaker first categorised all unseen creatures into three types: those that fly; those that change shape and appearance depending upon circumstance; and those that find abode in garbage or dark places. Why, he asked, would Hollywood invest in horror movies and paranormal phenomena if these didn’t actually exist?

But hang on! Doesn’t his argument force you to accept that Hollywood’s popular vampires, werewolves, and zombies are also real, not mere fiction? Surely this nonsensical claim could have been challenged by a single bold person in the audience. But, as at all such events, the organisers ensured that the preacher’s three-hour monologue would be uninterruptable.

What lies next is to be seen. Perhaps CIIT could go for creating a jinn-based telecommunications network. Another promising direction could be radar-evading jinn-powered cruise missiles. Jinn chemistry, a research subject activated in the Zia ul Haq era, could be another growth point. CIIT could also pursue a proposal from the 1970s, initiated by a senior director of the Pakistan Atomic Energy Commission, to replace fossil and nuclear fuels with jinn power.

Actually, last week’s event was unexceptional. In schools, colleges, and universities similar ‘motivational speakers’ claiming paranormal knowledge are today’s rage. The Institute for Business Management (Karachi), for example, organised a meeting on ‘The last moments of a man’. The poster showed the grayed hulk of a man slouching through a graveyard. Students (again a full auditorium, I’m told) were given graphic glimpses into life in the next world. The source of this information, probably secretly SMS’ed from inside the grave, was not revealed by the speaker.

One might have thought that Pakistan’s super-elite universities would be different. Lums, the country’s most expensive private university, has a school of science and engineering built with American dollars. It appeared to have a serious mission but several Lums professors now openly deride scientific reasoning.

Quite accidentally, earlier this year I happened to attend a public lecture given by a professor of humanities at Lums whose specialty is science-bashing. While admitting he knew no physics, he went through the usual stale post-modernist critiques of science and then claimed that the Nobel Prize for physics, awarded to American physicist Robert Millikan in 1923, was undeserved since it was based upon a selective choice of data.

The distortions were clear to me, but when the professor poured a ton of scorn on Einstein’s famous equation, E=mc squared, my eyes nearly popped out and my heart stopped beating. What else could make an atom bomb explode, or a nuclear reactor produce electricity? Jinns, surely! But he is not alone in making such claims. The head of the biology department, in an email to the entire Lums faculty, excitedly claimed that reciting or listening to certain holy verses “can control genes and metabolites” and suggested that specially equipped audio-visual rooms be made in hospitals to treat terminally ill patients.

Perhaps to underscore its determination to shift away from Western science, last month Lums ousted Pakistan’s most highly regarded and respected mathematical physicist from his tenured position. Fortunately, he loses nothing since Harvard, Princeton, or MIT (from where he received his PhD) will welcome him with open arms.

Paranormal and conspiratorial ways of thinking dovetail well with each other. Hence it should not surprise that the current vice chancellor of Punjab University, Pakistan’s largest public university, has written a book asserting that 9/11 was an inside job. Further, according to a newspaper interview, he says that the world’s entire economic system is controlled by Jews huddled together in the town of Monte Carlo.

Conspiracy buffs can expect even more delights now that the famous Zaid Hamid, having successfully dodged his sentence of 1,000 lashes, is back from his months of incarceration in Saudi Arabia. This fiery orator is expected to soon resume his popular campus speaking tours across Pakistan.

The all-pervasive anti-reason, anti-science attitude on our campuses might seem difficult to understand. No, it’s not hard, just think for a moment. To spit venom at science and pillory its epistemological basis is easier than falling off a broken chair. Rejecting science means you are spared the required toil, effort, and exacting mental discipline needed for learning hard stuff like math and physics. Besides, you might not even have the talent for it. It’s far easier to curse science than to woo it.

Consider the advantages: mental disorders like epilepsy can be understood and cured without bringing in neurosurgeons or clinical psychologists since, of course, it’s the jinns at work. A good resident pir or exorcist would do fine. You don’t have to learn the messy science of meteorology because jinns make winds. And seismology is useless since earthquakes happen because of our bad deeds.

As for toys and trinkets like computers and cellphones we can, like our Saudi brothers, always buy the best from Apple or Nokia. Some money-hungry Zing-Zang-Zong company will happily run the cellphone networks for Pakistan. The dirty business of technology and inventing things can be safely left to the Chinese, Americans, and Europeans. Their jinns know their job so well.

Pakistan’s universities should have been beacons of enlightenment, open inquiry, and bold new thinking. Instead they are sheep farms. A legion of intellectually lazy and ignorant professors wants a breed of students who will submit to authority, not question or challenge. Knowing that an invented bogeyman subdues five-year-olds effectively, they hope the spectre of unworldly creatures and fear of death will suitably frighten 20-25-year-olds. The newly launched jinn invasion of campuses means that Pakistan’s cultural and intellectual decline will accelerate.

The writer teaches physics in Lahore and Islamabad.

Published in Dawn, October 10th , 2015
So what Hoodbhoy was complaining about events in Pakistan I am complaining about the OP events in India.

Jinns are also historical belief, a reasoning you gave for cow-related beliefs. Zia ul Haq granted official sanction and possibly funding to jinn research then and the Modi government has now granted sanction and funding here to VIBHA and this cow exam. Is this all correct ?

I do agree in bits with your general sentiment, not too sure about the AYUSH surgeons for example.


Most animals stand and get alerted when someone unknown comes closer. They might be clever but I doubt they taste as good as aged Scottish beef.

It will be for the betterment of human society, including a culturally mixed one like India, if meat is obtained from laboratory-cultured source instead of direct animal slaughter. Commercial sale has already started in Singapore in form of the Eat Just chicken brand. This has to evolve into all meat types.

I as a rational, Muslim, Communist say this.

Not only for this world but also for near-future Mars settlements.
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lol typo tha, boss. Sarv Dharm Puja... such a nice thing, that.

can't go back and fix it now either, damn :hitwall:

So what Hoodbhoy was complaining about events in Pakistan I am complaining about the OP events in India.
I don't know about Pakistan but a small little cultural sideshow in ISRO is not something I have a problem with. As an organization they are not as risk of "falling to far right Hindutva". These are highly qualified scientists, after all. What next, want to complain about Tam-Bram supremacy with their ranks ? :P

Pretty harmless overall, both this cow and the VIBHA thing.
can't go back and fix it now either, damn :hitwall:

A post can be editable for two days I think.

lol typo tha, boss. Sarv Dharm Puja... such a nice thing, that.

It all may seem benign and give a warm glow but what if a prayer-enabled plane crashes ? Would not have Divinity failed its praying public ?

I believe we should keep it simple.

I don't know about Pakistan but a small little cultural sideshow in ISRO is not something I have a problem with. As an organization they are not as risk of "falling to far right Hindutva". These are highly qualified scientists, after all. What next, want to complain about Tam-Bram supremacy with their ranks ? :P

Well, one good thing ISRO has done is opened up spacecraft research and development to private groups. Hence the setting up of organizations like Bellatrix Aerospace, Agnikul Cosmos and Skyroot Aerospace who are designing carrier rockets, their engines and engines for satellites. I hope that in a decade or so these organizations will, like SpaceX is enabling, be able to transport humans to Mars.

I think both Hindus and Muslims have historically benefited from Greek, Egyptian and West Asian knowledge of astronomy. Brihaspati is the Hindu name for the planet Jupiter. Muslim sources have Ishtar as the name for the planet Venus ( and Mirikh or Mirrekh for Mars ).

But it is natural for me to expect that ISRO's scientists should automatically be in awe of space where Nature manifests itself thoroughly and undeniably irrespective of the religious sentiments of the people they are surrounded by or of the people who travel into space.

Pretty harmless overall, both this cow and the VIBHA thing.

Think of the Chief Minister of Tripura, Biplab Deb, of the BJP who declared that ancient India, during the time of the Mahabharata war, had satellite-aided internet which is how Sanjaya could know and narrate the events of the war to the king Dhritarashtra, both sitting distantly from the war.

If given a chance will not Biplab Deb not impose his uneducated views upon India ? Is he that harmless ? Was Zia ul Haq harmless when he enabled those who believed that jinns can be harnessed as sources of electricity instead of fossil fuel and nuclear power stations ?
1.3 billion indians deserve to be ruled by chimps.
bolo bharat mata ki چ.
I am sure that you are not naive enough to interprete bead means cow meat only.


My cutie wutie little Surya!

😜 😜😜

I love to pinch your cheek lovingly

Why is cow not mentioned in the national anthem of India?

Everything can not be mentioned in national as anthem. Does Pakistan national anthem has the name of Allah, Islam, Mohammad? I don't know. Just asking.
Why Lion is symbol of India?
Why Tiger is national Animal?

Lion symbol is taken from ancient sculpture of Ashok stambh. Tiger may be national animal because of its uniqueness of Indian tiger like markhoor of Pakistan.
Does Pakistan national anthem has the name of Allah, Islam, Mohammad?
It explicitly mentions Dhul al Jalal. Islamic faith is referenced. These two are only possible with the blessed Arabic name.
Lion symbol is taken from ancient sculpture of Ashok stambh.
Lion is quite popular among colonial countries.
How is it "anti human and regressive"
The worship of animals is deeply anti-human. It is the glorification of something lesser and inferior to humans in ever way. I don't want to turn this into a theological discussion, but Hs should focus on the other aspects of their "religion" instead of this fanatical obsession with revering inanimate objects and animals.

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