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COVID-19 will alter the geopolitics in the region

Where exactly are you seeing all these thousands on ventilators?

"In the past 24 hours, COVID-19 claimed an additional 188 lives in New York, bringing the total deaths to 1,562 as of 5PM ET on Thursday. The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus infection is nearing 50,000, as 4,000 more patients were added to the tally. According to city hall data, approximately 21% of these cases, or around 10,590 patients, need hospital care."

"According to health experts, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in New York City, as updated regularly by city hall, does not represent the actual number. They say the actual number of cases may be higher as the data provided by authorities are those of laboratory-tested and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection."


In just one 24-hour period this week, at least 13 patients were reported to have died at the hospital, where the medical examiner’s office has stationed a refrigerated trailer to act as a makeshift morgue. Officials have described the hospital as “overwhelmed”, “overrun” and calling out for one thing: “Help.”

""People are dying from the coronavirus, hospitals are out of beds, and the medical staff are overwhelmed," Franklin Graham, the president of Samaritan's Purse, is quoted as saying on the group's website. "We are deploying our Emergency Field Hospital to New York to help carry this burden. This is what Samaritan's Purse does — we respond in the middle of crises to help people in Jesus' Name. Please pray for our teams and for everyone around the world affected by the virus."

About Ventilators:
New York state has 2,200 ventilators in its stockpile, enough for about six days at the "current burn rate" during the coronavirus pandemic,
Governor Andrew Cuomo said Thursday. The state is still looking to acquire more ventilators.
"The burn rate of ventilators is troubling, and six days of ventilators in the stockpile is troubling," he said, but added, "we have all these extra measures that I believe if push comes to shove will put us in fairly good shape."

He said the measures include transporting ventilators from hospitals that don't need them at the moment to others that do, using anesthesia machines as ventilators, splitting one ventilator between two patients and converting BiPAP machines into ventilators.

Ventilators are only seen to be needed in worse cases, but even those numbers are running low for hospitals.
I dont need to find a source for this but China actually quarantined millions of people in Wuhan province for more than a month and contained the virus. They have reported thousands of deaths. (please don't ask me to show you where was the quarantine!)

My doctor friends in UK are not seeing any mass CoV patients on ventilators. And doctor friends in Pakistan are also not reporting any mass CoV patients on ventilators.

Italy says 99% deaths were of those already in critical stages of other diseases.
Not every country and region is impacted the same. There are many factors that we still dont understand. I dont really trust Pakistan's numbers but even if we are doing well it may be because of a younger demographic and environmental factors
It is correct and it has been reported by CDC and WHO that elderly and people with underlying conditions are more at risk - but that doesnt mean their lives are expendable? Would you say the same bout your parents or grandparents?
I am not following UK as closely but they are building field hospitals:
Ask them why your tax money is being wasted - let all the old people die?
Give seasonal flu infection to someone already critical and under treatment.

Considering so many infected, untested and already recovered, actual death rate may not be much different than seasonal flu that kills a few hundred thousand globally every year!

We need to look at actual deaths and exclude all those already in critical conditions prior.
You dont know what you are talking about at all. People should take word of medical professions and experts rather than your half baked theories with no evidence, data or research.
Even if it is just another flu: that means we have two flus (sources of illness and deaths) now - and we dont have a vaccine for it. Mind you we have been dealing with flu for a long time and have been able to produce vaccines to control illness.
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Do I even need to make any liner at all? What you're saying is the equivalent of saying the earth is flat. When there exist hundreds of thousands of virologists, and medical organizations around the world, doctors around the world, virologists around the world, are working on this and testifying to the urgency, then where does a retard like you stand?

And now You are talking from your behind. You claimed to know 'Virology'. I asked you to throw some questions at me on this subject but you did NOT. So, you don't know jack shi.t. So how about you shed some light on how many types of Coronaviruses impact humans directly, and how come Covid-19 is different, and IF it had a different RNA structure? You give general chicken-out statements on how doctors and virologists around the World are working on this without providing Reference to a single piece of work or authority. I can provide you with reference from leading virologists and doctors who have clearly said this is BS.

So what biryani has to do with being intelligent or knowledgeable? Has your mother ever cooked biryani for you? I mean is that a prerequisite of the book: avoid biryani?

I never said I am expert in virology - I am an engineer by profession. I just asked for evidence about your fascinating claims, which is everyone’s right. You were the one claiming to be the expert and calling covid 19 a scam like 9/11. One simple question for evidence and research and you have typed more nonsense with no substance and coherence. The book you quoted I bet your jahil a** has not even read it. Even if you have read it how does it prove covid 19 to be a scam? Is that what the book is about then please cite the relevant evidences ( if you had any formal education of any type in your life you would understand the importance of citing proofs and references to prove any thesis.)

Explain us how this is a scam or do you even know who is running this scam? Is CDC and WHO not aware of this scam? Let me take a guess “ooyee eday pechay Umreekii hain,,, ai yahodian di sazish hai” or “ ai wairus cheenian na banaya hai umreeka no tabah karan lai”

Either share your secret research or STFU and stop misguiding people.

Hospitals are being overrun by a large number of patients with pneumonia symptoms. Usually pneumonia is not this life threatening and treatable by antibiotics and hospitals need less than 10 ventilators at a time. This time we are seeing thousands of patients with severe pneumonia symptoms after getting tested for covid 19 and there is a shortage of ventilators by thousands. I guess it is possible that some deaths may be tagged wrongly but the reported cases are always after a positive covid 19 test. Actually the contrary is true as USA was way behind in testing i.e many cases have been unreported as they never got tested. I have quite a few friends in medical profession and none of them have ever thought that this a hoax. They would laugh at some of the non sense being spread by members here ( actually they will be very pissed and angry).

I am waiting for that idiot above to explain to all of us how that book proves that covid 19 is a scam just like 9/11. I wont care if he comes back with more abuses and nonsense - put the proof here now and no more BS.

Too much biryani makes you angry. Must be the spices going to your head! :lol: So what type of 'Engineer' are you - Civil, mechanical, electrical, biomedical, etc.?
As I said, it is not my job to educate mass illiterates who do not know the fundamentals. But I have given you references to good books, go and read them. Here are a few more hints for you.

-Various types of Coronaviruses that exist in nature.
-Types of Coronaviruses that impact humans directly.
-What type of viruses 'live' in Humans?
This is almost like the Third World War by other means....

After the 1st and 2nd ones the USA came out on the top....

As for Europe, the same old story....

As for Britain, always the wild card always.....

However, man proposes but, GOD DISPOSES....

Invariably, there will be 02-27 style “surprises”.....

So all those people infected and dying in thousands are not real? What scientific evidence do you have to state that it is a scam? And you on PDF know this !!
How many “White” folks died during WW1&2???

Usually, the Imperialists first start the war against their own folks before going for an external attack....
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This is almost like the Third World War by other means....

After the 1st and 2nd ones the USA came out on the top....

As for Europe, the same old story....

As for Britain, always the wild card always.....

However, man proposes but, GOD DISPOSES....

Invariably, there will be 02-27 style “surprises”.....

How many “White” folks died during WW1&2???

Usually, the Imperialists first start the war against their own folks before going for an external attack....

Unfortunately, people just do not realize that this is history repeating itself. Before the 2nd World War, here is what happened - Currency Wars, Trade Wars, Great Depression 1929 - 1930, and then WW-2. Here what has happened in the last 10-years - Currency Wars, Trade Wars, start of Great Depression 2020. And there is no doubt in mind that WW-3 is being planned.
"In the past 24 hours, COVID-19 claimed an additional 188 lives in New York, bringing the total deaths to 1,562 as of 5PM ET on Thursday. The number of confirmed cases of coronavirus infection is nearing 50,000, as 4,000 more patients were added to the tally. According to city hall data, approximately 21% of these cases, or around 10,590 patients, need hospital care."

"According to health experts, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in New York City, as updated regularly by city hall, does not represent the actual number. They say the actual number of cases may be higher as the data provided by authorities are those of laboratory-tested and confirmed cases of coronavirus infection."


In just one 24-hour period this week, at least 13 patients were reported to have died at the hospital, where the medical examiner’s office has stationed a refrigerated trailer to act as a makeshift morgue. Officials have described the hospital as “overwhelmed”, “overrun” and calling out for one thing: “Help.”

""People are dying from the coronavirus, hospitals are out of beds, and the medical staff are overwhelmed," Franklin Graham, the president of Samaritan's Purse, is quoted as saying on the group's website. "We are deploying our Emergency Field Hospital to New York to help carry this burden. This is what Samaritan's Purse does — we respond in the middle of crises to help people in Jesus' Name. Please pray for our teams and for everyone around the world affected by the virus."

About Ventilators:
New York state has 2,200 ventilators in its stockpile, enough for about six days at the "current burn rate" during the coronavirus pandemic,
Governor Andrew Cuomo said Thursday. The state is still looking to acquire more ventilators.
"The burn rate of ventilators is troubling, and six days of ventilators in the stockpile is troubling," he said, but added, "we have all these extra measures that I believe if push comes to shove will put us in fairly good shape."

He said the measures include transporting ventilators from hospitals that don't need them at the moment to others that do, using anesthesia machines as ventilators, splitting one ventilator between two patients and converting BiPAP machines into ventilators.

Ventilators are only seen to be needed in worse cases, but even those numbers are running low for hospitals.
I dont need to find a source for this but China actually quarantined millions of people in Wuhan province for more than a month and contained the virus. They have reported thousands of deaths. (please don't ask me to show you where was the quarantine!)

Not every country and region is impacted the same. There are many factors that we still dont understand. I dont really trust Pakistan's numbers but even if we are doing well it may be because of a younger demographic and environmental factors
It is correct and it has been reported by CDC and WHO that elderly and people with underlying conditions are more at risk - but that doesnt mean their lives are expendable? Would you say the same bout your parents or grandparents?
I am not following UK as closely but they are building field hospitals:
Ask them why your tax money is being wasted - let all the old people die?

You dont know what you are talking about at all. People should take word of medical professions and experts rather than your half baked theories with no evidence, data or research.
Even if it is just another flu: that means we have two flus (sources of illness and deaths) now - and we dont have a vaccine for it. Mind you we have been dealing with flu for a long time and have been able to produce vaccines to control illness.

So basically you are seeing thousands on ventilators and dying on print media only.

As I said, it's easy for you to see the situation in Pakistan hospitals for yourself by going there. So far the situations in Pakistan or in UK hospitals (my local and those where doctor friends work) show no signs of a genuine pandemic!

But if you choose to believe the print media and not do any digging around yourself by seeing for yourself what's happening in hospitals then that's your choice.

And I never said it is another flu! My suspicion is that the death rate may be close to the death rate of seasonal flu. Number of flu infections btw is always an estimated number, never a genuine tested/confirmed number - an extrapolated number by computer models and then deaths are applied to calculate a 0.1% death rate (in USA for example).

But in COVID19, death rate is being calculated on confirmed/tested cases only. Look at Estimated numbers.

Let's see how it all unfolds. Main thing is the lockdowns are destroying economies, wiping out savings of people and property crashes are coming. Pakistan will come out of it better than all others as we have a huge undocumented cash holding economy. So don't worry too much.
And now You are talking from your behind. You claimed to know 'Virology'. I asked you to throw some questions at me on this subject but you did NOT. So, you don't know jack shi.t. So how about you shed some light on how many types of Coronaviruses impact humans directly, and how come Covid-19 is different, and IF it had a different RNA structure? You give general chicken-out statements on how doctors and virologists around the World are working on this without providing Reference to a single piece of work or authority. I can provide you with reference from leading virologists and doctors who have clearly said this is BS.

Too much biryani makes you angry. Must be the spices going to your head! :lol: So what type of 'Engineer' are you - Civil, mechanical, electrical, biomedical, etc.?
As I said, it is not my job to educate mass illiterates who do not know the fundamentals. But I have given you references to good books, go and read them. Here are a few more hints for you.

-Various types of Coronaviruses that exist in nature.
-Types of Coronaviruses that impact humans directly.
-What type of viruses 'live' in Humans?

1. Coronavirus is a big family. I don't under what family sub group category the name is for in the evolutionary tree, but it's a big family.

You just learned the word RNA structure, and that there are various types, and now are going on a rant about how this is all a big hoax.

You want questions? Here's a simple one.

Where's your proof that it's in layman's terms?
Are doctors and virologists around the world retarded? Do you need a reference to know that the world is under lockdown?

You're just a retarded conspiracy theorist craving for attention, nothing more. Enjoy, won't entertain any more of your stupidity.
So basically you are seeing thousands on ventilators and dying on print media only.
I don't know if I should laugh or cry at this :hitwall:

As I said, it's easy for you to see the situation in Pakistan hospitals for yourself by going there. So far the situations in Pakistan or in UK hospitals (my local and those where doctor friends work) show no signs of a genuine pandemic!

But if you choose to believe the print media and not do any digging around yourself by seeing for yourself what's happening in hospitals then that's your choice.
So every one must visit hospitals and attend the thousands of funerals before believing anything. If thats your thinking then there was no quarantine in Wuhan as well and thousands of Chinese did not die as well I guess as you didn’t visit wuhan your self. The pandemic has been declared by most world governments and WHO.

I already said situation in Pakistan seems controlled but it may be due to other reasons we still do not understand.

Too much biryani makes you angry. Must be the spices going to your head! :lol: So what type of 'Engineer' are you - Civil, mechanical, electrical, biomedical, etc.?
So first it was biryani equals illiteracy and now it is equal to anger? My anger was at the stupidity people are showing.
Anyway my engineering background is systems and software engineering.

As I said, it is not my job to educate mass illiterates who do not know the fundamentals. But I have given you references to good books, go and read them. Here are a few more hints for you.

-Various types of Coronaviruses that exist in nature.
-Types of Coronaviruses that impact humans directly.
-What type of viruses 'live' in Humans?
Don't change the issue here
All I am asking is to provide proof for this statement below:
You guys still haven't got the grasp of what this "Corona Game" is. Hint: it is no different to 9/11 scam. It is absolute tragedy that Pakistan people are being ruled by this Junta which has already sold the country to the foreign ruling elites.
Please enlighten the mass illiterates here as well.
Why is it a scam? Who is running this scam? What proof you have that this is actually a scam (i.e these deaths and illnesses are not real?) WHO is also in this scam and what do they gain from it? China, EU and USA are in this scam as well and what do they gain from it?
And we have a genius in virology on this esteemed forum who has cracked this case - if it is a global conspiracy then I do fear for your safety, as you have figured out their scam.
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So every one must visit hospitals and attend the thousands of funerals before believing anything. If thats your thinking then there was no quarantine in Wuhan as well and thousands of Chinese did not die as well I guess as you didn’t visit wuhan your self. The pandemic has been declared by most world governments and WHO.

10.3+ million people died in China, that's 2019 figure. 3k by CoV19 in 4 months is peanuts!

Pandemic declaration is by design for another goal that we will see materialize in coming years. Economic meltdown followed by death of Democracy.

Btw, computer model for UK is projecting 1.9m infected already and so far 4k death assigned to COVID-19. That's 0.2%!!

You need to look at figures rationally and not the reaction itself.

USA Seasonal Flu figures so far:
10,000 deaths by Seasonal Flu.
At least 19 million people have come down with the flu in the U.S. with 180,000 ending up in the hospital, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If you take hospitalised to death rate of the seasonal flu in USA, that's a 'staggering' 5.6%. But hey, that's not a pandemic ...

As I said, in Pakistan at least you will be able to see first hand the deaths and chaos at hospitals if it is a real epidemic.
10.3+ million people died in China, that's 2019 figure. 3k by CoV19 in 4 months is peanuts!

Pandemic declaration is by design for another goal that we will see materialize in coming years. Economic meltdown followed by death of Democracy.

Btw, computer model for UK is projecting 1.9m infected already and so far 4k death assigned to COVID-19. That's 0.2%!!

You need to look at figures rationally and not the reaction itself.

USA Seasonal Flu figures so far:
10,000 deaths by Seasonal Flu.
At least 19 million people have come down with the flu in the U.S. with 180,000 ending up in the hospital, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

If you take hospitalised to death rate of the seasonal flu in USA, that's a 'staggering' 5.6%. But hey, that's not a pandemic ...

As I said, in Pakistan at least you will be able to see first hand the deaths and chaos at hospitals if it is a real epidemic.
Really strange - you dont accept figures from Govt and WHO for covid 19, but then use the same sources and reports from print media to build your argument using flu numbers? Using your own twisted logic and argument How do you know flu killed less people; have you seen all the deaths by flu yourself?

China had less deaths in the end because they were not an idiot like you to let the virus spread and kill thousands more - they aggressively quarantined and shut down their entire economy.
I am not sure why Pakistan is the main test case for you: the situation in EU, USA and China where thousands have died and seriously hospitalized? I have already posted sources for them in posts above. I mean this is madness.

PS. I am waiting for the so called PHD in Virology @ARMalik to explain us how covid 19 is scam like 9/11
(while at it please explain how 9/11 was a scam as well; are you going to now just throw a civil engineering text book at me for 9/11, and then run away as a self proclaimed expert in civil and construction engineering?)
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Really strange - you dont accept figures from Govt and WHO for covid 19, but then use the same sources and reports from print media to build your argument using flu numbers? Using your own twisted logic and argument How do you know flu killed less people; have you seen all the deaths by flu yourself?

I am saying that the Death Rate calculation methodology has changed for COVID-19. For Seasonal Flu, death rate is calculated against Estimated Infected, whereas for COVID19 it is against Confirmed infected. Estimated and Confirmed are vastly different figures in any disease.

Also you are in USA so check CDC directives on how to classify deaths and according to my doctor friend in Pakistan, they have received the same directive from WHO too. Basically anyone even 'assumed' to have the disease, the cause of death is to be classified as COVID19 deaths.

China had less deaths in the end because they were not an idiot like you to let the virus spread and kill thousands more - they aggressively quarantined and shut down their entire economy.
I am not sure why Pakistan is the main test case for you: the situation in EU, USA and China where thousands have died and seriously hospitalized? I have already posted sources for them in posts above. I mean this is madness.

Compare figures from last year in same months. There is no peak in these months when compared YoY!!

But you won't as your mind is made up and believe the mainstream media on everything COVID19.
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