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COVID-19 not a bad data for Pakistan

What about Africa? Ebola, hiv ring a bell? They also have a tough immune system. They are also poor.
ebola and HIV are altogethor different group of viruses as compare to corona or other flu viruses. they are not that common in human society as the flu viruses. the flu is the commonest symptom for which patients come to OPDs for getting treatment. the more common a disease is more is the immunity in that population against that disease. it is like cross immunity. if a person has immunity against a virus of a particular group that immunity may help him fighting a different virus of the same group.
they have to keep bigger numbers in mind for the level of preparedness.
They couldnt state there are people showing symptoms yet waiting to get picked for tests, however i agree the numbers reported are not accurate but more and only testing can validate a better estimate.
Will the moment coming tomorrow likely when india takes over Pakistan on number of cases bring all those gangu nangu back here and see what happens when you talk sh!t and pray your neighbor dies of corona, ridicule their govt, people for spreading corona in the region?
they barked here a lot on us leaving behind Pakistani students in China yet they did the same in Iran?
I pray early recovery for india.. this third class neighbor will not learn yet we shouldn't lose our resolve.
76 recoveries masha Allah. the official site of gov of pakistan about corona seems more authentic but it updates slowly as compare to other sites.

You are right .. As per the official website, 58 patients have recovered so far

As per Sindh government, 51 patients have recovered in Sindh alone
As per Balochistan govt., 19 patients have recovered in Balochistan (70 from just these two provinces)

At least 6 people have recovered in GB and Islamabad
https://tribune.com.pk/story/2182831/1-live-pakistans-covid-19-tally-nears-900/ ..

So, we have 76 recoveries in total so far, without including recoveries from KP and Punjab
Will the moment coming tomorrow likely when india takes over Pakistan on number of cases bring all those gangu nangu back here and see what happens when you talk sh!t and pray your neighbor dies of corona, ridicule their govt, people for spreading corona in the region?
they barked here a lot on us leaving behind Pakistani students in China yet they did the same in Iran?
I pray early recovery for india.. this third class neighbor will not learn yet we shouldn't lose our resolve.
Bide your time.
View attachment 619610

Infection rate is 7.4%
Death rate 1.2%
Cured 3.5%
People recovered is 3 times higher than those died.

So far.
Problem is that we aren't testing enough people.

It’s not about the lethality rate. The whole case is to avoid an overwhelmed health care system. All the data from Europe shows that almost only old people with pre existing health issues die WITH (not because of!) that disease.

Pakistan has a young population and in 80% of the cases there are only have minor symptoms or no symptoms at all. So most Pakistani infected will inshallah not die from that!

Just avoid large gatherings and take care of your Nanas and Dadas (and your grannies too). My Nana has left the city in order to live with his village relatives .

May Allah protect our nation!
In Pakistan people with age of 21 22 25 36 etc have died. So don't take it lightly
Something is odd about this virus. It either runs a mild course or puts fit and young (as well as old and comorbid) people onto a ventilator with seemingly irreversible progression to lung failure and death. Why does the pneumonia grip so severely in one group and doesn't arise in the other? There must be multiple strains. With influenza (a different family of viruses), it is predictable in that it kills the old and comorbid but spares the young and fit - it follows a course that is explainable and predictable. The covid19 is killing lots of old for sure, but teenagers are dying in Europe, doctors are dying everywhere. It seems to be randomly severe. This can only be explained if there are multiple strains in action simultaneously, with varying potency.
Pakistan seems to be doing fairly well against coronavirus versus other nations.
Perhaps the lower average age of the population is contributing to a lower fatality rate.

Perhaps in a country like Pakistan herd immunity maybe achieved quickly, and not completely shutting down was the right way to go, while in countries like Italy with a much older average age of the population, leaves them vulnerable to this kind of highly contagious virus
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Something is odd about this virus. It either runs a mild course or puts fit and young (as well as old and comorbid) people onto a ventilator with seemingly irreversible progression to lung failure and death. Why does the pneumonia grip so severely in one group and doesn't arise in the other? There must be multiple strains. With influenza (a different family of viruses), it is predictable in that it kills the old and comorbid but spares the young and fit - it follows a course that is explainable and predictable. The covid19 is killing lots of old for sure, but teenagers are dying in Europe, doctors are dying everywhere. It seems to be randomly severe. This can only be explained if there are multiple strains in action simultaneously, with varying potency.

So far there are 8 strains.
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