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COVID-19 not a bad data for Pakistan

and in our society majority of those who go for umrah or ziarat are generally elderly people with weaker immune systems and co morbidities
But Zaireen is a differen group.. Its cheaper to go and right next doors, so its a mix of all ages, including children.
Thats why this data is a very good sample of the overall population.
You have to hold the breath(keep it flat or downward) till vaccination is here.
And then getting the whole country vaccinated is another long duration no one is considering.
How long -- I'll be captivated in my home
Negative thoughts surrounds me all the time
Me unable to consume all my time on Internet :(
Kindly predict (for satisfaction purpose) -- how long it'll drag?? I'm tired of it :what:

7 Days (Probability % ??)
14 Days (Probability %)
1 month (%
2 months (%
Min 1 month.
How long -- I'll be captivated in my home
Negative thoughts surrounds me all the time
Me unable to consume all my time on Internet :(
Kindly predict (for satisfaction purpose) -- how long it'll drag?? I'm tired of it :what:

7 Days (Probability % ??)
14 Days (Probability %)
1 month (%
2 months (%
well only Allah knows when it will be over . but one thing is certain that it is a test from Allah and we need to have faith and be patient. it is just like the time of battle of khandaq. madina was surrounded from all sides and mulsims were facing hunger as nothing could come in. people with weak faith started questioning the Prophet but when Allah tested His people He sent winds which blew away the enemy camps and the danger was averted. so be strong . keep yourself busy. stop watching BS media. do something positive and enjoy time with your family. it will be over one day IA soon.
Viruses don’t like heat and humidity. In a few weeks we will have in India and Pakistan. So the Virus will be burnt in the heat. During the Spanish flu the numbers decreased in summer but went up in winter once again. In a few weeks drugs will be available inshallah and maybe next year a vaccine, so it won’t hit us as bad as other countries!
People in South Asia (Pakistan) have very resistive immune systems because they grow up under such hard conditions that your immune system has to evolve to an extent to repel such kind of bugs for its survival.
faisal edhi has made a big mistake here. he is not a doctor so he is not in picture of the deaths in pakistan which occur daily due to respiratory illnesses like pneumonia, TB, bronchitis, bronchiectasis, lung cancer, asthma etc. most of the elderly land in ICUs due to pneumonia and they die of it. we dont have highly sophisticated system here in pak which can ascertain the cause of pneumonia. we label them as community acquired pneumonia or atypical pneumonia and thats all. no further tests are carried out .generally most of these cases start with initial viral infections such as the common flu . in elderly due to weak immunity and other co morbidites the bacteria take advantage of the damage to the lungs caused by the initial viral infection and cause pneumonia and the patient dies. in western countries tests are carried out to find out the initial trigger which lead to bacterial pneumonia. just today i was going through an article which says that the the recent flu season in US which started in oct 19 took 23000 lives. this flu virus also takes lives in pak but we dont have such types of studies. what corona has done that it a more lethal and more contagious then common flu and destroys the respiratory system . the bacteria then cause super added infection.
so if we study the deaths that occur in pak due to respiratory illnesses are already very high. now we are jsut carrying the investigations to find out the root cause of the infection and every patient dying of respiratory illnesses is not due to corona virus. TB, COPD, lung cancer and pneumonia are already taking many lives daily.
Yes, data thus far is not very scary but the report i had few days back from doctors on frontline was that there aren't enough testing kits... besides we are forgetting in health person symptoms are mild to non.
Viruses don’t like heat and humidity. In a few weeks we will have in India and Pakistan. So the Virus will be burnt in the heat. During the Spanish flu the numbers decreased in summer but went up in winter once again. In a few weeks drugs will be available inshallah and maybe next year a vaccine, so it won’t hit us as bad as other countries!

What about Africa? Ebola, hiv ring a bell? They also have a tough immune system. They are also poor.
Alhumdulliah we are doing fine.. we pray Allah to recover everything back to normal.. things in Europe and America are not that well.. we will inshAllah be back in a month or two when heat kicks in
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