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Shut Down Country for Few Weeks, Build Makeshift Hospitals Like China: Dr Fauci on India's Covid Crisis

MAY 01, 2021, 11:44 IST

America’s top pandemic expert and the White House chief medical adviser, Dr Anthony Fauci, on Friday prescribed a number of measures that India should immediately take to take on the second wave of Covid-19 in a war footing. The three primary recommendations laid down by Dr Fauci are an immediate imposition of lockdown for a couple of weeks, setting up of emergency units as hospitals like China and having a central organisation.

Along with the suggestions on how to tackle the pandemic, Dr Fauci also mentioned that that victory against the coronavirus was declared by the Indian government “too prematurely".

In an exclusive interview with the Indian Express, Dr Fauci, after looking at the visuals of the grave Covid crisis in India on CNN, said that the country is in a “difficult and desperate situation".
“One of the things you really need to do that to the extent that you can — is shut down temporarily the country, I think is important. If we want to time out and go back to what I said. There is the immediate, the intermediate, and the long range. I think the most important thing in the immediate is to get oxygen, get supplies, get medication, get PPE, those kinds of things but also, one of the immediate things to do is to essentially call a shutdown of the country," he said.

“We know that when China had this big explosion a year ago, they completely shut down. And if you shut down, you don’t have to shut down for six months. You can shut down temporarily to put an end to the cycle of transmission. So one of the things to be considered is to temporarily shut down. Literally, lock down so that you wind up having less spread," he said.

“One of the things that you can do to prevent this prolonging — you’ve got to look at it in multiple different phases. For example, vaccinating people right now, which you absolutely must, must do — it’s essential — is not going to alleviate the immediate problem of people needing oxygen, needing hospitalisation, needing medical care. That’s not going to fix it now because vaccinating people today, it’s going to be a few weeks before you alleviate the prevention of other people getting sick," he said.

Urging the world to come together to India rescue, Dr Fauci said, “I would think that you’ve got to get some sort of a commission, or an emergency group to make a plan how to get oxygen; how do we get supplies; how do we get medications, and call — maybe with help from WHO — countries. Like the USA, other countries should also to come in and help India right now because India has been very generous in the past crises in helping other countries. Now is the time other countries to try to alleviate the immediate problem that India has. That’s the first thing."

Secondly, India should follow what the Chinese did when they had a crisis, he said. “You might recall, literally, within a few days to weeks they built these emergency units that served as hospitals to take care of people. It was an accomplishment that everybody marvelled at. It just seems to me, what I was viewing on television, what people were looking for a desperate need for hospital and care. That’s the first thing.

Then, the Centre can mobilise different groups of government, he said. “For example, what is the role of the military? Can the military come in and help? I mean, you can immediately get military help the way we, in the United States, have used our National Guard to help us distribute the vaccinations."

“Get hospitals built quickly. I mean really quickly, within a matter of — you know, they put up these field hospitals that they built during war. You should think of this, in some respects, like a war. The enemy is the virus. So you know where the enemy is, so I would make it almost like wartime because it’s an emergency. And, finally, in the longer range, in a matter of a couple weeks, I would do whatever you can do to get vaccinated. To have a country like India, where two per cent of people are vaccinated, is a very serious situation. You absolutely have to get more people vaccinated.

Dr Fauci asked the PM Modi-led Union government to look at the “absolute immediate problem, get the intermediate things going, and then take a look at the longer range in regards to vaccines."

When asked if the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US national health protection agency) has been asked to help in genome sequencing of the Indian variants, Dr Fauci said, “Well, we absolutely need to study it intensively to find out if the vaccines that are being used are inducing a response that would be protective against this variant. We heard some preliminary announcements that the vaccine appeared to be okay. But there are another announcements that were saying we aren’t so sure about that.”

“So what I think needs to be done very, very quickly is to get specimens and material outside of India and sent to the CDC of the United States, the NIH (National Institute of Health) of the United States, to the Wellcome Trust in the UK. There are a lot of groups that would like very much to help out and they can help out by doing the sequencing and the surveillance and the determination if the virus is, in fact, sensitive to the antibodies that are induced by the vaccine,” he said.

On ways to get the public interest served on the vaccination front, Dr Fauci said, “You’ve got to get supplies. You’ve got to make contractual arrangements with the various companies that are out there in the world. There are many companies that now have vaccines. I think you have to negotiate with them to try and get a commitment. India is what, 1.4 billion people? You have a lot of vaccines that you need to get, and I would go to multiple different companies and try to get contractual arrangements so that you can get vaccines as quickly as you possibly can.”

He also added that to get vaccines from China and Russia is “absolutely” the route to take in the situation

“You only have two per cent of your people vaccinated. This is what I heard. I don’t know if that’s accurate but that’s what I’m hearing (2% is the number of those who have got both doses, 11% have got at least one dose). And, if that’s the case, you have a long way to go if you really want to protect the people in India. I would leave no stone unturned in getting as many companies as you possibly can to be able to make a contractual arrangement to get vaccines. And also, India is the largest vaccine-producing country in the world. That’s the thing — you should rev up your own capabilities to make vaccines.”

Earlier, on Wednesday, Dr Fauci had said that India’s home-grown COVID-19 vaccine, has been found to neutralise the 617 variant of the deadly virus.

“This is something where we’re still gaining data on a daily basis. But the most recent data, was looking at convalescent Sera of COVID-19 cases and people who received the vaccine used in India, the Covaxin. It was found to neutralise the 617 variants," the 80-year-old physician-scientist and immunologist said.

Modi should resign for the betterment of Indians, but Indians don't think so...

I think Modi should. Looking into the boastful claims by India/Modi in January about the Indian prowess about the Indian pharmaceutical industry and yet India is now one of the topmost topics in the world about Covid is such a contrast from the claims and the outcome. A little humility would have suited India well a few months ago. Again and again, you will see Modi being compared with hyper-Right-wing leaders of the world in derogatory ways. Tsk Tsk Tsk.
Resign he should. But then THIRD WORLD potentates, and not just in India, would never ever resign over moral issues.
Well, considering that when India is in a "war-like" mode it gets its planes shot down, it shoots down its own helicopters, and its "soldiers" kill themselves by their incompetent attempts to flee the battlefield, I don't think this is going to help.
That's why India travel ban is important. They need to safeguard themselves and others. Time is of paramount importance and the world must act quick to prevent a global catastrophe in the making.
I think Modi should. Looking into the boastful claims by India/Modi in January about the Indian prowess about the Indian pharmaceutical industry and yet India is now one of the topmost topics in the world about Covid is such a contrast from the claims and the outcome. A little humility would have suited India well a few months ago. Again and again, you will see Modi being compared with hyper-Right-wing leaders of the world in derogatory ways. Tsk Tsk Tsk.
Resign he should. But then THIRD WORLD potentates, and not just in India, would never ever resign over moral issues.

Life in the S.Asian region is cheap, unfortunately.
Hopefully the Indian government, states or center are reaching out to get other countries and organizations to fly in full hospital units, not just supplies. The hospital workers are over worked and if they become infect they could spread it to other non-infected patients.

I hope Indian health staff (including ambulance crews) and crematorium/burial workers have been prioritized in the vaccination process.

cases will probably peak towards the end of may (according to the following article) and death count could rise to 10,000-12,000/day if comprehensive measures are not taken. Although we not be seeing the full picture, so diligence will be needs for weeks and weeks afterward. Pakistan should also step up testing and find any undetected hot spots to do smart lockdowns while case numbers are not as high.

For God’s sake drop the Hubris

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Hopefully the Indian government, states or center are reaching out to get other countries and organizations to fly in full hospital units, bit just supplies. The hospital workers are over worked and if they become infect they could spread it to other non-infected patients.

I hope Indian health staff and crematorium/burial workers have been prioritized in the vaccination process.

cases will probably peak towards the end of may and death count could rise to 10,000-12,000/day if comprehensive measures are not taken

For God’s sake drop the Hubris

I am sure India will be sending in their Coronavirus Mules into Pakistan via the Afghan border...
india must be balkanized or it will never be managed properly
COVID has proven without a shadow of a doubt the complete and total failure of the Indian system. Once the system itself is flawed, it’s over. No way back from that.

Anyone with a brain knew the entire concept of ‘India’ was a fraud from the beginning, COVID just proved it beyond a shadow of a doubt.
India can learn from China’s experience fighting Covid-19, says top US adviser Anthony Fauci
  • Fauci tells Indian newspaper that building temporary hospitals and lockdowns helped China stop the disease spreading
  • India is currently the world’s worst affected country, with 400,000 new cases recorded on Saturday
View attachment 739138

Dr Anthony Fauci cited the use of makeshift hospitals as an emergency measure. Photo: AFP
India could learn from China’s disease control playbook in fighting its Covid-19 surge, according to US presidential medical adviser Anthony Fauci.
Fauci offered advice on how to tackle the “very difficult and desperate situation”, during an interview with The Indian Express published on Saturday.
India has become the pandemic’s epicentre,
reaching a record high of 400,000 new daily cases on Saturday,
with health care systems overwhelmed and patients struggling for access to care and supplies.

india also have to give up its "democrazy" in her fight against covid & for better future with socialism that can be imported from china. no joke!!
Doctor Resigns After Congress Leader Heckles Him Publicly Inside Bhopal's JP Hospital

A doctor in a government hospital in Madhya Pradesh resigned on Saturday after some Congress leaders, including former minister PC Sharma, allegedly misbehaved with him following the death of a patient. While MP Chief Minister Shivraj Singh Chouhan appealed to people to boost the morale of doctors instead of demoralizing them, Sharma claimed he did not speak rudely to the doctor and was only involved since the patient was a member of his Assembly constituency.


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