My heart goes out to people who are dying or losing loved ones in india after all they are just humans like us ,I also lost loved ones in this pandemic and I can feel that pain . So no unnecessary taunting here. But some questions need to be asked to open the minds of most indians who ignore ground realities , don't want to diagnose what's wrong and later find themselves in such a big trouble.
1) Is this is the big economy you were bragging about and looked down on us and called us beggars etc?
2) A 500 trillion economy can't even provide it's citizens the very basic medical facilities ? We are beggars but come here and see our hospitals are much better in this regard.
3) Oh wait you are already a superpower like USA or other developed nations did their citizens died like animals on roads and streets?
4) Where all that money really goes from this big economy of yours when in the time of need you don't have any. Won't you question the current government?