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Covid-19 - Devastating Second Wave in India - Updates and Discussion

And the trickle down concept that indians jump at doesnt work..
Just because amdhani becomes richest person on earth doesnt mean he will invest or spend any of that money in india
He will probably have his wedding in turkey and shopping in dubai

Meanwhile, China launch anti-trust probes into all major internet unicorns to ensure the future health and balance of China's economy.
My heart goes out to people who are dying or losing loved ones in india after all they are just humans like us ,I also lost loved ones in this pandemic and I can feel that pain . So no unnecessary taunting here. But some questions need to be asked to open the minds of most indians who ignore ground realities , don't want to diagnose what's wrong and later find themselves in such a big trouble.
1) Is this is the big economy you were bragging about and looked down on us and called us beggars etc?
2) A 500 trillion economy can't even provide it's citizens the very basic medical facilities ? We are beggars but come here and see our hospitals are much better in this regard.
3) Oh wait you are already a superpower like USA or other developed nations did their citizens died like animals on roads and streets?
4) Where all that money really goes from this big economy of yours when in the time of need you don't have any. Won't you question the current government?
Look at the PPE of the medics. I am 100% sure they are infected. Chinese medics wear entire suits and even the quarantined hospitals are highly isolated and contained. The medics themselves are carriers.

What's with oxygen canisters? Is it because they lack respirators, just buy from China, we produce them at less than 1000 dollars a piece.

Quarantined hospitals dismantled! Wtf! Are you guys really so arrogant that yoh think you won over the virus? Stupid fools. The Chinese hospitals even from Sars time is kept and maintained, waiting for activation in times of need. Does India actually do any planning or just let it happen?
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Journalist?? LMFAO

The guy was nothing more, but a Nazi....and there are no good Nazis.
If anyone reads ur posts on this forum, he/she would know, u are 10 times worse bigot than late Rohit Sardana ever was.

the word Nazi is used too liberally these days and is actually an insult to the people group who actually had to suffer the most at the hands of true Nazism------Jews and displaced Indians (Roma,Sintis)
It's kind of ironic that these India Muslim converts as well as Pakistanis use Hitler and his Nazi party as metaphor to describe right wing Hindutva politics in India.

The truth is if Hitler admired any religion, then was Islam and he wished he was Muslim. His Nazi party courted the Islamic world though out eventful years of WW2.

Why Hitler Wished He Was Muslim

Lastly, I agree with what Sharjeel Usmani has to say about Rohit Sardana.
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Proof of American abuse prisoners.

Why didn't UN start an inquiry?
When Mota Bhai, Muslim hater calling BD people as green termites, and other sanghis are condoling his death, it is clear he was a BJP stooge, and a Hindu-Muslim radicalization proponent.

Was reading more than a hundred media persons are dead in India due to covid-19.
If anyone reads ur posts on this forum, he/she would know, u are 10 times worse bigot than late Rohit Sardana ever was.

It's kind of ironic that these India Muslim converts as well as Pakistanis use Hitler and his Nazi party as metaphor to describe right wing Hindutva politics in India.

The truth is if Hitler admired any religion, then was Islam and he wished he was Muslim. His Nazi party courted the Islamic world though out eventful years of WW2.

Why Hitler Wished He Was Muslim

I mean....you guys have a festival where you celebrate the death of Ravana....and you choose to chastise me because I do not mourn the death of a Nazi who dehumanized us?
Yes i'm fully aware of these measures taken by America but close to 600.000 deaths those measures aren't enough yet we do not see bodies on the streets. India who claims 200.000 can't handle the amount of bodies can be seen out in the open. I doubt inmates can dig that fast and America having enough trucks to hide the corpse from public views.
USA has 12 times less population density. Naturally, there is huge amount of land for burying. Also, USA does not burn the dead but bury them. Your comparison makes no sense at all. That being said, the actual number of dead in India is definitely 2 million. Even the actual number of dead in USA is 1-1.5 million.
Only China has the capacity to outproduce this humanitarian disaster in India, now even money can't save your life there. you can't buy something that is not there.

India running out of health-care resources as COVID-19 surge continues
If America doesn't need to cremate bodies in the open with 600.000, does that mean the actual numbers in India is 1-2 million or higher?

India: Dying too fast to be counted - Covid funeral pyres burn day and night
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He was a low iq bhakt and hate preacher.You reap what you sow.
Was reading hatred and fear of death makes your immune system weak and covid-19 can attack with fatality.

One reason, unconfirmed scientifically, of the less mortality in Pakistan...

Everyone is saying Allah malik hai.

Insha Allah sab theek rahega.

And prayers and wadoo, roza...all adds up.

Hate mongers in India are at a risk...
Nothing wrong in what Sharjeel said

Bharati hindus who were celebrating even Christchurch attacks in New Zealand need to STFU and stop lecturing about humanity and all that stuff

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