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Country Reports on Terrorism 2014

you fast.....
No, I thought you do. :)
Many ppl that I know, don't access net during the day while they are fasting.

Btw I have changed my first post on this thread. The part which is highlighted in the report is what has been used by the Indian media, and I'm not surprised; "selective quoting" is a common practise on both sides of the border.

The report very clearly says that Middle East and South Asia are the places where mass terrorists attacks 're carried out more often. In the Indian subcontinent, its the Af-Pak area which has seen the most attacks. Your army is doing a good job at eliminating terrorist groups but it's efforts are watered down by the fact that Pak army has been selective so far...or so the report says.
We have a problem here...and the problem is that both India and Pakistan have a habit of contextualising terror attacks as "backed by foreign hands". Thanks to the years of mutual distrust that we share, our agencies (ISI and RAW)have to work on "fishing model". If there was a joint mechanism to counter terrorism in the region then mass terror attacks could have been prevented. But alas!
I hope you prove right, for the rise of terrorism both in Afghanistan and middle east is a direct result of US policies and I do not see a radical change in those policies suggesting that either US is comfortable with the situation or wishes to get it escalated.
this is also one line of thought supported by the 2nd Iraqi invasion on the pretext of WMDs and I acknowledge that too.
but ISIS in my opinion is more of a project of GCC countries in the aftermath of the Iraqi civil war. Americans are on the sideline on this one project if you choose to dismiss their direct confrontation.

another view is that Saudis and Israelis are closely coordinating their fight against the Iranian partners and either seeking out the Iranian proxies or actually flying bombing missions in direct support of ISIS e.g. Israel conducts airstrikes in Syria in places where ISIS is facing stiff resistance or setbacks from Asad forces or Hizbullah.

And Americans are coordinating with Iranians in their fight against ISIS and providing air support to Iraqi forces, their allied militias and Iranian forces against ISIS.

not very black and white is it? but re Afghanistan and beyond to South Asia I am not sold to the idea that Americans want an ISIS foothold , India would definitely if there is harm to Pakistan but not Americans because it destroys all their efforts in the past to remain relevant after ending their combat missions.
India would definitely

And what makes you think ISIS won't harm India?

ISIS is backed by Qatar, that is what internet gossip says. Many people have only theories on such groups but Qatar's name keeps cropping up. And if USA was concerned about the stability or future of Iraq hey would not have turned hat country into hell. If ISIS sues for peace and guarantees USA hat their interests would be safe and secure hen America would simply look the other way.
This data will give a better idea ,



Terrorism | South Asia Terrorism Portal
you either can not comprehend or you just had a preconceived notion you wrote out without reading it

Extracts from your post which made me conclude as above. All this you posted, not me

1) Afghanistan, in particular, continued to experience aggressive and coordinated attacks by the Afghan Taliban, the Haqqani Network (HQN), and other insurgent and terrorist groups. A number of these attacks were planned and launched from safe havens in Pakistan.

2) The Pakistani military undertook operations against groups that conducted attacks within Pakistan such as TTP, but did not take action against other groups such as Lashkar e-Tayyiba, which continued to operate, train, rally, propagandize, and fundraise in Pakistan. Afghan Taliban and HQN leadership continued to find safe haven in Pakistan, and although Pakistan military operations disrupted the actions of these groups, it did not directly target them.

3) India remained a target of terrorist attacks, including operations launched by Maoist insurgents and domestic and transnational groups. The level of terrorist violence was substantially unchanged from 2013. Indian authorities continued to blame Pakistan for supporting terrorists operating in Jammu and Kashmir

@TankMan - if you think this is propaganda take it up with @Gufi who posted it. Stop barking at the wring tree!
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. .
I hope you prove right, for the rise of terrorism both in Afghanistan and middle east is a direct result of US policies and I do not see a radical change in those policies suggesting that either US is comfortable with the situation or wishes to get it escalated.

So trueeee!!!!! Glad someone else also looks at it this way
1) Afghanistan, in particular, continued to experience aggressive and coordinated attacks by the Afghan Taliban, the Haqqani Network (HQN), and other insurgent and terrorist groups. A number of these attacks were planned and launched from safe havens in Pakistan.

2) The Pakistani military undertook operations against groups that conducted attacks within Pakistan such as TTP, but did not take action against other groups such as Lashkar e-Tayyiba, which continued to operate, train, rally, propagandize, and fundraise in Pakistan. Afghan Taliban and HQN leadership continued to find safe haven in Pakistan, and although Pakistan military operations disrupted the actions of these groups, it did not directly target them.

3) India remained a target of terrorist attacks, including operations launched by Maoist insurgents and domestic and transnational groups. The level of terrorist violence was substantially unchanged from 2013. Indian authorities continued to blame Pakistan for supporting terrorists operating in Jammu and Kashmir
The issue that seems to go unnoticed is this report is till end 2014 while the operation has continued onwards into 2015 and has emptied all the strong holds bar one which will be eventually cleansed also. The report has a very superficial analysis based on too broad a view to be considered pertinent to the Pakistani situation.
The issue of opening fronts is something that seems to be missed here, understanding that fighting on one front at a time is a safe option and it has paid dividends in terms of decreased attacks. The roots are being dug out, after which one can see the effects in a slow manner because different groups have different threat priorities.
There is a triage practiced by doctors in medicine, in which we grade severity of patients and prescribe the next best step. Here the triage has clearly stated that the TTP and the belt along the Pak-Afghan border was the main target.
The assumption that everything can be fixed in a single year or that operations which were intelligence based in cities should be divulged is stupidity on part of the report or malicious attempts to degrade the attempts of the war that is being fought. There are too many players of childish games here who forget that units can not be created at whim, but are limited and have too be used in terms of degrees of importance.
As far as Indian role is, it is anything but positive. @levina the basis of the rhetoric that started from India, and the continuous badgering has forced Pakistan to move away from fully committing to the war against terrorists and instead focus on strengthening border patrols. Rather then decrease forces reciprocally along border areas, India has intesfied the arms race, moved move equipment to the borders and the statements about terrorism are the most troubling because India has repeatedly termed Pakistani army as part of the terrorists and when it said terrorists will be fought with terrorists it has awakened the very strong possibility that there is a strong Indian involvement in the attacks and a public declaration has left no doubt in mind.
As far as India is concerned it has issues which it constantly ignores and terms the problems as Pakistani born, and does not admit to any problems and its own biases and fragmented society, the constant forced actions to subdue the minorities will come back to bite India and they will again blame Pakistan rather then the policies which led to the outbursts.
India wants actions against terrorists but has ignored the protocols of law and now blames Pakistan which has held a person for years in jail without concrete proof. Do you honestly expect India to accept any statements extracted in a Pakistani jail without verifying them. What they are doing is playing on the feelings of the people while knowing that there is no court( other then the one who said that the evidence was incomplete and circumstantial but hanged Afzal Guru because of the feelings of the people) can give sentences based on second hand evidence and no real evidence. They play a game with the media and use it to make people forget procedures when they want expecting others to do the same.
@Irfan Baloch @Horus @TankMan @Slav Defence @syedali73 @WAJsal your views please on my analysis.
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The Section on Safe heavens:

Portions of Pakistan’s Federally Administered Tribal Areas, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa province, and Balochistan province remained a safe haven for terrorist groups seeking to conduct domestic, regional, and global attacks. Al-Qa’ida, the Haqqani Network (HQN), Tehrik-e Taliban Pakistan (TTP), Lashkar i Jhangvi, and other terrorist groups, as well as the Afghan Taliban, took advantage of this safe haven to plan operations in Pakistan and throughout the region.

In 2014, Pakistan launched military operations in North Waziristan Agency and Khyber Agency to eliminate terrorist safe havens, destroy terrorist infrastructure, and disrupt terrorist communication networks. The military operations had a significant impact on TTP safe havens, but some terrorist organizations in the region continued to operate, primarily along the border with Afghanistan. Particularly since the start of comprehensive military operations in North Waziristan displaced militants into Afghanistan, Pakistan has sought improved coordination to address cross-border threats from TTP emanating from safe havens in Afghanistan.

The United States and Pakistan regularly discussed counterterrorism and border-control efforts to interdict terrorists. The 2013 trilateral border standard operating procedures between Pakistan, Afghanistan, and ISAF expired at the end of 2014. Pakistan and Afghanistan continued to negotiate a replacement bilateral agreement.

The potential for WMD trafficking, proliferation, and terrorism remained a concern in Pakistan. Pakistan is a constructive and active participant in the Nuclear Security Summit process and the Global Initiative to Combat Nuclear Terrorism, and has worked to strengthen its strategic trade controls. The Export Control and Related Border Security Program increased the Government of Pakistan’s enforcement capacity by training Pakistani Customs officials on international border interdiction techniques. Trainings were implemented by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the Customs and Border Protection Agency; and the U.S. Department of Energy.
As far as Indian role is, it is anything but positive. @levina the basis of the rhetoric that started from India, and the continuous badgering has forced Pakistan to move away from fully committing to the war against terrorists and instead focus on strengthening border patrols.
Or let say Pakistan feels so because so far it wanted parity but now since the gap is cavernous Pakistan is playing the victim card.
Rather then decrease forces reciprocally along border areas,
India decreasing the strength of its forces along the border would be an open invitation for all the "non-state actors".
We share a fractious relationship with 2 of our neighbors and we can not afford to reduce our forces along the border (which we share with China and Pakistan). Kargil is the biggest proof!

India has intesfied the arms race, moved move equipment to the borders and the statements about terrorism are the most troubling because India has repeatedly termed Pakistani army as part of the terrorists and when it said terrorists will be fought with terrorists it has awakened the very strong possibility that there is a strong Indian involvement in the attacks and a public declaration has left no doubt in mind.
Let me quote from the report you have posted, 3rd paragraph from top..

I'm sure the report was not as brusque as India is, which has constantly come under attacks from these terrorist organizations. India is vociferous about such attacks as behaving otherwise would be considered pusillanimous.

The report also clearly mentions the attacks made by Let.

As far as India is concerned it has issues which it constantly ignores and terms the problems as Pakistani born,
Which issues are you talking about???

and does not admit to any problems and its own biases and fragmented society, the constant forced actions to subdue the minorities will come back to bite India and they will again blame Pakistan rather then the policies which led to the outbursts.
I call this confirmation bias, you will see what you want to see.
Minority population in India, specially of the muslims, is the size of Pakistan.
Don't mind but this is what I read in one of your newspapers

Freedom? - The Express Tribune

India wants actions against terrorists but has ignored the protocols of law and now blames Pakistan which has held a person for years in jail without concrete proof. Do you honestly expect India to accept any statements extracted in a Pakistani jail without verifying them. What they are doing is playing on the feelings of the people while knowing that there is no court( other then the one who said that the evidence was incomplete and circumstantial but hanged Afzal Guru because of the feelings of the people) can give sentences based on second hand evidence and no real evidence. They play a game with the media and use it to make people forget procedures when they want expecting others to do the same.
why do you view India as a potemkin village???
Trust me Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi is behind the bars for your country's good more than mine. India's security arrangements has changed substantially since the Mumbai attacks, another Mumbai attack is a far fetched dream for terrorists, and ergo the terror groups are trying their hand at low intensity attacks, there were 6 such attacks in 2014.
US Denounces Release of Alleged Mumbai Attack Mastermind

Frankly speaking, I think this discussion is headed nowhere, as we are moving on predictable course where mudslinging is inevitable.
After my last post on this thread, I expected we would be discussing more about joint anti-terror mechanism and its possibilities, but alas I was expecting too much.
Thanks to the years of mutual distrust that we share, our agencies (ISI and RAW)have to work on "fishing model". If there was a joint mechanism to counter terrorism in the region then mass terror attacks could have been prevented.

I dont think my contribution is needed any further in this thread.


Or let say Pakistan feels so because so far it wanted parity but now since the gap is cavernous Pakistan is playing the victim card.
facts are a wonderful thing, when the operation against terrorists started we moved our forces from the border areas of India towards other areas. Not only was this not reciprocated, but instead needless rubbish has continuously come with war warmongering statements from the Indian side. Let Pakistani establishment say we will fight terror with terror having called Indian army terrorists before and I will tell you to react calmly and it is okay. Learn to see when you are wrong rather then close your eyes and quote whatever you wish. Your statement is ridiculous to say the least, if anything India is bogged down with unusable equipment. But the numerical advantage has made us take people off the operation and bring them back to the border which shows your "wish" to see terrorists caught is a farce. All of these are facts, each one can be checked
The report also clearly mentions the attacks made by Let.
this report ended 2014, after which things are changed if you follow the news, intelligence based operations etc. After every little operation, every attack, every conference has some mention of Pakistan. We are busy here and your ministers can not do their jobs so they have to comment on Pakistan every few days. That is your failure if you do not admit that. Most of our statements, if not all, are retaliatory statements.
After my last post on this thread, I expected we would be discussing more about joint anti-terror mechanism and its possibilities, but alas I was expecting too much.
yes you were, to be honest there is no wish for peace here any more. Go blame your ministers and their statements for that. Never have I seen someone itching for some sort of war as bad as this government of India is. There was a chance but excuses were found, practised norms were used as excuses to deteriorate the situation and now it will stay such. Our policy has changed, and our wish for peace, which was present 2 years ago, with constant trips and television channels in Pakistan talking about peace, to now none. Joint terror is more possible in the foreseeable future.
@Abu Zolfiqar your views on this thread would also be appreciated.
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