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Countering the Unethical reporting. Distortion of facts by Talibanized Media

Umm, I don't get what the "anti-Pakistan" side is here. As for "American invasion", nothing stops Pakistan from taking American involvement in the W.O.T. in the same constructive fashion that the Yemenis do, save the dynamic Pakistanis have fallen into of blaming America for everything wrong and demanding more power and money in return.
Because Pakistan and Pakistani's still value Islamists as doing Gods work. See how reluctant they are in condemning bombings by these Islamists of schools/hospitals/etc.

Its symptomatic @Irfan Baloch and @Fauji_historian. A nation - Pakistan - fed on extreme doses of the grandness of Islam and how no wrong is ever done by Muslims will not suddenly accept that those they valued as great fighters for Islam - a cause they agree with - is indulging in plain terrorism in Pakistan. Ofcourse as long as these great and noble fighters were doing their thing in India/Afghanistan/Russia/etc they were still fighting for the cause of Islam, at that time it was not terrorism. Now, when they are doing their job in Pakistan, some Pakistani's ask why media and people dont condemn them.

No amount of censorship will suddenly change the attitude of the people who have for generations been given large doses of this.

Thus all that is good in Pakistan automatically gets attributed to Islam and all that is bad gets attributed to 'others'.

And at this point you ask why the media reports unethically? Among the many other possibilities have you considered that they believe that Taliban is right and just and Pakistani state is wrong?
there is only one solution. cut the head of the 'serpent' not its tail. defeat and destroy the taliban and these same media wallas will change.
the nations who value their freedom and and ideology and are not confused among friends and foes treat such people as spies and traitors.
such people in such extra-ordinary situations of war are executed immediately and are not termed as heroes and no trains are named after them and the soldiers who conduct operations against the terrorists dont face treason charges.

Yes I am not talking about Pakistan. here the concept of shaheed is pretty much messed up.
and the justice means that a failed suicide bomber has to be set free even if he is caught with the suicide vest because according to Chief Justice Iftikhar Choudhary and his ilk, one can be only punished for terrorism once he explodes himself.

if such is the level justice then say the prayers for Pakistan.

I am personally not confused over friends and foes next time when such kind of snacks going to cover war zone bombed them and buried them with their TTP friends. Need to apply Tahafuz-e-Pakistan Ordinance also on such kind of traitors, put them in dark cells, until their souls not left their bodies no need to bring them into sunlight.

I am with you @Irfan Baloch

Please give my salute to my brothers who fought with TTP and who are fighting with TTP.
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I am personally not confused over friends and foes next time when such kind of snacks going to cover war zone bombed them and buried them with their TTP friends. Need to apply Tahafuz-e-Pakistan Ordinance also on such kind of traitors, put them in dark cells, until their souls not left their bodies no need to bring them into sunlight.

I am with you @Irfan Baloch

Please give my salute to my brothers who fought with TTP and who are fighting with TTP.

I will like to quote the saying of the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH a Hadith from Sunnah Abi Dawood)

about the spawn of the kharjites who will be young and devoid of brain, remorse and mercy , will have long beards and recite Quran but it wont go down their throats and they will spill the blood of the innocent like water. and Muhammd PBUH says that those who will kill them or will be killed by them will go to heaven.
in every sense the Al Qaeda and its affiliates from Syria to Malaysia have shown that they share the common traits of those who killed hundreds of thousands of Muslims

So let there be no doubt that we all, that are physically fighting them and are fighting them on the web and on the airwaves are on the right path. even beyond the domain of the religion and on the common grounds of humanity that we share with the rest of the humans on this planet .. we can see that these takfiris and their supporters are using religious excuse to justify their excesses which is downright carnage and barbarity in many cases.
let keep up the fight and continue to counter the false propaganda of the butchers and their supporters
Intresting Topic Irfan bhai you are bang on to bring this forward pakistani media still calls terrorist militant like western media, but I also see same happening on this forum as it happens in pakistani media same people who refuse to condemn terrorism are also pro Pakistan army.

I want to Ask @Arafay @Bataman @chuvanist @salman108 what do they think -ed to indicate the past, e.g.: happened.">happend at lal masjid and was Canada.">pakistan military right or wrong?

I would love to hear these member's opinion. I am sure most of these members will develop amnesia, but its worth a shot.
I will like to quote the saying of the Holy Prophet Muhammad PBUH a Hadith from Sunnah Abi Dawood)

about the spawn of the kharjites who will be young and devoid of brain, remorse and mercy , will have long beards and recite Quran but it wont go down their throats and they will spill the blood of the innocent like water. and Muhammd PBUH says that those who will kill them or will be killed by them will go to heaven.
in every sense the Al Qaeda and its affiliates from Syria to Malaysia have shown that they share the common traits of those who killed hundreds of thousands of Muslims

So let there be no doubt that we all, that are physically fighting them and are fighting them on the web and on the airwaves are on the right path. even beyond the domain of the religion and on the common grounds of humanity that we share with the rest of the humans on this planet .. we can see that these takfiris and their supporters are using religious excuse to justify their excesses which is downright carnage and barbarity in many cases.
let keep up the fight and continue to counter the false propaganda of the butchers and their supporters

Yes In sha Allah, read this hadees and verified it and found half of its part in Sahi Muslim "who will be young and devoid of brain, remorse and mercy , will have long beards and recite Quran but it wont go down their throats and they will spill the blood of the innocent like water."

They are best wapon of enemies against their nation (Qaum / Millat).

Although this hadees is enough for Khawarij but if some person want to get more understanding about Khawarj what distruction they made in the history, they can read the book of Prof. Dr. Nigar Sajjad's "Khawarij" and compare it with what Alqaeda / TTP and other their fellows are doing now.
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Intresting Topic Irfan bhai you are bang on to bring this forward pakistani media still calls terrorist militant like western media, but I also see same happening on this forum as it happens in pakistani media same people who refuse to condemn terrorism are also pro Pakistan army.

I want to Ask @Arafay @Bataman @chuvanist @salman108 what do they think -ed to indicate the past, e.g.: happened.">happend at lal masjid and was Canada.">pakistan military right or wrong?

I would love to hear these member's opinion. I am sure most of these members will develop amnesia, but its worth a shot.

I can speak for @BATMAN that his stance is very clear. and its for the state of Pakistan.
its time to keep the patriots together, we can argue over trivial matter later because what you are pointing at is the discussion of the peace times in a garden at the afternoon tea.

we are up to our necks due to this terrorism that is an imminent danger to our existence. I am going to look beyond our sectarian differences and our political stances & our take on past and present .. what matters to me is that who is patriot of Pakistan and who is its enemy.

whatever is done is done and past cant be undone but the present and future we have the chance. and the fist step is no to complicate things. the Takfiris look for shia soldiers when they capture our men and then they behead them in a bigger ceremony and ensure there is a video on that. but that doesnt stop the people of all faith to fight together.

Lal Masjid is a shameful story and there is no denying that, Mobashar Luqman himself cursed Ch Iftikhar for free Lal masjid terrorists (who have formed Ghazi force) for their terrorist activities, they work hand in hand with Lashkar Jhangvi.

during the last Moharam.. the enemy tried to cause a civil war on sectarian bases but failed, we will never ever turn into the likes of the countries in Arab Peninsula or Africa..
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@LoveIcon's video: Pakistan was peaceful just 6 years ago, all this blood is on the hands of politicians and judiciary and if we forgave then we should own what this man is telling us.
Since early 1940s, the media has proved to be a powerful tool in war. During Second World War, in America, newsreels were shown at cinemas; radio announcements and newspaper space were given for government press releases. These mediums were effectively used for not only giving victory news but also to solicit support from common public. No one can deny that the early 1940s was one of the darkest periods in modern history. When the Japanese made a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor, an American naval base in Hawaii, on December 7, 1941, the horrifying announcement: "The Japanese have attacked Pearl Harbor!" rang out across newspapers and radio. The shocked America stayed glued to their radio sets to listen to President Roosevelt's "Day of Infamy" address the next day. On December 9, a world audience of 90 million heard Roosevelt proclaim over radio: "We are going to win the war and … the peace that follows." His effective commutation skills and use of radio to deliver his friendly "Fireside Chats" gave the Americans faith in their president and their country's ability to win the war.

Today with the advent of social media, modern warfare has evolved to a totally new level. The enemy has been using the social media for their propaganda as well. It works both ways, the videos of killings and massacre portrays the terrorist’s ruthlessness and their power (for many it is a negative). Then there are conspiracy theorists who see “darkness” in everything that’s presented. It is important for main stream media to play a positive role to win the war against terrorism. We have to realize that we are fighting an elusive and cunning enemy. They play a very important card of “religion” whenever they are cornered. It is important for all, media included, to be on the same page to the continuous threats of the enemy, whose main purpose is to keep the region destabilized, so they can achieve their dominance. Poll after poll have shown us that the people of the region have rejected terrorism completely, and time is now to stand united against them so they realize that the only option left is to shun terrorist activities and join the mainstream civic society or be eliminated.

Abdul Quddus
DET-United States Central Command

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