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Could Pakistan, China, and Russia be cuddling up?

Well, being a Pakistani, I assure ya, Pakistan has a beggar's mentality. I'm sure not many would complain about that 'equal' status if that's what ya want. It's both fair and unfair depending on who you ask. There's not much wrong with it from a Pakistani's point of view. Doubt that's how Russia and China are gonna see it though.

You are a Pakistani? Alright then let me explain again, your country was in difficult times and it's absolutely respectable the way your people pull it out and move on to economic development. I have limited knowledge in your domestic politics hence I can't and wouldn't comment more.

No country that respect your sovereign rights will have any form of supremacy or dominance over yours, be it that differs in prosperity or military force. US could be the only and last country that violates your sovereignty without a declaration of war or your approval. Still, it's entirely upto Pakistan to find a growth strategy that's suitable for the country, a strategy that will improve comprehensive national strength and uphold sovereign rights.

On prosperity's influence on neighboring nations, yes it does exists, mostly in economic sense say inbound tourism, exports of goods/services, and inbound investments. I wouldn't use geopolitical terms in describing such influences, rather I would use economic terms like "pull effects", "supply chain integration" or even more complicated "flying geese paradigm". I sincerely wish Pakistan a prosperous future, that will benefit everyone.

Regarding if Russia provides leadership in security for an economic bloc, then that translates into some form of overall leadership, I have no disagreement to that description. In fact Russia has demonstrated excellent leadership in say multi-lateral drills, defence industry integration, etc., not to mention their intervention to help allied sovereign state combating terrorism.
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That's exactly the point that I am trying to make. Pakistan is the flavor of the season and has hit the golden patch. It has no incentive to go for a compromise and settle issues with India.
I think you're correlating these two issues, when they really shouldn't be, at least in this context. Pakistan may get support from these three power to protect it's western border, but India? Only China will support Pakistan in that endeavor.
I think you're correlating these two issues, when they really shouldn't be, at least in this context. Pakistan may get support from these three power to protect it's western border, but India? Only China will support Pakistan in that endeavor.

Why do you think so?

US Supports neither. Russia will soon follow US. So it's would be 1-0 in favor of Pakistan.
This is where the problem lies. Personally, I think both China and Russia are just as fond of meddling in other countries' affairs as much as The U.S if not more only if their logistics and finances(among many factors) wouldn't be a problem.

The thing is, how I see it, Pakistan wouldn't mind China's supremacy over itself or The world but could the same be said about Russia? I mean, everyone's aware of Russia Military superiority over China. Personally, I doubt Russia's gonna
play by China's rule. That is not to say such an alliance isn't possible - Perhaps China and Russia could divide their
spheres of influence. Interesting times ahead either way.

With all due respect, you are living in the times of the guy in your avatar. Those days are long gone when one country would be considered the super-power.
Perhaps you should make an effort to learn about the new world order put forth by China and Russia: it is going to change the world from "unipolar" to "multipolar". The question of supremacy doesn't arise.
Why do you think so?

US Supports neither. Russia will soon follow US. So it's would be 1-0 in favor of Pakistan.
Would it matter? India already doesn't care what China says, and considers China a rival and it's biggest threat. 1-0 in favor of Pakistan, doesn't amount to anything.
The only problem in this block is INDIA, u can not minus India from equation when russia is there, and she ll create all kinds of problems possible, so i don't think so.
Would it matter? India already doesn't care what China says, and considers China a rival and it's biggest threat. 1-0 in favor of Pakistan, doesn't amount to anything.

India surely cares what China does. There is a reason why India has started to plan for a two front war.

India and USSR had a treaty during the last major war between India & Pakistan in 1971. This prevented China from joining the war.

Now things have changed. With China's relations with Russia improving drastically, India cannot count on Russia while China does not need to worry about Russia.
Russia recognises Pakistan’s prime potential and has thus manoeuvred to rapidly increase its full-spectrum relations with the South Asian gatekeeper”. ( emphasis mine; mark the word ‘manoeuvred’)Russia’s overarching goal, as it is with all of its partners today, nowadays, is to provide a non-provocative balancing component to buffet Pakistan’s political position and assist with its peaceful integration into the multi-polar Eurasian framework being constructed by the Russia-China Strategic Partnership.Pakistan is uniquely placed to ‘zip together’ a variety of economic blocs, taking advantage of both its convenient geography and China’s grand investment vision to make it happen.

Why does Russia need a gatekeeper in South Asia ?
Russia is not a traitor like the USA which changes allies like underwear and also changes policy like underwear, for example once supporting the mullahs to defeat the Soviets and then fighting them when their own pet dog bit their own hand.

Russian policy is linear while American policy is meandering, often even circling around. But Russia stands with its friends and though I do not like its stand in Syria it is an example of them standing side by side with their allies.

Neither do they have constant demands like the US, give up nukes, fightin Haqqanis when you can barely beat the TTP, stop interfering in Afghanistan without telling the same to India and deal with LET which we can't until we deal with TTP. So I can see the reasons why we Pakistanis want Russia as an ally.

But what I do not get why Russia would suddenly change its policy just because we tired of American bullying are trying to, and even we do not have consensus or fully agree on this with some ghulams of America very active. So the question again why would Russia abandon India. 40%+ of weapons india bought in the past few years from America will not make a change in their policy.

They remember how we worked against them in the 1980's how historically they have been with India. And this remembrance and moral stand will not let them abandon India. What is written here is what we wish-Russia to change camp and align with Pakistan. It is far from reality.
I would be so glad to see India in this team.But you pakistanis and indians are not going to play with each other, right?

Great! A Pakistani in Russia. How is it?

True, Pakistan should work together with the Russian Federation and offer a port on Pakistan's coast line. It would do miracles for the relationship.

Now as for Bharat joing this axis. I am all for it, however Bharat (the current ruling ideologues) cannot accept Pakistan as a partner.

Well for Partnerships Pakistan has to give a land route to India, is Pakistan ready for it without T and K words ?
You are a Pakistani? Alright then let me explain again, your country was in difficult times and it's absolutely respectable the way your people pull it out and move on to economic development. I have limited knowledge in your domestic politics hence I can't and wouldn't comment more.

No country that respect your sovereign rights will have any form of supremacy or dominance over yours, be it that differs in prosperity or military force. US could be the only and last country that violates your sovereignty without a declaration of war or your approval. Still, it's entirely upto Pakistan to find a growth strategy that's suitable for the country, a strategy that will improve comprehensive national strength and uphold sovereign rights.

On prosperity's influence on neighboring nations, yes it does exists, mostly in economic sense say inbound tourism, exports of goods/services, and inbound investments. I wouldn't use geopolitical terms in describing such influences, rather I would use economic terms like "pull effects", "supply chain integration" or even more complicated "flying geese paradigm". I sincerely wish Pakistan a prosperous future, that will benefit everyone.

Regarding if Russia provides leadership in security for an economic bloc, then that translates into some form of overall leadership, I have no disagreement to that description. In fact Russia has demonstrated excellent leadership in say multi-lateral drills, defence industry integration, etc., not to mention their intervention to help allied sovereign state combating terrorism.

Loved your response mate, Thumbs up for you !!!
Pakistan buying Russian engines for of jf17 Pakistan buying Russian electronics for jf17. Pakistan buying Su 36S at least 120 of them Russian investing in Karachi Lahore gas pipeline investing 2 billion dollars in it. Russian president scheduled to visit Pakistan by February 2016. Pakistan bought 10 mi-35S and ordering 40 more mi-35s. If this doesn't go into you're Indian inferiority complex head then I am sorry buddy . . .
russian Engines for JF 17 is a decade old news .. since Chinese yet to make any successful engine o its own. Apart for MI 35 ( which is irrelevant from Indian point of view) if any other weapon comes to Pakistan from Russia do inform us !!
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