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Could China save the planet? China’s massive reforestation plan

Could China save the planet? China’s massive reforestation plan​

In a movie, maybe

Forget about Alien, forget about zombie, it's China to the rescue,....................at rain forest...
Just like in every American movie said AMERICAN ARE HERE TO SAVE THE PLANET LOL
Well, the only different is, we probably think about Action Hero like Will Smith in Independent Day when we are talking about Alien or Zombie


(That's some good shit movie, and I still think the decision to make a second one and the third one is criminal)

or Andrew Lincoln in The Walking Dead


But when it come to saving Rain Forest, the only person I can relate of is this......


I mean, there is a reason why there are not a single movie talking about how we save the Rain Forest and avert a catastrophic event. LOL
He is not Chinese, he is a mullato half breed growing up in HK and migrated to Australia. No loyalty nor love for China. He hates China even more than Indians. The mum is some Viet boat ppl refugee or something.
Yes, and you are more Chinese than I ever going to be, so sad that they still see you as Singkie lol :lol: :lol: , I don't actually mind they saw me as Hongkie tho, as I am not the one that try very hard to kiss their butt.

Have nothing to do with hating the CCP.

It's a stretch to think reforestation to become a world saviour as the OP points out

That is the same as people who drive an electric car and then claim they are "Saving the Planet", well, no you don't...
Yes, and you are more Chinese than I ever going to be, so sad that they still see you as Singkie lol :lol: :lol: , I don't actually mind they saw me as Hongkie tho, as I am not the one that try very hard to kiss their butt.

Have nothing to do with hating the CCP.

It's a stretch to think reforestation to become a world saviour as the OP points out

That is the same as people who drive an electric car and then claim they are "Saving the Planet", well, no you don't...
Elliot Rodger is that you?
Elliot Rodger is that you?
Elliot Rodger was an incel and that's why he kills all these people, because he see all men are his enemy and that's the reason he can't get girl. It have nothing to do with China or Chinese, it's just he himself is half Malay-Chinese and this was the circle he hang with in fact, if anything, hewas targetting western chick, because he said he is going to specifically target "blonde slut" (sic)

This is part of his manifesto

Hi. Elliot Rodger here.
Well, this is my last video, it has all had to come to this. Tomorrow is the day of retribution, the day in which I will have my revenge against humanity, against all of you. For the last eight years of my life, ever since I hit puberty, I’ve been forced to endure an existence of loneliness, rejection and unfulfilled desires all because girls have never been attracted to me. Girls gave their affection, and sex and love to other men but never to me.

I’m 22 years old and I’m still a virgin. I’ve never even kissed a girl. I’ve been through college for two and a half years, more than that actually, and I’m still a virgin. It has been very torturous. College is the time when everyone experiences those things such as sex and fun and pleasure. Within those years, I’ve had to rot in loneliness. It’s not fair.
You girls have never been attracted to me. I don’t know why you girls aren’t attracted to me, but I will punish you all for it. It’s an injustice, a crime, because… I don’t know what you don’t see in me. I’m the perfect guy and yet you throw yourselves at these obnoxious men instead of me, the supreme gentleman.

I will punish all of you for it. (laughs) On the day of retribution I’m going to enter the hottest sorority house of UCSB. And I will slaughter every spoiled, stuck-up, blond slut I see inside there.

So no, I am not him, and if I am him, I probably won't just kill 7, and I have had sex and lost my virginity since 15.
Yes, and you are more Chinese than I ever going to be, so sad that they still see you as Singkie lol :lol: :lol: , I don't actually mind they saw me as Hongkie tho, as I am not the one that try very hard to kiss their butt.

Have nothing to do with hating the CCP.

It's a stretch to think reforestation to become a world saviour as the OP points out

That is the same as people who drive an electric car and then claim they are "Saving the Planet", well, no you don't...

Awww lil mulatto baby getting so angry. I am Chinese to the core, still hold my PRC passport. I know who I am and what I am not unlike someone who has an identity crisis.
Awww lil mulatto baby getting so angry. I am Chinese to the core, still hold my PRC passport. I know who I am and what I am not unlike someone who has an identity crisis.
Yes, you, again, I have no problem who I am as I said, I don't mind people see me as Hongkie.

And lol, you get a Chinese Passport in 6 years since last time I talk when you told me you were Singaporean? You know it's impossible, right it would take 10 years to get Chinese Citizenship after living in China??

Well, or maybe you were lying then? I don't honestly care anyway
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Well, the only different is, we probably think about Action Hero like Will Smith in Independent Day when we are talking about Alien or Zombie

View attachment 950840

(That's some good shit movie, and I still think the decision to make a second one and the third one is criminal)

or Andrew Lincoln in The Walking Dead

View attachment 950841

But when it come to saving Rain Forest, the only person I can relate of is this......

View attachment 950842

I mean, there is a reason why there are not a single movie talking about how we save the Rain Forest and avert a catastrophic event. LOL
You forgot Bruce Wallis and. Ben Affleck movie ARMEGADON and 1997 movie Morgan Freeman movie DEEP IMPACT
You forgot Bruce Wallis and. Ben Affleck movie ARMEGADON and 1997 movie Morgan Freeman movie DEEP IMPACT
WAsn't Morgan Freeman the president in Deep Impact? I think Pierce Brosnan was the hero in that movie? Or was it Tommy Lee Jones??
Yes, you, again, I have no problem who I am as I said, I don't mind people see me as Hongkie.

And lol, you get a Chinese Passport in 6 years since last time I talk when you told me you were Singaporean? You know it's impossible, right it would take 10 years to get Chinese Citizenship after living in China??

Well, or maybe you were lying then? I don't honestly care anyway
I never said I was a Singaporean, staying in Singapore before does not mean I am a Singaporean mate. It is ok, in another 20+ years, PRC will strip mulattos off their HK passport.
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