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Corruption in India

The Truth Conditions

Manmohan Singh’s time, strangely, has seen more scams than any of his predecessors. What price the ‘Mr Clean’ image?

In the spectrum of the Congress party, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was supposed to have been the clean guy, the one who pulled little political weight but did bring in the incremental approval of a growing middle class. In an arrangement where real power lay elsewhere, he clicked as PM and was retained for a second term precisely because of a decent image as the career economist—somewhat apart from the usual suspects in the cesspool of politics.

But after the Supreme Court raised serious questions about the PM’s inaction in responding to queries about policies pursued by ex-telecom minister A. Raja, the meltdown of the image has begun. The clean Mr White usp has indeed begun to take on a very fuzzy shade of grey. Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley says “the PM’s image that nothing sticks has become an image of a man who will do nothing. A revulsion is setting in”.
Scandal: Nira Radia, Barkha Dutt Taped Conversations

Journalist Barkha Dutt is in some hot water thanks to a taped conversation between her and corporate lobbyist Nira Radia that was obtained by Open Magazine.

Barkha Dutt has emerged as a lobbyist for the Congress government.

Hindustan Times Advisory editorial director Vir Sanghvi has also emerged as political lobbyist taking sides with petty political parties.

Barkha Dutt is one of India’s most popular journalists and a winner of the Padma Bhushan Awards. Many of her fans are shocked to see her stoop so low. Will Barkha Dutt bounce back from this crisis ?

Phone Taps Draw Media Into 2G Spotlight

The Congress-ruled government must be relieved that the extremely harsh spotlight cast by the 2G spectrum scandal is now widening to the Indian media, thanks to the surfacing of some very mysterious tapes.

On Thursday and Friday, several Indian media outlets published transcripts and posted online recordings of phone taps they described as having been made by India’s Income Tax department.

These phone taps and transcripts have also been submitted to India’s Supreme Court, which is also taking a keen interest in how spectrum was awarded to telecom companies in 2008.
Role of Attorney General - G Vahanvati:

Attorney general endorsed Raja decision

NEW DELHI: Attorney general Goolam Vahanvati said the controversial January 10, 2008 press release issued by A Raja, which made crucial changes in the normal first-come-first-served policy to favour select companies, was "fair and reasonable".

On January 7, 2008, three days before the press release was issued for allocation of new licences and 2G spectrum, Vahanvati as the then solicitor general wrote that the press release "makes for transparency".

In a file noting, Vahanvati wrote, "I have seen the note. The issue regarding new LoI's not before any court. What is proposed is fair and reasonable. The press release makes for transparency. This seems to be in order."


Nira Radia quotes from www.outlookindia.com | All Lines Are Busy

“When it came to spectrum, they went to Raja and paid him a bribe and got spectrum allocated.”

“Uddhav’s already taken funding from both groups. I’d suggest, tell Krishna Kumar to talk to Uddhav.”

“Otherwise I will tell them to tell Uddhav to go after them. I don’t think Congress will do much.”

“I believe Maran has given about 600 crores to Dayalu, Stalin’s mother.”

Mere client Tatas bhi bahut beneficiary thhe (in the 2G spectrum allocation).”

“Senthil, Rahul Joshi, maine donon ki le li. You can’t run stories against my clients and get away with it.”

“I have a note, no, a whole dossier, on Praful Patel on the last five years jisme ye poora aspect hai.”

“Inka pichhle paanch saal mein yahi attempt to tha, inko destroy karo, donon careers ko.”

“Narendra Modi, Arun Jaitley, Ananth Kumar, Venkaiah Naidu, ye sab coterie hain na of Advani.”

“Naresh wants to kill it (Air India), Vijay wants to kill it and Praful is not really interested.”

“Raja has promised me that he will not do anything in a hurry. I made Kani speak to him as well. ”

“The solicitor general, Gopal Subramaniam, I am gonna go and brief him. He hates them.”
The Truth Conditions

It’s a public relations disaster for the PM, admit Congress leaders. In the party, there are two views on how to tackle the problem. First, and this is the line most likely to prevail, is that the PM just needs to ride the storm. Some sort of mechanism will be agreed to in order to get the Opposition to allow Parliament to resume, and in a matter of weeks 2G will have faded, say advocates of this approach.
Many Congress leaders believe the PM has got embroiled in a corporate war between traditional and new wannabe telecom operators who have for some years been running the “biggest show in town”. They therefore argue that the PM should show the corporates who’s boss: cancel the 85 suspect licences that Raja allotted and let them go to court and fight it out. Sources in the government say Union HRD minister Kapil Sibal—who has been asked to also handle telecom for the time being—is on the job. In a swift action, the TRAI on November 18 asked the government to cancel 62 licences given to five companies.
It being a dog-eat-dog world out there, Congress managers have also done some arm-twisting with the Opposition. Sources say the “message has been given” to the BJP that if they want all the telecom skeletons to come tumbling out, they should also prepare for “the son-in-law of a very prominent leader” to be named. (has to be son-in-law of ABV) Congress circles also suggest that a “signal” has been given to leader of the Opposition Sushma Swaraj that not only could there be a state-level inquiry about the land scams under the BJP regime in Karnataka, at a later stage it is eminently possible that the Congress set due process for a JPC probe examining the role of the mining lobby run by the Bellary Reddy brothers (close to Sushma) whose political clout straddles both Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh.
In the ’80s, for instance, there were just eight financial scams of note, including Bofors. But during Manmohan’s tenure as FM, says Prof Kumar, the number skyrocketed to 26. Now, of course, scam after scam totalling what could amount to entire budgets of small nations keep tumbling out. In the case of the PM, it may now be argued that the cleanest man has the top job because he tolerates corruption. It will also be asked whether looking the other way is acceptable just because the individual is personally clean.
The Bofors' factor

The 2G spectrum scandal warns Rahul Gandhi to stay away from prime-ministership, says N.V.Subramanian.

London, 19 November 2010: If the Congress president, Sonia Gandhi, and her advisers internalize the true significance of the 2G spectrum scandal, which incredibly has tainted the "honest" prime minister Manmohan Singh for acts of omission, they would gently steer Rahul Gandhi away from assuming reins of the kingdom. The crown prince anyhow appears a most reluctant prime-ministerial candidate. The analysis for sequestering a Gandhi/ Nehru from prime-ministership is as follows.
Sometime during the early phase of the first UPA government, the press carried an interview-story about the Gandhis which did not appear manufactured. The substance of the news report was that in one of the family meetings after the assassination of Rajiv Gandhi, it was decided that the Gandhi heirs, presumably Priyanka and Rahul, would "serve the country" but not pursue office.
Rajiv's assassination and the murder of Indira Gandhi in nineteen eighty-four were clearly pivotal to that decision, assuming it was true. But there was a second factor that was not articulated. This was the Bofors' corruption allegations against Rajiv Gandhi. That he was let off in the Bofors case for lack of evidence after his death was small compensation for the fact that the scandal ruined Rajiv Gandhi's political career and stained the Nehru-Gandhi family reputation.
It is generic political understanding that Sonia Gandhi chose Manmohan Singh to be PM and not Pranab Mukherjee, Arjun Singh or other senior Congressmen because he presented the least political threat to her or to her family's dynastic ambitions. Manmohan Singh had no political base. Indeed, he had lost the only Lok Sabha election he fought. He was ambitious for prime-ministership as anybody else but he was also a staunch Nehru-Gandhi family loyalist. Nothing could go wrong for Sonia Gandhi and the family with Manmohan Singh as PM.
But this writer believes there was another factor that determined Manmohan Singh's choice as prime minister. This was his reputed honesty. Manmohan Singh is dishonest in some ways but he is personally incorruptible. This swung the pendulum in his favour. Also note that when there was a whiff of corruption earlier in the defence ministry under Pranab Mukherjee, Sonia Gandhi replaced him with A.K.Anthony who is, if anything, even more incorruptible than the PM.
The stigma of Bofors clearly dictated the choice of both the PM and the defence minister. In all the significant corruption scandals that have hit/ engulfed the two UPA governments, save the unfreezing of Octavia Quattrocchi's London bank accounts, the Sonia Gandhi family has remained insulated. Ultimately, the PM's clean reputation prevented the Quattrocchi scandal from ballooning out of control. In the most latest Commonwealth Games' (CWG) scam, Manmohan Singh once again bailed out the government and the Congress leadership. Rahul Gandhi pointedly refused to follow in his father's footsteps and take charge of the CWG from the discredited Suresh Kalmadi.
But even Manmohan Singh's doughty reputation for honesty has taken a beating with the 2G spectrum scandal. He is too ambitious to consider resigning (although as this is being written, there are suggestions he might quit). But his reputation is in tatters. Imagine if a Gandhi had been in his place carrying the nineties' baggage of Bofors. Would there be reprieve? Not a chance. The unfortunate history of Rajiv Gandhi would have repeated with vengeance.
This is the lesson from the 2G spectrum scandal for Sonia Gandhi and her advisers to carry away. Rahul Gandhi or for that matter any Gandhi is better off distanced from office. If Manmohan Singh can get dragged into the *****, the Gandhis after Bofors stand no chance. They should stick by what was reported many years ago (and alluded to earlier in this piece), and thank their fortunes for being able to enjoy power without responsibilities.
N.V.Subramanian is Editor, The Public Affairs Magazine- Newsinsight.net, and writes internationally on strategic affairs. He has authored two novels, University of Love (Writers Workshop, Calcutta) and Courtesan of Storms (Har-Anand, Delhi). Email: envysub@gmail.com.
2G case: Cong ready for mid-term polls, not JPC

For over ten days now, the Parliament is being adjourned due to uproar in both the Houses over the 2G spectrum scam. While the Opposition is not ready to budge from its demand for a Joint Parliamentary Committee to look into the alleged irregularities in the allotment of 2G spectrum, the Congress too has decided to stick to its stand.

In fact, the top brass of the party warned the Opposition that if the Parliament deadlock continues and they persist on a demand for the JPC, the Congress will not hesitate to go for mid-term elections in six months, sources told rediff.com.

The Congress made its intention clear to the Bharatiya Janata Party [ Images ] on November 16 and this message was conveyed to party patriarch L K Advani [ Images ] by Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee [ Images ], they added.

Half an hour before Mukherjee hosted the all-party lunch meeting on Tuesday, he visited Advani in his chambers in the Parliament where other senior BJP leaders Sushma Swaraj [ Images ] and Arun Jaitley [ Images ] were present and told them about Congress' stand on the JPC demand.

"The PM wants to resolve the Parliament logjam. What is your suggestion, since the government will not appoint a JPC on the 2G issue?" Mukherjee asked Advani, sources said.

But the BJP leader's only response was that they are firm about their demand.

When Jaitley asked Mukherjee about the Congress view on the controversy, the he said, "I have come here as the leader of the Lok Sabha to resolve the deadlock, to create middle path, where the government and Opposition can sit and work together. Since BJP is the principal Opposition, I thought before the all-party lunch is hosted, I should discuss the issue with you."

However, Jaitley maintained that their party was not willing to opt for any other solution.

Mukherjee then went on to discuss about alleged irregularities in the Commonwealth Games [ Images ] with the BJP top brass. "If you insist on a JPC to investigate the CWG irregularities as well, how can we accept two JPCs?" he asked.

To this Swaraj replied, "During the National Democratic Alliance rule, we gave into to the Opposition's demand and appointed two JPCs, so why can't the United Progressive Alliance [ Images ] government?"

The debate between the FM and the BJP leaders started hotting up, when Mukherjee in a sudden burst of anger said, "Let me categorically state that the Congress is prepared to go for mid-term elections."

Though stumped by Mukherjee's response, Advani did not keep mum. "You cannot blame the Opposition if the Congress has differences. If you make such threats, the BJP will not lag behind," Advani reacted.
Dr. Manmohan Singh as bali ka bakra

18/11/2010 23:57:45 Smt. Radha Rajan

I find it totally immoral that the entire media and a section of the non-thinking BJP is baying for Dr. Singh's blood. That the Supreme Court started the hunt says more about the state of our courts today than anything else. The following for all of you to chew like pan.

1. Lady Macbeth handpicks heads of important government agencies, institutions. She controls them. This I have said repeatedly.
2. Lady Macbeth hanpicked Dr. Singh in the fond hope he will keep the chair warm for baba or another of her more pliant stooges to take over towards the fag end of this term so that she will have a brain-dead congress ready to be manipulated at the time of the next elections.
3. Like all well laid plans of mice and men, this came unstuck when Dr. Singh was being seen more and more assertive and visible in public life with Mrs. Singh standing like a rock by his side.
4. the world saw the grace, self-confidence and assertion with which Mrs. Singh greeted the american president and made conversation with him on the tarmac. Lady Macbeth's absence was palpable.
5. Lady macbeth got the same time with the american president that Sushma Swaraj got and this must have stuck in her throat.
6. Baba was not visible and just as invisible was the rashtrapati bhavan this time. Strange!! Even the dinner was hosted by the PM and not 10 janpath or the rashtrapati bhavan.
7. There was a growing perception among the politically savvy that maybe just maybe Dr. Singh and other stalwarts within the party were doing a collective Narasimha Rao with the lady. And that was why Pranab Mukherjee very uncharacteristically for him was made to utter the shiboleth - RSS terrorists. That was just to emphasise she was still pulling the strings; the home minister had already done his jig when he said he used the phrase saffron terrorism for a purpose and nthe purpose had been served. Of course we know it. The purpose was to pass the shiboleth recitation contest.
8. So now the Supreme Court, giving evrything else the go-by has latched on to Dr. Manmohan Singh and has made the first move to apply tilak and turmeric on him. It is for thr BJP to fulfill Lady Macbeth's secret desire and make him the bakra.
9. Dr. Subramaniam Swamy mercifully has seen which way the script is heading and has said he does not want Dr. Singh to resign and that he is a good man.
10. The BJP must wake up and realize that it is not Dr. Singh who has to go, it is Sonia and her Congress.
11. Raja could not have done what he did without the support of a larger DMK. the DMK could not have done this without the Congress knwoing and endorsing this.
12. And Dr. Manmohan Singh is not Congress. After Indira, it is Sonia who is the Congress. She needs to go before she becomes India. She is already Srirama and Buddha and gandhi. that's enough coronation without placing this timeless civilization on her head.
Corruption in India but…

The opposition in India has asked Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to resign for lack of action against ministers guilty of corruption. India’s Supreme Court also earlier asked Mr Singh to explain why he had failed to act against the person responsible for a case of massive corruption in the telecommunication sector of the economy. Former telecommunications minister, A Raja, since ousted, came under the scrutiny of the national audit, which reported that he had probably walked away with $40 billion.
Other reprimands on how the Congress government has misgoverned have surfaced too. A US-based research group says India lost an estimated $462 billion taken out illegally in the past 60 years. Significantly, tax evasion and corruption have increased after India got rid of its low-growth ‘licence-raj’ economy in 1991. Unlike Pakistan, however, the corruption has surfaced mostly in the private sector where tax evasion and under-invoicing (exports) and over-invoicing (imports) are rampant.
Some other India scams are worth mentioning. The recent Commonwealth Games exposed India to global ridicule when the arena was found to be defective because of corruption in the award of contracts. Ashok Chavan, chief minister of Maharashtra, was involved in the Adarsh scam worth billion of rupees, a housing programme meant for the families of the martyrs of the Kargil war of 1999 but where the flats were sold to undeserving individuals. If one were to think that the Pakistani judiciary is corrupt then they should hear this: in 2008, the then Chief Justice of India Justice KG Balakrishnan wrote to the prime minister recommending that proceedings be initiated for the removal of Justice Soumitra Sen, judge, Calcutta High Court, for corruption.
Justice Nirmal Yadav of the Punjab and Haryana high court was found indulging in forgery and abuse of his official position as a judge while buying land in Solan in the adjoining state of Himachal Pradesh. In 2008, a sum of Rs1.5 million in cash was mysteriously delivered at the residence in the same city, Chandigarh, of another judge of the high court, Justice Nirmaljit Kaur. This could be just the tip of the iceberg of corruption in India’s 28 high courts.
Comparison with Pakistan is inevitable but we undertake it usually for two purposes: one, to satisfy our ill-will against India as the ‘enemy state’ apparently going down the tubes; and two, to lighten the burden of guilt of our own corruption in Pakistan saying so what if we are corrupt, India is corrupt too. Tragically, there is a third way of looking at it: corruption is rampant in both India and Pakistan but India is steadily seen as a successful state while Pakistan seems to qualify as a ‘failing state’. Transparency International has ranked India 87th out of 178 countries on its 2010 International Corruption Perceptions Index. Pakistan was the forty-seventh most corrupt state in the world in 2009; it has become the forty-second most corrupt in 2010. In two years, we have broken some past records of our own. The scale, no doubt, is different when framed against the growth rates posted by the two countries.
There is more to read about India if we want to correct our perspective on Pakistan. The corrective is aimed at the Pakistani obsession that every case of scam must lead to collapse of the state at the highest point of imagination and a mid-term change of government at the lowest. The mind is so used to ‘toppling’ of elected governments by the army in the past that we have lost our faith in democracy and want to return to a military or quasi-military rule where we perceive less corruption. India, like Pakistan, is a non-exporting country. Its taxation system is as defective as Pakistan’s. Its infrastructure is abysmal just like Pakistan’s and service delivery and other issues of outreach are as poor, if not more.
The economist in Pakistan complains that the retail sector pays hardly any tax. The retailing sector of India can be split into two segments — the informal and the formal — and the former, comprising small retailers, pay no taxes. In terms of value, the Indian retail industry is worth $300 billion and its contribution to India’s gross domestic product stands at 10 per cent, the highest compared to all other Indian industries. What about loss-making in the state sector of the economy? In Pakistan all state-owned corporations account for a whopping Rs400 billion loss to the exchequer every year because of the frequent bailouts when there is debt-overhang from money payable to the oil sector.
Not all of India’s state sector economy is something to write home about. Out of the 48 units deemed “troubled”, seven have been identified as loss-making and fit for closure, while divestment is seen as the only option to revive another batch of 11 in the red. There are nine profitable companies that won’t be touched. About 17 units are under scrutiny for options of revival ‘by inviting support from private sector’. Yet what is it that makes the world think India is ‘shining’ while Pakistan is experiencing a never-ending eclipse?
Pakistan is different from India only in its problem of law and order which is undermined by terrorism which, in turn, appears to the world as embedded in the state structure itself. Why does the world think the state in Pakistan is the epicentre of terrorism radiating threat to other states? Because the state in Pakistan has used non-state actors in its policy of jihad and will not — or is unable to — act against the UN-banned terrorist organisations on its soil. Furthermore, because of its earlier policy of deploying jihadi organisations, it has created centres of power inside the country it can no longer control. Some observers, and this may include a few inside Pakistan as well, are of the view that the writ of the state no longer works or is absent in a large chunk of the country’s territory. That is definitely not the case with India.
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