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Corruption in India

Profit generated by a country like a pie with fixed size (for a given period of past time). If the rich get more shares, the poor will obviously get less. A simple math for primary school students.

Excessive richness in a poor country does mean that the rich loot the poor. The looting is soft, in a legal format that is endorsed by the rich in a democratic/dictating way. In the same sense, inheritance is inherited blood squeezed by his/her previous generations from the poor. Nothing to pride of.

Per topic, for India, a country has per capita GDP less than half that of China, but has more billionaires than Japan that has per capita GDP 12 more times than your country (PPP). Don’t you smell something odd? In addition, Japan has literacy, infant mortality, life expectancy, … that are all far more superior to that of your country. This is my justification for Indian billionaires to feel shameful (but not as much for the Japanese billionaires). Of course, “shame” has no effect for shameless people. :tdown:

I agree with some of your comments on USA. For instance, US billionaires are also looting from the poor legally. Recent financial crisis is an example. But should those shameful deeds justify or dilute any your shamefulness? BTW, this is off topic.

Yes I accept you ,We dont have health care,Education etc... . Now if you are happy enough , just read my questions again and try to think a little.

In India we all get our chance to become rich. If you talk about Ambani family , Go and read his history , you will get to know how he suffered and succeeded his life . India produces more entrepreneurs , Obviously every one gets their chance and a few succeed .

Statistics is not the only thing to prove much to you. I can assure you even Government of India cannot get correct statistics about our people . Let me give an example , If you don't know Mumbai Tharavi, its the largest slum in Asia. So if you come to conclusion that all those in slum are very poor struggling for their food, But change your mind , If you visit the slum you find lot of houses having rooms attached with Air Conditioners(Its a luxury in India) .I am sure you would have got a question now in your mind then why these people are there in slum . Thats what India is , you cannot understand.

We are in a competitive country and Ambani's are not rich because their fathers are Maharajas. I am proud that my country gives an opportunity such a small "worker" like Ambani to top the world billionaire list. Yes I agree with you that poor people got less of our wealth , But so what ? If you want to be rich ,become rich .Our country gives chance to all people its you to compete not the government. Not only Ambani, List has many more people , Kiran Majumdhar Shaw a woman started business with 200 $s made her company to cross the 1Bn$ revenue . I dont know about US or China. India is very much competitive, If Mukesh Ambani is not skill full enough there are hundreds of "Ambanis" Standing beside to take over him.

This billionaire list is not complete and every year this list will include more people than what you think.

Most of these billionaires have succeeded from a very low level of their life to this level.Indian Market is huge than what you imagine . I know that your media has convinced you enough that we are just rats but thats not true .

Indian GDP by PPP is 4th in the world. You can make a huge money from this huge market.Again I would like to stress in India if you try to do things with statistics you fail .

You want one more example why I told statistics are wrong ? , google for "Country ranks by gold imports" . I think that would convince you that India not only has beggars. (Come on man, we have no billionaires doing gold business and In India all business men have a habit of not investing much money in gold just wanted to tell you if your imagination goes to 'all billionaires of India are building a golden mountain' :) ) , You can also search for gold stocking by people of India .
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Did not want to make a new thread here but I am in Delhi and I know in India there is corruption but this telecom is the mother of all scams probably in history this amounts to a mind boggling $ 35 billion....yes $35 billion.

Pakistani friends this has beaten Mr. 10% hands down way beyond his dreams...and please dont follow your neighbours example

Best part is knowing India everyone of these people who are in the highest authority will as the past track record goes go scot free.

I really wonder what Indian members think of this....scandals after scandals economy booms so do the pockets of many people politicians and others who are connected.

I just got hold of the local outlook magazine and after reading that it just made me feel truly sick... mind you nor are we angels..but the way this is going on the money involved and knowing India nothing is going to happen i.e. all the accused will ride out in the sunset and live happily ever
Did not want to make a new thread here but I am in Delhi and I know in India there is corruption but this telecom is the mother of all scams probably in history this amounts to a mind boggling $ 35 billion....yes $35 billion.

Pakistani friends this has beaten Mr. 10% hands down way beyond his dreams...and please dont follow your neighbours example

Best part is knowing India everyone of these people who are in the highest authority will as the past track record goes go scot free.

I really wonder what Indian members think of this....scandals after scandals economy booms so do the pockets of many people politicians and others who are connected.

I just got hold of the local outlook magazine and after reading that it just made me feel truly sick...

I've come to accept corruption as the norm in Indian society. I am yet to meet a single cop, politician or bureaucrat who is incorruptible. With the Adarsh scam, the much respected military too is now known for being corrupt. I've personally witnessed the corruption the judiciary. There is simply no arm of the state which is not corrupt.
I've come to accept corruption as the norm in Indian society. I am yet to meet a single cop, politician or bureaucrat who is incorruptible. With the Adarsh scam, the much respected military too is now known for being corrupt. I've personally witnessed the corruption the judiciary. There is simply no arm of the state which is not corrupt.

You know I met a very respected Pakistani Journalist and columnist in Delhi 2 yrs ago and still keep in touch once in a while, have been invited many a times to visit. Very knowledgeable person and typical Punjabi gentleman I have to say, Punjabi meaning Happy go lucky jovial, loud, funny and truthful plus I still remember Ek aur peg. Anyway without naming him he said to me that corruption is bred into the society and becomes part of the culture and then grinds into the fabric of the society. In his opinion has been in the subcontinent for ages that's how the British established and eventually ruled India. The best part he said is that the elite will make sure that the people from the lower income segment remain uneducated as that's their base for votes/vote bank in short fiefdom as without this they are nobody. I have discussed many things on various topics pertaining to the subcontinent (India&Pakistan) and unfortunately he has been spot on so far.

PS: let me add we are no Angeles either however normally in our country if a public figure gets caught or let me rephrase it is involved in an scandal then basically majority of time that's the end of that persons career and is normally prosecuted. Again repeating we are no angels and this is generally the norm at least 80% of the times.
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You know I met a very respected Pakistani Journalist and columnist in Delhi 2 yrs ago and still keep in touch once in a while, have been invited many a times to visit. Very knowledgeable person and typical Punjabi gentleman I have to say, Punjabi meaning Happy go lucky jovial, loud, funny and truthful plus I still remember Ek aur peg. Anyway without naming him his said to me that corruption is bred into the society and becomes part of the culture and then grinds into the fabric of the society. In his opinion has been in the subcontinent for ages that's how the British established and eventually ruled India. The best part he said is that the elite will make sure that the people from the lower income segment remain uneducated as that's their base for votes/vote bank in short fiefdom as without this they are nobody. I have discussed many things on various topics pertaining to the subcontinent (India&Pakistan) and unfortunately he has been spot on so far.

I wouldn't know about Pakistan but this is not true in India as far as keeping the society uneducated is concerned. Across all segments of society, a lot of emphasis is placed on education. Even in the more conservative states like Rajasthan, education is seen as a ticket to a better life.

Perhaps this is why the mass leaders in Pakistan are feudal gentry while the mass leaders in India like Mayawati, Paswan, Laloo, Gowda etc. are from humble backgrounds.

But yes, corruption is bred into society. And I have stated this before that I personally loathe Narendra Modi but corruption in Gujurat is minimal thanks to him.
Jackdaws said:
Perhaps this is why the mass leaders in Pakistan are feudal gentry while the mass leaders in India like Mayawati, Paswan, Laloo, Gowda etc. are from humble backgrounds.

Exactly !

We tend do a lot of Mayawati bashing because of all the idiotic things she does, but at the end of the day she is a symbol of Dalit empowerment
Dunno why my BBC article thread abt India's corruption got deleted (Reason-irrelevant), and this thread with slum pictures is active.
Mayawati, Paswan, Laloo :hitwall:

But there was a reason these leaders came into power. The Dalits and Muslims in Bihar were quite wary of the upper castes, that's why Laloo ruled for 15 years, he was again a sign of lower class empowerment .

However as people became more confident of their identiy, things changed.....they'd rather vote for pro development Nitish Kumar than Laloo
I wouldn't know about Pakistan but this is not true in India as far as keeping the society uneducated is concerned. Across all segments of society, a lot of emphasis is placed on education. Even in the more conservative states like Rajasthan, education is seen as a ticket to a better life.

Perhaps this is why the mass leaders in Pakistan are feudal gentry while the mass leaders in India like Mayawati, Paswan, Laloo, Gowda etc. are from humble backgrounds.

But yes, corruption is bred into society. And I have stated this before that I personally loathe Narendra Modi but corruption in Gujurat is minimal thanks to him.

There my friend your spot on about Gujarat..... that's the place to invest and you know things happen there with efficiency and that's only because of Mr.Modi and his Vibrant Gujarat ideals which I must say does have a lot of coverage that's with substance internationally.

However I must add that in the rest of India is more or less the uneducated who rule the educated thats the middle class and these politicians get there votes from the masses who dont happen to be in the cities...and only in keeping them uneducated is where these people get their votes and get elected. This is the way I look at it please tell me where Im wrong..look in every state its more or less the same caste vote bank, religious vote bank etc...
corruption is everywhere..India pakistan usa france germany..read the western newspapers for last few days..American senator stealing tax for 17 years, sarkozy admitting to submarine bribe deal!
But there was a reason these leaders came into power. The Dalits and Muslims in Bihar were quite wary of the upper castes, that's why Laloo ruled for 15 years, he was again a sign of lower class empowerment .

However as people became more confident of their identiy, things changed.....they'd rather vote for pro development Nitish Kumar than Laloo
If some Lalus or mayabatis(thanks to corruption) becomes billionaire does it means lower class empowerment?
Sorry didn't get you..........
If some Lalus or mayabatis(thanks to corruption) becomes billionaire does it means lower class empowerment?
Sorry didn't get you..........

No but it means empowerment when Nitish is elected in place Laloo at the state level or when a JP Narayan can undo an Emergency.
corruption is everywhere..India pakistan usa france germany..read the western newspapers for last few days..American senator stealing tax for 17 years, sarkozy admitting to submarine bribe deal!

Sir nobody denies that and no one can really exterminate corruption anywhere only what we can do is to minimize corruption. Look at the Nordic countries they have corruption but its minimal as per transparency International.

PS: I have a hard time at home trying to bribe my wife so that I can have a night out with my friends and normally its kinda hard negotiations ;) kidding but she is from the Nordic area.
If some Lalus or mayabatis(thanks to corruption) becomes billionaire does it means lower class empowerment?
Sorry didn't get you..........

Let me clarify

I meant Lalu (was) and Mayawati are symbols of lower class empowerment, more about individual pride.

A community which has been subjugated for 2000years now is in control of the state !

It's a different story that Laloo was not able to actually uplift the state of the lower classes and that's why he got booted out (Nitish is doing the job quite well right?), Mayawati willprobably meet the same fate if she follows Laloo's path.

But do realize, it took people ~20 years to shed (atleast some) their insecurities and boot out Laloo. Perception matters
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