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Corruption in Egyptian Armed Forces


Mar 24, 2010
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Forces: Why Egypt Ignores Reality

June 8, 2010: No army likes to admit that it has problems, but in Egypt, the government's denial of corruption and nepotism within the army has caused these problems to grow to epidemic proportions. Worse, the government jails anyone who speaks out about military incompetence.

For example, last March a 20-year old engineering student was imprisoned after writing an article on his blog claiming that favoritism and corruption were rampant within the country's armed forces. Specifically, the student wrote a post claiming corruption within Egypt's military academy.

Imprisoning people for criticizing the government is nothing new in the Middle East, but usually such people are jailed for speaking out about human rights abuses or lack of press freedoms. In Egypt, however, it's essentially a crime to highlight or write about serious problems in the military, problems that could be fixed, such as corrupt officers or poor training standards.

Egypt has several positive things going for its military. Egypt, in terms of manpower, is the most militarily powerful country in the Arab world, with a standing army of around 350,000 officers and men. In addition, friendly relations with the US and a massive military aid agreement have ensured that, unlike Syria and Libya who still make do with an arsenal of aging Soviet gear, the Egyptians have access to some of the most sophisticated, state of the art weaponry available.

Unfortunately, Egypt's military also suffers from the same problems that are endemic throughout the entire Egyptian government, namely corruption, incompetence, nepotism, and low salaries. These problems persist largely due to the Emergency Law, that has been in force since President Anwar Sadat's assassination in 1981, giving the government power to do pretty much whatever it wants. Dictatorships and "emergency rule" are pretty common in the Middle East, but the Egyptian Emergency Law makes it a crime to "insult the armed forces" or "tarnish the image of Egypt". In other words, it's illegal to point out legitimate problems within the Egyptian military because the government fears it will make the country look bad.

Since journalists, and even other officers, are basically forbidden by law to raise these issues, they never get fixed or addressed. The Egyptian government is determined to protect its image as having a model military, at the expense of allowing greedy and incompetent officers to occupy important posts. Most countries that conduct joint military training with the Egyptians are aware of these issues, and aware that the Egyptian government is in denial about them, so there's really no point in the government continuing to jail people for writing about them. All it does is continue to damage Egypt's reputation and allow it's military's problems to fester.
Corruption appeared during the latest french weapons acquisition , especially the Fremm Frigate .... saving the french industry and getting support from french government in order to recognize the coup and getting support in Europe.

Also the Corruption about F-16s deals with America , No BVR capability ... Not to mention Abrams and others.
The French government already had recognized the Egyptian government, so that aint corruption :D
Corruption appeared during the latest french weapons acquisition , especially the Fremm Frigate .... saving the french industry and getting support from french government in order to recognize the coup and getting support in Europe.

Also the Corruption about F-16s deals with America , No BVR capability ... Not to mention Abrams and others.
Btw who Egyptians are expected to fight with these US weapons?? I know American weapons are tweaked not to target Israeli jets.
Btw who Egyptians are expected to fight with these US weapons?? I know American weapons are tweaked not to target Israeli jets.

no , we can use against israeli targets but the problem is the lack of technology and generations .. our weapons is less developed compared to israelie ones.
Btw who Egyptians are expected to fight with these US weapons?? I know American weapons are tweaked not to target Israeli jets.

Now, i know there were reports in the media that Turkey developed it's own IFF system that can target Israeli fighters.
Report: Israel no longer ‘friend’ for Turkey’s F-16s, warships

However, IFF doesn't blocks you from firing on a friendly target.
The Aviationist » "Turkish F-16s now able to hit Israeli planes": since when IFF can prevent a fighter from firing a missile?
no , we can use against israeli targets but the problem is the lack of technology and generations .. our weapons is less developed compared to israelie ones.
Than again, let suppose Egypt get in fight with Israel, US will stop all weapon and spare part supply and Egyptian military will be totally ineffective. I mean if this is the case, why Egypt is spending Billion of dollars on such equipment to began with.


Now, i know there were reports in the media that Turkey developed it's own IFF system that can target Israeli fighters.
Report: Israel no longer ‘friend’ for Turkey’s F-16s, warships

However, IFF doesn't blocks you from firing on a friendly target.
The Aviationist » "Turkish F-16s now able to hit Israeli planes": since when IFF can prevent a fighter from firing a missile?
I think same goes for Turkey, Even if Turkey had redevelop IFF, Sooner or later Turkey will run out of all the ammunition for F-16s and F-35 and other US equipment in any conflicts with Israel. US will not resupply any of the weapons. All US made equipment will be render useless.
Than again, let suppose Egypt get in fight with Israel, US will stop all weapon and spare part supply and Egyptian military will be totally ineffective. I mean if this is the case, why Egypt is spending Billion of dollars on such equipment to began with.

90% of our american weapons paid by the maerican aid not from our money ..
Corruption appeared during the latest french weapons acquisition , especially the Fremm Frigate .... saving the french industry and getting support from french government in order to recognize the coup and getting support in Europe.

Also the Corruption about F-16s deals with America , No BVR capability ... Not to mention Abrams and others.
First of all it is not a coup.....second: you said that US can stop weapon supply to Egypt so Egypt Started to diversify weapon sources...French,Russian and German + US.
Third: Fremme which is one of the most advanced Frigates world wide don't meet your expectation....so just let us know about what exactly is the Frigate that satisfy you.

So don't let your political opinion reflect on FACTS.

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