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Coronavirus vaccine shots given worldwide

Coronavirus toll at 1000 GMT Sunday

10 Oct 2021

PARIS: The novel coronavirus has killed at least 4,843,739 people since the outbreak emerged in China in December 2019, according to a tally from official sources compiled by AFP at 1000 GMT on Sunday.

At least 237,462,210 cases of coronavirus have been registered. The vast majority have recovered, though some have continued to experience symptoms weeks or even months later.

The figures are based on daily reports provided by health authorities in each country. They exclude revisions made by other statistical organisations, which show that the number of deaths is much higher.

The World Health Organization estimates that the pandemic's overall toll could be two to three times higher than official records, due to the excess mortality that is directly and indirectly linked to Covid-19. A large number of the less severe or asymptomatic cases also remain undetected, despite intensified testing in many countries.

On Saturday, 5,425 new deaths and 351,868 new cases were recorded worldwide. Based on latest reports, the countries with the most new deaths were Russia with 962 new deaths, followed by Brazil with 404 and Mexico with 348.

The United States is the worst-affected country with 712,974 deaths from 44,317,553 cases.

After the US, the hardest-hit countries are Brazil with 600,829 deaths from 21,567,181 cases, India with 450,589 deaths from 33,953,475 cases, Mexico with 281,958 deaths from 3,720,545 cases, and Russia with 216,415 deaths from 7,775,365 cases.

The country with the highest number of deaths compared to its population is Peru with 605 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Bosnia-Herzegovina with 331, Republic of North Macedonia with 327, Montenegro with 316, Hungary with 313, and Bulgaria with 311.

Latin America and the Caribbean overall has 1,501,440 deaths from 45,305,305 cases, Europe 1,333,630 deaths from 69,413,306 infections, and Asia 849,982 deaths from 54,643,014 cases.

The United States and Canada has reported 741,160 deaths from 45,972,930 cases, Africa 213,024 deaths from 8,362,975 cases, the Middle East 202,156 deaths from 13,561,466 cases, and Oceania 2,347 deaths from 203,220 cases.

As a result of corrections by national authorities or late publication of data, the figures updated over the past 24 hours may not correspond exactly to the previous day's tallies.
More than 6.53 billion doses have been administered across 184 countries, according to data collected by Bloomberg. The latest rate was roughly 27.5 million doses a day.

In the U.S., 402 million doses have been given so far. In the last week, an average of 1.03 million doses per day were administered.
PARIS: The novel coronavirus has killed at least 4,853,570 people since the outbreak emerged in China in December 2019, according to a tally from official sources compiled by AFP at 1000 GMT on Tuesday.

At least 238,150,550 cases of coronavirus have been registered. The vast majority have recovered, though some have continued to experience symptoms weeks or even months later.

The figures are based on daily reports provided by health authorities in each country. They exclude revisions made by other statistical organisations, which show that the number of deaths is much higher.

The World Health Organization estimates that the pandemic's overall toll could be two to three times higher than official records, due to the excess mortality that is directly and indirectly linked to Covid-19.

A large number of the less severe or asymptomatic cases also remain undetected, despite intensified testing in many countries.

On Monday, 4,938 new deaths and 363,887 new cases were recorded worldwide. Based on latest reports, the countries with the most new deaths were Russia with 973 new deaths, followed by United States with 722 and Ukraine with 352.

The United States is the worst-affected country with 714,060 deaths from 44,456,144 cases. After the US, the hardest-hit countries are Brazil with 601,213 deaths from 21,582,738 cases, India with 450,963 deaths from 33,985,920 cases, Mexico with 282,227 deaths from 3,725,242 cases, and Russia with 218,345 deaths from 7,832,964 cases.

The country with the highest number of deaths compared to its population is Peru with 606 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Bosnia-Herzegovina with 334, Republic of North Macedonia with 329, Montenegro with 317, Hungary with 314, and Bulgaria with 312.

Latin America and the Caribbean overall has 1,502,762 deaths from 45,350,368 cases, Europe 1,338,152 deaths from 69,734,079 infections, and Asia 851,766 deaths from 54,777,022 cases.

The United States and Canada have reported 742,246 deaths from 46,111,595 cases, Africa 213,453 deaths from 8,372,128 cases, Middle East 202,817 deaths from 13,596,899 cases, and Oceania 2,374 deaths from 208,468 cases.

As a result of corrections by national authorities or late publication of data, the figures updated over the past 24 hours may not correspond exactly to the previous day's tallies. bur-bla/tup
More than 6.58 billion doses have been administered across 184 countries, according to data collected by Bloomberg. The latest rate was roughly 24.8 million doses a day.

In the U.S., 404 million doses have been given so far. In the last week, an average of 783,896 doses per day were administered.
PARIS: The novel coronavirus has killed at least 4,861,478 people since the outbreak emerged in China in December 2019, according to a tally from official sources compiled by AFP at 1000 GMT on Wednesday.

At least 238,592,820 cases of coronavirus have been registered.

The vast majority have recovered, though some have continued to experience symptoms weeks or even months later.

The figures are based on daily reports provided by health authorities in each country.

They exclude revisions made by other statistical organisations, which show that the number of deaths is much higher.

The World Health Organization estimates that the pandemic's overall toll could be two to three times higher than official records, due to the excess mortality that is directly and indirectly linked to Covid-19.

A large number of the less severe or asymptomatic cases also remain undetected, despite intensified testing in many countries.

On Tuesday, 8,218 new deaths and 451,476 new cases were recorded worldwide. Based on latest reports, the countries with the most new deaths were United States with 2,395 new deaths, followed by Russia with 984 and Mexico with 546.

Coronavirus toll at 1000 GMT Tuesday

The United States is the worst-affected country with 716,479 deaths from 44,570,588 cases.

After the US, the hardest-hit countries are Brazil with 601,398 deaths from 21,590,097 cases, India with 451,189 deaths from 34,001,743 cases, Mexico with 282,773 deaths from 3,732,429 cases, and Russia with 219,329 deaths from 7,861,681 cases.

The country with the highest number of deaths compared to its population is Peru with 606 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Bosnia-Herzegovina with 336, Republic of North Macedonia with 329, Montenegro with 318, Bulgaria with 314, and Hungary with 314.

Latin America and the Caribbean overall has 1,503,874 deaths from 45,379,844 cases, Europe 1,340,860 deaths from 69,941,710 infections, and Asia 852,737 deaths from 54,831,340 cases.

The United States and Canada has reported 744,705 deaths from 46,232,306 cases, Africa 213,721 deaths from 8,377,554 cases, Middle East 203,187 deaths from 13,619,404 cases, and Oceania 2,394 deaths from 210,662 cases.

As a result of corrections by national authorities or late publication of data, the figures updated over the past 24 hours may not correspond exactly to the previous day's tallies.
US to ship 9.6m doses of Pfizer vaccine to Pakistan

BR Web Desk
15 Oct 2021


The US has announced to ship an additional 9.6 million doses of Pfizer coronavirus vaccine to Pakistan through the global vaccine sharing COVAX initiative.

The shipment will bring the total dose of the Covid-19 vaccine donated by the US to Pakistani to more than 25 million doses, according to a statement issued by the US embassy in Islamabad.

“The United States is proud to partner with Pakistan to inoculate Pakistanis’ arms with an effective and life-saving Pfizer vaccine. Pakistan has done a great job of distributing the donated vaccine,” Angela P. Aggeler, US's Chargé d’affaires for Pakistan said in a statement.

“This donation will just make it in time for young Pakistanis over the age of 12 to get their first job.”
While Pakistan's vaccination drive has mainly relied on Chinese vaccines, donations through the COVAX initiative have helped the country in overcoming the shortage of Western-developed anti-coronavirus injections, including the ones made in the US.

“These Pfizer vaccines are part of the 500 million Pfizer doses that the United States purchased this summer and will reach 92 countries around the world, including Pakistan, to serve as president. [Joe] Biden’s commitment to providing safe and effective vaccines worldwide and strengthening the global battle against pandemics, “said the US Embassy in a statement.

The coronavirus cases have steadily declined in Pakistan. On Friday, Pakistan reported 1,086 positive coronavirus cases at a positivity ratio of 2.03%.

The situation is a massive improvement from June/July when the number of daily cases had shot up to nearly 5,000 a day.

The country intends to vaccinate 70 million people by the end of this year and has also committed to spending $1.1 billion on procuring the Covid-19 vaccine to inoculate its people. Pakistan has been inoculating the citizens with CanSino, Sinopharm, SinoVac, AstraZeneca, Moderna and Pfizer vaccines.
Covid has decreased opportunities to lead an active life: WHO

October 15, 2021

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has said that opportunities to live an active and healthy life have been decreased due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In a statement, the WHO has called upon decision-makers across the health, sport, education and transport sectors to urgently scale up provision of more inclusive programmes and services and safer environments that promote physical activity in all communities.

According to data of the National Command and Operation Centre, 1,016 people were infected with Covid-19 and 28 succumbed to virus across Pakistan on Thursday.

The national positivity rate remained at 2.11 per cent and 2,195 patients were in critical care.

1,016 persons infected with virus
Dr Rana Safdar, Director General, Ministry of National Health Services, told Dawn that 9.6 million doses of American vaccine Pfizer were scheduled to be delivered by the end of this month.

“First consignment of 2.4m is likely to arrive over the weekend. The vaccine will be coming through Covax platform as US dose sharing,” he said.

Covax is an international alliance which has pledged to provide free vaccines for 20pc population of Pakistan.

Pfizer is the only vaccine which is being administered to an age group between 12 and 18 years and Pakistan requires uninterrupted supply of the American vaccine to vaccinate students.

WHO Deputy Director General Dr Zsuzsanna Jakab said in a statement that there was an urgent need to provide people with better opportunities to live active healthy lives. Today, the possibility for people to take part in physical activity is uneven and unfair.

This inequity has only gotten worse during the Covid-19 pandemic. “This is why WHO is stepping up actions with its partners around the world to tackle the key barriers impeding people from becoming more active and healthier,” said the statement.

Up to 5m deaths a year could be averted if the global population was more active; however, many live in areas with little or no access to spaces where they can safely walk, run, cycle or engage in other physical activities. Where opportunities do exist, they may not have been developed to meet the needs for older adults or people with disabilities.

WHO statistics reveal that one in four adults, and four out of five adolescents, do not currently get enough physical activity. Women are less active than men, with an over 8pc difference at the global level (32pc men vs 23pc women). High-income countries are more inactive (37pc) compared with middle-income (26pc) and low-income countries (16pc).

Published in Dawn, October 15th, 2021
Coronavirus Cases:


18 Oct 2021


PARIS: The novel coronavirus has killed at least 4,895,733 people since the outbreak emerged in China in December 2019, according to a tally from official sources compiled by AFP at 1000 GMT on Monday


At least 240,607,730 cases of coronavirus have been registered. The vast majority have recovered, though some have continued to experience symptoms weeks or even months later.

The figures are based on daily reports provided by health authorities in each country.

They exclude revisions made by other statistical organisations, which show that the number of deaths is much higher.

The World Health Organization estimates that the pandemic's overall toll could be two to three times higher than official records, due to the excess mortality that is directly and indirectly linked to Covid-19.

A large number of the less severe or asymptomatic cases also remain undetected, despite intensified testing in many countries.

On Sunday, 4,011 new deaths and 296,522 new cases were recorded worldwide.

Based on latest reports, the countries with the most new deaths were Russia with 998 new deaths, followed by Romania with 299 and Iran with 199.

The United States is the worst-affected country with 724,317 deaths from 44,933,409 cases.

After the US, the hardest-hit countries are Brazil with 603,282 deaths from 21,644,464 cases, India with 452,290 deaths from 34,081,315 cases, Mexico with 284,381 deaths from 3,757,056 cases, and Russia with 224,310 deaths from 8,027,012 cases.

The country with the highest number of deaths compared to its population is Peru with 606 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Bosnia-Herzegovina with 339, Republic of North Macedonia with 333, Montenegro with 322, Bulgaria with 320, and Hungary with 314.

Latin America and the Caribbean overall has 1,508,833 deaths from 45,531,176 cases, Europe 1,354,283 deaths from 70,963,153 infections, and Asia 857,020 deaths from 55,132,616 cases.

The United States and Canada has reported 752,805 deaths from 46,612,955 cases, Africa 215,496 deaths from 8,434,262 cases, Middle East 204,767 deaths from 13,709,000 cases, and Oceania 2,529 deaths from 224,573 cases.

As a result of corrections by national authorities or late publication of data, the figures updated over the past 24 hours may not correspond exactly to the previous day's tallies.
PARIS: The novel coronavirus has killed at least 4,910,200 people since the outbreak emerged in China in December 2019, according to a tally from official sources compiled by AFP at 1000 GMT on Wednesday.

At least 241,485,380 cases of coronavirus have been registered. The vast majority have recovered, though some have continued to experience symptoms weeks or even months later.

The figures are based on daily reports provided by health authorities in each country. They exclude revisions made by other statistical organisations, which show that the number of deaths is much higher.

The World Health Organization estimates that the pandemic's overall toll could be two to three times higher than official records, due to the excess mortality that is directly and indirectly linked to Covid-19.

A large number of the less severe or asymptomatic cases also remain undetected, despite intensified testing in many countries.

On Tuesday, 8,151 new deaths and 446,565 new cases were recorded worldwide.

Based on latest reports, the countries with the most new deaths were United States with 1,850 new deaths, followed by Russia with 1,028 and Romania with 574.

The United States is the worst-affected country with 728,296 deaths from 45,139,222 cases.

After the US, the hardest-hit countries are Brazil with 603,855 deaths from 21,664,879 cases, India with 452,651 deaths from 34,108,996 cases, Mexico with 284,925 deaths from 3,762,689 cases, and Russia with 226,353 deaths from 8,094,825 cases.

The country with the highest number of deaths compared to its population is Peru with 606 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Bosnia-Herzegovina with 342, Republic of North Macedonia with 335, Montenegro with 325, Bulgaria with 324, and Hungary with 315.

Latin America and the Caribbean overall has 1,510,677 deaths from 45,584,886 cases, Europe 1,360,253 deaths from 71,417,589 infections, and Asia 858,480 deaths from 55,229,718 cases.

The United States and Canada has reported 756,899 deaths from 46,826,839 cases, Africa 216,004 deaths from 8,446,734 cases, Middle East 205,309 deaths from 13,747,712 cases, and Oceania 2,578 deaths from 231,904 cases.

As a result of corrections by national authorities or late publication of data, the figures updated over the past 24 hours may not correspond exactly to the previous day's tallies.
New Delta variant monitored as UK Covid-19 cases rise
AY.4.2 strain could cause problems this winter as vaccine protection wanes

Nick Webster
Oct 18, 2021

A new variant of the Delta coronavirus strain thought to account for 6 per cent of all new UK cases is being closely monitored by scientists.

Sub-variant AY. 4.2 could be 10 to 15 per cent more infectious than the original Delta variant that was first spotted in India in December and has become the dominant Covid-19 strain.

Francois Balloux, director of the University College London Genetics Institute, published an analysis on Twitter suggesting that the data implied it was “intrinsically more transmissible”.

He said that research showed AY. 4.2 could be the most infectious variant of the virus to date. It is expected to be placed under investigation by the World Health Organisation.

An NHS document published on Tuesday revealed the sub-variant was one of four being monitored by scientists working for the UK Health Security Agency.

“A Delta sublineage newly designated as AY. 4.2 is noted to be expanding in England. It is now a signal in monitoring and assessment has commenced,” it said.

“New sublineages of Delta are regularly identified and designated. One recently designated sublineage, AY. 4.2, is not yet assigned by the Pangolin tool and therefore is not represented in Figure 10.

“This sublineage is currently increasing in frequency. It includes spike mutations A222V and Y145H. In the week beginning 27 September 2021 (the last week with complete sequencing data), this sublineage accounted for approximately 6 per cent of all sequences generated, on an increasing trajectory.”

Full WHO investigations could lead to it being assigned a Greek letter under its naming system, in the same way other variants of Covid-19 have been up to now.

More work was needed to fully understand its potential for disruption.

“It's good that we are aware. It's excellent that we have the facilities and infrastructure in place to see anything that might be a bit suspicious,” Mr Balloux said. “At this stage, I would say wait and see, don't panic. It might be slightly, subtly more transmissible but it is not something absolutely disastrous like we saw previously.”

Cases of Covid-19 in the UK are higher now that at the same time in 2020, when England still enforced local lockdowns.

On Tuesday, the UK Department of Health recorded 223 deaths, the highest level since March 9. However, infections had dropped to 43,738 after reaching almost 50,000 a day previously.

Experts said the UK’s steep rise in Covid infections could be a result of waning protection from vaccines.

The UK had one of the earliest and fastest immunisation campaigns, with protection of 90 per cent to 95 per cent from the AstraZeneca and Pfizer vaccines thought to last for about 20 weeks before antibodies begin to drop-off.

The number of people who have tested positive in the UK has steadily risen from a seven-day average of about 25,000 in early August to more than 40,000 cases a day in mid-October.

However, hospital admission rates remain considerably lower than a year ago.

Fewer than 1,000 daily cases end up in hospital now, compared to more than four times that figure 12 months ago, thanks mainly to a widespread vaccination programme through 67 per cent of the population is fully protected.

PARIS: The novel coronavirus has killed at least 4,910,200 people since the outbreak emerged in China in December 2019, according to a tally from official sources compiled by AFP at 1000 GMT on Wednesday.

At least 241,485,380 cases of coronavirus have been registered. The vast majority have recovered, though some have continued to experience symptoms weeks or even months later.

The figures are based on daily reports provided by health authorities in each country. They exclude revisions made by other statistical organisations, which show that the number of deaths is much higher.

The World Health Organization estimates that the pandemic's overall toll could be two to three times higher than official records, due to the excess mortality that is directly and indirectly linked to Covid-19.

A large number of the less severe or asymptomatic cases also remain undetected, despite intensified testing in many countries.

On Tuesday, 8,151 new deaths and 446,565 new cases were recorded worldwide.

Based on latest reports, the countries with the most new deaths were United States with 1,850 new deaths, followed by Russia with 1,028 and Romania with 574.

The United States is the worst-affected country with 728,296 deaths from 45,139,222 cases.

After the US, the hardest-hit countries are Brazil with 603,855 deaths from 21,664,879 cases, India with 452,651 deaths from 34,108,996 cases, Mexico with 284,925 deaths from 3,762,689 cases, and Russia with 226,353 deaths from 8,094,825 cases.

The country with the highest number of deaths compared to its population is Peru with 606 fatalities per 100,000 inhabitants, followed by Bosnia-Herzegovina with 342, Republic of North Macedonia with 335, Montenegro with 325, Bulgaria with 324, and Hungary with 315.

Latin America and the Caribbean overall has 1,510,677 deaths from 45,584,886 cases, Europe 1,360,253 deaths from 71,417,589 infections, and Asia 858,480 deaths from 55,229,718 cases.

The United States and Canada has reported 756,899 deaths from 46,826,839 cases, Africa 216,004 deaths from 8,446,734 cases, Middle East 205,309 deaths from 13,747,712 cases, and Oceania 2,578 deaths from 231,904 cases.
White House unveils plan to roll out COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 5 to 11

White House unveils plan to roll out COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 5 to 11

6:45 PM | October 21, 2021

The White House on Wednesday unveiled its plan to roll out COVID-19 vaccines for children ages 5 to 11, pending the vaccine's approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

"In anticipation of the FDA's independent advisory committee meeting on October 26 and the CDC's (the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) independent advisory committee meeting on November 2 to 3, today the Biden Administration is announcing a plan to ensure that, if a vaccine is authorized for children ages 5 to 11, it is quickly distributed and made conveniently and equitably available to families across the country," the White House announced in a statement.

The start of a vaccination program for children ages 5 to 11 will depend on the independent FDA and CDC process and timeline, said the White House, adding the country will be ready to begin getting shots in arms in the days following a final CDC recommendation.

The Biden administration has procured enough vaccine to support vaccination for the country's 28 million children ages 5 to 11 years old, according to the White House.

White House coronavirus coordinator Jeffrey Zients said Wednesday the Biden administration was aiming to "plan ahead so that we can hit the ground running," but that experts at the FDA and CDC would have the final say.

Vaccine advisers to the FDA are scheduled to meet next week to discuss data about the safety and efficacy of the Pfizer-BioNTech pediatric vaccine.

If authorized by the FDA, the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine would be the first COVID-19 vaccine for younger children.

A CDC vaccine advisory panel is scheduled to meet on Nov. 2 and 3 to weigh a recommendation for use. If the CDC director signs off on a recommendation for use, the vaccine can be administered to children ages 5 to 11.

The Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine is currently fully approved for people age 16 and older, and has emergency use authorization from the FDA for children ages 12 to 15.

Pfizer said last month that a Phase 2/3 trial showed its COVID-19 vaccine was safe and generated a "robust" antibody response in children ages 5 to 11.

The trial included 2,268 participants ages 5 to 11, and used a two-dose regimen of the vaccine administered 21 days apart. This trial used a 10-microgram dose, which is smaller than the 30-microgram dose that has been used for those ages 12 and older.
Pfizer says Covid vaccine 90% effective in younger children

22 Oct 2021


WASHINGTON: Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine is more than 90 percent effective in preventing symptomatic forms of the disease in children aged 5 to 11, the company said in a document released Friday.

The new data were published on the website of the Food and Drug Administration, which has called an advisory panel of independent experts to meet Tuesday to decide whether to authorize the vaccine in this age group.

The analysis was based on around 2,250 trial participants with data accruing until October 8, and most positive cases occurred when the Delta variant was dominant in the US and globally.

"VE (Vaccine Efficacy) against laboratory-confirmed symptomatic Covid-19 occurring at least 7 days after Dose 2 in evaluable participants without evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection was 90.7%," the document said.

There were no cases of severe Covid and no cases of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), a rare but serious post viral condition.

There were no cases of myocarditis or pericarditis (heart inflammation or inflammation around the heart) -- but there are not enough study volunteers to be able to detect highly rare side effects, and male adolescents are thought to be a higher risk group.

This is the first time Pfizer has released an efficacy estimate for its Covid vaccine in younger children. Its earlier press statement only said the shot produced a robust immune response.

The vaccine was tested with a 10 microgram dose, while older age groups have received 30 micrograms.

The administration of President Joe Biden has said it stands ready to roll out shots for the country's 28 million 5 to 11-year-olds as soon as the vaccine is authorized by science agencies.
Pfizer says Covid vaccine 90% effective in younger children

22 Oct 2021


WASHINGTON: Pfizer's Covid-19 vaccine is more than 90 percent effective in preventing symptomatic forms of the disease in children aged 5 to 11, the company said in a document released Friday.

The new data were published on the website of the Food and Drug Administration, which has called an advisory panel of independent experts to meet Tuesday to decide whether to authorize the vaccine in this age group.

The analysis was based on around 2,250 trial participants with data accruing until October 8, and most positive cases occurred when the Delta variant was dominant in the US and globally.

"VE (Vaccine Efficacy) against laboratory-confirmed symptomatic Covid-19 occurring at least 7 days after Dose 2 in evaluable participants without evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection was 90.7%," the document said.

There were no cases of severe Covid and no cases of multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C), a rare but serious post viral condition.

There were no cases of myocarditis or pericarditis (heart inflammation or inflammation around the heart) -- but there are not enough study volunteers to be able to detect highly rare side effects, and male adolescents are thought to be a higher risk group.

This is the first time Pfizer has released an efficacy estimate for its Covid vaccine in younger children. Its earlier press statement only said the shot produced a robust immune response.

The vaccine was tested with a 10 microgram dose, while older age groups have received 30 micrograms.

The administration of President Joe Biden has said it stands ready to roll out shots for the country's 28 million 5 to 11-year-olds as soon as the vaccine is authorized by science agencies.

That's really bad efficacy considering covid don't even affect children unlike RSV and flu which do.

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