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Coronavirus: Two UAE-based Indians in trouble over Islamophobic messages

There are over 5 million Indians in middle east. Pakistan should campaign to send them back to India. UAE & Saudi may be then learn the hard reality of losing world's third largest oil market. There are interests at play here not emotions. Pakistanis seems never seem to understand them.

Why do people think that by importing essential items from certain countries, they're doing them a favor? Who will you import oil from then if not the Gulf countries.

Quit crying, are you saying that the man was wrong in insulting Islam? He should feel lucky it is the UAE, he will get deported. If it was Saudi Arabia, nothing less than the dog's head off would be accepted.
They really are like that here as well.
You know living among this "kind" i can easily vouch for these cunning and treacherous hindus living in gulf states, they raise their families here, enjoy their lavish life, earn lots of money but shamelessly (as it fits well with indians) hates the same religion of the country they are living in. most of them even deny jobs to their fellow indian muslims let alone Pakistanis. Tremendous sycophants. They love sewing hate among arab brethren for Pakistan and Pakistanis by their bollywood version stories. there are only 1 or hardly 2 % of them who are really good people and keeps humanity above religion and nationalities.
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