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Coronavirus: Trump says China death toll 'far higher' than admitted


Sep 30, 2019
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Trump addresses a news conference about coronavirus at the White House.PHOTO: NYTIMES


WASHINGTON (AFP) - US President Donald Trump said on Friday (April 17) that China's coronavirus deaths were "far higher" than it has admitted after the toll in the city where the pandemic originated was revised up by 50 per cent.

Global criticism is mounting against China over its management of the coronavirus outbreak, which has killed more than 145,000 people worldwide and hammered the global economy since it first emerged in the Chinese city of Wuhan last year.

More than half of humanity - 4.5 billion people - are confined to their homes as governments scramble to contain the virus's death march across the globe.

World leaders are now looking at when - and how - to ease widespread confinement measures to revive an economy battered by what the International Monetary Fund calls the "Great Lockdown".

Trump is eager to restart business in the world's biggest economy, while some hard-hit European nations are slowly creeping ahead on the path to normalcy, with some shops and schools starting to reopen.

The US leader announced this week a phased reopening of the United States - one of his central preoccupations - but on Friday turned his attention to China's death toll after Wuhan's city government added a further 1,290 deaths to the city's fatalities.

The revision brought the city's total to 3,869 after many dead were "mistakenly reported" or missed entirely, adding to growing global doubts over China's transparency.

"China has just announced a doubling in the number of their deaths from the Invisible Enemy. It is far higher than that and far higher than the US, not even close!" Trump tweeted.


The revised death toll out of China on Friday was specific to the city of Wuhan, not the country as a whole. The United States currently has the most reported fatalities of any country in the world, with some 33,000 deaths.

Leaders in France and Britain have also questioned China's management of the crisis, and French President Emmanuel Macron said it would be "naive" to think Beijing had handled the pandemic well.

The virus is believed to have emerged in a wet market in Wuhan in December, but two US media outlets reported suspicions the virus accidentally slipped out of a sensitive Wuhan laboratory that studied bats.

Donald J. Trump


China has just announced a doubling in the number of their deaths from the Invisible Enemy. It is far higher than that and far higher than the U.S., not even close!

2:30 AM - Apr 18, 2020
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Beijing, which has come under fire at home and abroad for downplaying the severity and scope of the outbreak, hit back earlier Friday, insisting there had been no cover-up.

"There has never been any concealment, and we'll never allow any concealment," a foreign ministry spokesman said.

LIFE-AND-DEATH BALANCEGovernments around the world are grappling with the question of when to reopen society, seeking a life-and-death balance between unfreezing stalled economies and preventing a second deadly coronavirus wave.

While Trump declared Thursday that the time had come for the "next front in our war" with a phased reboot of the US economy, others took the opposite path - Japan, Britain and Mexico all expanded current restrictions.

Despite the United States suffering a staggering 4,500 new deaths announced Thursday, Trump proclaimed: "We're opening up our country."

The president's approach was a step back from previous hopes for a sudden reopening however, and state governors were given the freedom to set their own plans to resume business.

Lightly affected states can open "literally tomorrow", said Trump, while others would receive White House "freedom and guidance" to achieve that at their own pace.

In New York state for example - where more than 11,500 people have died - Governor Andrew Cuomo extended a shutdown order until May 15.

In some of the world's most vulnerable economies, lockdown measures are starting to pinch.

Tobacco farmers in Zimbabwe fear a delayed start to the normally busy auction season, the lifeblood for thousands of growers in impoverished rural regions.
"This year our harvest hasn't been good at all... just average," farmer Shaw Mutalepo told AFP, as workers in face masks crunched cured leaves into large bales.

"We might have a delay (in selling) just because of the lockdown," he added.


Meanwhile, there were more signs the global economy is imploding.

China reported Friday its GDP shrank 6.8 per cent in the first quarter, the first contraction since quarterly growth data started in the early 1990s.

In the US, another 5.2 million workers lost their jobs, bringing the total number of newly unemployed to a staggering 22 million since mid-March.

John Williams, a top Federal Reserve official, predicted it would take "a year or two" if not longer for the US to recover.

The virus could spark another "lost decade" in Latin America, the IMF warned, while experts cautioned that freezing debt for poor countries will not save many developing world economies.

Some European countries - such as hard-hit Spain and Italy - were embarking on a long road back to normality, with Venice residents strolling around quiet canals stripped of their usual throngs of tourists.

Switzerland, Denmark and Finland were among those gradually re-opening shops and schools.

In Germany, the government declared its outbreak "under control" and said select small shops will be allowed to reopen Monday and some childre would return to school within weeks.

Infection rates there "have sunk significantly", Health Minister Jens Spahn said Friday, announcing the country's plans to start producing up to 50 million masks a week from August to meet gaping market demand.

Germany's coronavirus deaths and infections have remained significantly below some of its worst-hit European neighbours, a fact which experts say is in part thanks to widespread testing.
But Britain, which shut down later than continental Europe, extended its lockdown for at least three more weeks.

It announced close to 850 new deaths on Friday, a slight spike from previous days that had seen fatalities start to draw down.

And in Russia, recorded infections topped 32,000 as President Vladimir Putin warned that "the risks surrounding the epidemic's spread are still very high, not just in Moscow but in many other Russian regions".

Around the world, people have come up with creative ways to bring back some social connection to their upended lives.

In Rome an 18-year-old guitarist takes to his balcony every evening at sunset to play covers of Italian classics.

"We decided to lend a hand to Italians: a message of hope," Jacopo Mastrangelo told AFP from his patio.

"We are accustomed to always seeing Rome full, teeming with people. Now the grass is growing between the cobblestones, everything has been left abandoned, and we decided to help."

Again, according to the proverbial anomynous sources.
very credible and totally not CIA. Very legitimate. Probably the same ones that reported wmd in iraq. No problems here. Everyone go to sleep. Western media never lies. Only the truth. Only China and Russia lie because communism bad.

American leaders are doing very good to fight coronavirus. They so good they have the most deaths by far. America is #1.
Honestly the way I've been seeing it, China, Iran, and Russia have pretty much been handling the crisis the same way in terms of cover ups, underreporting, and giving misleading information.

Anti Chinese Jewish is too hunger for anti China source, he doesn't even picked where it comes from, going down to Trump's level. :cheesy:
Instead of attacking the source why don't you show why China's death numbers are to be trusted and accurate? From what I can see, they are clearly not ...
Given their style of government, a totalitarian one party state that heavily censors the internet and keeps a tab on their citizens with 'social credit scores', tightly controls all media and state messaging etc

It is highly likely that China fudged their data/stats and have been lying by omission and propaganda to the world.

The US and the west, otoh, despite their many flaws, are democracies and are much more transparent about their mortality rates and death counts.

Trump is just saying out loud what everyone instinctively knows/feels. As President of the US, he also has access to intel that common folk obviously do not.
Given their style of government, a totalitarian one party state that heavily censors the internet and keeps a tab on their citizens with 'social credit scores', tightly controls all media and state messaging etc

It is highly likely that China fudged their data/stats and have been lying by omission and propaganda to the world.

The US and the west, otoh, despite their many flaws, are democracies and are much more transparent about their mortality rates and death counts.

Trump is just saying out loud what everyone instinctively knows/feels. As President of the US, he also has access to intel that common folk obviously do not.
It doesn't take access to high level intel to know China's numbers are vasty understated tbh
It doesn't take access to high level intel to know China's numbers are vasty understated tbh
Yup, I said as much. It's just common sense and observation.

Trump is just saying out loud what everyone instinctively knows/feels.

Coming from the President of the US just adds a lot more weight to it.

This is China's "WMDs in eye-raq" moment, it's pretty obvious. No wonder they've suddenly started reporting a hike in deaths.

Smart people, the Chinese, I think they realized nobody is buying their lies on it and are in damage control mode. Soon they will announce a second wave and make their numbers a bit more believable.
Honestly the way I've been seeing it, China, Iran, and Russia have pretty much been handling the crisis the same way in terms of cover ups, underreporting, and giving misleading information.

Instead of attacking the source why don't you show why China's death numbers are to be trusted and accurate? From what I can see, they are clearly not ...
It is you who claimed otherwise should come up with proofs instead of poof.
btw, do you even have the actual number for us when the country is only testing symptomatic patient and no contact tracing or whatsoever.
Meanwhile, your great president is still not occupied enough to have the leisure to blamed everyone else in and out.
I don’t take responsibility at all, but being the pres of US I have total authority.:usflag:
Yup, I said as much. It's just common sense and observation.

Trump is just saying out loud what everyone instinctively knows/feels.

Coming from the President of the US just adds a lot more weight to it.

This is China's "WMDs in eye-raq" moment, it's pretty obvious. No wonder they've suddenly started reporting a hike in deaths.

Smart people, the Chinese, I think they realized nobody is buying their lies on it and are in damage control mode. Soon they will announce a second wave and make their numbers a bit more believable.

And the CCP and their trolls will try and spin it more and rewrite history.
CDC covers up all data but let's all pretend they're transparent...because democracy.

People are denied testing because they aren't gravely ill, but let's pretend that's also transparency.

This board is infested with trolls in every thread. Can't get a genuine conversation going because of all the vote manipulation and lies.
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All medical treatment costs were paid by Chinese government. I believe this the main reason why the death rate is low in China
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