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Coronavirus Timeline, S and L Strains


ABC News: US intelligence warned of China's spreading contagion in November

That is another of those USA alibis which prove the US is lying, ie: lying about bat soup. And each alibi implicates the US through any logical reasoning, proving COVID-19 is a US bioweapon spread by US agents for a US motive of ending world trade with China and imposing a Treaty of Versailles draconian punishment of the Chinese people.
If A is the parent and even Gov Cuomo of NY admitted that the US could have had COVID-19 cases in late 2019 concurrently to the limited exposure in Wuhan in Oct/Nov. Then US is the founder of COVID-19.

So much for the lies about Bat Soup.

The Chinese are heroes for first identifying COVID-19 for the scientific community.

Not sorry, Rich, this is no longer a conspiracy theory:

The alibi of how could doctors fail to detect a SARS virus... is being admitted as likely by doctors around the world that they did in fact fail to detect a SARS virus when the virus was circulating North America and Europe.

That was the alibi of Rich for USA, and that alibi no longer exists.

Has Covid-19 been in humans for years?
Leading scientists tell CNN that it's possible the virus didn't just come from bats in the past months, but that it may have existed in humans many months or even years before it grew into a deadly pandemic. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh reports.
Source: CNN

If coronavirus had been in human for years or even decades...

But whom?

Because for the long length of time, it's impossible if no one detects it in the population.

More likely the work was done in the lab.
If coronavirus had been in human for years or even decades...

But whom?

Because for the long length of time, it's impossible if no one detects it in the population.

More likely the work was done in the lab.

Most likely that Coronavirus conspiracy video by Rich is fact. China only did the testing because they have history of SARS and other viruses.

European doctors thought patients had flu or pneumonia. No need to check for SARS in Europe, simply vaping illness or respiratory infection...

GIUSEPPE REMUZZI: That they remember having seen very strange pneumonias, very severe, particularly in old people, in December and even in November. It means that the virus was circulating at least in Lombardy before we were aware of this outbreak occurring in China.

They saw strange pneumonia, had clusters of vaping illness. Did not do any testing, blamed old age and vaping cigarettes. Did not test for SARS.
Unbelievable. The article has been significantly re-edited. It's now very different from the original which I posted. Read and you will know why. :angry:


Yeah, spotted the difference.

It's the way how they write the narrative.

From the original article from the academic to be changed with a bit of propaganda narrative.

But still, it can't change the fact that USA has a more infection rate compared with other countries, including China.

Virus needs time to spread, the more people get infected, the longer the time it needs to spread.

For just the same 3-4 months, it's impossible if one has a higher infection rate by a large margin unless the virus was spreading a much longer time there.

Not to mention it's spread to a much wider area.

Wuhan itself is not a small town anyway, it's a huge metropolis plus a transportation hub.
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Yes, now this is China's fault again and everything come from China without further explanation.

The case is too embarrassing and too dangerous to be exposed.

Because it's related to the development of biological weapons.

Imagine if this is widely exposed, many countries will in a race to develop biological weapons, creating a worldwide trend.

You can control nuclear weapon development through the control of the material.

But how can you control biological weapon development?

It's cheaper and much deadlier.

It's like a pandora box.

Maybe the best way is to blame everything by China.

But in agreement to no more another Cold War, and promote friendship, understanding, and cooperation for all humanity. Work together to improve the living conditions for all humanity.
Yes, now this is China's fault again and everything come from China without further explanation.

Yeah, spotted the difference.

It's the way how they write the narrative.

From the original article from the academic to be changed with a bit of propaganda narrative.

But still, it can't change the fact that USA has a more infection rate compared with other countries, including China.

Virus needs time to spread, the more people get infected, the longer the time it needs to spread.

For just the same 3-4 months, it's impossible if one has a higher infection rate by a large margin unless the virus was spreading a much longer time there.

Not to mention it's spread to a much wider area.

Wuhan itself is not a small town anyway, it's a huge metropolis plus a transportation hub.
Looks like the article has been re-edited again. And it's now totally removed from today's edition of Dailymail after only 1 day.

They added this statement at the first line.
"Three types of the deadly coronavirus are spreading around the world - and the US is being rocked by the original strain from China."

But when you look for further details on this original strain from China in the article you cannot find any. So that statement is clearly inserted to push the "Blame China" narrative.

Then they added this line which is so stupid.
"He admitted scientists are clueless as to how type B 'pushed aside' its predecessor to become more common in China - but the question will be answered 'one day'. "

And more suggestive statements not based on facts.

"Data analysis suggests the original strain of the virus could have been circulating in China as far back as September.

And Dr Forster said the type B strain was 'alive and kicking' by Christmas Eve, their analysis revealed.

It means the virus had already mutated before China recorded any COVID-19 cases - Wuhan first described an outbreak of a mysterious virus on December 31. "

Why September ? Is it because the International Military game was in October ?
Looks like the article has been re-edited again. And it's now totally removed from today's edition of Dailymail after only 1 day.

They added this statement at the first line.
"Three types of the deadly coronavirus are spreading around the world - and the US is being rocked by the original strain from China."

But when you look for further details on this original strain from China in the article you cannot find any. So that statement is clearly inserted to push the "Blame China" narrative.

Then they added this line which is so stupid.
"He admitted scientists are clueless as to how type B 'pushed aside' its predecessor to become more common in China - but the question will be answered 'one day'. "

And more suggestive statements not based on facts.

"Data analysis suggests the original strain of the virus could have been circulating in China as far back as September.

And Dr Forster said the type B strain was 'alive and kicking' by Christmas Eve, their analysis revealed.

It means the virus had already mutated before China recorded any COVID-19 cases - Wuhan first described an outbreak of a mysterious virus on December 31. "

Why September ? Is it because the International Military game was in October ?

Maybe they want to create a scenario that USA military personnel got infected in Wuhan during the Military Games.

Because the virus was already there in Wuhan since September.

But assuming it was starting from September.

From September to February... it's 6 months.

Yet the number of infections is much lower than the case in USA and Europe.

If it's started in September, then discovered in late December and February was the effective month of social distancing and lockdown.

I do believe the number of infections is definitely millions at minimum.

It could be tens of millions, and it's already all over China, not just Wuhan.

Just like the scenario happened in USA and Europe.

It's not just Wuhan that needs to be locked down, but other big cities as well.
Researchers at Cambridge University have discovered that the coronavirus mutated into three distinct strains as it spread across the globe. They traced the origins of the epidemic by analyzing 160 genomes from human patients and found that the strain in Wuhan mutated from an earlier version. CGTN spoke to the lead author of the study, Doctor Peter Forster, to understand more.
Science News
from research organizations

COVID-19: Genetic network analysis provides 'snapshot' of pandemic origins
April 9, 2020
University of Cambridge
The first use of phylogenetic techniques shows the 'ancestral' virus genome closest to those in bats was not Wuhan's predominant virus type. The study charts the 'incipient supernova' of COVID-19 through genetic mutations as it spread from China and Asia to Australia, Europe and North America. Researchers say their methods could be used to help identify undocumented infection sources.

By analysing the first 160 complete virus genomes to be sequenced from human patients, the scientists have mapped some of the original spread of the new coronavirus through its mutations, which creates different viral lineages.

"There are too many rapid mutations to neatly trace a COVID-19 family tree. We used a mathematical network algorithm to visualise all the plausible trees simultaneously," said geneticist Dr Peter Forster, lead author from the University of Cambridge.

"These techniques are mostly known for mapping the movements of prehistoric human populations through DNA. We think this is the first time they have been used to trace the infection routes of a coronavirus like COVID-19."

The team used data from virus genomes sampled from across the world between 24 December 2019 and 4 March 2020. The research revealed three distinct "variants" of COVID-19, consisting of clusters of closely related lineages, which they label 'A', 'B' and 'C'.

Forster and colleagues found that the closest type of COVID-19 to the one discovered in bats -- type 'A', the "original human virus genome" -- was present in Wuhan, but surprisingly was not the city's predominant virus type.

Mutated versions of 'A' were seen in Americans reported to have lived in Wuhan, and a large number of A-type viruses were found in patients from the US and Australia.

Wuhan's major virus type, 'B', was prevalent in patients from across East Asia. However, the variant didn't travel much beyond the region without further mutations -- implying a "founder event" in Wuhan, or "resistance" against this type of COVID-19 outside East Asia, say researchers.

The 'C' variant is the major European type, found in early patients from France, Italy, Sweden and England. It is absent from the study's Chinese mainland sample, but seen in Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea.

The new analysis also suggests that one of the earliest introductions of the virus into Italy came via the first documented German infection on January 27, and that another early Italian infection route was related to a "Singapore cluster."

Importantly, the researchers say that their genetic networking techniques accurately traced established infection routes: the mutations and viral lineages joined the dots between known cases.

As such, the scientists argue that these "phylogenetic" methods could be applied to the very latest coronavirus genome sequencing to help predict future global hot spots of disease transmission and surge.

"Phylogenetic network analysis has the potential to help identify undocumented COVID-19 infection sources, which can then be quarantined to contain further spread of the disease worldwide," said Forster, a fellow of the McDonald Institute of Archaeological Research at Cambridge, as well as the University's Institute of Continuing Education.

The findings are published today in the journal Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). The software used in the study, as well as classifications for over 1,000 coronavirus genomes and counting, is available free at http://www.fluxus-technology.com.

Variant 'A', most closely related to the virus found in both bats and pangolins, is described as "the root of the outbreak" by researchers. Type 'B' is derived from 'A', separated by two mutations, then 'C' is in turn a "daughter" of 'B'.

Researchers say the localisation of the 'B' variant to East Asia could result from a "founder effect": a genetic bottleneck that occurs when, in the case of a virus, a new type is established from a small, isolated group of infections.

Forster argues that there is another explanation worth considering. "The Wuhan B-type virus could be immunologically or environmentally adapted to a large section of the East Asian population. It may need to mutate to overcome resistance outside East Asia. We seem to see a slower mutation rate in East Asia than elsewhere, in this initial phase."

He added: "The viral network we have detailed is a snapshot of the early stages of an epidemic, before the evolutionary paths of COVID-19 become obscured by vast numbers of mutations. It's like catching an incipient supernova in the act."

Since today's PNAS study was conducted, the research team has extended its analysis to 1,001 viral genomes. While yet to be peer-reviewed, Forster says the latest work suggests that the first infection and spread among humans of COVID-19 occurred between mid-September and early December.

The phylogenetic network methods used by researchers -- allowing the visualisation of hundreds of evolutionary trees simultaneously in one simple graph -- were pioneered in New Zealand in 1979, then developed by German mathematicians in the 1990s.

These techniques came to the attention of archaeologist Professor Colin Renfrew, a co-author of the new PNAS study, in 1998. Renfrew went on to establish one of the first archaeogenetics research groups in the world at the University of Cambridge.


This research is interesting :coffee:

So the origin of the virus (Type A Variant) come from bats in U.S, infected many americans, and bring to Wuhan City by americans living there.
Then mutated (Type B Variant) and infected many Wuhan City Residents, and mutated again (Type C Variant) that infect many europeans
Ancestral type of COVID-19 virus mainly found in the US: study
By Gao Lei and Liu Caiyu Source:Global Times Published: 2020/4/11 14:47:14


File Photo of COVID-19

Recent research conducted into the genetic network analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic, done jointly by British and German experts, testified the variant of novel coronavirus that is closest to that discovered in bats was actually found mainly among cases from the US, rather than in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei Province.

To explain the pandemic origins, experts from the University of Cambridge and their peers from Germany analyzed 160 virus genomes that were extracted from human patients around the world and they found the coronavirus mutated into three distinct strains.

They found that most cases carried type A virus - the ancestral type of virus, which is bat coronavirus, with 96 percent sequence similarity to the human virus - were largely seen in patients from the US and Australia.

Once type A had been detected in Wuhan. The virus infected five individuals from Wuhan and four patients from South China's Guangdong Province. But most cases from the Chinese mainland and East Asian regions do not carry type A virus but carried the type B virus, which is a variant of type A, the study found.

Instead, patients carrying the ancestral type of virus (type A) were largely seen coming from the US and Australia, such American patients had a residence history in Wuhan, the study found.

As for type C, it is a variant of type B, which is commonly seen in European countries such as France, Italy and Sweden and also evident in Singapore and South Korea as well as China's Hong Kong and the island of Taiwan , the study found.

In reply to the question why the ancestral type of virus was not commonly seen in China and particularly in Wuhan, but instead the mutated type B virus, geneticist Peter Forster from the University of Cambridge, lead author of the study, told the Global Times that "type A isn't fitting quite well with most locals' immune systems in Wuhan" but has "become adapted to American and Australian immune systems."

The prevalence of variant type B virus in Wuhan may also result from a "founder effect," Forster said.

The study was published in the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

To trace the pandemic origins, apart from the paper that was published on the PNAS, Forster told the Global Times that they also finished an analysis of 1,001 genomes, which is still unpublished.

Forster said he understands the topic of the viral origin is a "hot potato" after the political dispute between China and the US, but neither the PNAS paper nor the unpublished paper could offer a clear explanation for it.

But their study has evidence that the virus mutation rate is significantly faster outside China and the spread of the disease among humans likely occurred between September 13, 2019 to December 7, 2019.


Science cannot lie :coffee:

Deadly coronavirus comes in three variants, researchers find

Types A, B and C are all derived from the pathogen first found in bats but have evolved in different ways, according to a report by British and German geneticists

Findings show the virus has become well adapted to human transmission and mutates as it spreads, Chinese epidemiologist says

Published: 9:00pm, 11 Apr, 2020

Geneticists from Britain and Germany have mapped the evolutionary path of the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 and determined there are currently three versions of it spreading around the world

The discovery of how the variants were formed and then spread could help scientists to identify its source and explain why it is so contagious.

The researchers analysed the first 160 complete viral genomes sequenced from human patients between December 24 and March 4, then reconstructed the early evolutionary pathway of Covid-19 in humans through its mutations.

“There are too many rapid mutations to neatly trace a Covid-19 family tree. We used a mathematical network algorithm to visualise all the plausible trees simultaneously,” said Peter Forster, a geneticist at University of Cambridge and lead author of the study.

“These techniques are mostly known for mapping the movements of prehistoric human populations through DNA. We think this is one of the first times they have been used to trace the infection routes of a coronavirus like Covid-19,” he said in a report about the study on the university’s website.

The team labelled the three variants A, B and C.

Type A was closest to the coronavirus discovered in bats and although found in wuhan – the central China city that was the epicentre of the initial outbreak – was not the primary type there, they said.

Type A was found in Americans who had lived in Wuhan, and in many other patients diagnosed in the United States and Australia.

The most common variant found in Wuhan was type B, the study said, though this appeared not to have travelled much beyond East Asia before mutating, which the researchers said was probably due to some form of resistance to it outside that region.

Finally, type C was the variant found most often in Europe based on cases in France, Italy, Sweden and England. It had not been detected in any patients in mainland China, though had been found in samples from Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea, the study said.

The researchers concluded that variant A was the root of the outbreak as it was most closely related to the virus found in bats and pangolins. Type B was derived from A, separated by two mutations, while type C was the “daughter” of variant B.

“The Wuhan B-type virus could be immunologically or environmentally adapted to a large section of the East Asian population,” Forster said.

“It may need to mutate to overcome resistance outside East Asia. We seem to see a slower mutation rate in East Asia than elsewhere, in this initial phase.”

The research also documented how people’s movements had helped the spread of the virus

For example, the study suggested that one of the earliest introductions of the virus to Italy – found in a Mexican traveller who was diagnosed on February 28 – came via the first documented German infection – a person who worked for a company in Munich – on January 27.

The German contracted the infection from a Chinese colleague in Shanghai, who had recently been visited by her parents from Wuhan.

The researchers documented 10 mutations in the viral journey from Wuhan to Mexico.

“Because we have reconstructed the "family tree" (the evolutionary history) of the human virus, we can use this tree to trace infection routes from one human to the next, and thus have a statistical tool to suppress future infection when the virus tries to return,” Forster said.

He added that researchers can better determine when the outbreak started with the data.

“I hope this improved knowledge of the origin and spread will enable more precise computer simulations to predict which measures will be most effective,” he said.

Lu Jiahai, an epidemiologist at Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong, said the study had provided a preliminary analysis of genomics and molecular variation.

“The virus mutates during spreading and has become more adapted to transmission among humans in different populations from different countries,” he said.

But as the variants were related to each other, tracking mutations within different groups could help to determine the origin of the virus, he said.

“This research indicates that the spread of the virus is increasingly adapted to different populations and therefore the pandemic needs to be taken seriously,” Lu said.

“People need to pay more attention to prevention and control … the virus may coexist with humans for a long time.”


I wonder why many holy western media not say anything about this one?
Because it reveal the ugly truth :what:
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Ancestral type of COVID-19 virus mainly found in the US: study
By Gao Lei and Liu Caiyu Source:Global Times Published: 2020/4/11 14:47:14


File Photo of COVID-19

Recent research conducted into the genetic network analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic, done jointly by British and German experts, testified the variant of novel coronavirus that is closest to that discovered in bats was actually found mainly among cases from the US, rather than in Wuhan, Central China's Hubei Province.

To explain the pandemic origins, experts from the University of Cambridge and their peers from Germany analyzed 160 virus genomes that were extracted from human patients around the world and they found the coronavirus mutated into three distinct strains.

They found that most cases carried type A virus - the ancestral type of virus, which is bat coronavirus, with 96 percent sequence similarity to the human virus - were largely seen in patients from the US and Australia.

Once type A had been detected in Wuhan. The virus infected five individuals from Wuhan and four patients from South China's Guangdong Province. But most cases from the Chinese mainland and East Asian regions do not carry type A virus but carried the type B virus, which is a variant of type A, the study found.

Instead, patients carrying the ancestral type of virus (type A) were largely seen coming from the US and Australia, such American patients had a residence history in Wuhan, the study found.

As for type C, it is a variant of type B, which is commonly seen in European countries such as France, Italy and Sweden and also evident in Singapore and South Korea as well as China's Hong Kong and the island of Taiwan , the study found.

In reply to the question why the ancestral type of virus was not commonly seen in China and particularly in Wuhan, but instead the mutated type B virus, geneticist Peter Forster from the University of Cambridge, lead author of the study, told the Global Times that "type A isn't fitting quite well with most locals' immune systems in Wuhan" but has "become adapted to American and Australian immune systems."

The prevalence of variant type B virus in Wuhan may also result from a "founder effect," Forster said.

The study was published in the journal, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).

To trace the pandemic origins, apart from the paper that was published on the PNAS, Forster told the Global Times that they also finished an analysis of 1,001 genomes, which is still unpublished.

Forster said he understands the topic of the viral origin is a "hot potato" after the political dispute between China and the US, but neither the PNAS paper nor the unpublished paper could offer a clear explanation for it.

But their study has evidence that the virus mutation rate is significantly faster outside China and the spread of the disease among humans likely occurred between September 13, 2019 to December 7, 2019.


Science cannot lie :coffee:

Deadly coronavirus comes in three variants, researchers find

Types A, B and C are all derived from the pathogen first found in bats but have evolved in different ways, according to a report by British and German geneticists

Findings show the virus has become well adapted to human transmission and mutates as it spreads, Chinese epidemiologist says

Published: 9:00pm, 11 Apr, 2020

Geneticists from Britain and Germany have mapped the evolutionary path of the coronavirus that causes Covid-19 and determined there are currently three versions of it spreading around the world

The discovery of how the variants were formed and then spread could help scientists to identify its source and explain why it is so contagious.

The researchers analysed the first 160 complete viral genomes sequenced from human patients between December 24 and March 4, then reconstructed the early evolutionary pathway of Covid-19 in humans through its mutations.

“There are too many rapid mutations to neatly trace a Covid-19 family tree. We used a mathematical network algorithm to visualise all the plausible trees simultaneously,” said Peter Forster, a geneticist at University of Cambridge and lead author of the study.

“These techniques are mostly known for mapping the movements of prehistoric human populations through DNA. We think this is one of the first times they have been used to trace the infection routes of a coronavirus like Covid-19,” he said in a report about the study on the university’s website.

The team labelled the three variants A, B and C.

Type A was closest to the coronavirus discovered in bats and although found in wuhan – the central China city that was the epicentre of the initial outbreak – was not the primary type there, they said.

Type A was found in Americans who had lived in Wuhan, and in many other patients diagnosed in the United States and Australia.

The most common variant found in Wuhan was type B, the study said, though this appeared not to have travelled much beyond East Asia before mutating, which the researchers said was probably due to some form of resistance to it outside that region.

Finally, type C was the variant found most often in Europe based on cases in France, Italy, Sweden and England. It had not been detected in any patients in mainland China, though had been found in samples from Singapore, Hong Kong and South Korea, the study said.

The researchers concluded that variant A was the root of the outbreak as it was most closely related to the virus found in bats and pangolins. Type B was derived from A, separated by two mutations, while type C was the “daughter” of variant B.

“The Wuhan B-type virus could be immunologically or environmentally adapted to a large section of the East Asian population,” Forster said.

“It may need to mutate to overcome resistance outside East Asia. We seem to see a slower mutation rate in East Asia than elsewhere, in this initial phase.”

The research also documented how people’s movements had helped the spread of the virus

For example, the study suggested that one of the earliest introductions of the virus to Italy – found in a Mexican traveller who was diagnosed on February 28 – came via the first documented German infection – a person who worked for a company in Munich – on January 27.

The German contracted the infection from a Chinese colleague in Shanghai, who had recently been visited by her parents from Wuhan.

The researchers documented 10 mutations in the viral journey from Wuhan to Mexico.

“Because we have reconstructed the "family tree" (the evolutionary history) of the human virus, we can use this tree to trace infection routes from one human to the next, and thus have a statistical tool to suppress future infection when the virus tries to return,” Forster said.

He added that researchers can better determine when the outbreak started with the data.

“I hope this improved knowledge of the origin and spread will enable more precise computer simulations to predict which measures will be most effective,” he said.

Lu Jiahai, an epidemiologist at Sun Yat-sen University Guangzhou, the capital of Guangdong, said the study had provided a preliminary analysis of genomics and molecular variation.

“The virus mutates during spreading and has become more adapted to transmission among humans in different populations from different countries,” he said.

But as the variants were related to each other, tracking mutations within different groups could help to determine the origin of the virus, he said.

“This research indicates that the spread of the virus is increasingly adapted to different populations and therefore the pandemic needs to be taken seriously,” Lu said.

“People need to pay more attention to prevention and control … the virus may coexist with humans for a long time.”


I wonder why many holy western media not say anything about this one?
Because it reveal the ugly truth :what:

Type A is found in bats in both America, and in China, actually more in China. But the difference is that type A persisted among American population and did not in Chinese population where it underwent 2 mutations into type B which spread very fast.
Type A is found in bats in both America, and in China, actually more in China. But the difference is that type A persisted among American population and did not in Chinese population where it underwent 2 mutations into type B which spread very fast.

Yes, Type A found and originated from many americans people and also americans coming to Wuhan City.

In Wuhan City the virus mutated and become virulent and infect many of its residents (Type B).

And become mutated again after they come and spread in Europe (Type C)
Yes, Type A found and originated from many americans people and also americans coming to Wuhan City.

In Wuhan City the virus mutated and become virulent and infect many of its residents (Type B).

And become mutated again after they come and spread in Europe (Type C)

Type A was found in China as well... difference is, it didn't persist in China. How can you say it came from USA.

Yes, Type A found and originated from many americans people and also americans coming to Wuhan City.

In Wuhan City the virus mutated and become virulent and infect many of its residents (Type B).

And become mutated again after they come and spread in Europe (Type C)

How did it pass to the Americans?
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