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Coronavirus: Spain death toll overtakes China after surge in cases

First people were laughing at China on lock down. Now unfortunately they have to implement the same.

Very sad and unfortunate but a lesson. Never laugh at others misery.

Only idiots were laughing at them. I was wetting my pants watching it go our of control. I work with a few virologists (in family) so have an acute understanding of these issues.

Looks like the Army is coming in very useful both with preparing these huge sites and also transporting the vital medical equipment to hospitals.

UK public needs to see this so they support the military in future from the politicians who always want to cut their funding.

The NEC in Birmingham may also be converted into a massive temporary hospital and the owners of the arena have pledged their full support.

Good to see that everyone working together efficiently on this now.
Yes it would be a good change if after all this is over they can increase the strength of the armed forces. The NEC and a lot of other conference centres. Good to see that hotels primarily used by Premier League clubs are being given to NHS staff working in London for free.
Good to see that hotels primarily used by Premier League clubs are being given to NHS staff working in London for free.

Makes you ashamed as a country when you see NHS staff resorting to wearing aprons to protect themselves from this deadly virus.:angry:
Makes you ashamed as a country when you see NHS staff resorting to wearing aprons to protect themselves from this deadly virus.:angry:

I don't know where all the PPE went. I was looking to take FP3 mask with me to work as I was likely to be in close contact with other workers. My trip was cancelled because no one can find PPE (masks etc).

You are absolutely right. Someone told me that they are hoarding it to use it in ICU's only and not making it a norm in general hospitals so spread the "Herd Immunity" how true that is - I don't know.
I don't know where all the PPE went. I was looking to take FP3 mask with me to work as I was likely to be in close contact with other workers. My trip was cancelled because no one can find PPE (masks etc).

You are absolutely right. Someone told me that they are hoarding it to use it in ICU's only and not making it a norm in general hospitals so spread the "Herd Immunity" how true that is - I don't know.

Well Matt Hancock is promising constant deliveries of the proper protective equipment and so hopefully any NHS staff that may come into contact with infected Corona patients are properly protected.
Well Matt Hancock is promising constant deliveries of the proper protective equipment and so hopefully any NHS staff that may come into contact with infected Corona patients are properly protected.

Well poor Matt Hancock got his procurement team to order PPE transiting through France.

I know its Daily Mail but you can see what its intent on brewing in general population's minds.
Well poor Matt Hancock got his procurement team to order PPE transiting through France.

I know its Daily Mail but you can see what its intent on brewing in general population's minds.

Seems like Daily Mail propaganda against France/EU at play here.
France is unlikely to just grab other countries's equipment like that.

Germany is helping France cope with Corona by treating French patients in their hospitals as they have such large capacity(30,000 ICU beds to France's 7000) - damn wish the NHS was as lavishly funded like in Germany.
Seems like Daily Mail propaganda against France/EU at play here.
France is unlikely to just grab other countries's equipment like that.

Germany is helping France cope with Corona by treating French patients in their hospitals as they have such large capacity(30,000 ICU beds to France's 7000) - damn wish the NHS was as lavishly funded like in Germany.

NHS is abused to the N-th degree, only have to go out at night to see the revelers getting drunk and smashed out of their heads and then passing out. They put so much drain on resources and infrastructure that is avoidable.
I have not seen this drinking culture elsewhere in Europe. It is something very unique to us in UK.

Probably billions lost every year trying to provide treatment to these idiots. Billions that could have been spent on more ICU's etc.

After the Spanish Flu was gone, it changed the outlook the world had on what is acceptable and what is not. Expect the cultural norms to change rapidly in Europe if this is anywhere near as bad a Spanish flu.
Yes, when the capacity of health system is 100% utilized, even young who require hospitalization start dying.

This gives us an idea when a health system starts getting squeezed..
Asked at a press conference on February 4 what the current mortality rate (or case fatality rate, CFR) is, an official with China NHC said that [7]:

  • The formula they are using is: cumulative current total deaths / current confirmed cases. Therefore, as of 24:00 on Feb. 3, the formula used was 425/20,438.
  • Based on this figure, the national mortality rate to date was 2.1% of confirmed cases.
  • There might be mild cases and other cases not reported.
  • 97% of the country's total deaths (414) were in the Hubei Province.
  • Mortality rate in Wuhan was 4.9%.
  • Mortality rate in the Hubei Province was 3.1%.
  • Mortality rate nationwide was 2.1%.
  • Fatality rate in other provinces was 0.16%.

If we notice, in Wuhan the death rate was higher because Wuhan was badly affected.. and the hospitals were unable to provide needed care to patients who required hospitalization.
You are right.
The true damage of this virus is that it will overwhelm medical systems.
Which then will cause many deaths.

Wuhan medical system was overwhelmed hence the very high mortality rate.
This now happens in Italy and Spain.
NHS is abused to the N-th degree, only have to go out at night to see the revelers getting drunk and smashed out of their heads and then passing out. They put so much drain on resources and infrastructure that is avoidable.
I have not seen this drinking culture elsewhere in Europe. It is something very unique to us in UK.

Probably billions lost every year trying to provide treatment to these idiots. Billions that could have been spent on more ICU's etc.

After the Spanish Flu was gone, it changed the outlook the world had on what is acceptable and what is not. Expect the cultural norms to change rapidly in Europe if this is anywhere near as bad a Spanish flu.

Yeah good point there.
I have travelled all round Europe and never seen the drunken mobs at night that you see in the UK.
In Spain at night you see families with children playing in the streets.:-)

The NHS actually is not that badly funded in terms of GDP as UK spends 10%, France 12% and Germany 11% - although Germany is much wealthier per capita than UK and France and so spends more per head than even France.

As for hygiene, I am one of those people who likes to obsessively keep clean and if it makes the general population take it more seriously then this may at least be one silver lining from this horrible situation.
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