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Coronavirus shocking revelations: Conspiracy Theorists Welcome


Oct 20, 2008
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United Kingdom

I was arguing with one of the conspiracy theorist saying the issue of coronavirus epidemic is all true and not man-made and she asked me to watch the movie Contagion. I was utterly shocked after watching this movie that was made in 2011 and clearly shows every single event that is happening as if someone traveled from 2011 to 2020, eye witnessed it and then made that movie.

I strongly recommend everyone to watch this movie and compare with coronavirus. It was true reflection of every single event happening in coronavirus issue such as the virus originating from China (Hong Kong), in 1 scene the mosques were shown empty, people were asked to maintain 2 meter of distance, wash hands regularly, use hand sanitizes, people rush to buy all toilet roll, hand sanitizer, people are encouraged to self isolate, virus spreads from touching, air and sneezing etc, people comparing it with flu etc....


after watching this video she further spoiled my mood by showing me the pages from the book written in 2008 (originally written in 1980s)





I said it before, in fact, I am merely observing this phenomenon

>Every human can impact the events which will occur with their Mind

>If Enough humans can visualize the events, by thinking, watching it, or reading it the chances of that event to become real increase by certain % the more people "think" about it the greater it's the probability of happening increases

We had ozone layer hole in 80's but with enough people caring and visualizing it to be fixed eventually humans made progress towards fixing the problem , because the problem was in every human's mind and it impacted reality

Could anyone predict the massive wars in the Middle east in the 80's ? But spread rumours, false stories and Islamaphobic material in Movies , Literature, Newspapers eventually certain actions will be set forth in motion where these wars and killings in Middle East would become a reality

Donald Trump prior to becoming a President of USA, spend almost 20 years constantly appearing on TV and every time he appeared he stated something about becoming head of USA or politics , he would show up in wrestling shows , he would come in movies , 2-3 minute roles , come on TV talk about it. In essence, he created a "Image in people's mind" by constantly coming in front of them in media . Considering he did it for long enough time he managed to become the President of USA

Imagine the video and people visualizing DONALD as their next President in future it took him good 20-30 years to keep putting the idea into people's mind until that reality became real , while many before him failed because they only tried to splash $$$

I am not surprised about the existence of movies talking about Virus, it has been happening for a while abundance of movies have been coming out talking about certain events to unfold and eventually they happen , given a period of 5-10 years of constent material being thrown towards humans , the more people who watch it the more chances it will become real take place
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I was arguing with one of the conspiracy theorist saying the issue of coronavirus epidemic is all true and not man-made and she asked me to watch the movie Contagion. I was utterly shocked after watching this movie that was made in 2011 and clearly shows every single event that is happening as if someone traveled from 2011 to 2020, eye witnessed it and then made that movie.

I strongly recommend everyone to watch this movie and compare with coronavirus. It was true reflection of every single event happening in coronavirus issue such as the virus originating from China (Hong Kong), in 1 scene the mosques were shown empty, people were asked to maintain 2 meter of distance, wash their hands regularly, use hand sanitizes, people rush to buy all toilet roll, hand sanitizer, virus spreads from touching, air and sneezing etc, people comparing it with flu etc....


after watching this video she further spoiled my mood by showing me the pages from the book written in 2008 (originally written in 1980s)





another thing I can add to your list is..................The Simpsons!!

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Now it is immaterial for whatever the cause of the KhooniVirus is ... what is material, however, is what can we do about it...

A country like Pakistan is facing a pandemic of unknow proportions.... and what will happen after this is over...

Everyone is being tested here...

In case of Conspiracy...Cui bono?
It is a biological weapon to Depopulate earth. Most governments are on board.

If you think about it. It mainly kills elderly and young people with comprised immune system. In short it wipes out unproductive and least productive members of the society.

Contagion showed that virus to be powerful. Death was quick. Symptoms showed up early. It did not even spare healthy young people. That cheating blonde's healthy son dies after few hours after her death.
the chinese are crafty people . they make biological weapons by eating bat soup and armedillo . they don't need their DF-19 intercontinental ballistic missiles to deliver the COVID-19.


anyone who's seen chinese tourists and their socio-hygenic habits doesn't need a conspiracy theory . spitting on the sidewalk is a chinese tradition.
the chinese are crafty people . they make biological weapons by eating bat soup and armedillo . they don't need their DF-19 intercontinental ballistic missiles to deliver the COVID-19.


anyone who's seen chinese tourists and their socio-hygenic habits doesn't need a conspiracy theory . spitting on the sidewalk is a chinese tradition.
as per the movie mentioned above... The virus comes from the bat
I said it before, in fact, I am merely observing this phenomenon

>Every human can impact the events which will occur with their Mind

>If Enough humans can visualize the events, by thinking, watching it, or reading it the chances of that event to become real increase by certain % the more people "think" about it the greater it's the probability of happening increases

We had ozone layer hole in 80's but with enough people caring and visualizing it to be fixed eventually humans made progress towards fixing the problem , because the problem was in every human's mind and it impacted reality

Could anyone predict the massive wars in the Middle east in the 80's ? But spread rumours, false stories and Islamaphobic material in Movies , Literature, Newspapers eventually certain actions will be set forth in motion where these wars and killings in Middle East would become a reality

Donald Trump prior to becoming a President of USA, spend almost 20 years constantly appearing on TV and every time he appeared he stated something about becoming head of USA or politics , he would show up in wrestling shows , he would come in movies , 2-3 minute roles , come on TV talk about it. In essence, he created a "Image in people's mind" by constantly coming in front of them in media . Considering he did it for long enough time he managed to become the President of USA

Imagine the video and people visualizing DONALD as their next President in future it took him good 20-30 years to keep putting the idea into people's mind until that reality became real , while many before him failed because they only tried to splash $$$

I am not surprised about the existence of movies talking about Virus, it has been happening for a while abundance of movies have been coming out talking about certain events to unfold and eventually they happen , given a period of 5-10 years of constent material being thrown towards humans , the more people who watch it the more chances it will become real take place

Trump had the money and ambition and he had the support , it was inevitable.
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