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Coronavirus Outbreak: Italy's daily death toll higher than China

Currently death rate in Italy is 6% of all those known to be affected.

Unfortunately this is not a surprise as Italy has a high number of elderly people as a proportion of it's total population.
Currently death rate in Italy is 6% of all those known to be affected.

Unfortunately this is not a surprise as Italy has a high number of elderly people as a proportion of it's total population.

This issue should be evaluated together with two factors.

1. Demographic features of European states - Population too old to compare to Asia
2. Social life habits of European peoples - While the epidemic spread rapidly, the public did not care much about the situation until extraordinary measures were taken.
Since Black Plague - Black Death, chinese origin diseases harmes all humanity... Nothing has changed in all this centuries.
I am sorry for the italians, They didn't deserve it.
Really, why black plague hit Europe but nowhere to be found in the Chinese history books? if you believe some conspiracy theories, some said it was brought to Europe by Turks.
Really, why black plague hit Europe but nowhere to be found in the Chinese history books? if you believe some conspiracy theories, some said it was brought to Europe by Turks.
Oh, chinese history books doesn't mention this? Why would that happen...
Note; Black Death came from china via Silkroad to Europe. The end.
Black Death, Sars, Wuhan Virus. Pick one of it as you wish. Because of your ''eating habits'' all humanity suffers. Now enjoy your wet markets and dog meats, Mr. ''I eat every god damn shit''
Oh, chinese history books doesn't mention this? Why would that happen...
Note; Black Death came from china via Silkroad to Europe. The end.
Black Death, Sars, Wuhan Virus. Pick one of it as you wish. Because of your ''eating habits'' all humanity suffers. Now enjoy your wet markets and dog meats, Mr. ''I eat every god damn shit''
Don't doubt about Chinese histrory books, your Turks early history was written in Chinses , no countries have more detailed chronicles and history events records than China had. Our eating habits are very good and healthy, 99.99% Chinese people don't like strange food, but western media makes people believe all Chinese eat cats and dogs, only dimwits will fall for it. besides, if Chinese food is really that bad, why it is argubly the most popular food in the world and why Chinese restarant can be found in very corner of the street in the world? You have never tried Chinese food?
Really, why black plague hit Europe but nowhere to be found in the Chinese history books? if you believe some conspiracy theories, some said it was brought to Europe by Turks.

The conspiracy theories are saying the deadly Spanish influenza started in China based on the factual evidence that China did not suffer much from the Spanish influenza. o_O

If China did not get hit hard from the Spanish influenza, the idiots claim in their conspiracy theory that the deadly flu originated in China because they are not many cases in China of the Spanish influenza (had antibodies). So they did not have the deadly flu. Which means they had the deadly flu and the deadly flu never was in China. Which means the deadly flu start in China, because they never had the deadly flu.

:rofl: What happens when redneck Jim Bob invents a conspiracy theory, and this conspiracy theory made it to wikipedia :omghaha:

They are trying to claim old mutations that were not deadly, certain parts of the 3rd world had anti-bodies. If this how to claim who is responsible, then it is the Amerikkans at Ft Detrick in Maryland were to blame for the coronavirus. It is their bioweapon.

Contemporary historians named USA and France as the epicenters of the Spanish influenza. But new conspiracy theories are vomited to blame disease on the Chinese. :sarcastic:
Don't doubt about Chinese histrory books, your Turks early history was written in Chinses , no countries have more detailed chronicles and history events records than China had. Our eating habits are very good and healthy, 99.99% Chinese people don't like strange food, but western media makes people believe all Chinese eat cats and dogs, only dimwits will fall for it. besides, if Chinese food is really that bad, why it is argubly the most popular food in the world and why Chinese restarant can be found in very corner of the street in the world? You have never tried Chinese food?
Okay than let's have a look, do you guys really eat dog meat or not? First let's use chinese search engine; Baidu...
It's similiar to google maps... Let's continue. Let's write ''dog meat restaurant'' in chinese. ''狗肉餐厅'' And here is the results. This are all restaurants who are selling dog meat.
Perhaps you guys believe that, all world is too naive to believe your lies. But you know all you need is some action and truth will show it's face. Do you want me to share some comments about this restaurants too? ''Mr. I eat every god damn shit''?
PS; Stop eating dog meat. You are destroying all world.
Okay than let's have a look, do you guys really eat dog meat or not? First let's use chinese search engine; Baidu...
It's similiar to google maps... Let's continue. Let's write ''dog meat restaurant'' in chinese. ''狗肉餐厅'' And here is the results. This are all restaurants who are selling dog meat.
Perhaps you guys believe that, all world is too naive to believe your lies. But you know all you need is some action and truth will show it's face. Do you want me to share some comments about this restaurants too? ''Mr. I eat every god damn shit''?
PS; Stop eating dog meat. You are destroying all world.
View attachment 612722
where is the link? I honestly never see any dog meat restarants in Beijing, and you can ask foreign expats how many dog meat restarants you see in China. Did you every try Chinese food?

I admit that I was very surprised by the map cause I've never seen one in Beijing, and I immediately tried it myself, I did get several resutls after putting in "狗肉餐厅“dog meat restarants”, and then I clicked open their results, found they don't serve dog meat at all.

where is the link? I honestly never see any dog meat restarants in Beijing, and you can ask foreign expats how many dog meat restarants you see in China. Did you every try Chinese food?
I used Baidu, don't play the fool here. You are chinese, you can use it better than me. And Beinjing, let me introduce you some nice places that you can find dog meat. All you need to do is to write ''Dog meat restaurant Beijing'' to Baidu. ''狗肉餐厅北京'' And here is some examples.

But we don't know what does it say do we? We don't know chinese... Let's use technology! Yandex image translate!


You should try this place, chinese. It is in Beijing. Of course there is so many places you can find dog meat, but I choosed this one for you.
PS; You didn't surprised. You LIVE there for god sake! But lying is a nice habit for you chinese guys. I just wanted to show it. Now you can play the fool if you so choose, but I hope everybody can see the truth.
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I used Baidu, don't play the fool here. You are chinese, you can use it better than me. And Beinjing, let me introduce you some nice places that you can find dog meat. All you need to do is to write ''Dog meat restaurant Beijing'' to Baidu. ''狗肉餐厅北京'' And here is some examples.

But we don't know what does it say do we? We don't know chinese... Let's use technology! Yandex image translate!
View attachment 612724
View attachment 612725
You should try this place, chinese. It is in Beijing. Of course there is so many places you can find dog meat, but I choosed this one for you.
PS; You didn't surprised. You LIVE there for god sake! But lying is a nice habit for you chinese guys. I just wanted to show it. Now you can play the fool if you so choose, but I hope everybody can see the truth.

A Turkish site? it opens like this, ask others to try if you don't believe

There could be some, especially Korean restarants, dog meat is Korean traditional food, but there are very rare in Beijing, I never saw one in recently years, over a decade ago, I saw a couple in Beijing.
There could be some, especially Korean restarants, dog meat is Korean traditional food, but there are very rare in Beijing, I never saw one in recently years, over a decade ago, I saw a couple in Beijing.
So all of this restraunts run by koreans and serve to koreans? How many koreans lives in china? 700 millions?

Note; Koreans do eat dog meat. Just like you. But unlike you, they are honest about that.
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