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Coronavirus may have been in Wuhan in August 2019, study suggests

Vanguard One

Dec 20, 2019
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Research finds rise in hospital car park usage and web searches for ‘diarrhoea’ and ‘cough’

Lily Kuo in Beijing and Sarah Boseley health editor

Wed 10 Jun 2020 01.17 AESTFirst published on Tue 9 Jun 2020 18.43 AEST

People riding bicycles in Wuhan, where coronavirus is believed to have originated. Photograph: Aly Song/Reuters
Coronavirus may have been present and spreading in Wuhan as early as August last year, according to a study that analysed satellite imagery of car parks outside major hospitals and search engine data.

The study, by researchers from Harvard medical school, Boston University of Public Health and Boston children’s hospital, looked at images captured between January 2018 and April 2020 and found a “steep increase” in vehicle counts starting in August 2019 and peaking in December 2019. Between September and October, five of the six hospitals observed had their highest daily volume of cars in the period analysed.

China’s foreign ministry rejected the study, calling it “extremely absurd”.

According to the study, the increase in vehicle volume coincided with a rise in queries on the Chinese search engine Baidu for “cough” and “diarrhoea”, about three weeks before the confirmed rise in coronavirus cases in early 2020. The researchers noted that while queries for cough coincided with the influenza season, diarrhoea is a symptom specific to Covid-19.


Satellite images of a Wuhan Tianyou hospital car park in October 2018 (L) and October 2019. Photograph: Harvard University
“Increased hospital traffic and symptom search data in Wuhan preceded the documented start of the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic in December 2019,” the researchers said in a preprint, published by Harvard’s DASH repository.

“In August, we identify a unique increase in searches for diarrhoea which was neither seen in previous flu seasons or mirrored in the cough search data,” it said.

China’s foreign ministry spokeswoman Hua Chunying said on Tuesday in a regular press briefing that she had not seen the study but she rejected its conclusions.

“I think it is absurd, actually extremely absurd, to draw this kind of conclusion based on superficial observations such as traffic volume,” she said.

The origins of Covid-19, which was first detected in a cluster of cases associated with the Huanan seafood market in late December, has become an increasingly sensitive question as China fights off accusations that it should be blamed for the pandemic, which has killed more than 400,000 people around the world.

Some scientists pointed out potential weaknesses in the Harvard study, which is a pre-print so has not undergone peer-review.

Paul Digard, a virologist professor at the University of Edinburgh, said using search engine data and satellite imagery of hospital traffic to detect disease outbreaks was “an interesting idea with some validity”.

The study would have been more persuasive if the increased activity at the Wuhan hospitals had been compared with activity at other Chinese hospitals at the same time, he said.

“It’s important to remember that the data are only correlative and (as the authors admit) cannot identify the cause of the uptick. By focusing on hospitals in Wuhan, the acknowledged epicentre of the outbreak, the study forces the correlation. It would have been interesting (and possibly much more convincing) to have seen control analyses of other Chinese cities outside of the Hubei region,” he said.

Keith Neal, emeritus professor of the epidemiology of infectious diseases at the University of Nottingham, pointed out that one of the two hospitals in the study was the Children’s hospital of Wuhan, described in the paper as “the largest paediatric hospital in Hubei”. But relatively few children have been hospitalised with Covid-19.

“The comment that children’s hospitals were affected … suggests this probably was not Covid-19,” he said.

The authors of the study acknowledged that they could not confirm whether the increased vehicle volume was directly related to the new virus. Wuhan would have been entering influenza season; several doctors said that in December some schools had cancelled classes because of the flu.

Other limitations include the presence of tall buildings, trees and smog, which limited the number of high-resolution images that could be taken. There was also limited archival footage of Wuhan in previous years because of a “lack of commercial interest”.

The study said: “Our evidence supports other recent work showing that emergence happened before identification at the Huanan seafood market. These findings also corroborate the hypothesis that the virus emerged naturally in southern China and was potentially already circulating at the time of the Wuhan cluster.”

Are they going to investigate the spike of respiratory illness of an unknown source/mysterious illness around ft detrick.

Third person has died after respiratory illness outbreak at Greenspring Village, Fairfax officials say

Late Tuesday, the Health Department gave an updated tally, saying 63 people in the assisted-living and skilled-nursing unit have become sick. The agency said there have been no new hospitalizations since 23 people were admitted after the outbreak began June 30. The agency was alerted to the outbreak on July 8.


USA covers up and blames.
Back when the Chinese were the only ones believed to have coronavirUS and the nobody else was believed to have the coronavirUS and the rest of the world supported Chinese efforts in containing the virUS and there was no agenda of the West because it was only thought to be in China and did not spread, Chinese doctors who alerted the world to this coronavirUS were hailed as heroes for finding this virUS(for standing up to the CCP) and they looked for patient zero looking through hospital records and found what is believed to be China's patient zero. For there were not many early December cases, giving support to China's patient zero being in November after getting this from the Wuhan Games.

Now that the POtuS in the white house can't blame china for being the epicenter of where this began, for there are European cases going back to October and perhaps before and most likely Amerikan cases going back to the summer of 2019... trump is angry and tries to blame China again.

When the US alibis are numerous and each contradict each other, you know US is lying and covering things up.
Fact-checking claims coronavirus might have started in August 2019
By Christopher Giles, Benjamin Strick and Wanyuan SongBBC Reality Check
  • 14 June 2020
There's been criticism of a study from the US suggesting that the coronavirus could have been present in the Chinese city of Wuhan as early as August last year.

The study by Harvard University, which gained significant publicity when it was released earlier this month, has been dismissed by China and had its methodology challenged by independent scientists.

What did the research say?
The research, which hasn't been peer-reviewed, is based on satellite imagery of traffic movements around hospitals in Wuhan and the tracking of online searches for specific medical symptoms.

It says there was a noticeable rise in vehicles parking outside six hospitals in the city from late August to 1 December 2019.

This coincided, says the Harvard report, with an increase in searches for possible coronavirus symptoms such as "cough" and "diarrhoea".

This would be an important finding because the earliest reported case in Wuhan wasn't until the beginning of December.

The academics write: "While we cannot confirm if the increased volume was directly related to the new virus, our evidence supports other recent work showing that emergence happened before identification at the Huanan Seafood market."

The Harvard study has gained a lot of traction in the media, with President Trump, who has been highly critical of China's pandemic response, tweeting a Fox News item highlighting the researchers' findings. The tweet has been viewed more than three million times.

So, does their evidence stand up?
The study claims there was an increase in online queries for coronavirus symptoms, particularly "diarrhoea", on popular Chinese search engine Baidu.

However, Baidu company officials have disputed their findings, saying there was in fact a decrease in searches for "diarrhoea" over this period.

So, what's going on?

The term used in the Harvard University paper actually translates from Chinese as "symptom of diarrhoea".

We checked this on Baidu's tool that allows users to analyse the popularity of search queries, like Google Trends.

The search-term "symptom of diarrhoea" does indeed show an increase in queries from August 2019.

However, we also ran the term "diarrhoea", a more common search-term in Wuhan, and it actually showed a decrease from August 2019 until the outbreak began.

A lead author of the Harvard paper, Benjamin Rader, told the BBC that "the search term we chose for 'diarrhoea' was chosen because it was the best match for confirmed cases of Covid-19 and was suggested as a related search term to coronavirus".

We also looked at the popularity of searches for "fever" and "difficulty in breathing", two other common symptoms of coronavirus.

Searches for "fever" increased a small amount after August at a similar rate to "cough", and queries for "difficulty in breathing" decreased in the same period.

There have also been questions raised about the study using diarrhoea as an indicator of the disease.

A large-scale UK study of nearly 17,000 coronavirus patients found that diarrhoea was the seventh most common symptom, well below the top three: cough, fever and shortness of breath.

What about the number of cars?
Across the six hospitals, the Harvard study reported a rise in cars in hospital parking lots from August to December 2019.

However, we've found some serious flaws in their analysis.

Image captionThe researchers studied and annotated satellite images showing Wuhan hospitals
The report states that images with tree cover and building shadows were excluded to avoid over or under-counting of vehicles.

However, satellite images released to the media show large areas of hospital car parks blocked by tall buildings which means that it's not possible to accurately assess the number of cars present.

In the tweet below, we've annotated with white boxes the areas obscured by the tall buildings.

Skip Twitter post by @BenDoBrown
"); background-position: 16px 13px; border-radius: 4px;">
The angle of the images shown in the @ABC report on this block out portions of the parking space that would tarnish the data relied upon to suggest a trend in cars present in the hospital parking spaces. H/T to @Fang__z for first highlighting this. pic.twitter.com/odtCflBOt8

— Benjamin Strick (@BenDoBrown) June 12, 2020
End of Twitter post by @BenDoBrown

There's also an underground car park at Tianyou Hospital, which is visible on Baidu's street view function, but only the entrance is in view on satellite imagery - not the cars underneath the ground.

One of the authors of the study, Benjamin Rader said "we definitely can't account for underground parking in any time period of the study and this is one of the limitations of this type of research."

Skip Twitter post 2 by @BenDoBrown
"); background-position: 16px 13px; border-radius: 4px;">
Fundamental flaw in @Harvard's report in looking at cars at hospitals to suggest early COVID signs was failure to look at underground parking. Here is entrance to Tianyou Hospital underground carpark. In 2017 it was full: https://t.co/didhH35M9a H/T @crushspread & @Wanyuan_Song pic.twitter.com/c5mUpay2wd

— Benjamin Strick (@BenDoBrown) June 12, 2020
End of Twitter post 2 by @BenDoBrown

There are also concerns about the choice of hospitals for the study.

Hubei Women and Children's hospital is one of the sites included, but children rarely require hospital treatment for coronavirus. In response, the authors say their findings would still show increased car park usage overall even if this hospital were to be excluded from the survey.

The researchers could also have compared their data with hospitals in other Chinese cities, to see if the rises in traffic and search queries were specific to Wuhan, being where the outbreak first came to light.

Without that comparison, in addition to the questions we've raised about online searches for medical symptoms, the evidence for Wuhan residents receiving treatment for coronavirus from August last year remains highly contestable.

There is, however, still much we don't know about the early spread of the virus in Wuhan.

Its a propaganda, why used the term "cough" and "diarrhoea" instead of difficulty breathing. Cough and Diarrhoea are common flu symptoms which coincide with last year flu season. Article to scam low IQs.
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We knew this already. No surprise.

I hope people realise now China is a threat to humanity and should be taken care of.

CCP is a threat to Chinese themselves
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