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Coronavirus may be US ‘biological attack’: IRGC head Hossein Salami


Aug 12, 2018
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Coronavirus may be US ‘biological attack’: IRGC head Hossein Salami

Hossein Salami, the head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), speaks in a meeting in Tehran, Iran. (File photo: AP)
Yaghoub Fazeli, Al Arabiya English Thursday, 5 March 2020
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The coronavirus outbreak in Iran may be due to a US “biological attack” on the country, the head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) Hossein Salami said on Thursday.

The total number of coronavirus deaths in Iran is 107 amid 3,513 confirmed cases, the health ministry said on Thursday.

“It is possible that this virus is a product of a biological attack by America which initially spread to China and then to Iran and the rest of the world,” said Salami.

Iran will win the “fight” against coronavirus, he said.

“America should know that this virus will return to it if it was behind it,” said Salami.

i agree with this,it is israeli conspiracy,and now for first time in history Tawaf e Holy Kabba is banned in Makkah and Visiting Roza e Rasool(P.B.U.H) for offering Salam is also stopped by Saudi govt due to this virus but infact it seems they are doing it to please zionists and it seems clear sign of end of times.
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He forgot to mention that the CIA/Mossad used advanced nano-tech to deliver the Wuhan corona-virus, and it's activated by proximity to Chinese 4g/5g networks and mobile devices.
When everything seems a conspiracy!!

Yes US designed this coronavirus so that the infected individuals will want to go and lick holy shrines.

Dumb brainwashed people ..

He forgot to mention that the CIA/Mossad used advanced nano-tech to deliver the Wuhan corona-virus, and it's activated by proximity to Chinese 4g/5g networks and mobile devices.

Human stupidity. Ugh.

How do you guys are 100% sure it is not? at the ends he said "it MAY be" ....
Yes US designed this coronavirus so that the infected individuals will want to go and lick holy shrines.
Exactly, those who did it, belong to Shirazis cult which are against Iran's theocratic system and are being supported by west.

US is the same regime which gave chemical weapons to Iraq to massacre Iran's civilians.

US is the same savage terrorist regime which has founded Al-Qaeda and ISIS terrorist groups and also equipped them with chemical weapon again.

US is the same regime which it's politicians expressed happiness about the spread of this virus in Iran.

So we must be a total moron to not consider yet another plot by US terrorist regime.

Also we are supposed to believe these prophecies have been due to absolute coincidence!



why its stupidity ? he has mentioned a possibility.. and it could be very likely considering usa has been invilved in the past in creating all sorts of viruses. .. they couldnt bomb china., they tried the other way..
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