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Coronavirus may be US ‘biological attack’: IRGC head Hossein Salami

I would have bought your absurd claim if the US and West had enforced significant safeguards against the virus or at least had a vaccine prepared beforehand. Which country lays waste to its own self and its allies? The US and Europe all have their economies take a massive massive hit.

And please, don't believe everything that your regime tells you. A propoganda based regime will say anything to save itself. The fact remains you guys damaged an already struggling country by burdening it with your stupidity. I genuinly feel for my Iranian brothers. I have some great friends from Iran but the actions of its govt can not be overlooked. Iran has become the single biggest and so far dominant point of influx for Corona into my country! We were doing so well! For the first time in so many years, our economy was right on track. But then you happened! God Damm You!
Iranian authorities didn't say it's a biologic attack for sure, they said it's a possibility, and it wasn't even by the pro-west reformist government which right now is in power. there are serious questions about this virus. why China, why an unnatural mixture of different viruses? how did it reach Iran and spread with such a speed? Is it a coincidence that death rate among Iranians and Italians which have similar genomes is higher? was the prediction of a pandemic by US think-tanks a lucky shot?

You are talking about Imperialist countries with old population, what's better for them than a disease which will terminate an unproductive part of their society? the part which is a burden on their governments?

What if next month they announced they have discovered a vaccine or medicine for this disease? can your mind imagine the amount of their profit?

lol, beside intentional spread (biologic attack) theory, Pakistani Pilgrims are the main suspect for entering this virus to Iran. This virus was first discovered in Qom which hosts Shiah pilgrims from around the world and among them Pakistan has the highest relation with China.
The military expert said that the coronavirus was created in the laboratory
03/13/2020 Demis Hartrmann

Coronavirus, which is actively spreading around the world, could have been created in the laboratory, said military expert, a former member of the UN biological weapons commission Igor Nikulin.

He told during a conversation with TOP-NEWS correspondents that the hybridity of the virus testifies to this.

A spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Zhao Lijiang, said the U.S. military could bring coronavirus to the Chinese city of Wuhan, which became the epicenter of the epidemic. Nikitin pointed out that finding out where the virus was created is extremely difficult, but the fact that it was created artificially is obvious.

The dangerous virus was formed from three components: the snake coronavirus, the bat coronavirus, and the HIV component, the glycoprotein protein. Such a combination could not have arisen in nature itself, Nikulin is sure.

The interlocutor of the above edition emphasized that the US government needs to provide access to its laboratories, otherwise they will be considered the first suspects in creating a new viral disease.
More fake news and falsehoods......I swear if you were an American you'd be a fat, poor redneck who votes Republican. Salami is a the poster child of how inept, unqualified, unworldly people are running things in Iran.

Russian biologist Igor Nikulin, who was presented as a former member of the U.N. Commission on Biological and Chemical Weapons, said in a February 27, 2020 interview on Russia Today's Arabic-language channel that he believes it is no coincidence that the coronavirus has had the effect it has in China, Iran, and certain European countries. He said that coronavirus was carefully selected to affect countries that rival the United States and that it is a conspiracy by the "global government," which he said consists of 200 families that control over $400 trillion, that own the media outlets and Hollywood, that control the minds of humanity, and that want to decrease the world's population by 90%. He suggested that it may be possible that coronavirus is a targeted biological weapon, like he said Ebola and the bird flu were, that infects some people and not others, and he said that the U.S. government may be testing a pathogenic agent it began developing in 1999. Nikulin also said that this is a warning to the non-English-speaking world that it must submit to the laws that are imposed upon it.
Coronavirus is made by the US in laboratories. Even SARS and other virus is made by the US otherwise Chinese had been infected for hundreds or thousands of years because they eat these animals for hundreds or thousands of years. Since 2000’s these viruses are made by the US in their laboratories. That’s called yankee biological war.

Now watch these yankee freemasonry videos to get more vivid. You can find such of these videos on internet more if you search.

Since you guys like to post the Simpsons videos related to this conspiracy. Figure you should watch Contagion. Bats and China.

Can someone close this thread?


Please don't let this desensitization attempts from Iran flourish on the forum.


Iranian anti-coronavirus combination drug will be available in the next 10 days

The process of making a fully Iranian drug has begun and within a week to ten days we will use Iranian medicines to treat coronary patients.

The clinical practice of this combination drug has been obtained and licensed.

In the next ten days, the drug will be marketed and widely distributed.


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