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Featured CoronaVirus in Pakistan - Updates & Discussion

Another Worse day. Record Highest cases 4000+ reported in a day. Death Toll 67 is the third highest toll. Recoveries are 1813. Tests conducted are 17000+ with positive ratio of 23.78%.

30 people died in Punjab, 23 in Sindh, 8 in KPK, 4 in Islamabad and 1 each in AJK and GB.

Testing Stats
Does anyone know of people in Lahore who are doing these sprays in your house and offices for corona? If you do please share number.

RIP Pakistan, with leaders like these you don't need enemies.
Don't you have something to better to do Mr. Talat Hussain other than capturing each and every movement of IK?

What next? Are you guying to question his bathroom schedule now? Give us a break man.
TH is an idiot. Wearing a mask or not wearing a mask is not going to change much.
Another Worse day. Record Highest cases 4000+ reported in a day. Death Toll 67 is the third highest toll. Recoveries are 1813. Tests conducted are 17000+ with positive ratio of 23.78%.
View attachment 637869
30 people died in Punjab, 23 in Sindh, 8 in KPK, 4 in Islamabad and 1 each in AJK and GB.
View attachment 637870
Testing Stats
View attachment 637871

The worry situation is about ratio of infection....

Only testing done approx 17,000 and cases are over 4000.... previously, pakistan was doing around was 12-13k and the same reason count was less.

If you will do more test than count will be higher.... situation looks more dangerous than India in Pakistan.

India is testing over 1.28 lakh/day samples and positive is around 8,500... Ratio of infection is less compare to Pakistan in India.

Why Pakistan is not able to increase the testing to minimum 30,000/day . Without the testing might be many infected people are roaming on a daily basis .

I will count this as a Imran khan failure and lack of capacity to decisions on the time.
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we medical graduates are suppose to appear in an exam on 15 June.many candidates are openly sharing their covid 19 positive reports.but since they are not getting a refund of admission fee.all are gonna appear in the exam.
Punjab's tally crosses 29,000 after more than 1,000 cases reported for third straight day
Punjab's Primary and Secondary Healthcare Department has reported more than 1,000 new coronavirus cases for the third straight day, taking the provincial tally over 29,000.

According to the department, 1,639 cases were confirmed in the last 24 hours, taking the total to 29,489.

It also reported 30 additional deaths, taking the total fatalities to 570.

A statement from the department said that 7,110 people have recovered from the virus while 252,469 tests have been conducted so far.

TH is an idiot. Wearing a mask or not wearing a mask is not going to change much.
so which one Is smart wearing or not wearing ?
The worry situation is about ratio of infection....

Only testing done approx 17,000 and cases are over 4000.... previously, pakistan was doing around was 12-13k and the same reason count was less.
If you will do more test than count will be higher.... situation looks more dangerous than India in Pakistan.

India is testing over 1.28 lakh/day samples and positive is around 8,500... Ratio of infection is less compare to Pakistan in India.

Why Pakistan is not able to increase the testing to minimum 30,000/day . Without the testing might be many infected people are roaming on a daily basis .

I will count this as a Imran khan failure and lack of capacity to decisions on the time.
The worry situation is about ratio of infection....

Only testing done approx 17,000 and cases are over 4000.... previously, pakistan was doing around was 12-13k and the same reason count was less.

If you will do more test than count will be higher.... situation looks more dangerous than India in Pakistan.

India is testing over 1.28 lakh/day samples and positive is around 8,500... Ratio of infection is less compare to Pakistan in India.

Why Pakistan is not able to increase the testing to minimum 30,000/day . Without the testing might be many infected people are roaming on a daily basis .

I will count this as a Imran khan failure and lack of capacity to decisions on the time.
To my understanding what Pakistan is doing is contact testing or those who develop symptoms that are indicative of covid. They are not doing random testing ( I do not agree with this approach). These are high risk groups if you test them positive ration will be higher, if they increase the testing and go for the random model than the ratio will decrease. Best way to estimate the actual number of cases is by death count (though it involves multiple variables e.g. average age of population etc).
In Germany a month or so ago they tested random population for immunity, 20% had antibodies. Pakistan is at its peak now as models predicted 1st may to 15th of may. The actual number of cases is considerably higher than reported, but the hospitalization and critical cases is lower given the population characteristics.
At this point both in India and Pakistan we are past the testing and isolating phase as it has hit the critical mass, now testing is most useful as a diagnostic toll to guide therapy of people who are more adversely affected.

To further my point India is also testing alot but the per million number is more or less same for both countries 2500 to 2800. For India 1 lac test means nothing for containment and isolation same goes for Pakistan 15k means nothing. For isolation and containment it should by in millions of tests for India and at least a few lacs for Pakistan.
And with people like you, the country resources are being wasted. Maybe you should take the advice of the other member. Let the resources that were allocated to you be used on more worthy and deserving.

I was going to defend myself but Islam tells us that whenever someone abuses you and you show patience then the angels will respond on my behalf.

Please accept the response from angels.

If Allah holds you accountable on day of judgement for inciting me to commit suicide, i will only want for you to burn in hellfire for eternity.

Shukar Alhamdulillah for hell and heaven. If there was no hell, people like you would make lives of everyone hell without any justice.

I hope you don't take this as a joke. You, rott and everyone who cheered for making me commit suicide, when InshaAllah, Allah will give me justice that this forum has failed to, expect me to be vicious and unforgiving. Forgiving is haram for me for people who insult and take away the honor of a Muslim like you have done. Only hellfire for you!
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