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Coronavirus death toll rises in France as army prepares to ease pressure on hospitals

The French army has started evacuating critical coronavirus patients from eastern France to the military hospitals of Laveran (Marseille) and Sainte-Anne (Toulon) in southern France to help ease the strain on hospitals in the east of the country.

They were being transferred on A330 MRTT.

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Army helicopters have also been mobilized to transfer patients to other hospitals.

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Has French industry been put on "war-footing" to produce quantities of
equipment that the health service needs as fast as possible?
Western propaganda is silly, how come accident like virus outbreak from market to be held accountable? it is accident.
While bringing virus from US or other country to China is not to be held accountable?

What kind of action that you think will guarantee to change the situation?
China should pay for the economic damage countries like Pakistan suffered. We were finally hearing good news about economic uplift. Subsidies were being announcd for export section, electricity and fuel prices were down, inflation was down, the policy rates were being revised. All positive signs but now we have to go under lockdown because of China
Has French industry been put on "war-footing" to produce quantities of
equipment that the health service needs as fast as possible?

Not yet because we have enough stocks of equipments for now and because the government has requisitioned every stocks and production lines. BTW,I've read the production of equipments in the EU was concentrated in only four countries ; Poland,Germany,Czech Republic and France. All those countries are requisitioning stocks and productions for their internal needs,the reason you might not see much European solidarity with each others as you've mentioned in many threads.
America has nothing to do with it. The not so people's republic of disgusting eating habits is the only culprit.

We need to be a little more mindful of our language but China looks like the most likely source(wet markets).
Not yet because we have enough stocks of equipments for now and because the government has requisitioned every stocks and production lines. BTW,I've read the production of equipments in the EU was concentrated in only four countries ; Poland,Germany,Czech Republic and France. All those countries are requisitioning stocks and productions for their internal needs,the reason you might not see much European solidarity with each others as you've mentioned in many threads.

But France needs to be prepared for an Italian style situation in the worst case and so should be mass producing respirators and other equipment right now.
Right now 4-500 Italians are dying every day, sometimes due to the fact that the Italian health system cannot cope.
Army trucks are lining the streets of Italian cities to ship the dead to other areas to be buried.:(
The world is seeing a once in a century level global pandemic. History is not going to be kind to China or the CCP. This is not something that will be forgotten in a year.

It's not China's fault man, it's mother nature striking back. Give China a break.

I think this is going far too far even if China was both responsible for the outbreak and any cover-up.

When the world(together with China) has beaten this virus for good, then of course a thorough investigation needs to be launched as to whether China was the source with their wet markets and also whether there was a cover up afterwards which would be far worse for the Chinese.

China has banned the wet markets and we shall NEVER see them ever again in China as the CCP will never allow it. We need to go further and make sure that wet markets are banned all over the world. These places are just inviting another epidemic to happen in the future.

If it turns out that China had covered up the incident(far worse than having "wet markets" that may have caused the outbreak) then the Chinese are culpable for the human and economic losses. Morally they have an obligation to compensate those countries like Iran and Italy that have suffered badly and any others that are still to suffer severely. China is a rich country and should be able to at least make some financial amends.

China cannot hope to deal with the rest of the world as business as usual unless there is full transparency in this horrible episode.

Amen. Finally someone with some sense.
The world is seeing a once in a century level global pandemic. History is not going to be kind to China or the CCP. This is not something that will be forgotten in a year.

Should US be made to pay for this? It comes back every year since 2009

In the spring of 2009, a novel influenza A (H1N1) virus emerged. It was detected first in the United States and spread quickly across the United States and the world.
CDC estimated that 151,700-575,400 people worldwide died from (H1N1)pdm09 virus infection during the first year the virus circulated

Where did the 2009 H1N1 flu virus come from?
The 2009 H1N1 influenza virus (referred to as “swine flu” early on) was first detected in people in the United States in April 2009.


How about AID? AID was a gift first brough in to China by an American.
The French Navy ship Tonnerre will evacuate coronavirus patients from Corsica to mainland France to ease the pressure on Corsical hospitals.

America has nothing to do with it. The not so people's republic of disgusting eating habits is the only culprit.

The Chinese also consume tiger penis also their retarded shark fin soup is now driving my favourite animal aka Sharks to extinction.

Atrocity after another atrocity from the Chinese.
The Chinese also consume tiger penis

Once caught, you will spend a good amount of your life behind the bars. Being wealthy won't help you in prison cells.

"BEIJING: A Chinese businessman has been sent to jail for commiting a rare crime, which is drinking the blood of tigers. The accused, a wealthy real estate developer, has been sentenced to 13 years in jail after investigators found he had bought and eaten three tigers besides drinking their blood"
Once caught, you will spend a good amount of your life behind the bars. Being wealthy won't help you in prison cells.

"BEIJING: A Chinese businessman has been sent to jail for commiting a rare crime, which is drinking the blood of tigers. The accused, a wealthy real estate developer, has been sentenced to 13 years in jail after investigators found he had bought and eaten three tigers besides drinking their blood"

Total and utter idiot.

He deserves a long time behind bars.
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