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Coronavirus China: Construction begins on world’s biggest soccer stadium in shape of a flower

The whole world suffered from AIDS, Spanish (Kansas) Flu, Swine Flu and Syphilis. Did US ever get into hot water?

One more thing, the primary COVID-29 virus strain in US is the A type, closest to similar coronavirus found in bats. Primary strain in the Wuhan outbreak was B strain, a mutated version. Combine the fact that California is now discovering they may have had COVID-19 cases as far back as November last year, makes US a prime suspect for place of origin
China is not responsible for your country's inaction, inadequacies and incompetence when you've failed to prepare. WHO was notified of the outbreak on December 31, and the genome of the virus was made available by China by January 12. Human to human transmission was declared on January 18. We locked down Wuhan where the first mass outbreak occurred on January 21 and WHO declared a major health emergency by January 28. If you didn't heed the warnings, it's on you.
so far the only fact of the matter is that the epidemic started in wuhan. this is the only proven reality. no one can deny.the only thing that requires more investigation is that whether it was created in wuhan's lab at the hands of utter incompetence of chinese scientists working there or it emerged naturally through mutation. it is a chinese "gift" to the world which no one can deny. once the dust settles china should be ready to face the music for either eating bats or doing experiments on viruses.
so far the only fact of the matter is that the epidemic started in wuhan. this is the only proven reality. no one can deny.the only thing that requires more investigation is that whether it was created in wuhan's lab at the hands of utter incompetence of chinese scientists working there or it emerged naturally through mutation. it is a chinese "gift" to the world which no one can deny. once the dust settles china should be ready to face the music for either eating bats or doing experiments on viruses.
Pathetic excuse for your own failures
Pathetic excuse for your own failures
what else you can say when the truth is so obvious. sun rises in the east and covid 19 started from wuhan. no one can can deny it except some stubborn members here. i am out of this time wasting discussion anyway.
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Sorry, this is a rubbish design for a football stadium. Obviously it's a stunning feat in terms of engineering...but a flower?? Why??
what else you can say when the truth is so obvious. sun rises in the east and covid 19 started from wuhan. no one can can deny it except some stubborn members here.
Where the virus started is a matter of debate. The AIDS epidemic started with a Canadian flight attendant, but the first mass outbreak was in US. Wuhan was the first outbreak, and the source is yet to be determined.

So let me know when US face the music for AIDS, Kansas flu and Swine flu, all pandemics that spread to the world. Does double standards comes with the idiocy in your case?
That's just a bald face lie. Are you telling me AIDS which had killed millions and Spanish (Kansas) flu which killed tens of millions had done less damage than COVID-19? Since you want to refer to COVID-19 as "Chinese virus", you okay with AIDS being called American plague as well?

Anymore lies and hypocrisy bitch boy?
learn some manners to talk and if you dont have any then shut up.
so far the only fact of the matter is that the epidemic started in wuhan. this is the only proven reality. no one can deny.the only thing that requires more investigation is that whether it was created in wuhan's lab at the hands of utter incompetence of chinese scientists working there or it emerged naturally through mutation. it is a chinese "gift" to the world which no one can deny. once the dust settles china should be ready to face the music for either eating bats or doing experiments on viruses.
So why you assume they spread it intentionally
There are rumors that USA created this disease in Maryland. Fort Derrick lab in Frederick few miles away where i live and before 2-3 month its spreading (November/December) personals from these labs went to whuhan to attend military shows and spreads their either deliberately or accidentally
So why you assume they spread it intentionally
There are rumors that USA created this disease in Maryland. Fort Derrick lab in Frederick few miles away where i live and before 2-3 month its spreading (November/December) personals from these labs went to whuhan to attend military shows and spreads their either deliberately or accidentally
USA did this so that their own people die by thousands daily. nice logic.
USA did this so that their own people die by thousands daily. nice logic.
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